What is the Difference Between Behavioral and Structural Model in Verilog


The main difference between behavioral and structural model in Verilog is that behavioral model describes the system in an algorithmic manner, while structural model describes the system using basic components such as logic gates.

Generally, a computer program is a set of instructions that allows the CPU to perform a task. There are various programming languages such as high-level and low-level languages. Moreover, there is a special type of software called Hardware Description Language (HDL). HDL is useful in describing the structure and the behaviours of electronic circuits. Verilog is a common HDL.

Key Areas Covered

  1. What is Behavioral Model in Verilog
    • Definition, Functionality
  2. What is Structural Model in Verilog
    - Definition, Functionality
  3. Difference Between Behavioral and Structural Model in Verilog
    - Comparison of Key Differences

Key Terms

Behavioral Model, Black Box Modeling, Glass Box Modeling, HDL, Structural Model, Verilog


What is Behavioral Model in Verilog

The behavioral model describes a system in an algorithmic way. Here, each algorithm is sequential. In other words, each algorithm consists of a set of instructions that execute one after the other. Furthermore, the behavioral model helps in controlling the simulation and manipulate variables of the data types.

Moreover, procedural statements are common behavioral models in Verilog. Each procedure has its own activity flow. Also, procedural assignments are useful for updating reg, integer, time and memory variables. Besides, a blocking procedural assignment statement should execute before executing the statements that follow it in a sequential block. However, these blocking procedural assignments do not prevent the execution of statements that follow it in a parallel block.

What is Structural Model in Verilog

The structural model describes a system using basic components such as digital gates and adders. In structural modeling, the programmer or the designer thinks about the circuit as a box or a module. It is encapsulated from the outer environment. In other words, it communicates with the outer environment through inputs and outputs.

Moreover, it is possible to describe the structure inside a module using gates and submodules. Also, it defines how these modules are connected to each other and to the module ports. Furthermore, the structural model helps to draw a schematic diagram for the circuit.

Difference Between Behavioral and Structural Model in Verilog


The behavioral model is a way of describing the function of a design as a set of concurrent algorithms. On the other hand, Structural model is a way of describing functions defined using basic components such as inverters, multiplexers, adders, decoders and basic logic gates. Thus, this describes the main difference between behavioral and structural model in Verilog.


Black box modeling is another name for behavioral modeling, while glass box modeling is another name for structural modeling.

Main Focus

Moreover, another difference between behavioral and structural model in Verilog is that the behavioral model focuses on showing the relationships between inputs and outputs, while the structural model focuses on constructing the design using logic gates and predefined modules.


In brief, there are two types of design models in Verilog; they are the behavioral and structural model. The main difference between behavioral and structural model in Verilog is that the behavioral model describes the system in an algorithmic manner, while the structural model describes the system using basis components such as logic gates.


  1. Tala, Deepak Kumar. Introduction, 1 Feb. 1970, Available here.

Image Courtesy:

  1. ”Hitachi J100″ By C J Cowie at the English language Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia
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2) The State pattern is a behavioral design pattern that allows an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes. This pattern involves creating state objects that represent various states of the object and a context object whose behavior varies as its state object changes. On the other hand, the Decorator pattern is a structural design pattern that allows behavior to be added to an individual object, either statically or dynamically, without affecting the behavior of other objects from the same class. This pattern involves creating decorator objects that wrap the original object and provide additional functionality while keeping the original object's interface intact. 5) Here is the code for the classes introduced in question 2), focusing on the code for a method selectState() which changes the value that is being adjusted from years to months: ```java // Context interface interface Account { void selectState(State state); void deposit(double amount); void withdraw(double amount); double getBalance(); } // Concrete Context class class SavingsAccount implements Account { private State state; private double balance; public SavingsAccount() { this.state = new YearsSetUpState(); // default state this.balance = 0.0; } @Override public void selectState(State state) { this.state = state; } @Override public void deposit(double amount) { this.balance += state.adjustDeposit(amount); } @Override public void withdraw(double amount) { this.balance -= state.adjustWithdrawal(amount); } @Override public double getBalance() { return this.balance; } // Other methods needed public State getMonthSetUpState() { return new MonthsSetUpState(); } } // State interface interface State { double adjustDeposit(double deposit); double adjustWithdrawal(double withdrawal); } // Concrete State classes class YearsSetUpState implements State { @Override public double adjustDeposit(double deposit) { return deposit; } @Override public double adjustWithdrawal(double withdrawal) { return withdrawal; } } class MonthsSetUpState implements State { @Override public double adjustDeposit(double deposit) { return deposit / 12; } @Override public double adjustWithdrawal(double withdrawal) { return withdrawal / 12; } } ``` In the above code, the `Account` interface represents the context object, while the `State` interface represents the state objects. The `SavingsAccount` class is a concrete context class that implements the `Account` interface and keeps track of the current state object. The `YearsSetUpState` and `MonthsSetUpState` classes are concrete state classes that implement the `State` interface and provide specific behavior for each state. The `selectState()` method is implemented in the `SavingsAccount` class and allows the current state object to be changed. The `deposit()` and `withdraw()` methods use the current state object to adjust the deposit and withdrawal amounts accordingly. The `getBalance()` method returns the current balance of the account. The `getMonthSetUpState()` method is also implemented in the `SavingsAccount` class and returns a new `MonthsSetUpState` object, which can be used to change the current state object to adjust the deposit and withdrawal amounts from years to months.


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