BetaFlight深入传感设计之五:MahonyAHRS & 方向余弦矩阵理论

该理论主要来自William Premerlani和Paul Bizard的Direction Cosine Matrix IMU: Theory,这是出处。大家除了去看英文原文资料,关于中文方面的翻译github上有链接这里提供,有兴趣的朋友可以去仔细研究。




1. 基础预备知识

1.1 机体坐标系


  1. Xb轴沿着机身指向机头方向(纵轴方向)
  2. Yb轴指向机头方向的右侧,垂直于纵剖面
  3. Zb轴在飞行器纵剖面,上垂直于轴指向下方


1.2 欧拉角

欧拉角是用来唯一地确定定点转动刚体位置的三个一组独立角参量,由章动角 θ \theta θ、进动角 ϕ \phi ϕ和自转角 ψ \psi ψ组成。因为欧拉首先提出,故得名。

  • α \alpha α是x轴与交点线的夹角;
  • β \beta β是z轴与Z轴的夹角;
  • γ \gamma γ是交点线与X轴的夹角。


  • 绕自己的z轴旋转 α \alpha α ==》自转角 ψ \psi ψ ==》偏航角(yaw),机体轴在水平面上的投影与地轴之间的夹角,以机头右偏为正,又称方位角
  • 续绕自己的x轴旋转 β \beta β ==》章动角 θ \theta θ ==》俯仰角(pitch),机体轴与地平面(水平面)之间的夹角,飞机抬头为正
  • 最后绕自己的y轴旋转 γ \gamma γ ==》进动角 ϕ \phi ϕ ==》滚转角(roll),飞机对称面绕机体轴转过的角度,右滚为正,又称倾斜角

1.2.1 概念解释


1.2.2 动态概念


1.2.3 应用概念

欧拉角 aircraft


1.3.1 Yaw


1.3.2 Pitch


1.3.3 Roll


1.3 旋转矩阵




1.3.1 二维空间

在二维空间中,旋转可以用一个单一的角 θ \theta θ 定义。作为约定,正角表示逆时针旋转。

M ( θ ) = [ c o s θ − s i n θ s i n θ c o s θ ] = c o s θ [ 1 0 0 1 ] + s i n θ [ 0 − 1 1 0 ] = e x p ( θ [ 0 − 1 1 0 ] ) M(\theta)=\begin{bmatrix} cos \theta & -sin \theta \\ sin \theta & cos \theta \end{bmatrix} = cos \theta \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} + sin \theta \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} = exp\lparen \theta \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} \rparen M(θ)=[cosθsinθsinθcosθ]=cosθ[1001]+sinθ[0110]=exp(θ[0110])

1.3.2 三维空间

在三维空间中,生成旋转矩阵的一种简单方式是把它作为三个基本旋转的序列复合。关于右手笛卡尔坐标系的 x, y和 z轴的旋转分别叫做 roll, pitch 和 yaw 旋转。

  • 绕 x-轴的主动旋转 θ x \theta_x θx, 对应roll( γ \gamma γ) 角,和右手螺旋的方向相反(在yz平面顺时针)。

R x ( θ x ) = [ 1 0 0 0 c o s θ x − s i n θ x 0 s i n θ x c o s θ x ] = [ 1 0 0 0 c o s γ − s i n γ 0 s i n γ c o s γ ] R_x(\theta_x) = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & cos \theta_x & -sin \theta_x \\ 0 & sin \theta_x & cos \theta_x \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & cos \gamma & -sin \gamma \\ 0 & sin \gamma & cos \gamma \end{bmatrix} Rx(θx)= 1000cosθxsinθx0sinθxcosθx = 1000cosγsinγ0sinγcosγ

  • 绕 y-轴的主动旋转 θ y \theta_y θy, 对应pitch( α \alpha α) 角,和右手螺旋的方向相反(在zx平面顺时针)。

R y ( θ y ) = [ c o s θ y 0 s i n θ y 0 1 0 − s i n θ y 0 c o s θ y ] = [ c o s α 0 s i n α 0 1 0 − s i n α 0 c o s α ] R_y(\theta_y) = \begin{bmatrix} cos \theta_y & 0 & sin \theta_y \\ 0 & 1 & 0 \\ -sin \theta_y & 0 & cos \theta_y \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} cos \alpha & 0 & sin \alpha \\ 0 & 1 & 0 \\ -sin \alpha & 0 & cos \alpha \end{bmatrix} Ry(θy)= cosθy0sinθy010sinθy0cosθy = cosα0sinα010sinα0cosα

  • 绕 z-轴的主动旋转 θ z \theta_z θz, 对应yaw( β \beta β) 角,和右手螺旋的方向相反(在xy平面顺时针)。

R z ( θ z ) = [ c o s θ z − s i n θ z 0 s i n θ z c o s θ z 0 0 0 1 ] = [ c o s β − s i n β 0 s i n β c o s β 0 0 0 1 ] R_z(\theta_z) =\begin{bmatrix} cos \theta_z & -sin \theta_z & 0 \\ sin \theta_z & cos \theta_z & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} cos \beta & -sin \beta & 0 \\ sin \beta & cos \beta & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} Rz(θz)= cosθzsinθz0sinθzcosθz0001 = cosβsinβ0sinβcosβ0001

  • 总的旋转矩阵(3-2-1旋转)可以表达为:

M b b ′ ( θ z y x ) = R z ( θ z ) R y ( θ y ) R x ( θ x ) = R z ( β ) R y ( α ) R x ( γ ) = [ c o s β c o s α − s i n β c o s γ + c o s β s i n α s i n γ s i n β s i n γ + c o s β s i n α c o s γ s i n β c o s α c o s β c o s γ + s i n β s i n α s i n γ − c o s β s i n γ + s i n β s i n α c o s γ − s i n α c o s α s i n γ c o s α c o s γ ] M_b^{b\rq}(\theta_{zyx}) = R_z(\theta_z) R_y(\theta_y) R_x(\theta_x) = R_z(\beta)R_y(\alpha) R_x(\gamma) =\begin{bmatrix} cos \beta cos \alpha & - sin \beta cos \gamma + cos \beta sin \alpha sin\gamma & sin \beta sin \gamma + cos \beta sin \alpha cos \gamma \\ sin \beta cos \alpha & cos \beta cos \gamma + sin \beta sin \alpha sin \gamma & -cos \beta sin \gamma + sin \beta sin \alpha cos\gamma \\ -sin \alpha & cos \alpha sin \gamma & cos \alpha cos \gamma \end{bmatrix} Mbb(θzyx)=Rz(θz)Ry(θy)Rx(θx)=Rz(β)Ry(α)Rx(γ)= cosβcosαsinβcosαsinαsinβcosγ+cosβsinαsinγcosβcosγ+sinβsinαsinγcosαsinγsinβsinγ+cosβsinαcosγcosβsinγ+sinβsinαcosγcosαcosγ

1.4 复数


z → = r ⋅ c o s θ + i ⋅ r ⋅ s i n θ = a + b ⋅ i \overrightarrow{z} = r \cdot cos \theta + i \cdot r \cdot sin \theta = a + b \cdot i z =rcosθ+irsinθ=a+bi
其中: ∣ z → ∣ = r = a 2 + b 2 \vert \overrightarrow{z} \vert = r = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2} z =r=a2+b2

1.5 四元数


Q → = q 0 + q 1 ⋅ i + q 2 ⋅ j + q 3 ⋅ k = c o s θ 2 + u → s i n θ 2 = c o s θ 2 + ( l ⋅ i + m ⋅ j + n ⋅ k ) s i n θ 2 \overrightarrow{Q} = q_0 + q_1 \cdot i + q_2 \cdot j + q_3 \cdot k = cos \cfrac{\theta}{2} +\overrightarrow{u} sin \cfrac{\theta}{2} = cos \cfrac{\theta}{2} +(l \cdot i + m \cdot j + n \cdot k) sin \cfrac{\theta}{2} Q =q0+q1i+q2j+q3k=cos2θ+u sin2θ=cos2θ+(li+mj+nk)sin2θ

模长: ∣ Q → ∣ = q 0 2 + q 1 2 + q 2 2 + q 3 2 \vert \overrightarrow{Q} \vert = \sqrt{q_0^2 + q_1^2 + q_2^2 + q_3^2} Q =q02+q12+q22+q32 θ 为实数, u → 为单位向量。 \theta为实数,\overrightarrow{u}为单位向量。 θ为实数,u 为单位向量。

注:复数是四元数的特殊场景, q 2 = q 3 = 0 q_2 = q_3 =0 q2=q3=0

1.5.1 约束条件

  • 【满足】分配律
  • 【满足】结合律
  • 【不满足】交换律

1.5.2 矢量加减

Q → ± P → = ( q 0 + q 1 ⋅ i + q 2 ⋅ j + q 3 ⋅ k ) ± ( p 0 + p 1 ⋅ i + p 2 ⋅ j + p 3 ⋅ k ) = ( q 0 ± p 0 ) + ( q 1 ± p 1 ) ⋅ i + ( q 2 ± p 2 ) ⋅ j + ( q 3 ± p 3 ) ⋅ k \overrightarrow{Q} \pm \overrightarrow{P} = (q_0 + q_1 \cdot i + q_2 \cdot j + q_3 \cdot k) \pm (p_0 + p_1 \cdot i + p_2 \cdot j + p_3 \cdot k)= (q_0 \pm p_0) + (q_1 \pm p_1) \cdot i + (q_2 \pm p_2) \cdot j + (q_3 \pm p_3) \cdot k Q ±P =q0+q1i+q2j+q3k±p0+p1i+p2j+p3k=(q0±p0)+(q1±p1)i+(q2±p2)j+(q3±p3)k

1.5.3 标量乘法

a ⋅ Q → = a ⋅ q 0 + a ⋅ q 1 ⋅ i + a ⋅ q 2 ⋅ j + a ⋅ q 3 ⋅ k a \cdot \overrightarrow{Q} = a \cdot q_0 + a \cdot q_1 \cdot i + a \cdot q_2 \cdot j + a \cdot q_3 \cdot k aQ =aq0+aq1i+aq2j+aq3k

1.5.4 矢量乘法

P → ⊗ Q → = ( p 0 + p 1 ⋅ i + p 2 ⋅ j + p 3 ⋅ k ) ⊗ ( q 0 + q 1 ⋅ i + q 2 ⋅ j + q 3 ⋅ k ) = ( p 0 q 0 − p 1 q 1 − p 2 q 2 − p 3 q 3 ) + ( p 0 q 1 + p 1 q 0 + p 2 q 3 − p 3 q 2 ) ⋅ i + ( p 0 q 2 + p 2 q 0 + p 3 q 1 − p 1 q 3 ) ⋅ j + ( p 0 q 3 + p 3 q 0 + p 1 q 2 − p 2 q 1 ) ⋅ k = r 0 + r 1 ⋅ i + r 2 ⋅ j + r 3 ⋅ k \overrightarrow{P} \otimes \overrightarrow{Q} = (p_0 + p_1 \cdot i + p_2 \cdot j + p_3 \cdot k) \otimes (q_0 + q_1 \cdot i + q_2 \cdot j + q_3 \cdot k)=(p_0q_0 - p_1q_1 - p_2q_2 - p_3q_3) + (p_0q_1 + p_1q_0 + p_2q_3 - p_3q_2) \cdot i + (p_0q_2 + p_2q_0 + p_3q_1 -p_1q_3) \cdot j +(p_0q_3 + p_3q_0 +p_1q_2 - p_2q_1) \cdot k = r_0 + r_1 \cdot i + r_2 \cdot j + r_3 \cdot k P Q =p0+p1i+p2j+p3kq0+q1i+q2j+q3k=(p0q0p1q1p2q2p3q3)+(p0q1+p1q0+p2q3p3q2)i+(p0q2+p2q0+p3q1p1q3)j+(p0q3+p3q0+p1q2p2q1)k=r0+r1i+r2j+r3k


[ r 0 r 1 r 2 r 3 ] = [ p 0 − p 1 − p 2 − p 3 p 1 p 0 − p 3 p 2 p 2 p 3 p 0 − p 1 p 3 − p 2 p 1 p 0 ] [ q 0 q 1 q 2 q 3 ] = M ( P ) Q \begin{bmatrix} r_0 \\ r_1 \\ r_2 \\ r_3 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} p_0 & -p_1 & -p_2 & -p_3\\ p_1& p_0 & -p_3 & p_2 \\ p_2 & p_3 & p_0 & -p_1\\ p_3 & -p_2 & p_1 & p_0 \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} q_0 \\ q_1 \\ q_2 \\ q_3 \end{bmatrix} = M(P)Q r0r1r2r3 = p0p1p2p3p1p0p3p2p2p3p0p1p3p2p1p0 q0q1q2q3 =M(P)Q

[ r 0 r 1 r 2 r 3 ] = [ q 0 − q 1 − q 2 − q 3 q 1 q 0 q 3 − q 2 q 2 − q 3 q 0 q 1 q 3 q 2 − q 1 q 0 ] [ p 0 p 1 p 2 p 3 ] = M ′ ( Q ) P \begin{bmatrix} r_0 \\ r_1 \\ r_2 \\ r_3 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} q_0 & -q_1 & -q_2 & -q_3\\ q_1& q_0 & q_3 & -q_2 \\ q_2 & -q_3 & q_0 & q_1\\ q_3 & q_2 & -q_1 & q_0 \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} p_0 \\ p_1 \\ p_2 \\ p_3 \end{bmatrix} = M\rq(Q)P r0r1r2r3 = q0q1q2q3q1q0q3q2q2q3q0q1q3q2q1q0 p0p1p2p3 =M(Q)P

1.5.5 除法求逆

P → ⊗ R → = 1 \overrightarrow{P} \otimes \overrightarrow{R} = 1 P R =1

将记作: R → = P − 1 → = P ∗ → \overrightarrow{R} = \overrightarrow{P^{-1}}=\overrightarrow{P^*} R =P1 =P

P → ⊗ P ∗ → = ( p 0 + p 1 ⋅ i + p 2 ⋅ j + p 3 ⋅ k ) ⊗ ( p 0 − p 1 ⋅ i − p 2 ⋅ j − p 3 ⋅ k ) = q 0 2 + q 1 2 + q 2 2 + q 3 2 = ∥ P ∥ \overrightarrow{P} \otimes \overrightarrow{P^*} = (p_0 + p_1 \cdot i + p_2 \cdot j + p_3 \cdot k) \otimes (p_0 - p_1 \cdot i - p_2 \cdot j - p_3 \cdot k)= q_0^2 + q_1^2 + q_2^2 + q_3^2 = \rVert P \rVert P P =p0+p1i+p2j+p3kp0p1ip2jp3k=q02+q12+q22+q32=P

所以 P − 1 → = P ∗ → ∥ P ∥ \overrightarrow{P^{-1}} =\cfrac{\overrightarrow{P^*}}{ \rVert P \rVert} P1 =PP

1.6 矢量点叉乘

1.6.1 向量点乘

A → ⋅ B → = ∣ A ∣ ∣ B ∣ c o s θ A B = A x B x + A y B y + A z B z \overrightarrow{A} \cdot \overrightarrow{B} = \rvert A \rvert \rvert B \rvert cos \theta_{AB} = A_xB_x + A_y B_y + A_z B_z A B =A∣∣BcosθAB=AxBx+AyBy+AzBz

1.6.2 向量叉乘

A → × B → = − B → × A → \overrightarrow{A} \times \overrightarrow{B}=-\overrightarrow{B} \times \overrightarrow{A} A ×B =B ×A

∣ A → × B → ∣ = ∣ A ∣ ∣ B ∣ s i n θ A B \rvert \overrightarrow{A} \times \overrightarrow{B} \rvert =\rvert A \rvert \rvert B \rvert sin \theta_{AB} A ×B =A∣∣BsinθAB

A → × B → = ( A → × B → ) x + ( A → × B → ) y + ( A → × B → ) z \overrightarrow{A} \times \overrightarrow{B} = (\overrightarrow{A} \times \overrightarrow{B} )_x + (\overrightarrow{A} \times \overrightarrow{B} )_y + (\overrightarrow{A} \times \overrightarrow{B} )_z A ×B =(A ×B )x+(A ×B )y+(A ×B )z

( A → × B → ) x = A y B z − A z B y (\overrightarrow{A} \times \overrightarrow{B} )_x = A_yB_z - A_zB_y (A ×B )x=AyBzAzBy
( A → × B → ) y = A z B x − A x B z (\overrightarrow{A} \times \overrightarrow{B} )_y = A_zB_x - A_xB_z (A ×B )y=AzBxAxBz
( A → × B → ) z = A x B y − A y B x (\overrightarrow{A} \times \overrightarrow{B} )_z = A_xB_y - A_yB_x (A ×B )z=AxByAyBx

2. 四元数解算姿态

2.1 【推导】理论(教科书)




2.2 【推导】旋转矩阵+姿态矩阵

  • 机体坐标向R固定系坐标映射:

C b R = [ T 11 T 12 T 13 T 21 T 22 T 23 T 31 T 32 T 33 ] = [ C x x C x y C x z C y x C y y C y z C z x C z y C z z ] = [ q 1 2 + q 0 2 − q 3 2 − q 2 2 2 ( q 1 q 2 − q 0 q 3 ) 2 ( q 1 q 3 + q 0 q 2 ) 2 ( q 1 q 2 + q 0 q 3 ) q 2 2 − q 3 2 + q 0 2 − q 1 2 2 ( q 2 q 3 − q 0 q 1 ) 2 ( q 1 q 3 − q 0 q 2 ) 2 ( q 2 q 3 + q 0 q 1 ) q 3 2 − q 2 2 − q 1 2 + q 0 2 ] C_b^R=\begin{bmatrix} T11 & T12 & T13 \\ T21 & T22 & T23 \\ T31 & T32 & T33 \end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix} C_{xx} & C_{xy} & C_{xz} \\ C_{yx} & C_{yy} & C_{yz} \\ C_{zx} & C_{zy} & C_{zz} \end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix} q_1^2 + q_0^2 - q_3^2 - q_2^2 & 2(q_1 q_2 - q_0 q_3) & 2 (q_1 q_3 + q_0 q_2) \\ 2(q_1 q_2 + q_0 q_3) & q_2^2 - q_3^2 + q_0^2 - q_1^2 & 2(q_2 q_3 - q_0 q_1) \\ 2(q_1 q_3 - q_0 q_2) & 2(q_2 q_3 + q_0 q_1) & q_3^2 - q_2^2 - q_1^2 + q_0^2 \end{bmatrix} CbR= T11T21T31T12T22T32T13T23T33 = CxxCyxCzxCxyCyyCzyCxzCyzCzz = q12+q02q32q222(q1q2+q0q3)2(q1q3q0q2)2(q1q2q0q3)q22q32+q02q122(q2q3+q0q1)2(q1q3+q0q2)2(q2q3q0q1)q32q22q12+q02

C b R T = [ T 11 T 21 T 31 T 12 T 22 T 32 T 13 T 23 T 33 ] = [ C x x C y x C z x C x y C y y C z y C x z C y z C z z ] = [ q 1 2 + q 0 2 − q 3 2 − q 2 2 2 ( q 1 q 2 + q 0 q 3 ) 2 ( q 1 q 3 − q 0 q 2 ) 2 ( q 1 q 2 − q 0 q 3 ) q 2 2 − q 3 2 + q 0 2 − q 1 2 2 ( q 2 q 3 + q 0 q 1 ) 2 ( q 1 q 3 + q 0 q 2 ) 2 ( q 2 q 3 − q 0 q 1 ) q 3 2 − q 2 2 − q 1 2 + q 0 2 ] {C_b^R}^T=\begin{bmatrix} T11 & T21 & T31 \\ T12 & T22 & T32 \\ T13 & T23 & T33 \end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix} C_{xx} & C_{yx} & C_{zx} \\ C_{xy} & C_{yy} & C_{zy} \\ C_{xz} & C_{yz} & C_{zz} \end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix} q_1^2 + q_0^2 - q_3^2 - q_2^2 & 2(q_1 q_2 + q_0 q_3) & 2(q_1 q_3 - q_0 q_2) \\ 2(q_1 q_2 - q_0 q_3) & q_2^2 - q_3^2 + q_0^2 - q_1^2 & 2(q_2 q_3 + q_0 q_1) \\ 2 (q_1 q_3 + q_0 q_2) & 2(q_2 q_3 - q_0 q_1) & q_3^2 - q_2^2 - q_1^2 + q_0^2 \end{bmatrix} CbRT= T11T12T13T21T22T23T31T32T33 = CxxCxyCxzCyxCyyCyzCzxCzyCzz = q12+q02q32q222(q1q2q0q3)2(q1q3+q0q2)2(q1q2+q0q3)q22q32+q02q122(q2q3q0q1)2(q1q3q0q2)2(q2q3+q0q1)q32q22q12+q02

  • 三维空间旋转矩阵逆转换:

M b b ′ ( θ z y x ) = R z ( θ z ) R y ( θ y ) R x ( θ x ) = R z ( β ) R y ( α ) R x ( γ ) = [ c o s β c o s α − s i n β c o s γ + c o s β s i n α s i n γ s i n β s i n γ + c o s β s i n α c o s γ s i n β c o s α c o s β c o s γ + s i n β s i n α s i n γ − c o s β s i n γ + s i n β s i n α c o s γ − s i n α c o s α s i n γ c o s α c o s γ ] M_b^{b\rq}(\theta_{zyx}) = R_z(\theta_z) R_y(\theta_y) R_x(\theta_x) = R_z(\beta)R_y(\alpha) R_x(\gamma) =\begin{bmatrix} cos \beta cos \alpha & - sin \beta cos \gamma + cos \beta sin \alpha sin\gamma & sin \beta sin \gamma + cos \beta sin \alpha cos \gamma \\ sin \beta cos \alpha & cos \beta cos \gamma + sin \beta sin \alpha sin \gamma & -cos \beta sin \gamma + sin \beta sin \alpha cos\gamma \\ -sin \alpha & cos \alpha sin \gamma & cos \alpha cos \gamma \end{bmatrix} Mbb(θzyx)=Rz(θz)Ry(θy)Rx(θx)=Rz(β)Ry(α)Rx(γ)= cosβcosαsinβcosαsinαsinβcosγ+cosβsinαsinγcosβcosγ+sinβsinαsinγcosαsinγsinβsinγ+cosβsinαcosγcosβsinγ+sinβsinαcosγcosαcosγ

  • 由上面两式可以推导出以下角度姿态公式:
  1. roll γ = arctan ⁡ ( 2 ( q 2 q 3 + q 0 q 1 ) q 3 2 − q 2 2 − q 1 2 + q 0 2 ) \gamma =\arctan(\cfrac{2(q_2 q_3 + q_0 q_1)}{q_3^2 - q_2^2 - q_1^2 + q_0^2}) γ=arctan(q32q22q12+q022(q2q3+q0q1))
  2. pitch α = arcsin ⁡ ( 2 ( q 0 q 2 − q 1 q 3 ) ) \alpha = \arcsin(2(q_0 q_2 - q_1 q_3)) α=arcsin(2(q0q2q1q3))
  3. yaw β = arctan ⁡ ( 2 ( q 1 q 2 + q 0 q 3 ) q 1 2 + q 0 2 − q 3 2 − q 2 2 ) \beta =\arctan(\cfrac{2(q_1 q_2 + q_0 q_3)}{q_1^2 + q_0^2 - q_3^2 - q_2^2}) β=arctan(q12+q02q32q222(q1q2+q0q3))

2.3 【代码】Fusion AHRS algorithm

  • 【相同】roll 方向: γ \gamma γ
  • 【相同】pitch 方向: α \alpha α
  • 【相同】yaw方向: β \beta β


440 /**
441  * @brief Converts a quaternion to ZYX Euler angles in degrees.
442  * @param quaternion Quaternion.
443  * @return Euler angles in degrees.
444  */
445 static inline FusionEuler FusionQuaternionToEuler(const FusionQuaternion quaternion) {
446 #define Q quaternion.element
447     const float halfMinusQySquared = 0.5f - Q.y * Q.y; // calculate common terms to avoid repeated operations
448     FusionEuler euler;
449     euler.angle.roll = FusionRadiansToDegrees(atan2f(Q.w * Q.x + Q.y * Q.z, halfMinusQySquared - Q.x * Q.x));
450     euler.angle.pitch = FusionRadiansToDegrees(FusionAsin(2.0f * (Q.w * Q.y - Q.z * Q.x)));
451     euler.angle.yaw = FusionRadiansToDegrees(atan2f(Q.w * Q.z + Q.x * Q.y, halfMinusQySquared - Q.z * Q.z));
452     return euler;
453 #undef Q
454 }


  • Q.w: q 0 q_0 q0
  • Q.x: q 1 q_1 q1
  • Q.y: q 2 q_2 q2
  • Q.z: q 3 q_3 q3

2.4 【代码】BetaFlight

  • 【相同】roll 方向: γ \gamma γ
  • 【相同】pitch 方向: α ′ = π / 2 − α \alpha\rq =\pi/2 - \alpha α=π/2α
  • 【相同】yaw方向: β \beta β


STATIC_UNIT_TESTED void imuUpdateEulerAngles(void)
    quaternionProducts buffer;

       imuQuaternionComputeProducts(&headfree, &buffer);

       attitude.values.roll = lrintf(atan2_approx((+2.0f * (buffer.wx + buffer.yz)), (+1.0f - 2.0f * (buffer.xx + buffer.yy))) * (1800.0f / M_PIf));
       attitude.values.pitch = lrintf(((0.5f * M_PIf) - acos_approx(+2.0f * (buffer.wy - buffer.xz))) * (1800.0f / M_PIf));
       attitude.values.yaw = lrintf((-atan2_approx((+2.0f * (buffer.wz + buffer.xy)), (+1.0f - 2.0f * (buffer.yy + buffer.zz))) * (1800.0f / M_PIf)));
    } else {
       attitude.values.roll = lrintf(atan2_approx(rMat[2][1], rMat[2][2]) * (1800.0f / M_PIf));
       attitude.values.pitch = lrintf(((0.5f * M_PIf) - acos_approx(-rMat[2][0])) * (1800.0f / M_PIf));
       attitude.values.yaw = lrintf((-atan2_approx(rMat[1][0], rMat[0][0]) * (1800.0f / M_PIf)));

    if (attitude.values.yaw < 0) {
        attitude.values.yaw += 3600;

2.5 补充信息

2.5.1 Body 3-2-1 sequence with Euler angles

  • 【相同】roll 方向: γ \gamma γ
  • 【相同】pitch 方向: α \alpha α
  • 【相同】yaw方向: β \beta β

Wiki, Body 3-2-1 sequence with Euler angles

Wiki Conversion_between_quaternions_and_Euler_angles给出的不同的转换顺序,其Roll和Pitch正负关系和程序方向一致,但是Yaw正负反向。

2.5.2 Quaternion to Euler angles conversion

  • 【相同】roll 方向: γ \gamma γ
  • 【相同】pitch 方向: α \alpha α
  • 【相同】yaw方向: β \beta β
    Wiki, Quaternion to Euler angles conversion
    注:主要来自文献: Blanco, Jose-Luis (2010). “A tutorial on se (3) transformation parameterizations and on-manifold optimization”. University of Malaga, Tech. Rep. CiteSeerX

3. 欧拉角初始化四元数

3.1 【推导】欧拉角旋转


  1. 飞机在滑行到跑道时首先进行偏航(机身-Z)转弯
  2. 然后在起飞时进行俯仰(机身-Y)
  3. 最后在空中滚动(机身-X)


Q → = [ c o s β 2 0 0 s i n β 2 ] [ c o s α 2 0 s i n α 2 0 ] [ c o s γ 2 s i n γ 2 0 0 ] = [ c o s γ 2 c o s α 2 c o s β 2 + s i n γ 2 s i n α 2 s i n β 2 s i n γ 2 c o s α 2 c o s β 2 − c o s γ 2 s i n α 2 s i n β 2 c o s γ 2 s i n α 2 c o s β 2 + s i n γ 2 c o s α 2 s i n β 2 c o s γ 2 c o s α 2 s i n β 2 − s i n γ 2 s i n α 2 c o s β 2 ] \overrightarrow{Q} = \begin{bmatrix} cos \cfrac{\beta}{2} \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ sin \cfrac{\beta}{2} \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} cos \cfrac{\alpha}{2} \\ 0 \\ sin \cfrac{\alpha}{2} \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} cos \cfrac{\gamma}{2} \\ sin \cfrac{\gamma}{2} \\ 0 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} cos \cfrac{\gamma}{2} cos \cfrac{\alpha}{2}cos \cfrac{\beta}{2} + sin \cfrac{\gamma}{2} sin \cfrac{\alpha}{2} sin \cfrac{\beta}{2}\\ sin \cfrac{\gamma}{2} cos \cfrac{\alpha}{2}cos \cfrac{\beta}{2} - cos \cfrac{\gamma}{2} sin \cfrac{\alpha}{2} sin \cfrac{\beta}{2}\\ cos \cfrac{\gamma}{2} sin \cfrac{\alpha}{2} cos \cfrac{\beta}{2} + sin \cfrac{\gamma}{2} cos \cfrac{\alpha}{2} sin \cfrac{\beta}{2}\\ cos \cfrac{\gamma}{2} cos \cfrac{\alpha}{2} sin \cfrac{\beta}{2} - sin \cfrac{\gamma}{2} sin \cfrac{\alpha}{2} cos \cfrac{\beta}{2} \end{bmatrix} Q = cos2β00sin2β cos2α0sin2α0 cos2γsin2γ00 = cos2γcos2αcos2β+sin2γsin2αsin2βsin2γcos2αcos2βcos2γsin2αsin2βcos2γsin2αcos2β+sin2γcos2αsin2βcos2γcos2αsin2βsin2γsin2αcos2β

3.2 【代码】BetaFlight


static void imuComputeQuaternionFromRPY(quaternionProducts *quatProd, int16_t initialRoll, int16_t initialPitch, int16_t initialYaw)
    if (initialRoll > 1800) {
        initialRoll -= 3600;

    if (initialPitch > 1800) {
        initialPitch -= 3600;

    if (initialYaw > 1800) {
        initialYaw -= 3600;

    const float cosRoll = cos_approx(DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(initialRoll) * 0.5f);
    const float sinRoll = sin_approx(DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(initialRoll) * 0.5f);

    const float cosPitch = cos_approx(DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(initialPitch) * 0.5f);
    const float sinPitch = sin_approx(DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(initialPitch) * 0.5f);

    const float cosYaw = cos_approx(DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(-initialYaw) * 0.5f);
    const float sinYaw = sin_approx(DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(-initialYaw) * 0.5f);

    const float q0 = cosRoll * cosPitch * cosYaw + sinRoll * sinPitch * sinYaw;
    const float q1 = sinRoll * cosPitch * cosYaw - cosRoll * sinPitch * sinYaw;
    const float q2 = cosRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw + sinRoll * cosPitch * sinYaw;
    const float q3 = cosRoll * cosPitch * sinYaw - sinRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw;

    quatProd->xx = sq(q1);
    quatProd->yy = sq(q2);
    quatProd->zz = sq(q3);

    quatProd->xy = q1 * q2;
    quatProd->xz = q1 * q3;
    quatProd->yz = q2 * q3;

    quatProd->wx = q0 * q1;
    quatProd->wy = q0 * q2;
    quatProd->wz = q0 * q3;


    attitudeIsEstablished = true;

4. 四元数初始化姿态矩阵

4.1 【定义】姿态矩阵


C b R = [ q 1 2 + q 0 2 − q 3 2 − q 2 2 2 ( q 1 q 2 − q 0 q 3 ) 2 ( q 1 q 3 + q 0 q 2 ) 2 ( q 1 q 2 + q 0 q 3 ) q 2 2 − q 3 2 + q 0 2 − q 1 2 2 ( q 2 q 3 − q 0 q 1 ) 2 ( q 1 q 3 − q 0 q 2 ) 2 ( q 2 q 3 + q 0 q 1 ) q 3 2 − q 2 2 − q 1 2 + q 0 2 ] C_b^R=\begin{bmatrix} q_1^2 + q_0^2 - q_3^2 - q_2^2 & 2(q_1 q_2 - q_0 q_3) & 2 (q_1 q_3 + q_0 q_2) \\ 2(q_1 q_2 + q_0 q_3) & q_2^2 - q_3^2 + q_0^2 - q_1^2 & 2(q_2 q_3 - q_0 q_1) \\ 2(q_1 q_3 - q_0 q_2) & 2(q_2 q_3 + q_0 q_1) & q_3^2 - q_2^2 - q_1^2 + q_0^2 \end{bmatrix} CbR= q12+q02q32q222(q1q2+q0q3)2(q1q3q0q2)2(q1q2q0q3)q22q32+q02q122(q2q3+q0q1)2(q1q3+q0q2)2(q2q3q0q1)q32q22q12+q02

4.2 【代码】BetaFlight


STATIC_UNIT_TESTED void imuComputeRotationMatrix(void){
    imuQuaternionComputeProducts(&q, &qP);

    rMat[0][0] = 1.0f - 2.0f * qP.yy - 2.0f * qP.zz;
    rMat[0][1] = 2.0f * (qP.xy + -qP.wz);
    rMat[0][2] = 2.0f * (qP.xz - -qP.wy);

    rMat[1][0] = 2.0f * (qP.xy - -qP.wz);
    rMat[1][1] = 1.0f - 2.0f * qP.xx - 2.0f * qP.zz;
    rMat[1][2] = 2.0f * (qP.yz + -qP.wx);

    rMat[2][0] = 2.0f * (qP.xz + -qP.wy);
    rMat[2][1] = 2.0f * (qP.yz - -qP.wx);
    rMat[2][2] = 1.0f - 2.0f * qP.xx - 2.0f * qP.yy;

#if defined(SIMULATOR_BUILD) && !defined(USE_IMU_CALC) && !defined(SET_IMU_FROM_EULER)
    rMat[1][0] = -2.0f * (qP.xy - -qP.wz);
    rMat[2][0] = -2.0f * (qP.xz + -qP.wy);

5. 【BetaFlight】MahonyAHRS



 └──> imuCalculateEstimatedAttitude
     ├──> [Gyro & Acc update]
     ├──> [Mag update]
     ├──> imuMahonyAHRSupdate  //基于惯性测量单元(IMU)的方向余弦矩阵(DCM)理论
     └──> imuUpdateEulerAngles  //根据四元数计算姿态角,详见章节四


 ├──> static float integralFBx = 0.0f,  integralFBy = 0.0f, integralFBz = 0.0f    // integral error terms scaled by Ki
 ├──> const float spin_rate = sqrtf(sq(gx) + sq(gy) + sq(gz))  // Calculate general spin rate (rad/s)
 ├──> float ex = 0, ey = 0, ez = 0  // Use raw heading error (from GPS or whatever else)
--- 1.根据GPS的 course over ground计算误差 ---
 ├──> <useCOG>
 │   ├──> <while (courseOverGround >  M_PIf>
 │   │   └──> courseOverGround -= (2.0f * M_PIf)
 │   ├──> <while (courseOverGround < -M_PIf>
 │   │   └──> courseOverGround += (2.0f * M_PIf)
 │   ├──> const float ez_ef = (- sin_approx(courseOverGround) * rMat[0][0] - cos_approx(courseOverGround) * rMat[1][0])
 │   ├──> ex = rMat[2][0] * ez_ef
 │   ├──> ey = rMat[2][1] * ez_ef
 │   └──> ez = rMat[2][2] * ez_ef
--- 2. 使用磁力计计算误差 ---
 ├──> <USE_MAG><useMag && recipMagNorm > 0.01f> // For magnetometer correction we make an assumption that magnetic field is perpendicular to gravity (ignore Z-component in EF). This way magnetic field will only affect heading and wont mess roll/pitch angles
 │   ├──> float mx = mag.magADC[X]
 │   ├──> float my = mag.magADC[Y]
 │   ├──> float mz = mag.magADC[Z]
 │   ├──> float recipMagNorm = sq(mx) + sq(my) + sq(mz)  // Use measured magnetic field vector
 │   ├──> recipMagNorm = invSqrt(recipMagNorm)  // Normalise magnetometer measurement
 │   ├──> mx *= recipMagNorm
 │   ├──> my *= recipMagNorm
 │   ├──> mz *= recipMagNorm
 │   ├──> const float hx = rMat[0][0] * mx + rMat[0][1] * my + rMat[0][2] * mz   // (hx hy 0) - measured mag field vector in EF (assuming Z-component is zero)
 │   ├──> const float hy = rMat[1][0] * mx + rMat[1][1] * my + rMat[1][2] * mz
 │   ├──> const float bx = sqrtf(hx * hx + hy * hy)  // (bx 0 0) - reference mag field vector heading due North in EF (assuming Z-component is zero)
 │   ├──> const float ez_ef = -(hy * bx)   // magnetometer error is cross product between estimated magnetic north and measured magnetic north (calculated in EF)
 │   ├──> ex += rMat[2][0] * ez_ef  // Rotate mag error vector back to BF and accumulate
 │   ├──> ey += rMat[2][1] * ez_ef
 │   └──> ez += rMat[2][2] * ez_ef
--- 3.根据加速度计计算误差 ---
 ├──> <useAcc && recipAccNorm > 0.01f>  // Use measured acceleration vector
 │   ├──> float recipAccNorm = sq(ax) + sq(ay) + sq(az)
 │   ├──> recipAccNorm = invSqrt(recipAccNorm)   // Normalise accelerometer measurement
 │   ├──> ax *= recipAccNorm
 │   ├──> ay *= recipAccNorm
 │   ├──> az *= recipAccNorm
 │   ├──> ex += (ay * rMat[2][2] - az * rMat[2][1])  // Error is sum of cross product between estimated direction and measured direction of gravity
 │   ├──> ey += (az * rMat[2][0] - ax * rMat[2][2])
 │   └──> ez += (ax * rMat[2][1] - ay * rMat[2][0])
--- 4. PI反馈控制 ---
 ├──> <imuRuntimeConfig.dcm_ki > 0.0f>  // Compute and apply integral feedback if enabled
 │   └──> <spin_rate < DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(SPIN_RATE_LIMIT)>   // Stop integrating if spinning beyond the certain limit
 │       ├──> const float dcmKiGain = imuRuntimeConfig.dcm_ki
 │       ├──> integralFBx += dcmKiGain * ex * dt    // integral error scaled by Ki
 │       ├──> integralFBy += dcmKiGain * ey * dt
 │       └──> integralFBz += dcmKiGain * ez * dt
 ├──> <else> // prevent integral windup
 │   ├──> integralFBx = 0.0f    
 │   ├──> integralFBy = 0.0f
 │   └──> integralFBz = 0.0f
 ├──> [Apply proportional and integral feedback]
 │   ├──> gx += dcmKpGain * ex + integralFBx 
 │   ├──> gy += dcmKpGain * ey + integralFBy
 │   └──> gz += dcmKpGain * ez + integralFBz
--- 5. 计算新四元数(定时采样增量法) ---
 ├──> [Integrate rate of change of quaternion]
 │   ├──> gx *= (0.5f * dt)
 │   ├──> gy *= (0.5f * dt)
 │   └──> gz *= (0.5f * dt)
 ├──> quaternion buffer
 ├──> buffer.w = q.w
 ├──> buffer.x = q.x
 ├──> buffer.y = q.y
 ├──> buffer.z = q.z
 ├──> q.w += (-buffer.x * gx - buffer.y * gy - buffer.z * gz)
 ├──> q.x += (+buffer.w * gx + buffer.y * gz - buffer.z * gy)
 ├──> q.y += (+buffer.w * gy - buffer.x * gz + buffer.z * gx)
 ├──> q.z += (+buffer.w * gz + buffer.x * gy - buffer.y * gx)
--- 重新归一化四元数 ---
 ├──> [Normalise quaternion]
 │   ├──> float recipNorm = invSqrt(sq(q.w) + sq(q.x) + sq(q.y) + sq(q.z))
 │   ├──> q.w *= recipNorm
 │   ├──> q.x *= recipNorm
 │   ├──> q.y *= recipNorm
 │   └──> q.z *= recipNorm
--- 重新计算飞控姿态矩阵 ---
 ├──> imuComputeRotationMatrix()  // Pre-compute rotation matrix from quaternion
 └──> attitudeIsEstablished = true

我们将结合William Premerlani和Paul Bizard的direction-cosine-matrix-imu-theory来分析下这段代码,期望能够获得比较好的理解。

5.1 GPS方向误差修正

根据William Premerlani和Paul Bizard的direction-cosine-matrix-imu-theory,可以看到:

  1. YawCorrectionGround公式有出入???
  2. YawCorrectionPlane公式一致

注:实际过程发现William Premerlani和Paul Bizard的direction-cosine-matrix-imu-theory和这部分代码也有一定差距,后续还需要 进一步深入研究。对于有了解的同学也请评论留言,以便我们更快的修正稳重描述。


--- 1.根据GPS的 course over ground计算误差 ---
 ├──> <useCOG>
 │   ├──> <while (courseOverGround >  M_PIf>
 │   │   └──> courseOverGround -= (2.0f * M_PIf)
 │   ├──> <while (courseOverGround < -M_PIf>
 │   │   └──> courseOverGround += (2.0f * M_PIf)
 │   ├──> const float ez_ef = (- sin_approx(courseOverGround) * rMat[0][0] - cos_approx(courseOverGround) * rMat[1][0])
 │   ├──> ex = rMat[2][0] * ez_ef
 │   ├──> ey = rMat[2][1] * ez_ef
 │   └──> ez = rMat[2][2] * ez_ef

GPS error

5.2 磁力计误差修正

在William Premerlani和Paul Bizard的direction-cosine-matrix-imu-theory没有找到对应的计算公式。


  • Step1: 获取芯片地磁采集数据:
    M → = [ m x m y m z ] \overrightarrow{M} = \begin{bmatrix} m_x \\ m_y \\ m_z \end{bmatrix} M = mxmymz

  • Step 2:归一化矢量

  • Step 3:根据飞控姿态,旋转地磁矢量
    H → = [ h x h y h z ] \overrightarrow{H} = \begin{bmatrix} h_x \\ h_y \\ h_z \end{bmatrix} H = hxhyhz

  • Step4:计算指北矢量(考虑地球磁场模型,且忽略z轴方向)
    B → = [ b x 0 0 ] \overrightarrow{B} = \begin{bmatrix} b_x \\ 0 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} B = bx00

  • Step5:地磁误差为计算的指北矢量与实际地磁指向矢量叉乘结果
    $\overrightarrow{Err} = \overrightarrow{H} \times \overrightarrow{B} = \begin{bmatrix}
    h_x \
    h_y \
    b_x \
    0 \
    \end{bmatrix} $

  • Step6:套用前面的矢量叉乘公式

( H → × B → ) x = H y B z − H z B y = 0 (\overrightarrow{H} \times \overrightarrow{B} )_x = H_yB_z - H_zB_y = 0 (H ×B )x=HyBzHzBy=0
( H → × B → ) y = H z B x − H x B z = 0 (\overrightarrow{H} \times \overrightarrow{B} )_y = H_zB_x - H_xB_z = 0 (H ×B )y=HzBxHxBz=0
( H → × B → ) z = H x B y − H y B x = − h y b x (\overrightarrow{H} \times \overrightarrow{B} )_z = H_xB_y - H_yB_x = -h_yb_x (H ×B )z=HxByHyBx=hybx

  • Step7:最后误差旋转到机体坐标系。
--- 2. 使用磁力计计算误差 ---
 ├──> <USE_MAG><useMag && recipMagNorm > 0.01f> // For magnetometer correction we make an assumption that magnetic field is perpendicular to gravity (ignore Z-component in EF). This way magnetic field will only affect heading and wont mess roll/pitch angles
 │   ├──> float mx = mag.magADC[X]
 │   ├──> float my = mag.magADC[Y]
 │   ├──> float mz = mag.magADC[Z]
 │   ├──> float recipMagNorm = sq(mx) + sq(my) + sq(mz)  // Use measured magnetic field vector
 │   ├──> recipMagNorm = invSqrt(recipMagNorm)  // Normalise magnetometer measurement
 │   ├──> mx *= recipMagNorm
 │   ├──> my *= recipMagNorm
 │   ├──> mz *= recipMagNorm
 │   ├──> const float hx = rMat[0][0] * mx + rMat[0][1] * my + rMat[0][2] * mz   // (hx hy 0) - measured mag field vector in EF (assuming Z-component is zero)
 │   ├──> const float hy = rMat[1][0] * mx + rMat[1][1] * my + rMat[1][2] * mz
 │   ├──> const float bx = sqrtf(hx * hx + hy * hy)  // (bx 0 0) - reference mag field vector heading due North in EF (assuming Z-component is zero)
 │   ├──> const float ez_ef = -(hy * bx)   // magnetometer error is cross product between estimated magnetic north and measured magnetic north (calculated in EF)
 │   ├──> ex += rMat[2][0] * ez_ef  // Rotate mag error vector back to BF and accumulate
 │   ├──> ey += rMat[2][1] * ez_ef
 │   └──> ez += rMat[2][2] * ez_ef

5.3 加速度误差修正

根据William Premerlani和Paul Bizard的direction-cosine-matrix-imu-theory和矢量叉乘计算方法可以活的如下计算公式。

--- 3.根据加速度计计算误差 ---
 ├──> <useAcc && recipAccNorm > 0.01f>  // Use measured acceleration vector
 │   ├──> float recipAccNorm = sq(ax) + sq(ay) + sq(az)
 │   ├──> recipAccNorm = invSqrt(recipAccNorm)   // Normalise accelerometer measurement
 │   ├──> ax *= recipAccNorm
 │   ├──> ay *= recipAccNorm
 │   ├──> az *= recipAccNorm
 │   ├──> ex += (ay * rMat[2][2] - az * rMat[2][1])  // Error is sum of cross product between estimated direction and measured direction of gravity
 │   ├──> ey += (az * rMat[2][0] - ax * rMat[2][2])
 │   └──> ez += (ax * rMat[2][1] - ay * rMat[2][0])


acc error

5.4 PI反馈控制

在William Premerlani和Paul Bizard的direction-cosine-matrix-imu-theory里面没有比较详细的介绍。

--- 4. PI反馈控制 ---
 ├──> <imuRuntimeConfig.dcm_ki > 0.0f>  // Compute and apply integral feedback if enabled
 │   └──> <spin_rate < DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(SPIN_RATE_LIMIT)>   // Stop integrating if spinning beyond the certain limit
 │       ├──> const float dcmKiGain = imuRuntimeConfig.dcm_ki
 │       ├──> integralFBx += dcmKiGain * ex * dt    // integral error scaled by Ki
 │       ├──> integralFBy += dcmKiGain * ey * dt
 │       └──> integralFBz += dcmKiGain * ez * dt
 ├──> <else> // prevent integral windup
 │   ├──> integralFBx = 0.0f    
 │   ├──> integralFBy = 0.0f
 │   └──> integralFBz = 0.0f
 ├──> [Apply proportional and integral feedback]
 │   ├──> gx += dcmKpGain * ex + integralFBx 
 │   ├──> gy += dcmKpGain * ey + integralFBy
 │   └──> gz += dcmKpGain * ez + integralFBz

5.5 毕卡算法(一阶定时采样增量法)

--- 5. 计算新四元数(定时采样增量法) ---
 ├──> [Integrate rate of change of quaternion]
 │   ├──> gx *= (0.5f * dt)
 │   ├──> gy *= (0.5f * dt)
 │   └──> gz *= (0.5f * dt)
 ├──> quaternion buffer
 ├──> buffer.w = q.w
 ├──> buffer.x = q.x
 ├──> buffer.y = q.y
 ├──> buffer.z = q.z
 ├──> q.w += (-buffer.x * gx - buffer.y * gy - buffer.z * gz)
 ├──> q.x += (+buffer.w * gx + buffer.y * gz - buffer.z * gy)
 ├──> q.y += (+buffer.w * gy - buffer.x * gz + buffer.z * gx)
 ├──> q.z += (+buffer.w * gz + buffer.x * gy - buffer.y * gx)


6. 参考资料


7. 补充:基于惯性测量单元(IMU)的方向余弦矩阵(DCM)理论


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