[概念] 激励理论 - 其他8种著名理论


Eight well-known motivation theories:
          o Theory X: (developed by McGregor to describe how managers relate to subordinates)
                + Most people dislike their work and will avoid it.
                + Most people lack ambition and have little capacity for problem solving and creativity.
                + Workers prefer direction and avoid taking responsibility and initiative.
                + Workers motivated only by Maslow's lower level needs (physiological and safety).
                + Workers are self-centered, indifferent to the needs of the organization, and resistant to change.
          o Theory Y: (also developed by McGregor)
                + Most people meet high performance expectations if appropriately motivated and the climate supportive.
                + Most people are creative, imaginative, ambitious, and committed to meeting the organization's goals.
                + Most people are self-disciplined, can direct and control themselves, desire responsibilities, and accept them willingly.
                + Workers are motivated by Maslow's higher level needs (self esteem and self actualization)
          o Theory Z: (Developed by Ouchi. The source was the Japanese workplace)
                + Similar characteristics as Theory Y.
                + Management deems workers as trustworthy and capable of working without close supervision.
                + Workers are motivated by self esteem and self actualization.
                + Japanese management provides a supportive environment with lifetime employment, consensus decision making, and collective responsibility.
                + Ouchi compared Japanese organizations (Type J) with traditional American organizations (Type A).
                + Ouchi theorized that to the extent lifetime employment, consensus decision making, and collective responsibility could be incorporated into American organizations, then worker productivity and motivation would improve.
                + Ouchi called this new hybrid American organization, Type Z.
          o Contingency Theory: (Developed by Morse and Lorsch)
                + People have a central need to develop a sense of competence. This need continues to motivate even after competence has been achieved.
                + Project managers should ensure that there is a good match between team members' skills and their assignments and that the organizational climate is conducive to meeting team members needs and achieving a sense of competence.
          o Goal Setting Theory: (Developed by Latham and Locke)
                + Working towards a goal is a major source of job motivation.
                + Individuals have an internal desire to achieve goals.
                + Clear, specific, concise, and challenging goals motivate team members.
                + Project participants must be allowed to participate in setting goals, formulating plans and implementation strategies in order to gain participants' acceptance and commitment to meeting project goals.
          o Expectancy Theory: (Developed by Victor Vroom)
                + People think seriously about how much effort they should put into a task before doing it.
                + Motivation occurs if there is an expectation of a favorable outcome.
                + A person's behavior is based on the strength of their expectation that an act will be followed by a desired outcome or good performance.
                + A person's behavior is based on their expectation that good performance will be rewarded. The attractiveness of the reward to the individual also influences a person's behavior.
                + Project managers should try to ascertain the most important needs of their team via informal communication and by developing interrelationships with team members.
          o Reinforcement Theory: (Based on Skinner's behavior modification theories)
                + Human behavior is shaped by the previous positive or negative outcomes experienced by a person.
                + Desirable behavior will be repeated if rewarded and undesirable behavior can be discouraged by punishment.
          o Equity Theory: (Developed by Adams)
                + People are motivated by their desire to be treated equitably.
                + People compare their jobs and compensation with those of others on the project. Inequities can influence the degree of effort they exert.
                + Inequities can result in conflicts and problems, thus requiring considerable effort from the project manager, functional managers, and human resources personnel to resolve.
                + Project managers must ensure that all project participants are compensated fairly for their contributions to project success.
    See Verma's, HR Skill for the PM, pg. 75, for general suggestions on motivating employees. The suggestions are taken from the best of the above motivation strategies.

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