


⛄ 内容介绍

本文提出一种基于最小二乘支持向量机的数据预测方法。LSSVM 是一种新型机器学习算法,其在传统支持向量机 SVM 基础上,将二次规划问题中的不等式约束改为等式约束,极大地方便了求解过程,克服了数据集粗糙、数据集波动性大等问题造成的异常回归,能有效避免 BP 神经网络等方法中出现的局部最优等问题。GA 算法是由美国密歇根大学的 Holland 于 1975 年提出的一种模拟生物进化论的自然选择和生物遗传的优化技术,是一种高度并行、自适应和全局性的概率搜索算法。GA 求解问题的核心过程包括: 编码( 二进制) 、遗传操作( 选择、交叉、变异) 、适应度函数。首先对优化参数进行二进制编码,将解空间转换成染色体空间; 设定进化代数、个体长度、种群大小等初始群体参数; 确定合适的适应度函数,计算群体中个体的适应度; 然后对种群进行遗传算子操作,如选择、交叉和变异,经过迭代计算,使种群不断向最优方向进化,从 而 得 到 最 优解。由于 LSSVM 模型需要优化的参数有两个( 惩罚因子 γ,核参数 σ2) ,所以种群维数为 2。






⛄ 部分代码

function [A,B,C,D,E] = bay_lssvm(model,level,type, nb, bay)

% Compute the posterior cost for the 3 levels in Bayesian inference

% >> cost = bay_lssvm({X,Y,type,gam,sig2}, level, type)

% >> cost = bay_lssvm(model              , level, type)

% Description

% Estimate the posterior probabilities of model (hyper-) parameters

% on the different inference levels:

%     - First level: In the first level one optimizes the support values alpha 's and the bias b.

%     - Second level: In the second level one optimizes the regularization parameter gam.

%     - Third level: In the third level one optimizes the kernel

%                    parameter. In the case of the common 'RBF_kernel' the kernel

%                    parameter is the bandwidth sig2. 


% By taking the negative logarithm of the posterior and neglecting all constants, one

% obtains the corresponding cost. Computation is only feasible for

% one dimensional output regression and binary classification

% problems. Each level has its different in- and output syntax.


% Full syntax

%     1. Outputs on the first level


% >> [costL1,Ed,Ew,bay] = bay_lssvm({X,Y,type,gam,sig2,kernel,preprocess}, 1)

% >> [costL1,Ed,Ew,bay] = bay_lssvm(model, 1)

%       costL1 : Cost proportional to the posterior

%       Ed(*)  : Cost of the fitting error term

%       Ew(*)  : Cost of the regularization parameter

%       bay(*) : Object oriented representation of the results of the Bayesian inference

%     2. Outputs on the second level

% >> [costL2,DcostL2, optimal_cost, bay] = bay_lssvm({X,Y,type,gam,sig2,kernel,preprocess}, 2)

% >> [costL2,DcostL2, optimal_cost, bay] = bay_lssvm(model, 2)

%       costL2     : Cost proportional to the posterior on the second level

%       DcostL2(*) : Derivative of the cost

%       optimal_cost(*) : Optimality of the regularization parameter (optimal = 0)

%       bay(*)     : Object oriented representation of the results of the Bayesian inference

%     3. Outputs on the third level

% >> [costL3,bay] = bay_lssvm({X,Y,type,gam,sig2,kernel,preprocess}, 3)

% >> [costL3,bay] = bay_lssvm(model, 3)

%       costL3 : Cost proportional to the posterior on the third level

%       bay(*) : Object oriented representation of the results of the Bayesian inference

%     4. Inputs using the functional interface

% >> bay_lssvm({X,Y,type,gam,sig2,kernel,preprocess}, level)

% >> bay_lssvm({X,Y,type,gam,sig2,kernel,preprocess}, level, type)

% >> bay_lssvm({X,Y,type,gam,sig2,kernel,preprocess}, level, type, nb)

%         X            : N x d matrix with the inputs of the training data

%         Y            : N x 1 vector with the outputs of the training data

%         type         : 'function estimation' ('f') or 'classifier' ('c')

%         gam          : Regularization parameter

%         sig2         : Kernel parameter (bandwidth in the case of the 'RBF_kernel')

%         kernel(*)    : Kernel type (by default 'RBF_kernel')

%         preprocess(*) : 'preprocess'(*) or 'original'

%         level        : 1, 2, 3

%         type(*)      : 'svd'(*), 'eig', 'eigs', 'eign'

% initiate and ev. preprocess


if ~isstruct(model), model = initlssvm(model{:}); end

model = prelssvm(model);

if model.y_dim>1,

  error(['Bayesian framework restricted to 1 dimensional regression' ...

 ' and binary classification tasks']);



% train with the matlab routines

%model = adaptlssvm(model,'implementation','MATLAB');


if ~(level==1 | level==2 | level==3),

  error('level must be 1, 2 or 3.');



% delegate functions


if level==1,


  %[cost, ED, EW, bay, model] = lssvm_bayL1(model, type);

  eval('[A,B,C,D,E] = lssvm_bayL1(model,type,nb,bay);','[A,B,C,D,E] = lssvm_bayL1(model,type,nb);');

elseif level==2,  

  % default type


  %[costL2, DcostL2, optimal, bay, model] = lssvm_bayL2(model, type);

  eval('[A,B,C,D,E] = lssvm_bayL2(model,type,nb,bay);',...

       '[A,B,C,D,E] = lssvm_bayL2(model,type,nb);')

elseif level==3,

  % default type


  %[cost, bay, model] = lssvm_bayL3(model, bay);

  [A,B,C] = lssvm_bayL3(model,type,nb);



%  FIRST LEVEL                   %

%                                %



function [cost, Ed, Ew, bay, model] = lssvm_bayL1(model, type, nb, bay)


% [Ed, Ew, cost,model] = lssvm_bayL1(model)

% [bay,model] = lssvm_bayL1(model)


% type = 'retrain', 'train', 'svd'

if ~(strcmpi(type,'train') | strcmpi(type,'retrain') | strcmpi(type,'eig') | strcmpi(type,'eigs')| strcmpi(type,'svd')| strcmpi(type,'eign')),

  error('type should be ''train'', ''retrain'', ''svd'', ''eigs'' or ''eign''.');




N = model.nb_data;


% compute Ed, Ew en costL1 based on training solution %

% TvG, Financial Timeseries Prediction using LS-SVM, 27-28 %


if (type(1)=='t'), % train 

  % find solution of ls-svm

  model = trainlssvm(model);

  % prior %

  if model.type(1) == 'f',

    Ew = .5*sum(model.alpha.*  (model.ytrain(1:model.nb_data,:) - model.alpha./model.gam - model.b));

  elseif model.type(1) == 'c',

    Ew = .5*sum(model.alpha.*model.ytrain(1:model.nb_data,:).*  ...

((1-model.alpha./model.gam)./model.ytrain(1:model.nb_data,:) - model.b));


  % likelihood

  Ed = .5.*sum((model.alpha./model.gam).^2);  

  % posterior

  cost = Ew+model.gam*Ed


% compute Ed, Ew en costL1 based on SVD or nystrom %



  if nargin<4,

    [bay.eigvals, bay.scores, ~, omega_r] = kpca(model.xtrain(model.selector,1:model.x_dim), ...

                                                  model.kernel_type, model.kernel_pars, [],type,nb,'original');

    bay.eigvals = bay.eigvals.*(N-1);

    bay.tol = 1000*eps;

    bay.Peff = find(bay.eigvals>bay.tol);

    bay.Neff = length(bay.Peff);

    bay.eigvals = bay.eigvals(bay.Peff);

    bay.scores = bay.scores(:,bay.Peff);  

    %Zc = eye(N)-ones(model.nb_data)/model.nb_data; 

    %disp('rescaling the scores');

    for i=1:bay.Neff,

      bay.Rscores(:,i) = bay.scores(:,i)./sqrt(bay.scores(:,i)'*bay.eigvals(i)*bay.scores(:,i));



  Y = model.ytrain(model.selector,1:model.y_dim);  

  %%% Ew %%%%

  % (TvG: 4.75 - 5.73)) 

  YTM = (Y'-mean(Y))*bay.scores;

  Ew = .5*(YTM*diag(bay.eigvals)*diag((bay.eigvals+1./model.gam).^-2))*YTM';

  %%% cost %%%

  YTM = (Y'-mean(Y));

  %if model.type(1) == 'c', % 'classification'  (TvG: 5.74)

  %  cost = .5*YTM*[diag(bay.eigvals); zeros(model.nb_data-bay.Neff,bay.Neff)]*diag((bay.eigvals+1./model.gam).^-1)*bay.scores'*YTM';

  %elseif model.type(1) == 'f', % 'function estimation' % (TvG: 4.76)  

    cost = .5*(YTM*model.gam*YTM')-.5*YTM*bay.scores*diag((1+1./(model.gam.*bay.eigvals)).^-1*model.gam)*bay.scores'*YTM';   


  %%% Ed %%%

  Ed = (cost-Ew)/model.gam;


bay.costL1 = cost;

bay.Ew = Ew;

bay.Ed = Ed;

bay.mu = (N-1)/(2*bay.costL1);

bay.zeta = model.gam*bay.mu;




function [costL2, DcostL2, optimal, bay, model] = lssvm_bayL2(model,type,nb,bay)




if ~(strcmpi(type,'eig') | strcmpi(type,'eigs')| strcmpi(type,'svd')| strcmpi(type,'eign')),

  error('The used type needs to be ''svd'', ''eigs''  or ''eign''.')


  N = model.nb_data;

  % bayesian interference level 1

  eval('[cost, Ed, Ew, bay, model] = bay_lssvm(model,1,type,nb,bay); ',...

       '[cost, Ed, Ew, bay, model] = bay_lssvm(model,1,type,nb);');  

  all_eigvals = zeros(N,1); all_eigvals(bay.Peff) = bay.eigvals; 

  % Number of effective parameters

  bay.Geff = 1 + sum(model.gam.*all_eigvals ./(1+model.gam.*all_eigvals));

  bay.mu = .5*(bay.Geff-1)/(bay.Ew);

  bay.zeta = .5*(N-bay.Geff)/bay.Ed;

  % ideally: bay.zeta = model.gam*bay.mu;

  % log posterior (TvG: 4.73 - 5.71)

  costL2 = sum(log(all_eigvals+1./model.gam)) + (N-1).*log(bay.Ew+model.gam*bay.Ed);

  % gradient (TvG: 4.74 - 5.72)   

  DcostL2 = -sum(1./(all_eigvals.*(model.gam.^2)+model.gam)) ...

  % endcondition fullfilled if optimal == 0;

  % update structure bay

  bay.optimal = optimal;

  bay.costL2 = costL2;

  bay.DcostL2 = DcostL2;




function [costL3, bay, model] = lssvm_bayL3(model,type,nb)


% costL3 = lssvm_bayL3(model, type)

if ~(strcmpi(type,'svd') | strcmpi(type,'eigs') | strcmpi(type,'eign')), 

  error('The used type needs to be ''svd'', ''eigs'' or ''eign''.')


% lower inference levels;

[model,~, bay] = bay_optimize(model,2,type,nb);

% test Neff << N

N = model.nb_data;

if sqrt(N)>bay.Neff,



  warning on;

  warning(['Number of degrees of freedom not tiny with respect to' ...

  warning off


% construct all eigenvalues

all_eigvals = zeros(N,1); 

all_eigvals(bay.Peff) = bay.eigvals; 

% L3 cost function

%costL3 = sqrt(bay.mu^bay.Neff*bay.zeta^(N-1)./((bay.Geff-1)*(N-bay.Geff)*prod(bay.mu+bay.zeta.*all_eigvals)));

%costL3 = .5*bay.costL2 - log(sqrt(2/(bay.Geff-1))) - log(sqrt(2/(N-bay.Geff)))

costL3 = -(bay.Neff*log(bay.mu) + (N-1)*log(bay.zeta)...

 - log(bay.Geff-1) -log(N-bay.Geff) - sum(log(bay.mu+bay.zeta.*all_eigvals)));

bay.costL3 = costL3;

⛄ 运行结果



⛄ 参考文献

[1]聂敬云, 李春青, 李威威, & 王韬. (2015). 关于遗传算法优化的最小二乘支持向量机在mbr仿真预测中的研究. 软件(5), 6.

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