YOLO11改进 | 注意力机制| 对小目标友好的BiFormer【CVPR2023】

秋招面试专栏推荐 :深度学习算法工程师面试问题总结【百面算法工程师】——点击即可跳转



专栏地址:YOLO11入门 + 改进涨点——点击即可跳转 欢迎订阅



2. 将BiFormer 添加到YOLO11中

2.1 BiFormer 的代码实现

2.2 更改init.py文件

2.3 添加yaml文件

2.4 在task.py中进行注册

2.5 执行程序


4. 完整代码分享


6. 进阶



论文地址:BiFormer: Vision Transformer with Bi-Level Routing Attention——点击即可跳转


2. 将BiFormer 添加到YOLO11中

2.1 BiFormer 的代码实现

关键步骤一: 将下面代码粘贴到在/ultralytics/ultralytics/nn/modules/block.py中

Bi-Level Routing Attention.
from typing import Tuple, Optional
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from einops import rearrange
from torch import Tensor, LongTensor

__all__ = ['BiLevelRoutingAttention']

class TopkRouting(nn.Module):
    differentiable topk routing with scaling
        qk_dim: int, feature dimension of query and key
        topk: int, the 'topk'
        qk_scale: int or None, temperature (multiply) of softmax activation
        with_param: bool, wether inorporate learnable params in routing unit
        diff_routing: bool, wether make routing differentiable
        soft_routing: bool, wether make output value multiplied by routing weights

    def __init__(self, qk_dim, topk=4, qk_scale=None, param_routing=False, diff_routing=False):
        self.topk = topk
        self.qk_dim = qk_dim
        self.scale = qk_scale or qk_dim ** -0.5
        self.diff_routing = diff_routing
        # TODO: norm layer before/after linear?
        self.emb = nn.Linear(qk_dim, qk_dim) if param_routing else nn.Identity()
        # routing activation
        self.routing_act = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)

    def forward(self, query: Tensor, key: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor]:
            q, k: (n, p^2, c) tensor
            r_weight, topk_index: (n, p^2, topk) tensor
        if not self.diff_routing:
            query, key = query.detach(), key.detach()
        query_hat, key_hat = self.emb(query), self.emb(key)  # per-window pooling -> (n, p^2, c)
        attn_logit = (query_hat * self.scale) @ key_hat.transpose(-2, -1)  # (n, p^2, p^2)
        topk_attn_logit, topk_index = torch.topk(attn_logit, k=self.topk, dim=-1)  # (n, p^2, k), (n, p^2, k)
        r_weight = self.routing_act(topk_attn_logit)  # (n, p^2, k)

        return r_weight, topk_index

class KVGather(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, mul_weight='none'):
        assert mul_weight in ['none', 'soft', 'hard']
        self.mul_weight = mul_weight

    def forward(self, r_idx: Tensor, r_weight: Tensor, kv: Tensor):
        r_idx: (n, p^2, topk) tensor
        r_weight: (n, p^2, topk) tensor
        kv: (n, p^2, w^2, c_kq+c_v)
            (n, p^2, topk, w^2, c_kq+c_v) tensor
        # select kv according to routing index
        n, p2, w2, c_kv = kv.size()
        topk = r_idx.size(-1)
        # print(r_idx.size(), r_weight.size())
        # FIXME: gather consumes much memory (topk times redundancy), write cuda kernel?
        topk_kv = torch.gather(kv.view(n, 1, p2, w2, c_kv).expand(-1, p2, -1, -1, -1),
                               # (n, p^2, p^2, w^2, c_kv) without mem cpy
                               index=r_idx.view(n, p2, topk, 1, 1).expand(-1, -1, -1, w2, c_kv)
                               # (n, p^2, k, w^2, c_kv)

        if self.mul_weight == 'soft':
            topk_kv = r_weight.view(n, p2, topk, 1, 1) * topk_kv  # (n, p^2, k, w^2, c_kv)
        elif self.mul_weight == 'hard':
            raise NotImplementedError('differentiable hard routing TBA')
        # else: #'none'
        #     topk_kv = topk_kv # do nothing

        return topk_kv

class QKVLinear(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, dim, qk_dim, bias=True):
        self.dim = dim
        self.qk_dim = qk_dim
        self.qkv = nn.Linear(dim, qk_dim + qk_dim + dim, bias=bias)

    def forward(self, x):
        q, kv = self.qkv(x).split([self.qk_dim, self.qk_dim + self.dim], dim=-1)
        return q, kv
        # q, k, v = self.qkv(x).split([self.qk_dim, self.qk_dim, self.dim], dim=-1)
        # return q, k, v

class BiLevelRoutingAttention(nn.Module):
    n_win: number of windows in one side (so the actual number of windows is n_win*n_win)
    kv_per_win: for kv_downsample_mode='ada_xxxpool' only, number of key/values per window. Similar to n_win, the actual number is kv_per_win*kv_per_win.
    topk: topk for window filtering
    param_attention: 'qkvo'-linear for q,k,v and o, 'none': param free attention
    param_routing: extra linear for routing
    diff_routing: wether to set routing differentiable
    soft_routing: wether to multiply soft routing weights

    def __init__(self, dim, n_win=7, num_heads=8, qk_dim=None, qk_scale=None,
                 kv_per_win=4, kv_downsample_ratio=4, kv_downsample_kernel=None, kv_downsample_mode='identity',
                 topk=4, param_attention="qkvo", param_routing=False, diff_routing=False, soft_routing=False,
        # local attention setting
        self.dim = dim
        self.n_win = n_win  # Wh, Ww
        self.num_heads = num_heads
        self.qk_dim = qk_dim or dim
        assert self.qk_dim % num_heads == 0 and self.dim % num_heads == 0, 'qk_dim and dim must be divisible by num_heads!'
        self.scale = qk_scale or self.qk_dim ** -0.5

        ################side_dwconv (i.e. LCE in ShuntedTransformer)###########
        self.lepe = nn.Conv2d(dim, dim, kernel_size=side_dwconv, stride=1, padding=side_dwconv // 2,
                              groups=dim) if side_dwconv > 0 else \
            lambda x: torch.zeros_like(x)

        ################ global routing setting #################
        self.topk = topk
        self.param_routing = param_routing
        self.diff_routing = diff_routing
        self.soft_routing = soft_routing
        # router
        assert not (self.param_routing and not self.diff_routing)  # cannot be with_param=True and diff_routing=False
        self.router = TopkRouting(qk_dim=self.qk_dim,
        if self.soft_routing:  # soft routing, always diffrentiable (if no detach)
            mul_weight = 'soft'
        elif self.diff_routing:  # hard differentiable routing
            mul_weight = 'hard'
        else:  # hard non-differentiable routing
            mul_weight = 'none'
        self.kv_gather = KVGather(mul_weight=mul_weight)

        # qkv mapping (shared by both global routing and local attention)
        self.param_attention = param_attention
        if self.param_attention == 'qkvo':
            self.qkv = QKVLinear(self.dim, self.qk_dim)
            self.wo = nn.Linear(dim, dim)
        elif self.param_attention == 'qkv':
            self.qkv = QKVLinear(self.dim, self.qk_dim)
            self.wo = nn.Identity()
            raise ValueError(f'param_attention mode {self.param_attention} is not surpported!')

        self.kv_downsample_mode = kv_downsample_mode
        self.kv_per_win = kv_per_win
        self.kv_downsample_ratio = kv_downsample_ratio
        self.kv_downsample_kenel = kv_downsample_kernel
        if self.kv_downsample_mode == 'ada_avgpool':
            assert self.kv_per_win is not None
            self.kv_down = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(self.kv_per_win)
        elif self.kv_downsample_mode == 'ada_maxpool':
            assert self.kv_per_win is not None
            self.kv_down = nn.AdaptiveMaxPool2d(self.kv_per_win)
        elif self.kv_downsample_mode == 'maxpool':
            assert self.kv_downsample_ratio is not None
            self.kv_down = nn.MaxPool2d(self.kv_downsample_ratio) if self.kv_downsample_ratio > 1 else nn.Identity()
        elif self.kv_downsample_mode == 'avgpool':
            assert self.kv_downsample_ratio is not None
            self.kv_down = nn.AvgPool2d(self.kv_downsample_ratio) if self.kv_downsample_ratio > 1 else nn.Identity()
        elif self.kv_downsample_mode == 'identity':  # no kv downsampling
            self.kv_down = nn.Identity()
        elif self.kv_downsample_mode == 'fracpool':
            # assert self.kv_downsample_ratio is not None
            # assert self.kv_downsample_kenel is not None
            # TODO: fracpool
            # 1. kernel size should be input size dependent
            # 2. there is a random factor, need to avoid independent sampling for k and v
            raise NotImplementedError('fracpool policy is not implemented yet!')
        elif kv_downsample_mode == 'conv':
            # TODO: need to consider the case where k != v so that need two downsample modules
            raise NotImplementedError('conv policy is not implemented yet!')
            raise ValueError(f'kv_down_sample_mode {self.kv_downsaple_mode} is not surpported!')

        # softmax for local attention
        self.attn_act = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)

        self.auto_pad = auto_pad

    def forward(self, x, ret_attn_mask=False):
        x: NHWC tensor
            NHWC tensor
        x = rearrange(x, "n c h w -> n h w c")
        # NOTE: use padding for semantic segmentation
        if self.auto_pad:
            N, H_in, W_in, C = x.size()

            pad_l = pad_t = 0
            pad_r = (self.n_win - W_in % self.n_win) % self.n_win
            pad_b = (self.n_win - H_in % self.n_win) % self.n_win
            x = F.pad(x, (0, 0,  # dim=-1
                          pad_l, pad_r,  # dim=-2
                          pad_t, pad_b))  # dim=-3
            _, H, W, _ = x.size()  # padded size
            N, H, W, C = x.size()
            assert H % self.n_win == 0 and W % self.n_win == 0  #

        # patchify, (n, p^2, w, w, c), keep 2d window as we need 2d pooling to reduce kv size
        x = rearrange(x, "n (j h) (i w) c -> n (j i) h w c", j=self.n_win, i=self.n_win)

        #################qkv projection###################
        # q: (n, p^2, w, w, c_qk)
        # kv: (n, p^2, w, w, c_qk+c_v)
        # NOTE: separte kv if there were memory leak issue caused by gather
        q, kv = self.qkv(x)

        # pixel-wise qkv
        # q_pix: (n, p^2, w^2, c_qk)
        # kv_pix: (n, p^2, h_kv*w_kv, c_qk+c_v)
        q_pix = rearrange(q, 'n p2 h w c -> n p2 (h w) c')
        kv_pix = self.kv_down(rearrange(kv, 'n p2 h w c -> (n p2) c h w'))
        kv_pix = rearrange(kv_pix, '(n j i) c h w -> n (j i) (h w) c', j=self.n_win, i=self.n_win)

        q_win, k_win = q.mean([2, 3]), kv[..., 0:self.qk_dim].mean(
            [2, 3])  # window-wise qk, (n, p^2, c_qk), (n, p^2, c_qk)

        # NOTE: call contiguous to avoid gradient warning when using ddp
        lepe = self.lepe(rearrange(kv[..., self.qk_dim:], 'n (j i) h w c -> n c (j h) (i w)', j=self.n_win,
        lepe = rearrange(lepe, 'n c (j h) (i w) -> n (j h) (i w) c', j=self.n_win, i=self.n_win)

        ############ gather q dependent k/v #################

        r_weight, r_idx = self.router(q_win, k_win)  # both are (n, p^2, topk) tensors

        kv_pix_sel = self.kv_gather(r_idx=r_idx, r_weight=r_weight, kv=kv_pix)  # (n, p^2, topk, h_kv*w_kv, c_qk+c_v)
        k_pix_sel, v_pix_sel = kv_pix_sel.split([self.qk_dim, self.dim], dim=-1)
        # kv_pix_sel: (n, p^2, topk, h_kv*w_kv, c_qk)
        # v_pix_sel: (n, p^2, topk, h_kv*w_kv, c_v)

        ######### do attention as normal ####################
        k_pix_sel = rearrange(k_pix_sel, 'n p2 k w2 (m c) -> (n p2) m c (k w2)',
                              m=self.num_heads)  # flatten to BMLC, (n*p^2, m, topk*h_kv*w_kv, c_kq//m) transpose here?
        v_pix_sel = rearrange(v_pix_sel, 'n p2 k w2 (m c) -> (n p2) m (k w2) c',
                              m=self.num_heads)  # flatten to BMLC, (n*p^2, m, topk*h_kv*w_kv, c_v//m)
        q_pix = rearrange(q_pix, 'n p2 w2 (m c) -> (n p2) m w2 c',
                          m=self.num_heads)  # to BMLC tensor (n*p^2, m, w^2, c_qk//m)

        # param-free multihead attention
        attn_weight = (
                              q_pix * self.scale) @ k_pix_sel  # (n*p^2, m, w^2, c) @ (n*p^2, m, c, topk*h_kv*w_kv) -> (n*p^2, m, w^2, topk*h_kv*w_kv)
        attn_weight = self.attn_act(attn_weight)
        out = attn_weight @ v_pix_sel  # (n*p^2, m, w^2, topk*h_kv*w_kv) @ (n*p^2, m, topk*h_kv*w_kv, c) -> (n*p^2, m, w^2, c)
        out = rearrange(out, '(n j i) m (h w) c -> n (j h) (i w) (m c)', j=self.n_win, i=self.n_win,
                        h=H // self.n_win, w=W // self.n_win)

        out = out + lepe
        # output linear
        out = self.wo(out)

        # NOTE: use padding for semantic segmentation
        # crop padded region
        if self.auto_pad and (pad_r > 0 or pad_b > 0):
            out = out[:, :H_in, :W_in, :].contiguous()

        if ret_attn_mask:
            return out, r_weight, r_idx, attn_weight
            return rearrange(out, "n h w c -> n c h w")

2.2 更改init.py文件



2.3 添加yaml文件


  • 目标检测
# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, AGPL-3.0 license
# YOLO11 object detection model with P3-P5 outputs. For Usage examples see https://docs.ultralytics.com/tasks/detect

# Parameters
nc: 80 # number of classes
scales: # model compound scaling constants, i.e. 'model=yolo11n.yaml' will call yolo11.yaml with scale 'n'
  # [depth, width, max_channels]
  n: [0.50, 0.25, 1024] # summary: 319 layers, 2624080 parameters, 2624064 gradients, 6.6 GFLOPs
  s: [0.50, 0.50, 1024] # summary: 319 layers, 9458752 parameters, 9458736 gradients, 21.7 GFLOPs
  m: [0.50, 1.00, 512] # summary: 409 layers, 20114688 parameters, 20114672 gradients, 68.5 GFLOPs
  l: [1.00, 1.00, 512] # summary: 631 layers, 25372160 parameters, 25372144 gradients, 87.6 GFLOPs
  x: [1.00, 1.50, 512] # summary: 631 layers, 56966176 parameters, 56966160 gradients, 196.0 GFLOPs

# YOLO11n backbone
  # [from, repeats, module, args]
  - [-1, 1, Conv, [64, 3, 2]] # 0-P1/2
  - [-1, 1, Conv, [128, 3, 2]] # 1-P2/4
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [256, False, 0.25]]
  - [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]] # 3-P3/8
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [512, False, 0.25]]
  - [-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]] # 5-P4/16
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [512, True]]
  - [-1, 1, Conv, [1024, 3, 2]] # 7-P5/32
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [1024, True]]
  - [-1, 1, SPPF, [1024, 5]] # 9
  - [-1, 2, C2PSA, [1024]] # 10

# YOLO11n head
  - [-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, "nearest"]]
  - [[-1, 6], 1, Concat, [1]] # cat backbone P4
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [512, False]] # 13

  - [-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, "nearest"]]
  - [[-1, 4], 1, Concat, [1]] # cat backbone P3
  - [-1, 1, BiLevelRoutingAttention, []]
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [256, False]] # 16 (P3/8-small)

  - [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]]
  - [[-1, 13], 1, Concat, [1]] # cat head P4
  - [-1, 1, BiLevelRoutingAttention, []]
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [512, False]] # 19 (P4/16-medium)

  - [-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]]
  - [[-1, 10], 1, Concat, [1]] # cat head P5
  - [-1, 1, BiLevelRoutingAttention, []]
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [1024, True]] # 22 (P5/32-large)

  - [[17, 21, 25], 1, Detect, [nc]] # Detect(P3, P4, P5)
  • 语义分割
# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, AGPL-3.0 license
# YOLO11 object detection model with P3-P5 outputs. For Usage examples see https://docs.ultralytics.com/tasks/detect

# Parameters
nc: 80 # number of classes
scales: # model compound scaling constants, i.e. 'model=yolo11n.yaml' will call yolo11.yaml with scale 'n'
  # [depth, width, max_channels]
  n: [0.50, 0.25, 1024] # summary: 319 layers, 2624080 parameters, 2624064 gradients, 6.6 GFLOPs
  s: [0.50, 0.50, 1024] # summary: 319 layers, 9458752 parameters, 9458736 gradients, 21.7 GFLOPs
  m: [0.50, 1.00, 512] # summary: 409 layers, 20114688 parameters, 20114672 gradients, 68.5 GFLOPs
  l: [1.00, 1.00, 512] # summary: 631 layers, 25372160 parameters, 25372144 gradients, 87.6 GFLOPs
  x: [1.00, 1.50, 512] # summary: 631 layers, 56966176 parameters, 56966160 gradients, 196.0 GFLOPs

# YOLO11n backbone
  # [from, repeats, module, args]
  - [-1, 1, Conv, [64, 3, 2]] # 0-P1/2
  - [-1, 1, Conv, [128, 3, 2]] # 1-P2/4
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [256, False, 0.25]]
  - [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]] # 3-P3/8
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [512, False, 0.25]]
  - [-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]] # 5-P4/16
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [512, True]]
  - [-1, 1, Conv, [1024, 3, 2]] # 7-P5/32
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [1024, True]]
  - [-1, 1, SPPF, [1024, 5]] # 9
  - [-1, 2, C2PSA, [1024]] # 10

# YOLO11n head
  - [-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, "nearest"]]
  - [[-1, 6], 1, Concat, [1]] # cat backbone P4
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [512, False]] # 13

  - [-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, "nearest"]]
  - [[-1, 4], 1, Concat, [1]] # cat backbone P3
  - [-1, 1, BiLevelRoutingAttention, []]
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [256, False]] # 16 (P3/8-small)

  - [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]]
  - [[-1, 13], 1, Concat, [1]] # cat head P4
  - [-1, 1, BiLevelRoutingAttention, []]
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [512, False]] # 19 (P4/16-medium)

  - [-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]]
  - [[-1, 10], 1, Concat, [1]] # cat head P5
  - [-1, 1, BiLevelRoutingAttention, []]
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [1024, True]] # 22 (P5/32-large)

  - [[17, 21, 25], 1, Segment, [nc, 32, 256]] # Segment(P3, P4, P5)
  • 旋转目标检测
# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, AGPL-3.0 license
# YOLO11 object detection model with P3-P5 outputs. For Usage examples see https://docs.ultralytics.com/tasks/detect

# Parameters
nc: 80 # number of classes
scales: # model compound scaling constants, i.e. 'model=yolo11n.yaml' will call yolo11.yaml with scale 'n'
  # [depth, width, max_channels]
  n: [0.50, 0.25, 1024] # summary: 319 layers, 2624080 parameters, 2624064 gradients, 6.6 GFLOPs
  s: [0.50, 0.50, 1024] # summary: 319 layers, 9458752 parameters, 9458736 gradients, 21.7 GFLOPs
  m: [0.50, 1.00, 512] # summary: 409 layers, 20114688 parameters, 20114672 gradients, 68.5 GFLOPs
  l: [1.00, 1.00, 512] # summary: 631 layers, 25372160 parameters, 25372144 gradients, 87.6 GFLOPs
  x: [1.00, 1.50, 512] # summary: 631 layers, 56966176 parameters, 56966160 gradients, 196.0 GFLOPs

# YOLO11n backbone
  # [from, repeats, module, args]
  - [-1, 1, Conv, [64, 3, 2]] # 0-P1/2
  - [-1, 1, Conv, [128, 3, 2]] # 1-P2/4
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [256, False, 0.25]]
  - [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]] # 3-P3/8
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [512, False, 0.25]]
  - [-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]] # 5-P4/16
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [512, True]]
  - [-1, 1, Conv, [1024, 3, 2]] # 7-P5/32
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [1024, True]]
  - [-1, 1, SPPF, [1024, 5]] # 9
  - [-1, 2, C2PSA, [1024]] # 10

# YOLO11n head
  - [-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, "nearest"]]
  - [[-1, 6], 1, Concat, [1]] # cat backbone P4
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [512, False]] # 13

  - [-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, "nearest"]]
  - [[-1, 4], 1, Concat, [1]] # cat backbone P3
  - [-1, 1, BiLevelRoutingAttention, []]
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [256, False]] # 16 (P3/8-small)

  - [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]]
  - [[-1, 13], 1, Concat, [1]] # cat head P4
  - [-1, 1, BiLevelRoutingAttention, []]
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [512, False]] # 19 (P4/16-medium)

  - [-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]]
  - [[-1, 10], 1, Concat, [1]] # cat head P5
  - [-1, 1, BiLevelRoutingAttention, []]
  - [-1, 2, C3k2, [1024, True]] # 22 (P5/32-large)

  - [[17, 21, 25], 1, OBB, [nc, 1]] # Detect(P3, P4, P5)

温馨提示:本文只是对yolo11基础上添加模块,如果要对yolo11n/l/m/x进行添加则只需要指定对应的depth_multiple 和 width_multiple。

# YOLO11n
depth_multiple: 0.50  # model depth multiple
width_multiple: 0.25  # layer channel multiple
# YOLO11s
depth_multiple: 0.50  # model depth multiple
width_multiple: 0.50  # layer channel multiple
# YOLO11m
depth_multiple: 0.50  # model depth multiple
width_multiple: 1.00  # layer channel multiple
# YOLO11l 
depth_multiple: 1.00  # model depth multiple
width_multiple: 1.00  # layer channel multiple
# YOLO11x
depth_multiple: 1.00  # model depth multiple
width_multiple: 1.50 # layer channel multiple

2.4 在task.py中进行注册




elif m in {BiLevelRoutingAttention}:
            c2 = ch[f]
            args = [c2, *args]

2.5 执行程序


from ultralytics import YOLO
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # 加载模型
    model = YOLO("ultralytics/cfg/11/yolo11.yaml")  # 你要选择的模型yaml文件地址
    # Use the model
    results = model.train(data=r"你的数据集的yaml文件地址",
                          epochs=100, batch=16, imgsz=640, workers=4, name=Path(model.cfg).stem)  # 训练模型


                   from  n    params  module                                       arguments
  0                  -1  1       464  ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Conv             [3, 16, 3, 2]
  1                  -1  1      4672  ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Conv             [16, 32, 3, 2]
  2                  -1  1      6640  ultralytics.nn.modules.block.C3k2            [32, 64, 1, False, 0.25]      
  3                  -1  1     36992  ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Conv             [64, 64, 3, 2]
  4                  -1  1     26080  ultralytics.nn.modules.block.C3k2            [64, 128, 1, False, 0.25]     
  5                  -1  1    147712  ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Conv             [128, 128, 3, 2]
  6                  -1  1     87040  ultralytics.nn.modules.block.C3k2            [128, 128, 1, True]
  7                  -1  1    295424  ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Conv             [128, 256, 3, 2]
  8                  -1  1    346112  ultralytics.nn.modules.block.C3k2            [256, 256, 1, True]
  9                  -1  1    164608  ultralytics.nn.modules.block.SPPF            [256, 256, 5]
 10                  -1  1    249728  ultralytics.nn.modules.block.C2PSA           [256, 256, 1]
 11                  -1  1         0  torch.nn.modules.upsampling.Upsample         [None, 2, 'nearest']
 12             [-1, 6]  1         0  ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Concat           [1]
 13                  -1  1    111296  ultralytics.nn.modules.block.C3k2            [384, 128, 1, False]
 14                  -1  1         0  torch.nn.modules.upsampling.Upsample         [None, 2, 'nearest']
 15             [-1, 4]  1         0  ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Concat           [1]
 16                  -1  1    265728  ultralytics.nn.modules.block.BiLevelRoutingAttention[256]
 17                  -1  1     32096  ultralytics.nn.modules.block.C3k2            [256, 64, 1, False]
 18                  -1  1     36992  ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Conv             [64, 64, 3, 2]
 19            [-1, 13]  1         0  ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Concat           [1]
 20                  -1  1    150144  ultralytics.nn.modules.block.BiLevelRoutingAttention[192]
 21                  -1  1     86720  ultralytics.nn.modules.block.C3k2            [192, 128, 1, False]
 22                  -1  1    147712  ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Conv             [128, 128, 3, 2]
 23            [-1, 10]  1         0  ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Concat           [1]
 24                  -1  1    595200  ultralytics.nn.modules.block.BiLevelRoutingAttention[384]
 25                  -1  1    378880  ultralytics.nn.modules.block.C3k2            [384, 256, 1, True]
 26        [17, 21, 25]  1    464912  ultralytics.nn.modules.head.Detect           [80, [64, 128, 256]]
YOLO11_Biformer summary: 352 layers, 3,635,152 parameters, 3,635,136 gradients, 46.1 GFLOPs



4. 完整代码分享



关于GFLOPs的计算方式可以查看百面算法工程师 | 卷积基础知识——Convolution

未改进的YOLO11n GFLOPs


6. 进阶




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