Chapter 2 Intensity transformations and spatial filtering
Intensity transformation functiondescription
1 imadjust: Adjust image intensity valuesor colormap
Eg: J = imadjust(I,[low_in; high_in],[low_out; high_out],gamma)
2.imcomplement:Complement image
Eg: I2 = imcomplement(I)
3.stretchlim: Find limits to contrast stretch image
Eg: LOW_HIGH = stretchlim(I)
Histogram Processing and Function Plotting
1.imhist: Displayhistogram of image data
Eg: imhist(I)
2.basic function of plotting
axis: Axis scaling and appearance
Eg:axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax])
Eg:xlable(‘text string’,’fontsize’,size)
ylable(‘text string’,’fontsize’,size)
title:Add title to current axes
Eg:title(‘title string’)
plot:2-D line plot
Eg : plot(y)
3.histeq: Enhance contrast using histogramequalization
Spatial filter
1.imfilter: N-D filtering ofmultidimensional images
Eg:g=imfilter(f,w) 需要预定定义滤波器w
2.fspecial: Create predefined 2-D filter
3.medfilt2: 2-D median filtering