Real-Time Rendering——9.5.2 Typical Fresnel Reflectance Values典型的菲涅耳反射率值

Substances are divided into three main groups with respect to their optical properties.There are dielectrics, which are insulators; metals, which are conductors; and semiconductors, which have properties somewhere in between dielectrics and metals.


Fresnel Reflectance Values for Dielectrics


Most materials encountered in daily life are dielectrics—glass, skin, wood, hair, leather, plastic, stone, and concrete, to name a few. Water is also a dielectric. This last may be surprising,since in daily life water is known to conduct electricity, but this conductivity is due to various impurities. Dielectrics have fairly low values for F0—usually 0.06 or lower. This low reflectance at normal incidence makes the Fresnel effect especially visible for dielectrics. The optical properties of dielectrics rarely vary much over the visible spectrum, resulting in colorless reflectance values. The F0 values for several common dielectrics are shown in Table 9.1. The values are scalar rather than RGB since the RGB channels do not differ significantly for these materials. For convenience,Table 9.1 includes linear values as well as 8-bit values encoded with the sRGB transfer function (the form that would typically be used in a texture-painting application).


Table 9.1. Values of F0 for external reflection from various dielectrics. Each value is given as a linear number, as a texture value (nonlinearly encoded 8-bit unsigned integer), and as a color swatch. If a range of values is given, then the color swatch is in the middle of the range. Recall that these are specular colors. For example, gems often have vivid colors, but those result from absorption inside the substance and are unrelated to their Fresnel reflectance. 


The F0 values for other dielectrics can be inferred by looking at similar substances in the table. For unknown dielectrics, 0.04 is a reasonable default value, not too far off from most common materials.


Once the light is transmitted into the dielectric, it may be further scattered or absorbed. Models for this process are discussed in more detail in Section 9.9. If the material is transparent, the light will continue until it hits an object surface “from the inside,” which is detailed in Section 9.5.3.


Fresnel Reflectance Values for Metals


Metals have high values of F0—almost always 0.5 or above. Some metals have optical properties that vary over the visible spectrum, resulting in colored reflectance values.The F0 values for several metals are shown in Table 9.2.


Table 9.2. Values of F0 for external reflection from various metals (and one alloy), sorted in order of increasing lightness. The actual red value for gold is slightly outside the sRGB gamut. The value shown is after clamping. 


Similarly to Table 9.1, Table 9.2 has linear values as well as 8-bit sRGB-encoded values for texturing. However, here we give RGB values since many metals have colored Fresnel reflectance. These RGB values are defined using the sRGB (and Rec. 709) primaries and white point. Gold has a somewhat unusual F0 value. It is the most strongly colored, with a red channel value slightly above 1 (it is just barely outside the sRGB/Rec. 709 gamut) and an especially low blue channel value (the only value in Table 9.2 significantly below 0.5). It is also one of the brightest metals, as can be seen by its position in the table, which is sorted in order of increasing lightness. Gold’s bright and strongly colored reflectance probably contributes to its unique cultural and economic significance throughout history.


Recall that metals immediately absorb any transmitted light, so they do not exhibit any subsurface scattering or transparency. All the visible color of a metal comes from F0.


Fresnel Reflectance Values for Semiconductors


As one would expect, semiconductors have F0 values in between the brightest dielectrics and the darkest metals, as shown in Table 9.3. It is rare to need to render such substances in practice, since most rendered scenes are not littered with blocks of crystalline silicon. For practical purposes the range of F0 values between 0.2 and 0.45 should be avoided unless you are purposely trying to model an exotic or unrealistic material.


 Table 9.3. The value of F0 for a representative semiconductor (silicon in crystalline form) compared to a bright dielectric (diamond) and a dark metal (titanium).


Fresnel Reflectance Values in Water


In our discussion of external reflectance, we have assumed that the rendered surface is surrounded by air. If not, the reflectance will change, since it depends on the ratio between the refractive indices on both sides of the interface. If we can no longer assume that n1 = 1, then we need to replace n in Equation 9.17 with the relative index of refraction, n1/n2. This yields the following, more general equation:

在我们对外部反射的讨论中,我们假设渲染表面被空气包围。否则,反射率将会改变,因为它取决于界面两侧的折射率之比。如果我们不能再假设n1 = 1,那么我们需要用相对折射率n1/n2代替方程9.17中的n。这产生了以下更一般的等式:

Likely the most frequently encountered case where n1 != 1 is when rendering underwater scenes. Since water’s refractive index is about 1.33 times higher than that of air, values of F0 are different underwater. This effect is stronger for dielectrics than for metals, as can be seen in Table 9.4. 

n1 != 1的最常见情况可能是在渲染水下场景时。由于水的折射率大约是空气的1.33倍,所以水下的F0值是不同的。从表9.4中可以看出,电介质的这种效应比金属更强。

Table 9.4. A comparison between values of F0 in air and in water, for various substances. As one would expect from inspecting Equation 9.19, dielectrics with refractive indices close to that of water are affected the most. In contrast, metals are barely affected. 


Parameterizing Fresnel Values


An often-used parameterization combines the specular color F0 and the diffuse color ρss (the diffuse color will be discussed further in Section 9.9). This parameterization takes advantage of the observation that metals have no diffuse color and that dielectrics have a restricted set of possible values for F0, and it includes an RGB surface color Csurf and a scalar parameter m, called “metallic” or “metalness.” If m = 1, then F0 is set to Csurf and ρss is set to black. If m = 0, then F0 is set to a dielectric value (either constant or controlled by an additional parameter) and ρss is set to Csurf .

一种常用的参数化方法结合了镜面颜色F0和漫反射颜色ρss(漫反射颜色将在9.9节中进一步讨论)。这种参数化利用了金属没有漫射颜色以及电介质具有有限的F0可能值的观察结果,它包括RGB表面颜色Csurf和标量参数m,称为“金属性”或“金属性”。如果m = 1,则F0设为Csurf,ρss设为黑色。如果m = 0,则F0设置为介电值(常数或由附加参数控制),ρss设置为Csurf。

The “metalness” parameter first appeared as part of an early shading model used at Brown University [1713], and the parameterization in its current form was first used by Pixar for the film Wall-E [1669]. For the Disney principled shading model, used in Disney animation films from Wreck-It Ralph onward, Burley added an additional scalar “specular” parameter to control dielectric F0 within a limited range [214]. This form of the parameterization is used in the Unreal Engine [861], and the Frostbite engine uses a slightly different form with a larger range of possible F0 values for dielectrics [960]. The game Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare uses a variant that packs these metalness and specular parameters into a single value [384], to save memory.

“金属度”参数首先作为布朗大学[1713]使用的早期着色模型的一部分出现,其当前形式的参数化首先由皮克斯用于电影Wall-E [1669]。对于从Wreck-It Ralph开始的迪士尼动画电影中使用的迪士尼原则性阴影模型,Burley增加了一个额外的标量“镜面”参数,以将电介质F0控制在有限的范围内[214]。这种形式的参数化在虚幻引擎[861]中使用,冻伤引擎使用稍微不同的形式,对于电介质具有更大范围的可能F0值[960]。游戏《使命召唤:无限战争》使用了一种变体,将这些金属和镜面参数打包成一个值[384],以节省内存。

For those rendering applications that use this metalness parameterization instead of using F0 and ρss directly, the motivations include user convenience and saving texture or G-buffer storage. In the game Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, this parameterization is used in an unusual way. Artists paint textures for F0 and ρss, which are automatically converted to the metalness parameterization as a compression method.


Using metalness has some drawbacks. It cannot express some types of materials,such as coated dielectrics with tinted F0 values. Artifacts can occur on the boundary between a metal and dielectric [960, 1163].


Another parameterization trick used by some real-time applications takes advantage of the fact that no materials have values of F0 lower than 0.02, outside of special anti-reflective coatings. The trick is used to suppress specular highlights in surface areas that represent cavities or voids. Instead of using a separate specular occlusion texture, values of F0 below 0.02 are used to “turn off” Fresnel edge brightening. This technique was first proposed by Sch¨uler [1586] and is used in the Unreal [861] and Frostbite [960] engines.

一些实时应用程序使用的另一个参数化技巧利用了这样一个事实,即除了特殊的抗反射涂层之外,没有任何材质的F0值低于0.02。该技巧用于抑制表示空洞或空隙的表面区域中的镜面高光。使用低于0.02的F0值来“关闭”菲涅耳边缘增亮,而不是使用单独的镜面遮挡纹理。这项技术首先由Sch uler [1586]提出,用于虚幻[861]和冻伤[960]发动机。





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