PCL - MLS代碼研讀(八)- MovingLeastSquares





namespace pcl
  template <typename PointInT, typename PointOutT>
  class MovingLeastSquares : public CloudSurfaceProcessing<PointInT, PointOutT>
      // 省略了typedef, using

      enum UpsamplingMethod
        // 省略了內容
      // 省略了函數

      // 省略了變數

      /** \brief A minimalistic implementation of a voxel grid, necessary for the point cloud upsampling
        * \note Used only in the case of VOXEL_GRID_DILATION upsampling
      class MLSVoxelGrid
        // 省略了內容
      // 省略了變數

      // 省略了函數

      // 省略了變數



首先來看MovingLeastSquares中定義的enum UpsamplingMethod,它表示上採樣的方法。


enum UpsamplingMethod
  NONE,                   /**< \brief No upsampling will be done, only the input points will be projected
                                      to their own MLS surfaces. */
  DISTINCT_CLOUD,         /**< \brief Project the points of the distinct cloud to the MLS surface. */
  SAMPLE_LOCAL_PLANE,     /**< \brief The local plane of each input point will be sampled in a circular fashion
                                      using the \ref upsampling_radius_ and the \ref upsampling_step_ parameters. */
  RANDOM_UNIFORM_DENSITY, /**< \brief The local plane of each input point will be sampled using an uniform random
                                      distribution such that the density of points is constant throughout the
                                      cloud - given by the \ref desired_num_points_in_radius_ parameter. */
  VOXEL_GRID_DILATION     /**< \brief The input cloud will be inserted into a voxel grid with voxels of
                                      size \ref voxel_size_; this voxel grid will be dilated \ref dilation_iteration_num_
                                      times and the resulting points will be projected to the MLS surface
                                      of the closest point in the input cloud; the result is a point cloud
                                      with filled holes and a constant point density. */



/** \brief A minimalistic implementation of a voxel grid, necessary for the point cloud upsampling
  * \note Used only in the case of VOXEL_GRID_DILATION upsampling
class MLSVoxelGrid
    struct Leaf { Leaf () : valid (true) {} bool valid; };

    MLSVoxelGrid (PointCloudInConstPtr& cloud,
                  IndicesPtr &indices,
                  float voxel_size);

    dilate ();

    inline void
    getIndexIn1D (const Eigen::Vector3i &index, std::uint64_t &index_1d) const
      index_1d = index[0] * data_size_ * data_size_ +
                  index[1] * data_size_ + index[2];

    inline void
    getIndexIn3D (std::uint64_t index_1d, Eigen::Vector3i& index_3d) const
      index_3d[0] = static_cast<Eigen::Vector3i::Scalar> (index_1d / (data_size_ * data_size_));
      index_1d -= index_3d[0] * data_size_ * data_size_;
      index_3d[1] = static_cast<Eigen::Vector3i::Scalar> (index_1d / data_size_);
      index_1d -= index_3d[1] * data_size_;
      index_3d[2] = static_cast<Eigen::Vector3i::Scalar> (index_1d);

    inline void
    getCellIndex (const Eigen::Vector3f &p, Eigen::Vector3i& index) const
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        index[i] = static_cast<Eigen::Vector3i::Scalar> ((p[i] - bounding_min_ (i)) / voxel_size_);

    inline void
    getPosition (const std::uint64_t &index_1d, Eigen::Vector3f &point) const
      Eigen::Vector3i index_3d;
      getIndexIn3D (index_1d, index_3d);
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        point[i] = static_cast<Eigen::Vector3f::Scalar> (index_3d[i]) * voxel_size_ + bounding_min_[i];

    typedef std::map<std::uint64_t, Leaf> HashMap;
    HashMap voxel_grid_;
    Eigen::Vector4f bounding_min_, bounding_max_;
    std::uint64_t data_size_;
    float voxel_size_;



typedef shared_ptr<MovingLeastSquares<PointInT, PointOutT> > Ptr;
typedef shared_ptr<const MovingLeastSquares<PointInT, PointOutT> > ConstPtr;



using PCLBase<PointInT>::input_;
using PCLBase<PointInT>::indices_;
using PCLBase<PointInT>::fake_indices_;
using PCLBase<PointInT>::initCompute;
using PCLBase<PointInT>::deinitCompute;

這裡的using有兩個作用,詳見C++ using - 繼承共同行為 & 改變成員的訪問權限

using KdTree = pcl::search::Search<PointInT>;
//typename specifies that it is the name of a type
using KdTreePtr = typename KdTree::Ptr;
// 模板中的參數已經給定,是個具體的類型,所以不用加typename告知編譯器它是一個類別
using NormalCloud = pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>;
using NormalCloudPtr = NormalCloud::Ptr;

using PointCloudOut = pcl::PointCloud<PointOutT>;
using PointCloudOutPtr = typename PointCloudOut::Ptr;
using PointCloudOutConstPtr = typename PointCloudOut::ConstPtr;

using PointCloudIn = pcl::PointCloud<PointInT>;
using PointCloudInPtr = typename PointCloudIn::Ptr;
using PointCloudInConstPtr = typename PointCloudIn::ConstPtr;

using SearchMethod = std::function<int (pcl::index_t, double, pcl::Indices &, std::vector<float> &)>;

觀察KdTreeKdTreePtr,可以發現一個沒加,另一個則有加typename,他們之間的差別詳見C++ typename使用時機



  • normals_:計算出來的點雲的法向量
  • search_method_:用於尋找點的最近鄰,實際上是一個函數
  • tree_:與search_method_一樣都是用於最近鄰搜索
  • order_:曲面多項式的階數
  • search_radius_:用於決定sqr_gauss_param
  • sqr_gauss_param_:高斯函數的參數
  • compute_normals_:用於決定輸出點雲是否包含法向量
  • upsample_method_:使用的上採樣方法
  • cache_mls_results_:決定是否要快取MLS的結果
  • mls_results_:MLS的結果
  • projection_method_:使用的投影方法
  • threads_:線程數量
  • nr_coeff_:多項式係數的數量
  • corresponding_input_indices_:用於記錄輸入點雲到輸出點雲之間的索引對應關係


  • distinct_cloud_


  • upsampling_radius_
  • upsampling_step_


  • desired_num_points_in_radius_


  • voxel_size_
  • dilation_iteration_num_
/** \brief The point cloud that will hold the estimated normals, if set. */
NormalCloudPtr normals_;

//distinct cloud是啥?
/** \brief The distinct point cloud that will be projected to the MLS surface. */
PointCloudInConstPtr distinct_cloud_;

/** \brief The search method template for indices. */
SearchMethod search_method_;

/** \brief A pointer to the spatial search object. */
KdTreePtr tree_;

/** \brief The order of the polynomial to be fit. */
int order_;

/** \brief The nearest neighbors search radius for each point. */
double search_radius_;

/** \brief Parameter for distance based weighting of neighbors (search_radius_ * search_radius_ works fine) */
double sqr_gauss_param_;

/** \brief Parameter that specifies whether the normals should be computed for the input cloud or not */
bool compute_normals_;

/** \brief Parameter that specifies the upsampling method to be used */
UpsamplingMethod upsample_method_;

/** \brief Radius of the circle in the local point plane that will be sampled
  * \note Used only in the case of SAMPLE_LOCAL_PLANE upsampling
double upsampling_radius_;

/** \brief Step size for the local plane sampling
  * \note Used only in the case of SAMPLE_LOCAL_PLANE upsampling
double upsampling_step_;

/** \brief Parameter that specifies the desired number of points within the search radius
  * \note Used only in the case of RANDOM_UNIFORM_DENSITY upsampling
int desired_num_points_in_radius_;

/** \brief True if the mls results for the input cloud should be stored
  * \note This is forced to be true when using upsampling methods VOXEL_GRID_DILATION or DISTINCT_CLOUD.
bool cache_mls_results_;

/** \brief Stores the MLS result for each point in the input cloud
  * \note Used only in the case of VOXEL_GRID_DILATION or DISTINCT_CLOUD upsampling
std::vector<MLSResult> mls_results_;

/** \brief Parameter that specifies the projection method to be used. */
MLSResult::ProjectionMethod projection_method_;

/** \brief The maximum number of threads the scheduler should use. */
unsigned int threads_;

/** \brief A minimalistic implementation of a voxel grid, necessary for the point cloud upsampling
  * \note Used only in the case of VOXEL_GRID_DILATION upsampling
class MLSVoxelGrid

/** \brief Voxel size for the VOXEL_GRID_DILATION upsampling method */
float voxel_size_;

/** \brief Number of dilation steps for the VOXEL_GRID_DILATION upsampling method */
int dilation_iteration_num_;

/** \brief Number of coefficients, to be computed from the requested order.*/
int nr_coeff_;

/** \brief Collects for each point in output the corrseponding point in the input. */
PointIndicesPtr corresponding_input_indices_;


/** \brief Empty constructor. */
MovingLeastSquares () : CloudSurfaceProcessing<PointInT, PointOutT> (),
                        distinct_cloud_ (),
                        tree_ (),
                        order_ (2),
                        search_radius_ (0.0),
                        sqr_gauss_param_ (0.0),
                        compute_normals_ (false),
                        upsample_method_ (NONE),
                        upsampling_radius_ (0.0),
                        upsampling_step_ (0.0),
                        desired_num_points_in_radius_ (0),
                        cache_mls_results_ (true),
                        projection_method_ (MLSResult::SIMPLE),
                        threads_ (1),
                        voxel_size_ (1.0),
                        dilation_iteration_num_ (0),
                        nr_coeff_ (),
                        rng_uniform_distribution_ ()

/** \brief Empty destructor */
~MovingLeastSquares () {}


/** \brief Set whether the algorithm should also store the normals computed
  * \note This is optional, but need a proper output cloud type
inline void
setComputeNormals (bool compute_normals) { compute_normals_ = compute_normals; }

/** \brief Provide a pointer to the search object.
  * \param[in] tree a pointer to the spatial search object.
inline void
setSearchMethod (const KdTreePtr &tree)
  tree_ = tree;
  // Declare the search locator definition
  search_method_ = [this] (pcl::index_t index, double radius, pcl::Indices& k_indices, std::vector<float>& k_sqr_distances)
    return tree_->radiusSearch (index, radius, k_indices, k_sqr_distances, 0);

/** \brief Get a pointer to the search method used. */
inline KdTreePtr
getSearchMethod () const { return (tree_); }

/** \brief Set the order of the polynomial to be fit.
  * \param[in] order the order of the polynomial
  * \note Setting order > 1 indicates using a polynomial fit.
inline void
setPolynomialOrder (int order) { order_ = order; }

/** \brief Get the order of the polynomial to be fit. */
inline int
getPolynomialOrder () const { return (order_); }

/** \brief Set the sphere radius that is to be used for determining the k-nearest neighbors used for fitting.
  * \param[in] radius the sphere radius that is to contain all k-nearest neighbors
  * \note Calling this method resets the squared Gaussian parameter to radius * radius !
inline void
setSearchRadius (double radius) { search_radius_ = radius; sqr_gauss_param_ = search_radius_ * search_radius_; }

/** \brief Get the sphere radius used for determining the k-nearest neighbors. */
inline double
getSearchRadius () const { return (search_radius_); }

/** \brief Set the parameter used for distance based weighting of neighbors (the square of the search radius works
  * best in general).
  * \param[in] sqr_gauss_param the squared Gaussian parameter
inline void
setSqrGaussParam (double sqr_gauss_param) { sqr_gauss_param_ = sqr_gauss_param; }

/** \brief Get the parameter for distance based weighting of neighbors. */
inline double
getSqrGaussParam () const { return (sqr_gauss_param_); }

/** \brief Set the upsampling method to be used
  * \param method
inline void
setUpsamplingMethod (UpsamplingMethod method) { upsample_method_ = method; }

/** \brief Set the distinct cloud used for the DISTINCT_CLOUD upsampling method. */
inline void
setDistinctCloud (PointCloudInConstPtr distinct_cloud) { distinct_cloud_ = distinct_cloud; }

/** \brief Get the distinct cloud used for the DISTINCT_CLOUD upsampling method. */
inline PointCloudInConstPtr
getDistinctCloud () const { return (distinct_cloud_); }

/** \brief Set the radius of the circle in the local point plane that will be sampled
  * \note Used only in the case of SAMPLE_LOCAL_PLANE upsampling
  * \param[in] radius the radius of the circle
inline void
setUpsamplingRadius (double radius) { upsampling_radius_ = radius; }

/** \brief Get the radius of the circle in the local point plane that will be sampled
  * \note Used only in the case of SAMPLE_LOCAL_PLANE upsampling
inline double
getUpsamplingRadius () const { return (upsampling_radius_); }

/** \brief Set the step size for the local plane sampling
  * \note Used only in the case of SAMPLE_LOCAL_PLANE upsampling
  * \param[in] step_size the step size
inline void
setUpsamplingStepSize (double step_size) { upsampling_step_ = step_size; }

/** \brief Get the step size for the local plane sampling
  * \note Used only in the case of SAMPLE_LOCAL_PLANE upsampling
inline double
getUpsamplingStepSize () const { return (upsampling_step_); }

/** \brief Set the parameter that specifies the desired number of points within the search radius
  * \note Used only in the case of RANDOM_UNIFORM_DENSITY upsampling
  * \param[in] desired_num_points_in_radius the desired number of points in the output cloud in a sphere of
  * radius \ref search_radius_ around each point
inline void
setPointDensity (int desired_num_points_in_radius) { desired_num_points_in_radius_ = desired_num_points_in_radius; }

/** \brief Get the parameter that specifies the desired number of points within the search radius
  * \note Used only in the case of RANDOM_UNIFORM_DENSITY upsampling
inline int
getPointDensity () const { return (desired_num_points_in_radius_); }

/** \brief Set the voxel size for the voxel grid
  * \note Used only in the VOXEL_GRID_DILATION upsampling method
  * \param[in] voxel_size the edge length of a cubic voxel in the voxel grid
inline void
setDilationVoxelSize (float voxel_size) { voxel_size_ = voxel_size; }

/** \brief Get the voxel size for the voxel grid
  * \note Used only in the VOXEL_GRID_DILATION upsampling method
inline float
getDilationVoxelSize () const { return (voxel_size_); }

/** \brief Set the number of dilation steps of the voxel grid
  * \note Used only in the VOXEL_GRID_DILATION upsampling method
  * \param[in] iterations the number of dilation iterations
inline void
setDilationIterations (int iterations) { dilation_iteration_num_ = iterations; }

/** \brief Get the number of dilation steps of the voxel grid
  * \note Used only in the VOXEL_GRID_DILATION upsampling method
inline int
getDilationIterations () const { return (dilation_iteration_num_); }

/** \brief Set whether the mls results should be stored for each point in the input cloud
  * \param[in] cache_mls_results True if the mls results should be stored, otherwise false.
  * \note The cache_mls_results_ is forced to be true when using upsampling method VOXEL_GRID_DILATION or DISTINCT_CLOUD.
  * \note If memory consumption is a concern, then set it to false when not using upsampling method VOXEL_GRID_DILATION or DISTINCT_CLOUD.
inline void
setCacheMLSResults (bool cache_mls_results) { cache_mls_results_ = cache_mls_results; }

/** \brief Get the cache_mls_results_ value (True if the mls results should be stored, otherwise false). */
inline bool
getCacheMLSResults () const { return (cache_mls_results_); }

/** \brief Set the method to be used when projection the point on to the MLS surface.
  * \param method
  * \note This is only used when polynomial fit is enabled.
inline void
setProjectionMethod (MLSResult::ProjectionMethod method) { projection_method_ = method; }

/** \brief Get the current projection method being used. */
inline MLSResult::ProjectionMethod
getProjectionMethod () const { return (projection_method_); }

/** \brief Get the MLSResults for input cloud
  * \note The results are only stored if setCacheMLSResults(true) was called or when using the upsampling method DISTINCT_CLOUD or VOXEL_GRID_DILATION.
  * \note This vector is aligned with the input cloud indices, so use getCorrespondingIndices to get the correct results when using output cloud indices.
inline const std::vector<MLSResult>&
getMLSResults () const { return (mls_results_); }

/** \brief Set the maximum number of threads to use
* \param threads the maximum number of hardware threads to use (0 sets the value to 1)
inline void
setNumberOfThreads (unsigned int threads = 1)
  threads_ = threads;

/** \brief Get the set of indices with each point in output having the
  * corresponding point in input */
inline PointIndicesPtr
getCorrespondingIndices () const { return (corresponding_input_indices_); }


/** \brief Base method for surface reconstruction for all points given in <setInputCloud (), setIndices ()>
  * \param[out] output the resultant reconstructed surface model
process (PointCloudOut &output) override;



/** \brief Search for the nearest neighbors of a given point using a radius search
  * \param[in] index the index of the query point
  * \param[out] indices the resultant vector of indices representing the neighbors within search_radius_
  * \param[out] sqr_distances the resultant squared distances from the query point to the neighbors within search_radius_
inline int
searchForNeighbors (pcl::index_t index, pcl::Indices &indices, std::vector<float> &sqr_distances) const
  return (search_method_ (index, search_radius_, indices, sqr_distances));


/** \brief Smooth a given point and its neighborghood using Moving Least Squares.
  * \param[in] index the index of the query point in the input cloud
  * \param[in] nn_indices the set of nearest neighbors indices for pt
  * \param[out] projected_points the set of projected points around the query point
  * (in the case of upsampling method NONE, only the query point projected to its own fitted surface will be returned,
  * in the case of the other upsampling methods, multiple points will be returned)
  * \param[out] projected_points_normals the normals corresponding to the projected points
  * \param[out] corresponding_input_indices the set of indices with each point in output having the corresponding point in input
  * \param[out] mls_result stores the MLS result for each point in the input cloud
  * (used only in the case of VOXEL_GRID_DILATION or DISTINCT_CLOUD upsampling)
computeMLSPointNormal (pcl::index_t index,
                        const pcl::Indices &nn_indices,
                        PointCloudOut &projected_points,
                        NormalCloud &projected_points_normals,
                        PointIndices &corresponding_input_indices,
                        MLSResult &mls_result) const;

/** \brief This is a helper function for adding projected points
  * \param[in] index the index of the query point in the input cloud
  * \param[in] point the projected point to be added
  * \param[in] normal the projected point's normal to be added
  * \param[in] curvature the projected point's curvature
  * \param[out] projected_points the set of projected points around the query point
  * \param[out] projected_points_normals the normals corresponding to the projected points
  * \param[out] corresponding_input_indices the set of indices with each point in output having the corresponding point in input
addProjectedPointNormal (pcl::index_t index,
                          const Eigen::Vector3d &point,
                          const Eigen::Vector3d &normal,
                          double curvature,
                          PointCloudOut &projected_points,
                          NormalCloud &projected_points_normals,
                          PointIndices &corresponding_input_indices) const;

copyMissingFields (const PointInT &point_in,
                    PointOutT &point_out) const;

/** \brief Abstract surface reconstruction method.
  * \param[out] output the result of the reconstruction
performProcessing (PointCloudOut &output) override;

/** \brief Perform upsampling for the distinct-cloud and voxel-grid methods
  * \param[out] output the result of the reconstruction
performUpsampling (PointCloudOut &output);



/** \brief Random number generator algorithm. */
mutable std::mt19937 rng_;

/** \brief Random number generator using an uniform distribution of floats
  * \note Used only in the case of RANDOM_UNIFORM_DENSITY upsampling
std::unique_ptr<std::uniform_real_distribution<>> rng_uniform_distribution_;


/** \brief Abstract class get name method. */
getClassName () const { return ("MovingLeastSquares"); }




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