
20、 项目经理正在谋求与关键相关方一起验证某项目是否符合公司战略,但其中的几位相关方却一再拒绝开会请求。项目经理接下来应该如何进行该验证工作?
The project manager is seeking to verify with key stakeholders whether a project meets the company's strategy. However, several of the parties involved have repeatedly refused to meet requests. How should the project manager carry out the verification work next?

 A : 将该问题上报给项目发起人,说明某些相关方在忽视开会请求 Report the issue to the project sponsor, indicating that some parties are ignoring the meeting request

 B :通过电子邮件或电话单独与未参会的相关方开展项目验证工作 Verify the project with the non-participating parties individually by email or phone

 C :更新风险登记册,将未参与该验证工作的相关方的姓名记入其中 Update the risk register to include the names of interested parties not involved in the verification exercise

 D :仅与参会的相关方举行验证会议 Validation meetings will be held only with participating parties

正确答案:A 你的答案:B


22、 你是这个项目的产品负责人,在当前的冲刺阶段,你正在按照价值对各种用户故事进行分类。在当前的冲刺中,一个关键的相关方来找你,要求你增加一个被客户认为不必要的功能。作为一个敏捷实践者,最好的办法是什么?
You are the product owner for this project, and in the current sprint, you are categorizing various user stories by value. In the current sprint, a key stakeholder comes to you and asks you to add a feature that the client considers unnecessary. What's the best way to be an agile practitioner?

 A :告诉敏捷项目经理,让他们向团队传递信息。 Tell the agile project manager and let them pass the message to the team.

 B :告诉关键相关方,最好的办法是在下次冲刺计划会议上提出来,到时再讨论。 Tell key stakeholders that the best approach is to bring it up at the next sprint planning meeting and discuss it later.

 C :召开团队会议,解释你在冲刺中期要增加一个增量。 Hold a team meeting and explain that you are going to add an increment in the middle of the sprint.

 D : 向相关方解释,这个功能将被放在积压的后面,以便将来可能重新审视,但现在客户认为它没有价值。 Explain to interested parties that this feature will be placed at the back of the backlog for possible revisiting in the future, but for now customers see it as having no value.

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:《敏捷实践指南》P52 知识点:产品待办事项列表;关键词:被客户认为不必要的功能;当需求客户认为没有价值的时候仍然可以放在产品待办事项列表中,但是优先级会比较低,会放到后面。而产品负责人对产品待办事项列表有管理权,所以D选项正确。 A,这里无需向敏捷团队传递什么信息;B,敏捷中变更可以随时提出,无需等待特定的实践;C,敏捷中不能向冲刺内添加内容。

23、 一个项目主要里程碑的期限是一周,由于健康问题,实施可交付成果的关键资源无法工作三天时间。由于对客户的承诺,项目发起人不接受任何里程碑变更。 项目经理应该做什么?
The main milestone of a project is one week, and due to health issues, the key resources for implementing deliverable cannot work for three days. Due to the commitment to the client, the project sponsor does not accept any milestone changes.What should the project manager do?

 A :向客户解释该情况,并要求延期 Explain the situation to the customer and request an extension

 B :使用应急储备来增加一位新团队成员 Use emergency reserves to add a new team member

 C : 优化项目进度计划中的时间提前量和滞后量 Optimize the amount of time advance and lag in the project schedule

 D :要求该关键资源加班完成任务 Require this key resource to work overtime to complete the task

正确答案:C 你的答案:B


26、 政府发起了一个建设新公路的项目,任命的项目经理告知相关方项目章程已批准。项目经理正在制定项目管理计划,这时收到环境组织发来的电子邮件,询问项目的目标和开始日期。若要处理这种情况,项目经理应该做什么?
The government initiated a project to build a new highway, and the appointed project manager informed the parties that the project charter had been approved. The project manager is working on a project management plan when he receives an email from the environmental organization asking about the project's goals and start date. To deal with this situation, what should the project manager do?

 A : 执行相关方分析并与相关方进行沟通 Perform stakeholder analysis and communicate with stakeholders

 B :回复电子邮件,并提供了所请求的信息 Reply to the email and provide the requested information

 C :与相关方和团队进行头脑风暴会议 Brainstorm meetings with stakeholders and teams

 D :相应地更新沟通管理计划 Update the communication management plan accordingly

正确答案:A 你的答案:D


28、 项目发起人要求在某个特定日期之前交付项目,以满足强制性法规要求,未能满足此时间范围则意味着组织可能会产生罚款的风险。在执行阶段,项目经理识别到一些额外需求,这些需求将会导致项目的交付日期延迟几个月时间。项目经理应该做什么?
The project sponsor requires delivery of the project by a specific date to meet mandatory regulatory requirements, and failure to meet this time frame means the organization risks a possible penalty. During the execution phase, the project manager identifies additional requirements that will cause the project delivery date to be delayed by several months. What should a project manager do?

 A : 与项目团队一起分析影响,以便与项目发起人讨论方案 Work with the project team to analyze the impact in order to discuss the case with the project sponsor

 B :更新项目进度计划以包含额外工作 Update the project schedule to include additional work

 C :拒绝额外需求并坚持按时交付的进度计划 Reject additional requirements and stick to a schedule for delivery on time

 D :让法律团队参与,并记录应对措施,以减少对组织的负面影响 Involve the legal team and document responses to minimize negative impact on the organization

正确答案:A 你的答案:D


31、 某供应商联系项目经理,解释说由于台风破坏了他们的制造工厂,他们无法交付一个至关重要的项目组件,合同涉及保密条款和不可抗力条款。项目经理该做什么?
A supplier contacted the project manager to explain that they were unable to deliver a vital component of the project due to typhoon damage to their manufacturing plant and that the contract involved confidentiality and force majeure clauses. What should a project manager do?

 A : 启动索赔调查 Initiate a claim investigation

 B :修订风险管理计划 Revise the risk management plan

 C :根据合同处罚供应商 Punish the supplier according to the contract

 D :根据合同避免处罚供应商 Avoid punishing suppliers according to the contract

正确答案:A 你的答案:D


43、 项目经理A和B正在独立执行项目,他们依赖相同的关键资源来实现下一个可交付成果,两位项目经理都在尝试为他们的团队获得该资源。项目经理A下一步应该做什么?
Project managers A and B are independently executing projects that rely on the same critical resources for their next deliverable. Both project managers are trying to secure this resource for their teams. What should project Manager A do next?

 A :将该关键资源添加到项目 A 的资源管理计划中 Add this critical resource to the resource management plan for Project A

 B :将该资源的时间平均分配给项目A和B Divide the time of the resource equally between projects A and B

 C :询问该关键资源哪个项目优先 Ask which project of the key resource takes priority

 D : 请求与项目经理B召开调解会议 Request a mediation meeting with Project Manager B

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P332, 人际关系与团队技能-谈判。两位项目经理对同一个资源的有同样的需求,这个时候通过谈判来获取。选项ABC属于谈判后可能的结果,在D之后。

44、 在控制项目工作的同时,团队发现进度绩效指数(SPI)为0.8,成本绩效指数(CPI)为0.95。如果该项目的进度计划是优先事项,且没有其他可用资源,项目经理应该做什么?
While controlling project work, the team found that the progress performance index (SPI) was 0.8 and the cost performance index (CPI) was 0.95. If the project schedule is a priority and no other resources are available, what should the project manager do?

 A :使用赶工 Use the crush

 B : 使用快速跟进 Use quick follow up

 C :使用资源平衡 Use resource balance

 D :使用资源平滑 Using resource smoothing

正确答案:B 你的答案:D


56、 一家公司正在为处于不同国家的几家分支机构部署新的战略利益解决方案。安装该解决方案的团队中受过专门培训的资源有限,无法并行管理多个部署。第一个国家的部署项目抵迟,现在与下一个国家的部署同步进行。项目经理宣布,由于缺乏资源,所有国家的部署都将推迟。若要避免这种情况,项目经理事先应该做什么?
A company is deploying new strategic interest solutions for several branches in different countries. The team that installed the solution had the trained resources to manage multiple deployments in parallel. Deployment to the first country arrived late and is now paired with deployment to the next country. The project manager announced that deployments would be delayed in all countries due to lack of resources. To avoid this, what should the project manager do beforehand?

 A :更密切地监控第一个国家部署的进度,并告知所有相关方 Monitor the progress of the first country deployment more closely and inform all interested parties

 B :要求每个国家提供额外预算,以便为部署雇佣高级资源 Each country is required to provide an additional budget to hire high-level resources for deployment

 C : 在团队中包含额外资源,让他们可以接受产品培训并能够部署产品 Include additional resources in the team so they can train for the product and be able to deploy the product

 D :查看每个分支机构的需求优先级,并与他们一起制定新的部署进度计划 Review the requirements priorities of each branch and work with them to develop a new deployment schedule

正确答案:C 你的答案:D


86、 一位项目经理一直在管理一个高度复杂的项目。该项目经理已经确保了所有要求的任务都已完成。在最近的一次外部审计中,项目经理被告知该项目因最新实施的模块而被征收重罚。项目经理应该做什么来确保最近的实施没有产生任何责任?<br/>A project manager has been managing a highly complex project. The project manager has ensured that all required tasks have been completed. In a recent external audit, the project manager was informed that the project had been levied heavy fines for the newly implemented modules. What should the project manager do to ensure that no liability has arisen from the most recent implementation?

 A : 确保根据组织程序收到所有需要的批准。 Ensure all required approvals are received in accordance with organizational procedures.

 B :确保范围内确定的所有必要的任务都顺利完成。 Ensure that all necessary tasks identified within the scope are successfully completed

 C :确保在测试期间发现的所有缺陷在实施前得到解决。 Make sure that all defects discovered during testing are resolved before implementation.

 D :确保所有的文件在实施后完成,然后关闭项目。 Make sure all documentation is complete after implementation, then close the project.

正确答案:A 你的答案:C


113、 一个成员来自许多不同国家的项目团队正在努力进行合作。项目经理在团队发展的冲刺阶段接受了这些困难,但团队还没有进入下一个阶段。该项目开始落后于计划。项目经理可以做什么来使团队进入规范化阶段?
A project team with members from many different countries is working hard to collaborate. The project manager accepts these difficulties during the sprint phase of team development, but the team has not yet moved to the next stage. The project started to fall behind schedule. What can a project manager do to bring the team into the normalization phase?

 A :向团队展示他们的沟通问题对进度的影响,鼓励他们把他们的分歧放在一边。 Show the team the impact of their communication issues on progress, encouraging them to put their differences aside

 B :与项目发起人讨论改变团队的组成。 Discuss changing the composition of the team with the project sponsor.

 C :弄清楚谁是这些问题的幕后推手,并采用渐进式的纪律处分技术。 Figure out who is behind these issues and employ incremental disciplinary techniques.

 D : 计划团建活动,以帮助促进更强大的人际关系和确定共同的目标。 Plan team building activities to help foster stronger relationships and identify shared goals

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: 人际关系与团队技能-团队建设 PMBOK6th 第341页 从题干的描述可以看出,项目经理希望使团队进入规范化阶段,因此是在执行建设团队的过程。建设团队过程中使用团队建设的技术可以强化团队的社交关系,打造积极合作的工作环境,推动团队进入协同工作、互相信任的规范阶段。所以选项D是本题的正确答案。 选项A,仅是展示问题和鼓励,并不能解决团队实际问题,仆人式领导应该更加积极、主动地帮助团队解决困难、服务团队; 选项B,团队内部问题不应随意寻求发起人的帮助; 选项C,仆人式领导是通过对团队服务来领导团队 的实践,它注重理解和关注团队成员的需要和发展,而不是团队绩效不佳就给予惩罚。

125、 最近的燃油税增加直接影响了项目的成本,项目经理之前将该问题识别为风险并将其记录在风险登记册中。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
The recent fuel tax increase has directly affected the cost of the project. The project manager previously identified the problem as a risk and recorded it in the risk register. What should the project manager do next?

 A :分析成本影响,并更新风险评估矩阵 Analyze the cost impact and update the risk assessment matrix

 B : 应用减轻计划,并使用项目的应急资金 Apply the mitigation plan and use the project's contingency funds

 C :重新评估影响,并将结果传达给相关方 Reassess the impact and communicate the results to stakeholders

 D :向发起人请求额外资金 Request additional funds from the initiator

正确答案:B 你的答案:A


151、 您是涉及市场上新技术的IT项目的项目经理。在风险响应规划期间,牢记模糊性风险的数量,您和团队将项目划分为多个阶段,并决定采用构建实际产品原型的方法,并在第一阶段开始执行之前从相关方那里获得建设性的反馈。 在此方案中,原型设计是以下示例:
You are a Project Manager of an IT project that involves new technologies in the market. During risk response planning, keeping the number of ambiguity risks in mind, you and the team divide the project into phases and decide to adopt an approach of building a prototype of the actual product and take constructive feedback from stakeholders before the start of execution of the first phase. Here in this scenario prototyping is an example of:

 A :用于处理机会的风险开拓策略。 Risk Exploitation strategy for handling opportunities.

 B : 用于处理威胁的风险减轻策略。 Risk Mitigation strategy for handling threats.

 C :质量控制策略。 Quality Control Strategy.

 D :滚动式规划 Rolling wave planning.

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P443- 威胁应对策略-减轻 减轻策略可能涉及降低风险的原型开发。歧义风险通常通过探索和实验来处理,其中原型设计就是一个很好的例子。在这里,在此方案中,项目团队正试图通过构建原型将模糊性风险转换为已知-未知。

158、 项目经理将项目章程草案提交给运营经理,运营经理就该项目对团队的影响表达了顾虑,并将所顾虑之事上报给项目发起人。项目经理应更新哪个文件来定义与该投诉相关的活动?
The project manager submits the draft project charter to the operations manager, who expresses concerns about the project's impact on the team and reports those concerns to the project sponsor. Which document should the project manager update to define the activities related to the complaint?

 A :效益管理计划 Benefit Management plan

 B :资源管理计划 Resource management plan

 C : 相关方参与计划 Stakeholders participate in the plan

 D :沟通管理计划 Communication management Plan

正确答案:C 你的答案:A


166、 在一个项目的第三次迭代中,两个现有的团队成员被替换。当项目进入下一个迭代时,团队的速度下降,业绩开始下滑。项目经理应该怎么做?
In the third iteration of a project, two existing team members were replaced. As the project progresses to the next iteration, the team's velocity drops and performance begins to decline. What should a project manager do?

 A :与人力资源部门讨论生产力下降的问题。 Discuss lost productivity with HR.

 B :将这个问题上报给项目发起人。 Escalate this issue to the project sponsor.

 C : 引导团队重新回到组建和震荡阶段。 Guide the team back to the build and shake phase.

 D :召开团队建设活动,解决关键绩效指标(KPI)。 Hold team building activities to address key performance indicators (KPIs).

正确答案:C 你的答案:D


175、 项目经理所效力公司的项目发起人是一名非常忙碌的高管,经常到世界各地出差,项目经理应如何就项目进展情况与该项目发起人沟通?
The project sponsor of the company where the project manager works is a very busy executive who travels frequently around the world. How should the project manager communicate with the project sponsor on the progress of the project?

 A : 定期将项目最新进展情况通过电子邮件发给该项目发起人 Regularly E-mail the project sponsor the latest progress of the project

 B :在该项目发起人提出请求后,随即向其发送项目最新进展情况邮件 After the initiator of the project requests, he/she will be sent an email with the latest progress of the project

 C :在该项目发起人不出差时与其举行面对面的会议 Hold face-to-face meetings with the project sponsor when he is not on a business trip

 D :安排与该项目发起人和项目团队成员举行视频点播会议 Arrange video-on-demand meetings with the project sponsor and project team members

正确答案:A 你的答案:D




1、 项目进度落后了,项目经理观察到,项目团队似乎把大部分时间花在了写文件上,而不是执行项目任务。项目经理应该做什么来帮助确保该团队专注于项目任务?
The project was behind schedule, and the project manager observed that the project team seemed to spend most of their time writing documentation rather than executing project tasks. What should a project manager do to help ensure that the team is focused on project tasks?
 A :把所有的文件活动安排到项目结束时。 Schedule all documentation activities until the end of the project.
 B :指导项目团队完成项目文件活动。 Guide the project team through the project documentation activities.
 C :指派一名团队成员来处理文件活动。 Assign a team member to handle file activity.
 D : 审查和调整适当的项目工件。 Review and adjust appropriate project artifacts.
正确答案:D 你的答案:D
2、 项目经理正在管理的一个跨国产品开发项目具有来自众多国家/地区的相关方,在最近与主要项目发起人举行的进展情况会议上,负责实现产品工业化的提供商惊讶地发现,自从会议以来,某需求已经发生变更,该提供商提出了关于该变更的关键顾虑,并已根据早前的需求大幅增加了资本支出。项目经理本应采取什么的不同措施来避免发生这种情况?
A multinational product development project being managed by the project manager has stakeholders from many countries/regions. In a recent progress meeting with the main project sponsors, the provider responsible for the industrialization of the product was surprised to find out. Since the meeting, a requirement has changed, the provider raised key concerns about the change, and has substantially increased capital expenditures based on earlier requirements. What different measures should the project manager take to avoid this?
 A : 项目经理应针对该变更请求进行详细的相关方分析,并从一开始就让该提供商参与进来,以确保他们的顾虑会得到解决。 The project manager should conduct a detailed stakeholder analysis of the change request and involve the provider from the outset to ensure that their concerns are addressed.
 B :项目经理本不应该邀请该提供商参加进展情况审查会议,因为该提供商仅负责产品工业化事务,而不负责审批需求。 The project manager should not have invited the vendor to the progress review meeting because the vendor is only responsible for product industrialization, not approval requirements.
 C :项目经理本不应该批准会导致项目资本支出增加的需求变更 The project manager should not have approved a change in requirements that would result in an increase in project capital expenditure
 D :项目经理本应要求该供应商不要在进展情况审查会议上提出顾虑,因为这并非适当的场合。 The project manager should have asked the vendor not to raise concerns during the progress review meeting as this was not an appropriate occasion.
正确答案:A 你的答案:A
3、 采购部门需要向全球不同的供应商采购项目所需的各种商品,所有采购订单均己发送给供应商并已按要求处理。项目经理后来收到客户提出的变更请求。由于项目经理未及时通知采购部门,运抵的所有物品都是按原来的需求所提供。 项目经理本应做什么来确保该信息按时通知到采购部门?
A procurement department needs to purchase various goods for a project from different vendors around the world. All purchase orders have been sent to the vendors and processed as required. The project manager then received a change request from the customer. Because the project manager did not inform the procurement department in a timely manner, all the items arrived with the original requirements.What should the project manager have done to ensure the information reached the procurement department on time?
 A :编制一份状态更新报告,并将之发送给所有相关方 Prepared a status update report and sent it to all stakeholders.
 B :直接联系供应商,并将该变更告知他们 Contacted the vendor directly and informed them about the change.
 C : 包括变更控制程序和采购过程的登记 Included a change control procedure,registering the procurement processes.
 D :与项目团队开会讨论该变更,并将之记录在风险管理计划中 Met with the project team to discuss the change and registered it in the risk management
正确答案:C 你的答案:C
4、 一个组织在历史上一直使用预测性方法来执行大多数项目。该组织现在想改变成一个敏捷的方法。哪种策略可以有效地帮助该组织为这种变化做好准备?
An organization has historically used a predictive approach to execute most projects. The organization now wants to change to an agile approach. Which strategy can effectively help the organization prepare for this change?
 A :增加多层次的管理人员,他们将对敏捷的执行负责。 Add multiple levels of managers who will be responsible for agile execution.
 B :采取大爆炸的方式,一次性将整个组织转移到敏捷中 Take the big bang approach and move your entire organization to agile in one go.
 C :建立一个由高管组成的特别小组,每天对敏捷项目进行监控。 Create a special team of executives to monitor agile projects on a daily basis.
 D : 通过解决组织内对敏捷的阻碍来提高组织的准备程度。 Improve organizational readiness by addressing barriers to agile within the organization.
正确答案:D 你的答案:D
解析:知识点出处:“敏捷原则”《敏捷实践指南》第9页 题干问的是从预测型方法转变到敏捷方法需要做什么准备。敏捷方法和预测型方法有许多巨大的差异,例如敏捷方法拥抱变更而传统预测方法更加遵循计划。因此原本使用预测型方法的组织内部存在着不利于敏捷开发的障碍,若要转型敏捷开发,就要消除这些障碍。所以,选项D通过解决组织内部对于敏捷开发的障碍来提高组织的准备程度是正确的方式。 选项A,敏捷第11条原则是自组织团队,自组织团队推崇团队成员自我管理团队,是没有领导的,因此增加多层次的管理人员不符合自组织团队的原则; 选项B,转型到敏捷方法是一个循序渐进的过程,敏捷方法提倡可持续的开发,自组织团队也是一个逐步适应、完善的过程,因此一次性将整个组织转移到敏捷当中是不符合敏捷的原则的; 选项C,与选项A相似,敏捷采用自组织团队,且团队往往由通才型专家组成,由高管组成的特别小组监控敏捷项目明显有悖敏捷原则。
5、 某公司先前没有使用项目管理方法的经验,该公司最近为一个新的项目管理办公室(PMO)聘请了首位项目经理。该公司开展业务已有数年时间,一直在开展竞标工作。项目经理该做什么来评估一个新项目的可行性?
A company with no prior experience with a project management approach recently hired its first project manager for a new project Management Office (PMO). The company has been in business for several years and has been bidding. What should a project manager do to assess the feasibility of a new project?
 A : 审查并分析该公司过去两年的经验教训知识库 Review and analyze the company's knowledge base of lessons learned over the past two years
 B :与负责投标事务的职能经理开会审查当前的管理过程 Meet with the functional manager in charge of the tender to review the current management process
 C :请求项目发起人编制一个项目管理计划模板 Request the project sponsor to create a project management plan template
 D :与财务部门开会分析先前投标的成功之处 Meet with finance to analyze the success of previous bids
正确答案:A 你的答案:A
6、 一位项目经理最近受雇管理一个现有项目,该项目落后于进度,并且几乎没有存储项目文件。新项目经理认识到需要遵守法定要求并为将来的审计做好准备。但团队关注的重点仅在于交付最终结果。项目经理应该如何解决这一冲突?
A project manager was recently hired to manage an existing project that was behind schedule and had few project files stored. The new project manager recognizes the need to comply with statutory requirements and prepare for future audits. But the team's focus is only on delivering the end result. How should the project manager resolve this conflict?
 A :要求团队为将来的审计保留大量文档 Ask the team to keep a lot of documentation for future audits
 B :与将使用该技术的人员开会,以确定哪些关键文档是必要的,并要求团队遵守 Meet with the people who will be using the technology to determine which key documents are necessary and ask the team to comply
 C :保留风险登记册,问题日志和质量测量指标等文件 Maintain risk registers, problem logs and quality measurement indicators
 D : 咨询内部归档专家,以阐明组织内的归档政策,并将这些政策应用于该项目 Consult internal archiving experts to clarify the organization's archiving policies and apply them to the project
正确答案:D 你的答案:D
7、 一个新成立的Scrum开发团队正在为用户故事,测试用例寻找模板。他们应该找谁?
A newly formed Scrum Development team is looking for templates for User stories, test cases. Whom should they approach?
 A : 敏捷 PMO。 Agile PMO.
 B :另一个项目的Scrum 主管。 Scrum Master of another project.
 C :产品负责人。 Product Owner.
 D :质量控制团队。 Quality Control team.
正确答案:A 你的答案:A
8、 某项目正处于其生命周期的中途阶段,它正在预算范围内按进度计划进行。项目经理收到的通知声称,一项新的监管制约因素将会导致该项目的下一阶段发生迟延。 项目经理接下来该做什么?
A project is in the middle of its life cycle and is on schedule within budget. The project manager received a notice stating that a new regulatory constraint would delay the next phase of the project. What should the project manager do next?
 A : 分析对进度计划和预算的影响,并遵循变更请求过程 Analyze the impact on schedule planning and budgeting, and follow the change request process
 B :寻求客户批准,以便变更进度计划 Seek customer approval to change the schedule
 C :分析对进度计划和预算的影响,并要求客户批准这些变更 Analyze the impact on schedule plans and budgets and ask customers to approve these changes
 D :更新进度计划,将该制约因素纳入其中 Update the schedule to include this constraint
正确答案:A 你的答案:A
9、 项目经理正处于一个高度可见的项目的执行阶段,一个重要的里程碑将在三周后到期。项目经理发现供应商为此里程碑的交付将延迟五周。项目经理应该怎么做?
The project manager is in the execution phase of a highly visible project with a major milestone due in three weeks. The project manager found that the supplier's delivery for this milestone would be delayed by five weeks. What should a project manager do?
 A :不要在状态会议上报告这个问题 Do not report this issue in a status meeting
 B : 与团队会面并集思广益并制定解决此问题的方法 Meet with the team and brainstorm and develop a solution to this problem
 C :停止向供应商付款,直到收到可交付成果 Stop paying suppliers until deliverables are received
 D :报告错过的里程碑的状态 Report the status of missed milestones
正确答案:B 你的答案:B
10、 一家公司的项目管理办公室(PMO)已经开始实施迭代工具。一位项目经理正在开始一个新的项目,并发现了一个使用迭代工具的机会。其中一位高级经理对这个修改后的框架感到担忧,因为它对公司来说相当新。项目经理应该先做什么?
One company's project management office (PMO) has begun implementing iterative tools. A project manager is starting a new project and sees an opportunity to use an iterative tool. One of the senior managers was concerned about the revised framework because it was fairly new to the company. What should a project manager do first?
 A :向该高级经理发送关于新框架的优势的文件。 Send the senior manager a document on the benefits of the new framework.
 B :将高级经理的担忧上报给项目发起人,并将状态分发给团队。 Escalate senior manager concerns to project sponsor and distribute status to team.
 C :寻找关于新框架的外部培训,以消除利益相关方的低参与度的风险。 Look for external training on the new framework to eliminate the risk of low stakeholder engagement.
 D : 与利益相关方组织个别会议,以建立对新框架的认识和信任。 Organize individual meetings with stakeholders to build awareness and trust in the new framework.
正确答案:D 你的答案:D
解析:解析:PMBOK- 会议。在敏捷转型的过程中,相关方对新的框架感到担忧是正常的,应该通过沟通,了解相关方的关切点,然后进行解决和建立信任,选项D正确。选项A、C都是具体的解决措施,没有了解相关方担忧的点以及原因是什么就实施措施不合适;选项B,项目经理应先自行尝试沟通解决,不宜直接上报。
11、 项目章程已由所涉及的所有相关方批准。销售部门的一位关键相关方致电项目经理,称不应将其载入相关方登记册。该关键相关方的团队在项目交付前不会开展任何工作。他们没有时间开展与项目相关的工作。项目经理应该做什么?
The project charter has been approved by all parties involved. A key stakeholder in the sales department called the project manager and said he would not win his entry into the relevant stakeholder register. The team of this key stakeholder will not do any work until the project is delivered. They don't have time to work on projects. What should a project manager do?
 A :将该相关方从状态报告分发名单中移除,但仍将其记为原始相关方 Removes the interested party from the status report distribution list but still records it as the original interested party
 B :向该相关方说明,他们的参与度很低,并将其留在相关方登记册中 Explain to the relevant party that their participation is low and leave it in the relevant party register
 C :将该关键相关方的抵制情况告知发起人,并请求其介入 Inform the initiator of the resistance of the key stakeholders and ask them to intervene
 D : 安排与该相关方开会,向其说明其角色,并商定未来向其提供项目状态方面的最新情况 Arrange meetings with the relevant party to explain its role and agree to provide it with future updates on the status of the project
正确答案:D 你的答案:D
12、 一家跨国公司计划将他们的业务扩展到一个新的国家,在那里他们目前还没有业务。一位项目经理被指派来启动这个项目。在审查了商业案例之后,在制定适当的实施策略时,应该首先考虑什么?<br/>A multinational company plans to expand their operations to a new country where they currently do not have operations. A project manager was assigned to start the project. After reviewing the business case, what should be the first consideration when developing an appropriate implementation strategy?
 A : 评估环境和法规因素,确定高层次的风险和假设。 Assess environmental and regulatory factors to identify high-level risks and assumptions.
 B :确保项目发起人在项目期间对项目的可交付成果和时间表达成一致。 Ensure project sponsors agree on project deliverables and timelines during the project.
 C :从新的国家获得项目资源,以减轻不确定性的风险。 Obtain project resources from new countries to mitigate the risk of uncertainty.
 D :识别并密切监测风险,因为公司没有针对这个国家的经验教训。 Identify and closely monitor risks as the company has no lessons for this country.
正确答案:A 你的答案:A
13、 一位项目经理邀请公司CEO、发起人、团队成员和一位外部客户代表参加会议,审查项目管理计划。项目经理开始介绍预算,但CEO突然要求结束会议。项目经理应该怎么做才能避免这种情况?
A project manager invites the company CEO, sponsors, team members, and an external client representative to a meeting to review the project management plan. The project manager begins to present the budget, but the CEO abruptly asks to end the meeting. What should a project manager do to avoid this?
 A :与外部客户代表一起进行根本原因分析,并将分析结果记录在经验教训登记簿上。 Conduct root cause analysis with external client representatives and record the results in a Lessons Learned Register.
 B :在会议之前,先将演示幻灯片发给内部参与者,然后再发给外部客户代表。 Before the meeting, distribute presentation slides to internal participants and then to external account representatives.
 C : 在邀请外部客户代表参加会议之前,与内部参与者和CEO一起审查了成本管理计划。 The cost management plan was reviewed with internal participants and the CEO before inviting external account representatives to the meeting.
 D :在邀请外部客户代表参加会议之前,审查了沟通管理计划。 Review the communications management plan before inviting external client representatives to the meeting.
正确答案:C 你的答案:C
解析:《PMBOK》第6版86页, 人-人际关系与团队技能-会议管理。会议是项目管理过程中非常常用的工具,因此需要利用好会议来实现目的。情景中会议被突然中断,源于“项目经理开始介绍预算”,这个举动超过了CEO的预期。因此要想避免这个问题,要清楚会议的目的什么,并根据想要实现的目的来安排会议议程,因此选项C正确。选项A,根本原因分析属于事后分析。选项B,需要先在内部达成一致,而不是先发给谁后发给谁。选项D,沟通管理计划没有问题,是会议管理不当。
14、 项目经理被指派领导的过程自动化项目将最终导致劳动力缺失,尽管该项目在公司内部受关注度很高,但相关方却未出席关键需求收集会议。项目经理应如何确保更多相关方参加会议?
The process automation project that the project manager is assigned to lead will ultimately lead to labor optimization and loss, although the project is highly regarded within the company, the relevant parties do not attend the critical requirements gathering meeting. How should the project manager ensure that more stakeholders attend the meeting?
 A :让项目发起人促使相关方支持项目结果 Get the project sponsor to push stakeholders to support the project results
 B :与各相关方一起开展头脑风暴,并尽力说服他们参加会议 Brainstorm with all concerned parties and try to persuade them to attend the meeting
 C :与关键相关方达成一致意见 Reach agreement with key stakeholders
 D : 让所有相关方了解项目的成本效益 Inform all stakeholders of the cost effectiveness of the project
正确答案:D 你的答案:D
15、 项目经理正在为一个政府项目管理风险识别过程。鉴于该项目的政治影响,多数主要相关方已经表现出高度的风险厌恶情绪。项目经理应该采取什么策略来应对关键相关方的这种情绪?(易错题)
The project manager is managing the risk identification process for a government project. In view of the political impact of the project, most major stakeholders have shown a high degree of risk aversion. What strategies should the project manager adopt to deal with this sentiment of key stakeholders?
 A : 规避和转移风险 Avoid and transfer risks
 B :倾向于作出“镀金式”的回应 Tends to respond in a gold-plated way
 C :对风险过程展现出高层级的承诺 High-level commitment to risk processes is demonstrated
 D :识别重要和不重要的威胁 Identify important and unimportant threats
正确答案:A 你的答案:A
16、 项目经理正在制定进度计划,并将所有团队成员何时能够加入项目工作考虑其中。该项目只有一台3D打印机,多项任务同时要求使用该3D打印机。项目经理应如何管理该3D打印机的可用性?
The project manager is working on a schedule that takes into account when all team members will be able to work on the project. The project had only one 3D printer, which was required for multiple tasks. How should the project manager manage the availability of the 3D printer?
 A :可按各任务准备就绪时的顺序使用打印机 The printer can be used in the order in which the tasks are ready
 B :自由浮动时间最多的任务可先使用打印机 Tasks with the most free float can use the printer first
 C : 将3D打印机作为一种资源纳入资源管理计划 Incorporate 3D printer as a resource into the resource management plan
 D :将3D打印机记录为组织分解结构(OBS)中的一个要素 The 3D printer is recorded as an element in the organization decomposition structure (OBS)
正确答案:C 你的答案:C
17、 项目经理观察到,两个团队成员在会议上公开争吵。为了推动他们的想法,每个团队成员都单独与发起人直接对话,并在没有通知项目经理或其他团队成员的情况下做出决定。项目经理应该采取哪两个行动?(选择两个。)
The project manager observed that two team members were openly bickering in the meeting. To advance their ideas, each team member individually speaks directly to the sponsor and makes decisions without informing the project manager or other team members. Which two actions should the project manager take? (Choose two.)
 A :直接与他们的经理讨论这种行为,要求他们纠正这种行为。 Discuss this behavior directly with their manager and ask them to correct it.
 B : 与每个团队成员一起解决该行为问题。 Work with each team member to resolve the behavior.
 C :要求团队成员自己解决这个问题。 Ask team members to figure this out on their own.
 D :与其他项目经理讨论这种情况并征求意见。 Discuss the situation with other project managers and seek input.
 E : 在下次会议上重申基本规则,确保所有团队成员都清楚这些规则。 Reiterate ground rules at your next meeting, making sure all team members are aware of them.
正确答案:B,E 你的答案:B,E
解析:《PMBOK》第6版348页,冲突管理 选项A,项目所需资源进入项目组后,管理责任就转移给了项目经理,项目经理应优先主动解决问题。选项B,采取公开面对的方式来应对冲突,是正确的处理策略。选项C,采用了撤退的策略,一方面问题得不到解决,另外一方面也与项目经理的职责相违背。选项D,没有提到其他项目经理且项目经理应优先主动解决问题。排除。选项E,提前约定基本规则,是正确的决策。
18、 一位新团队成员被分配到项目团队。该成员已经习惯于一种生产效率极低且不强制执行截止日期的不同交付方法。而新的交付方法是整体的,因此生产效率较低的人员对团队绩效的整体生产效率具有更大的影响。项目经理可以采用什么策略来解决与该新成员的冲突?
A new team member was assigned to the project team. The member has become accustomed to a different delivery method that is extremely inefficient and does not enforce deadlines. The new delivery approach is holistic, so people who are less productive have a greater impact on the overall productivity of team performance. What strategies can the project manager adopt to resolve conflicts with this new member?
 A : 合作/解决问题 Cooperate/solve problems
 B :强迫/命令 Force/direct
 C :妥协/调解 Compromise/conciliation
 D :缓和/包容 Mitigation/inclusion
正确答案:A 你的答案:A
19、 在某产品最终版本获批之前举行的相关方会议上,其中一位相关方抱怨称,该产品缺失一项重要功能。项目经理应先采取哪项措施?
At a meeting of interested parties held before the final version of a product was approved, one of them complained that an important feature was missing. Which action should the project manager take first?
 A :讨论该问题,并让该相关方相信增加更多功能为时已晚 Discuss the issue and convince the stakeholders that it's too late to add more features
 B :估算增加该功能的成本并让相关方予以批准 Estimate the cost of adding the functionality and get approval from relevant parties
 C : 利用定义的验收标准核实该功能是否属于项目范围 Verify that the function is within the scope of the project using the defined acceptance criteria
 D :根据该相关方的要求提交变更请求 Submit a change request as required by the relevant party
正确答案:C 你的答案:C
21、 一个研究和开发团队正在完成一项为期两年的项目。项目经理专注于项目的结束活动。哪项活动应该被视为优先事项?
A research and development team is completing a two-year project. Project managers focus on the closing activities of the project. Which activity should be considered a priority
 A :释放资源并计划一个项目完成的庆祝活动。 Free up resources and plan a celebration of project completion.
 B :召开指导委员会会议,通知他们项目的状态。 Hold a steering committee meeting to inform them of the status of the project.
 C : 确保知识转移活动按计划执行。 Ensure that knowledge transfer activities are carried out as planned.
 D &

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