Refer to the figure for an example: there are m = 7 curves and points A and B, the red polygon is a trace of the curves which goes through in the order C1, C2, …, C7; this curve is said to be minimal if its length is the shortest.
You will read in Ci from a text file (in the (b) format of Lab 1) and key in the XYZ coordinates of points A and B. Write a computer program that will use the Steepest Ascend method to compute the minimum trace. Note that the length of the trace is a function D(u1, u2, …, u7) of 7 variables, where ui is the parameter of curve Ci with range [0, 1]. Again, you should display the intermediate result after each iteration.
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import pandas as pd
np.set_printoptions(suppress = True)
#database = []
m = np.array([],dtype = np.uint8) # the number of bazier curves
pointsNumber = np.array([],dtype = np.uint8) #for the ith curve, the points number of it
closedOrOpen = np.array([],dtype = np.uint8) #for the ith curve, 0 means it is open, 1 means it is closed
point = np.array([],dtype = np.float64) #the control points for all the curves
f = np.array([],dtype=np.float64)
u_i = np.array([],dtype = np.float64)#u_i is the current u for current line for current iteration
bezierLine = np.array([],dtype=np.float64) #list of points of path
pointA = np.array([],dtype=np.float64)
pointB = np.array([],dtype=np.float64)
D = np.array([],dtype=np.float64) #the history of path length
min_D = 10000000 #make sure that D is smaller after each iteration
3.2 实现从txt文件输入Beizer曲线的控制点坐标
pointsNumber_str = ""
closedOrOpen_str = ""
point_str = ""
line_zero = ""
filepath = ""
def inputFromText():
global filepath
filepath = os.path.abspath('.') + "/" + raw_input("please input the file name(eg:data.txt):")
with open (filepath) as data:
line_zero = data.readline()
line_zero_list = list(line_zero.split())
global m
m = np.array(line_zero_list, dtype=np.uint8)
for i in range(m[0]):
pointsNumber_str = data.readline()
pointsNumber_list = list(pointsNumber_str.split())
temp1 = np.array(pointsNumber_list,dtype=np.uint8)
global pointsNumber
pointsNumber = np.append(pointsNumber,temp1) # the number of control points of the ith Bezier curve
closedOrOpen_str = data.readline()
closedOrOpen_list = list(closedOrOpen_str.split())
temp2 = np.array(closedOrOpen_list,dtype=np.uint8)
global closedOrOpen
closedOrOpen = np.append(closedOrOpen,temp2) #0 means the ith curve is closed, 1 means it is open
global point
for j in range(temp1[0]):
#u += 1
point_str = data.readline()
point_list = list(point_str.split())
temp3 = np.array(point_list,dtype=np.float64)
point = np.append(point,temp3) # control points for the ith Bezier Curve
global pointA
pointA_str = data.readline()
pointA_list = list(pointA_str.split())
temp4 = np.array(pointA_list,dtype=np.float64)
pointA = np.append(pointA,temp4) # point A 3*1
global pointB
pointB_str = data.readline()
pointB_list = list(pointB_str.split())
temp5 = np.array(pointB_list,dtype=np.float64)
pointB = np.append(pointB,temp5) # point B 3*1
global bezierLine
bezierLine = np.append(bezierLine,pointA)
#bezierLine = bezierLine.reshape((-1,3))
point = np.reshape(point, (-1,3))
3.3 获取Bezier曲线,并实现绘图,和计算Jacobian
def getBezierKurve(closedOrOpen,pointsNumber,point,point_index,u_i,jacobian_flag,drawbezier_flag,iter_flag,jacobiancontrol_flag):
#closedOrOpen: current kurve is closed or open bezier kurve
#pointsNumber: the number of control points of current kurve
#point: the xyz coordinates of control points of total kurve
#point_index: help find which control points belong to current kurve
#u_i: the current u for the current iteration
#jacobian_flag: help decide witch part of Jacobian is non-zero
#because this function conbine too many meanings(not good) so we need flags to control which one is on:
#drawbezier_flag: if true, it will draw bezier kurves
#iter_flag: if true, it will draw the current trace points and lines
#jacobiancontrol_flag: if true, it will calculate the partial derivative
C = []
n = pointsNumber - 1 # n is fewer in numbers than the total control points number. According to definition.
point_show = np.array([],dtype=np.float64)
for i in range(n+1):
point_show = np.append(point_show,point[point_index + i])
if (closedOrOpen == 0): # if it is closed, means the oth and nth control points are the same.
n += 1
point_show = np.append(point_show,point[point_index])
elif (closedOrOpen == 1):
point_show = point_show.reshape((-1,3))
if ((n+1) % 2 == 0):
for i in range((n+1) / 2):
up = 1
down = 1
j = n
while (j > i):
up *= j
j = j - 1
j = n - i
while (j > 0):
down *= j
j = j - 1
C.append(up / down)
elif ((n+1) % 2 == 1):
for i in range(n / 2):
up = 1
down = 1
j = n
while (j > i):
up *= j
j = j - 1
j = n - i
while (j > 0):
down *= j
j = j - 1
C.append(up / down)
up = 1
down = 1
j = n
while (j > n/2):
up *= j
j = j - 1
j = n/2
while (j > 0):
down *= j
j = j - 1
C.append(up / down)
if (n%2 == 1):
for i in range(int((n+1)/2)):
if (n%2 == 0):
for i in range(int((n+1)/2)):
if (drawbezier_flag==1):
global f
#f = np.array([],dtype=np.float64)
#the following steps is to draw the kurve,not so important
# print("point_show\n",point_show)
# print("n+1",n+1)
u = 0
for j in range(1000):
fx = 0
fy = 0 #do not forget return 0!!!!!!!!!!!!
fz = 0
for i in range(n+1):
fx += C[i] * u**i * (1-u)**(n-i) * point_show[i][0]
fy += C[i] * u**i * (1-u)**(n-i) * point_show[i][1]
fz += C[i] * u**i * (1-u)**(n-i) * point_show[i][2]
list = []
array_list = np.array([list],dtype=np.float64)
u += 0.001
f = np.append(f,array_list)
f = f.reshape((-1,3))
#ax.plot(f_show[:,0],f_show[:,1],f_show[:,2],'b.',markersize=1,label='open bazier curve')
#ax.plot(point_show[:,0],point_show[:,1],point_show[:,2],'-',markersize=1, label='control line')
#ax.plot(point_show[:,0],point_show[:,1],point_show[:,2],'r.',markersize=8, label='control points')
if (drawbezier_flag==1):
global f
#f = np.array([],dtype=np.float64)
#the following steps is to draw the kurve,not so important
# print("point_show\n",point_show)
# print("n+1",n+1)
u = 0
for j in range(1000):
fx = 0
fy = 0 #do not forget return 0!!!!!!!!!!!!
fz = 0
for i in range(n+1):
fx += C[i] * u**i * (1-u)**(n-i) * point_show[i][0]
fy += C[i] * u**i * (1-u)**(n-i) * point_show[i][1]
fz += C[i] * u**i * (1-u)**(n-i) * point_show[i][2]
list = []
array_list = np.array([list],dtype=np.float64)
u += 0.001
f = np.append(f,array_list)
f = f.reshape((-1,3))
#ax.plot(f_show[:,0],f_show[:,1],f_show[:,2],'b.',markersize=1,label='open bazier curve')
#ax.plot(point_show[:,0],point_show[:,1],point_show[:,2],'-',markersize=1, label='control line')
#ax.plot(point_show[:,0],point_show[:,1],point_show[:,2],'r.',markersize=8, label='control points')
if (jacobiancontrol_flag==1):
#the following step is to get the current line for current iteration
fx = 0
fy = 0 #do not forget return 0!!!!!!!!!!!
fz = 0
for i in range(n+1):
fx += C[i] * u_i**i * (1-u_i)**(n-i) * point_show[i][0]
fy += C[i] * u_i**i * (1-u_i)**(n-i) * point_show[i][1]
fz += C[i] * u_i**i * (1-u_i)**(n-i) * point_show[i][2]
#u_i is the current u for current line for current iteration
_list = []
_array_list = np.array([_list],dtype=np.float64)
global bezierLine #for current u, find the corresponding points on each line
bezierLine = np.append(bezierLine,_array_list)
#bezierLine = bezierLine.reshape((-1,3))
# calculate the partial derivative
global partial_derivative
#partial_derivative = np.zeros(3*m[0])
partial_derivative = np.zeros(3)
dfx = 0
dfy = 0 #do not forget return 0!!!!!!!!!!!
dfz = 0
for i in range(n+1):
if (i==0):
dfx -= C[i] * (n-i)*(1-u_i)**(n-i-1) * point_show[i][0]
dfy -= C[i] * (n-i)*(1-u_i)**(n-i-1) * point_show[i][1]
dfz -= C[i] * (n-i)*(1-u_i)**(n-i-1) * point_show[i][2]
elif (n==i):
dfx += C[i] * i*u_i**(i-1) * point_show[i][0]
dfy += C[i] * i*u_i**(i-1) * point_show[i][1]
dfz += C[i] * i*u_i**(i-1) * point_show[i][2]
dfx += C[i] * (i*u_i**(i-1)*(1-u_i)**(n-i)-u_i**i*(n-i)*(1-u_i)**(n-i-1)) * point_show[i][0]
dfy += C[i] * (i*u_i**(i-1)*(1-u_i)**(n-i)-u_i**i*(n-i)*(1-u_i)**(n-i-1)) * point_show[i][1]
dfz += C[i] * (i*u_i**(i-1)*(1-u_i)**(n-i)-u_i**i*(n-i)*(1-u_i)**(n-i-1)) * point_show[i][2]
#partial_derivative[jacobian_flag*3] = dfx
#partial_derivative[jacobian_flag*3+1] = dfy
#partial_derivative[jacobian_flag*3+2] = dfz
partial_derivative[0] = dfx
partial_derivative[1] = dfy
partial_derivative[2] = dfz
3.4 最速下降优化
def steepestAscendmethod(ITERATION_TIME):
D = 0
unit_step = 0.0005 #learning rate for each iteration
kurve_jacobian = np.array([],dtype=np.float64) #partial derivative of line df/du
jacobian_trace = np.zeros((m[0],1)) #jacobian of trace length = [dD/du1 dD/du2 ... dD/dun]
#global ax
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
for i in range(ITERATION_TIME):
point_index = 0
#key = raw_input("should we continue? yes/no:")
if (0):#key =="no"):
#print("OK, you are right.\n")
elif (1):#key =="yes"):
#print("let's continue:\n")
point_index = 0
for i in range(m[0]):
getBezierKurve(closedOrOpen[i],pointsNumber[i],point,point_index,0,0,1,0,0) #draw curves only
point_index += pointsNumber[i]
point_index = 0
for j in range(m[0]):
point_index += pointsNumber[j]
kurve_jacobian = np.append(kurve_jacobian,partial_derivative) # do not forget reshape
kurve_jacobian = kurve_jacobian.reshape((-1,3))
global bezierLine
bezierLine = np.append(bezierLine,pointB)
bezierLine = bezierLine.reshape((-1,3))
ax.plot(bezierLine[:,0],bezierLine[:,1],bezierLine[:,2],'-',markersize=1, label='trace')
ax.plot(f[:,0],f[:,1],f[:,2],'r.',markersize=1)#,label='open bazier curve')
for i in range(m[0]):
jacobian_trace[i] = 2*((bezierLine[i+1][0]-bezierLine[i+2][0])-(bezierLine[i][0]-bezierLine[i+1][0]))*kurve_jacobian[i][0] + 2*((bezierLine[i+1][1]-bezierLine[i+2][1])-(bezierLine[i][1]-bezierLine[i+1][1]))*kurve_jacobian[i][1] + 2*((bezierLine[i+1][2]-bezierLine[i+2][2])-(bezierLine[i][2]-bezierLine[i+1][2]))*kurve_jacobian[i][2]
global D
D_item = 0
for i in range(m[0]):
D_item += ((bezierLine[i+1][0]-bezierLine[i+2][0])-(bezierLine[i][0]-bezierLine[i+1][0]))**2 + ((bezierLine[i+1][1]-bezierLine[i+2][1])-(bezierLine[i][1]-bezierLine[i+1][1]))**2 + ((bezierLine[i+1][2]-bezierLine[i+2][2])-(bezierLine[i][2]-bezierLine[i+1][2]))**2
D = np.append(D,D_item)
print("the length of trace")
if (D[D.shape[0]-1] <= min_D):
for i in range(m[0]):
step = jacobian_trace[i] * unit_step
u_i[i] -= step
while (u_i[i] > 1 or u_i[i] < 0): #make sure that 0<u<1如果当前值超过了u的定义范围,那么下降值再乘以一个非常小的量unit_step
u_i[i] += step
step = step * unit_step
u_i[i] -= step
global min_D
if (min_D > D[D.shape[0]-1]):
min_D = D[D.shape[0]-1]
D[D.shape[0]-1] = min_D
kurve_jacobian = np.array([],dtype=np.float64) #return to init station
bezierLine = np.array([],dtype=np.float64)
bezierLine = np.append(bezierLine,pointA)
print("Error: unknown error")
3.5 main()
#fig = plt.figure()
#ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
u_i = np.random.rand(m[0],1)
for i in range(10):
key = raw_input("should we continue? yes/no:")
if (key =="no"):
print("OK, you are right.\n")
elif (key =="yes"):
print("let's continue:\n")
for j in range(10):
#if (D.shape[0]==0 or D[D.shape[0]-1]<=min_D):