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⛄ 部分代码
%Assignment - 1 and 2
close all
clear all
load Assignment2.mat
% Collections in the form of [sensor X fast-time]
c=299792458; %speed of light
%% Start writing your code ....
%Invoke names according to assignment 1 or 2
%name = ["CollectionA", "CollectionB", "CollectionC", "CollectionD"];
name = ["BS_TCR_0_10", "BS_TCR_0_15", "BS_TCR_0_20", "BS_TCR_0_5"];
NFFTA = 1024; % FFT length angle
NFFTR = 1024; % FFT length range
% Range axis
Ts = Radar_settings.Chirp_time - Radar_settings.Reset_time - Radar_settings.DwellTime; % Duration of the ramp section of the chirp in s (Sweep Time)
S = Radar_settings.BW/Ts;
Range = c/(2*S)*linspace(0,Radar_settings.Fs,NFFTR); % in meters
%Number of sensors
N = 12;
%Distance between the sensors
d = 2*c/Radar_settings.Fc;
rangeRes_Theory = c/(2*Radar_settings.BW);
for ind = 1:size(name, 2)
data_to_process= eval(name(ind)); %change to CollectionB, CollectionC and CollectionD
NSamp = size(data_to_process,2);
%Zero padding the data, 1st dim to improve the fft
zero_matrix = zeros([3000-size(data_to_process, 1), size(data_to_process, 2)]);
%vertical concatenarion of the data
zero_padded_data = [data_to_process; zero_matrix];
%Doing 2D fft of the data will give me range/angle data
FFT = fft2(zero_padded_data);
%Shifting the FFT, to get the stationary data in the middle,
FFT_Shift = fftshift(FFT, 1);
%Defining angle, same dim as that of zero padded matrix
AoA = linspace(-90, 90, 3000);
%Plotting the data, Surface plot
surf(AoA, Range, db(abs(FFT_Shift)).'); view(2); shading flat;
ylim([0 10]);
%Taking first 15 meters in the range data
%other wise the graph goes till 182 m
xlabel('Angle (in degree)', 'FontSize', 12, 'FontWeight', 'bold');
ylabel('Range (in meters)', 'FontSize', 12, 'FontWeight', 'bold');
title('Range/Angle Graph', 'FontSize',12, 'FontWeight', 'bold');
grid on;
caxis([-50 10]);
%Ploting data in polar coordinates, used pudn.com's polarPcolor.m
%Taking till R = 15m belyond that the data is mostly zero
[h, c]=polarPcolor(Range(:, 1:58),AoA, db(abs(FFT_Shift(:, 1:58))).');
caxis([-50 10]);
%Range cuts to find the range resolution Broadside
plot(Range(:,1:58), db(abs(FFT_Shift(size(AoA,2)/2+1,1:58))).', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
xlabel('Range (in m)');
ylabel('Angle/Range data (in dB)');
title('Range cut for AoA = 0 deg');
ylim([-30, 30]);
%Angle cut to find the angle resolution R = 10 m
plot(AoA(1,:), db(abs(FFT_Shift(:,39))).', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
xlabel('AoA (in deg)');
ylabel('Angle/Range data (in dB)');
title('Angle cut for Range = 6.78 m');
ylim([-30, 10]);
⛄ 运行结果
⛄ 参考文献
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