【多传感器融合】基于卡尔曼、无迹卡尔曼、拓展卡尔曼、粒子滤波实现非移动 GPS 干扰器的多传感器融合和位置估计附matlab代码





智能优化算法       神经网络预测       雷达通信       无线传感器        电力系统

信号处理              图像处理               路径规划       元胞自动机        无人机 

⛄ 内容介绍

GPS Jammer Localisation Methods

The position of the GPS jamming vehicle is not directly observable and must be therefore observed by utilizing obseravble measurements. In order to localise the target that is confusing the GPS signals, a power measurement of the jamming signal is used. This method is called the Received signal strength (RSS) method, which is often used for localisation of energy emitting sources.

UAV Guidance Approach

The guidance approach which is utilised for the UAV guidance is a vector field based path following. In which the UAV first follow a straight line approach to the estimated position of the target. When the UAV reaches a certain distance it starts to follow a loiter path.

Sensor Fusion Algorithms

The goal of the assignment was it to develop and implement different sensor fusion algorihtms for both an isotropic and anistropic GPS jammer pattern. The following algorhtms were implemented:

  • Extended Kalman Filter

  • Unscendet Kalman Filter

  • Particle Filter

  • Extended Particle Filter

  • Unscendet Particle Filter

  • H-Infinity Filter

  • Adaptive Kalman Filter

  • H-Infinity Particle Filter

Particle Filter Resampling

A set of potential resampling approaches have been implmented. The goal of that analysis was to compare the different performances of the resampling methods in the same environment and to choose the algorithm with the best performance. Following methods have been implemented and investigated:

  • Multinomial Resampling

  • Systemematic Resampling

  • Residual Resampling

  • Residual Systematic Resampling

  • Local Selection Resampling

  • Stratified Resampling

⛄ 部分代码

%   Main file for first geolocation simulation: isotropic static jammer

%   -----------------------------------------------------------------------

%   ------------------------    Algorithm    ------------------------------

%   -----------------------------------------------------------------------

%   The algorithm goes through: prompts & constants, simulation parameters,

%   variable initialisation, main loop, error checking and plotting

der+1)                                                                         %   If simulation has initialised

       P_r_filt_ratio(k,1)=((P_r_filt(k,1)))/(P_r_filt(1,1));                                       %   Get power ratio: alpha 

       if (abs((P_r_filt_ratio(k,1)-1))>0.05/100)                                                   %   If ratio away from 1 with confidence

        [centre_geo_circle(k,:) radius_geo_circle(k,1)]=get_geo_data(x_vec_all(1,:),x_vec_all(k,:),P_r_filt_ratio(k,1)); %    See corresponding function


           alpha_eq_1=1;                                                                            %   Boolean to indicate that ratio is close to 1 therefore set to 1 in the simulation







    %   Kalman filtering: EKF (UKF)


        %   First stage: intersection check

        if ((obs_check==0)&&(k>k_C_prim)&&(d_uav(k,1)-d_uav(k_C_prim,1)>50))%   If intersection is not true yet and UAV has travelled a small distance 


            if (obs_condtn>0)                                               %   Circles begin to intersect

                obs_check=1;                                                %   EKF (UKF) may start is observable

                k_obs=k+(floor((2/100)*N_loops_fb)+1);                         %   Add safety margin for geometry to change


            k_C_prim=k;                                                     %   Update k_C_prim for next distance check




        %   Calls to the EKF(UKF)

        if (((obs_check==1)&&(k==k_obs))||(re_run_bool==1))               %   If intersections have begun & first time EKF (UKF) is run




            %---------- < Design a EKF (UKF) > ------------%



            % To make sure this file run, I just put x_state(:,k) = x_t_vec

            % (the true target postion)            

            %x_state(:,k) = x_t_vec;

            %%% students must uncomment the following line and design a EKF

            %%% and UKF



            if (re_run_bool==1)




        elseif ((obs_check==1)&&(k>k_obs))                                  %   If intersections have begun & EKF (UKF) has alreay started

            % To make sure this file run, I just put x_state(:,k) = x_t_vec

            % (the true target postion)            

            %x_state(:,k) = x_t_vec;

            %%% students must uncomment the following line and design a EKF

            %%% and UKF





        %   RMS EKF(UKF) calculation and P_t estimation        





    %   Animation: plot new UAV, Jammer and UAV trace at each iteration.

    %   See corresponding function for detail



%   ------------------------    End Main flyby loop -----------------------------


%   -----------------------------------------------------------------------

%   -------------------    Flyby Results Analysis   -----------------------

%   -----------------------------------------------------------------------


%%%% Students must analyse the performance of their own filters



%   -----------------------------------------------------------------------

%   --    Initialise Vector field simulation parameters from flyby phase   -

%   -----------------------------------------------------------------------

%   This part consists in augmenting previous matrices from flyby with

%   initialised parameters (zeros mostly)

%   UAV

x_vec_all=[x_vec_all ; zeros(N_loops_vf-N_loops_fb,2)];                     %   Initialise uav position vector

x_vec_all(N_loops_fb+1,:)=x_vec_all(N_loops_fb,:)+D_T*x_vec_dot(N_loops_fb,:);  %   Initialise for first step

x_vec_dot=[x_vec_dot ; zeros(N_loops_vf-N_loops_fb,2)];                     %   Initialise uav velocity vector: derivative of x_vec_all

psi_all=[psi_all ; zeros(N_loops_vf-N_loops_fb,1)];                      %   Initialise uav heading vector

psi_all(N_loops_fb+1,1)=psi_all(N_loops_fb,:)+D_T*psi_dot(N_loops_fb,:);    %   Initialise psi for first step

psi_dot=[psi_dot ; zeros(N_loops_vf-N_loops_fb,1)];                        %   Initialise uav heading derivative vector

jammer_UAV_vec_p=[jammer_UAV_vec_p ; zeros(N_loops_vf-N_loops_fb,3)];       %    Initialise Jammer-->UAV vector (3D)

elev_angle=[elev_angle ; zeros(N_loops_vf-N_loops_fb,1)];                   %    Initialise elevation angle to vertical

azimuth_angle=[azimuth_angle ; zeros(N_loops_vf-N_loops_fb,1)];            %    Initialise Jammer-->UAV azimuth angle to horizontal

azimuth_rel_angle=[azimuth_rel_angle ; zeros(N_loops_vf-N_loops_fb,1)];    %    Initialise Jammer-->UAV azimuth angle to jammer direction

%   Measurements

r_true=[r_true ; zeros(N_loops_vf-N_loops_fb,1)];                           %   True slant range

P_r_true=[P_r_true ; zeros(N_loops_vf-N_loops_fb,1)];                      %   True received power

P_r_meas=[P_r_meas ; zeros(N_loops_vf-N_loops_fb,1)];                       %   Measured received power: with noise

%   Processing

r_est_l=[r_est_l ; zeros(N_loops_vf-N_loops_fb,1)];                         %   Lower range estimation

r_est_h=[r_est_h ; zeros(N_loops_vf-N_loops_fb,1)];                         %   Upper range estimation

r_est_unc=[r_est_unc ; zeros(N_loops_vf-N_loops_fb,1)];                     %   Range estimation uncertainty

P_r_filt_ratio=[P_r_filt_ratio ; zeros(N_loops_vf-N_loops_fb,1)];           %   Alpha: Power ratio between initial and current : see 'alpha' in report

centre_geo_circle=[centre_geo_circle ; zeros(N_loops_vf-N_loops_fb,2)];     %   Centre of geolocation circle at instant k

radius_geo_circle=[radius_geo_circle ; zeros(N_loops_vf-N_loops_fb,1)];     %   Radius of geolocation circle at instant k

%   Filters

    %   EKF (UKF)

    r_est=zeros(N_loops_vf,1);                                              %   Only used in the second part (VF)

    x_state=[x_state zeros(2,N_loops_vf-N_loops_fb)];                     %   Updated EKF (UKF) state vector for all steps                               

    P_cov(:,:,N_loops_fb+1:N_loops_vf)=0;                                   %   EKF (UKF) Covariance matrix for all    

    K_EKF_gain=[K_EKF_gain zeros(2,N_loops_vf-N_loops_fb)];               %   Kalman gain storage


%   Simulation data

d_uav=[d_uav ; zeros(N_loops_vf-N_loops_fb,1)];                            %   Distance travelled by the UAV


%   Get Vector field orientation depending on UAV heading and azimuth to

%   jammer

psi_uav=rem(psi_all(N_loops_fb,1),2*pi);                                    %   UAV heading (0 - 2pi)

beta_angle=psi_uav-azimuth_angle(N_loops_fb,1);                             %   Angle between Jammer-->UAV and UAV heading

beta_angle = rem(beta_angle,2*pi);                                          %   psi_diff in [0 2*pi]

if abs(beta_angle)>pi

  beta_angle = beta_angle-2*pi*sign(beta_angle);


if (beta_angle>=0)

    VF_rot_sen=1;                                                           %   Counter-clockwise


    VF_rot_sen=-1;                                                          %   Clockwise



%   -----------------------------------------------------------------------

%   ------      Main Vector Field (VF) simulation Part       --------------

%   -----------------------------------------------------------------------

for k=(N_loops_fb+1):N_loops_vf


    %   UAV dynamics:

    x_vec_dot(k,:)=V_g*[cos(psi_all(k,1)) sin(psi_all(k,1))];                                           %   Update UAV speed vector with speed and heading


    %   Lyapunov vector field guidance (LVFG)

        %   Range estimation

        r_est(k,1)=sqrt(((x_vec_all(k,1)-x_state(1,k-1))^2)+((x_vec_all(k,2)-x_state(2,k-1))^2)+(h_0^2)); %   Equation 3.5 in report: range determination

        %   Vector field calculation

        x_r=x_vec_all(k,1)-x_state(1,k-1);                                                                %   relative x distance

        y_r=x_vec_all(k,2)-x_state(2,k-1);                                                                %   relative y distance

        %   Vector field component



        %   Desired heading


        %   Difference between current and desired


        psi_diff = rem(psi_diff,2*pi);                                      %   psi_diff in [0 2*pi]

        if abs(psi_diff)>pi

            psi_diff = psi_diff-2*pi*sign(psi_diff);


        %   Desired heading rate



        %   Turning rate command



        %   Saturation check / UAV turn radius limit

        if (abs(psi_dot(k,1))>(V_g/min_turn_r))




    %   UAV movement:

    if k~=N_loops_vf                                                        %   Not updated past (N_loops_vf-1)

        x_vec_all(k+1,:)=x_vec_all(k,:)+D_T*x_vec_dot(k,:);                %   Position Euler integration

        psi_all(k+1,:)=psi_all(k,:)+D_T*psi_dot(k,:);                       %   Heading Euler integration

        d_uav(k+1,:)=d_uav(k,:)+D_T*sqrt(x_vec_dot(k,:)*(x_vec_dot(k,:))'); %   Travelled distance Euler integration




    %   UAV measurement:


    %   True Received power through Friis equation. However f varies

    %   slightly and the instrumentation measures P_r with some error

    P_r_true(k,1)=(P_t*G_t*G_r*((c_0/(4*pi*r_true(k,1)*f_L1))^2));                                 %  Equation 3.6 in report: Friis P_r in [W] 

    P_r_meas(k,1)=P_r_true(k,1)+sig_P_r_W*randn(1);                                                 %   Add noise in W


    %   UAV measurement pre-processing

    %   Received power filtering

    if (k>3*butter_order)                                                                           %   filter only works with sufficient data points

        P_r_filt=zeros(k,1);                                                                        %   Re-Initialise filtered data at each step

        P_r_filt(1:k,1)=filtfilt(b_butter,a_butter,P_r_meas(1:k,1));                                %   Filter noisy P_r_true at each new step




    %   Simulation data:


    %   Process measurements for geolocation

    %   First: process range determination

    if (k>3*butter_order)                                                                           %   If simulation has enough point (filtering)

        r_est_l(k,1)=((c_0/(4*pi*f_L1))*sqrt((G_t*G_r/(P_r_filt(k,1)))*P_t_min));                   %   Evaluate lower range from measurements

        r_est_h(k,1)=((c_0/(4*pi*f_L1))*sqrt((G_t*G_r/(P_r_filt(k,1)))*P_t_max));                   %   Evaluate Upper range from measurements

        r_est_unc(k,1)=abs(r_est_h(k,1)-r_est_l(k,1));                                              %   Evaluate uncertainty on range measurements



    %   Second: process iso-(range ratio) curves

    if (k>3*butter_order+1)                                                                         %   If simulation has initialised

       P_r_filt_ratio(k,1)=((P_r_filt(k,1)))/(P_r_filt(1,1));                                       %   Get power ratio: alpha 

       if (abs((P_r_filt_ratio(k,1)-1))>0.05/100)                                                   %   If ratio away from 1 with confidence

        [centre_geo_circle(k,:) radius_geo_circle(k,1)]=get_geo_data(x_vec_all(1,:),x_vec_all(k,:),P_r_filt_ratio(k,1)); %    See corresponding function


           alpha_eq_1=1;                                                                            %   Boolean to indicate that ratio is close to 1 therefore set to 1 in the simulation




    %   Kalman filtering: EKF (UKF)  


        if (re_run_bool==1)                                                 %   If EKF (UKF) has diverged and needs to reinitialised


            %---------- < Design a EKF (UKF) > ------------%



            % To make sure this file run, I just put x_state(:,k) = x_t_vec

            % (the true target postion)            

            %x_state(:,k) = x_t_vec;

            %%% students must uncomment the following line and design a EKF

            %%% and UKF





        elseif (re_run_bool==0)                                             %   Normal operation condition: the EKF (UKF) has converged and remains on target


            %---------- < Design a EKF (UKF) > ------------%



            % To make sure this file run, I just put x_state(:,k) = x_t_vec

            % (the true target postion)            

            %x_state(:,k) = x_t_vec;

            %%% students must uncomment the following line and design a EKF

            %%% and UKF






    %   Animation: plot new UAV, Jammer and UAV trace at each iteration.

    %   See corresponding function for detail






%   -----------------------------------------------------------------------

%   ------------------------   Performance Check  -------------------------

%   -----------------------------------------------------------------------


%%%% Students must analyse the performance of their own filters


⛄ 运行结果

⛄ 参考文献

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[7] C. O’Driscoll D. Borio, J. Fortuny-Guasch. Characterization of gnss jam

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[8] B. Eissfeller D. Fontanella, R. Bauernfeind. In-car gnss jammer localization

with a vehicular ad-hoc network. In the 25th International Technical Meeting

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[9] S. Morris E. W. Frew, D. A. Lawrence. Coordinated standoff tracking of

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[10] Jeong Heon Lee and R.M. Buehrer. Location estimation using differential rss with spatially correlated shadowing. In Global Telecommunications Conference, 2009. GLOBECOM 2009. IEEE, pages 1–6, 2009.

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