一. 任务描述
1. 本关任务
(1) 理解几何变换基本原理, 掌握平移、旋转和缩放变换的方法; (2) 根据几何变换基本原理,将main函数中的空白部分补充完整来绘制三菱形状。
2. 输入
(1) 代码将自动输入一个边长为2的obj正方体模型,具体模型如下图:
(2) 将立方体的顶点坐标分别沿x,y,z轴方向缩放0.5倍; (3) 将立方体的顶点坐标分别沿z轴逆时针方向旋转45度,再分别向y,z轴缩放0.5倍,x轴保持不变,然后绘制一个红菱形; (4) 将红色菱形沿着x轴正方向平移22
个单位距离,然后将红菱形沿Z轴逆时针旋转90度; (5)绿色和黄色菱形与红色菱形的夹角均为120度。
3. 输出
二. 相关知识
几何变换:指对图形的几何信息经过平移、缩放、旋转等变换后产生的新图形。 提示: 注意图形变换的顺序,红色菱形的绘制可参考关卡4。
三. 操作说明
(1)按要求补全代码; (2)点击窗口右下角"测评"按钮,等待测评结果,如果通过后可进行下一关任务。
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include "model.h"
#include "geometry.h"
#include "pngimage.h"
using namespace std;
const double PI = acos(-1.0);
void line(Vec3i p0, Vec3i p1, PNGImage &image, PNGColor color)
bool steep = false;
if (std::abs(p0.x - p1.x) < std::abs(p0.y - p1.y))
std::swap(p0.x, p0.y);
std::swap(p1.x, p1.y);
steep = true;
if (p0.x > p1.x)
std::swap(p0.x, p1.x);
std::swap(p0.y, p1.y);
int dx = p1.x - p0.x;
int dy = std::abs(p1.y - p0.y);
int y = p0.y;
int d = -dx;
for (int x = p0.x; x <= p1.x; x++)
if (steep)
image.set(y, x, color);
image.set(x, y, color);
d = d + 2 * dy;
if (d > 0)
y += (p1.y > p0.y ? 1 : -1);
d = d - 2 * dx;
Matrix viewport(int x, int y, int w, int h, int depth) {
Matrix m = Matrix::identity(4);
m[0][3] = x + w / 2.f;
m[1][3] = y + h / 2.f;
m[2][3] = depth / 2.f;
m[0][0] = w / 2.f;
m[1][1] = h / 2.f;
m[2][2] = depth / 2.f;
return m;
Matrix translation(Vec3f v) {
Matrix Tr = Matrix::identity(4);
Tr[0][3] = v.x;
Tr[1][3] = v.y;
Tr[2][3] = v.z;
return Tr;
Matrix scale(float factorX, float factorY, float factorZ)
Matrix Z = Matrix::identity(4);
Z[0][0] = factorX;
Z[1][1] = factorY;
Z[2][2] = factorZ;
return Z;
Matrix rotation_x(float angle)
angle = angle * PI / 180;
float sinangle = sin(angle);
float cosangle = cos(angle);
Matrix R = Matrix::identity(4);
R[1][1] = R[2][2] = cosangle;
R[1][2] = -sinangle;
R[2][1] = sinangle;
return R;
Matrix rotation_y(float angle)
angle = angle * PI / 180;
float sinangle = sin(angle);
float cosangle = cos(angle);
Matrix R = Matrix::identity(4);
R[0][0] = R[2][2] = cosangle;
R[0][2] = sinangle;
R[2][0] = -sinangle;
return R;
Matrix rotation_z(float angle) {
angle = angle * PI / 180;
float sinangle = sin(angle);
float cosangle = cos(angle);
Matrix R = Matrix::identity(4);
R[0][0] = R[1][1] = cosangle;
R[0][1] = -sinangle;
R[1][0] = sinangle;
return R;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
const PNGColor white = PNGColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
const PNGColor black = PNGColor(0, 0, 0, 255);
const PNGColor red = PNGColor(255, 0, 0, 255);
const PNGColor green = PNGColor(0, 255, 0, 255);
const PNGColor blue = PNGColor(0, 0, 255, 255);
const PNGColor yellow = PNGColor(255, 255, 0, 255);
Model *model = NULL;
const int width = 800;
const int height = 800;
const int depth = 255;
//generate some image
PNGImage image(width, height, PNGImage::RGBA); //Error when RGB because lodepng_get_raw_size_lct(w, h, colortype, bitdepth) > in.size() in encode
model = new Model("cube.obj");
Matrix VP = viewport(width / 4, width / 4, width / 2, height / 2, depth);
for (int i = 0; i < model->nfaces(); i++)
std::vector<int> face = model->face(i);
for (int j = 0; j < (int)face.size(); j++)
Vec3f wp0 = model->vert(face[j]);
Vec3f wp1 = model->vert(face[(j + 1) % face.size()]);
Matrix T = translation(Vec3f(sqrt(2)/2, 0, 0));
// Please add the code here
/********** Begin ********/
Matrix Suo = scale(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);//沿x,y,z轴方向缩放0.5倍
Matrix Suo1 = scale(1, 0.5, 0.5);
Matrix RX = rotation_z(45 );
Vec3f trp0 = VP*RX*RX*T*Suo1*RX*Suo*wp0;
Vec3f trp1 = VP*RX*RX*T*Suo1*RX*Suo*wp1;
line(trp0, trp1, image, red);
Matrix RX1 = rotation_z(120 );
Vec3f rp2 = VP*RX1*RX*RX*T*Suo1*RX*Suo*wp0;
Vec3f rp3 = VP*RX1*RX*RX*T*Suo1*RX*Suo*wp1;
line(rp2, rp3, image, green);
Vec3f rp4 = VP*RX1*RX1*RX*RX*T*Suo1*RX*Suo*wp0;
Vec3f rp5 = VP*RX1*RX1*RX*RX*T*Suo1*RX*Suo*wp1;
line(rp4, rp5, image, yellow);
/********** End *********/
image.flip_vertically(); // i want to have the origin at the left bottom corner of the image
delete model;
return 0;