1. Overview of Amazon Web Services White Paper

  • What Is Cloud Computing?

  • Cloud computing is the on-demand delivery of compute power, database, storage, applications, and other IT resources through a cloud services platform via the Internet with pay-as-you-go pricing.
  • Six Advantages of Cloud Computing

  • Trade capital expense for variable expense
  • Benefifit from massive economies of scale
  • Stop guessing capacity
  • Increase speed and agility
  • Stop spending money running and maintaining data centers
  • Go global in minutes
  • Types of Cloud Computing

  • Cloud Computing Models

  • 1.Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) contains the basic building blocks for cloud IT and typically provides access to networking features, computers (virtual or on dedicated hardware), and data storage space. IaaS provides you with the highest level of flflexibility and management control over your IT resources and is most similar to existing IT resources that many IT departments and developers are familiar with today.
  • 2.Platform as a Service (PaaS)

  • Platform as a Service (PaaS) removes the need for your organization to manage the underlying infrastructure (usually hardware and operating systems) and allows you to focus on the deployment and management of your applications​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
  • 3.Software as a Service (SaaS)

  • Software as a Service (SaaS) provides you with a completed product that is run and managed by the service provider.With a SaaS offffering you do not have to think about how the service is maintained or how the underlying infrastructure is managed; you only need to think about how you will use that particular piece of software.
  • Cloud Computing Deployment Models

  • 1.Cloud

  • A cloud-based application is fully deployed in the cloud and all parts of the application run in the cloud.
  • 2.Hybrid

  • A hybrid deployment is a way to connect infrastructure and applications between cloud-based resources and existing resources that are not located in the cloud.
  • 3.On-premises

  • The deployment of resources on-premises, using virtualization and resource management tools, is sometimes called the “private cloud.”
  • Global Infrastructure

  • The AWS Cloud infrastructure is built around AWS Regions and Availability Zones.The AWS Cloud operates in 80 Availability Zones within 25 geographic Regions around the world, with announced plans for more Availability Zones and Regions. AWS provides you with the flexibility to place instances and store data within multiple geographic regions as well as across multiple Availability Zones within each AWS Region.
  • AWS Region

  • An AWS Region is a physical location in the world where we have multiple Availability Zones
  • Each Amazon Region is designed to be completely isolated from the other Amazon Regions
  • Achieves the greatest possible fault tolerance and stability
  • Each region consists of at least 3 availability zones
  • Availability Zones

  • Availability Zones consist of one or more discrete data centers, each with redundant power, networking, and connectivity, housed in separate facilities.
  • Each Availability Zone is isolated and designed as an independent failure zone. This means that Availability Zones are physically separated within a typical metropolitan region and are located in lower risk flood plains
  • Availability Zones in a Region are connected through low-latency links
  • Benefits of AWS Security

  • Keep Your Data Safe
  • Meet Compliance Requirements
  • Save Money
  • Scale Quickly
  • Security and Compliance

  • Security

  • The AWS Cloud enables a shared responsibility model. While AWS manages security of the cloud, you are responsible for security in the cloud. This means that you retain control of the security you choose to implement to protect your own content, platform, applications, systems, and networks no difffferently than you would in an on-site data center.
  • Compliance

  • The IT infrastructure that AWS provides to its customers is designed and managed in alignment with best security practices and a variety of IT security standards. The following is a partial list of assurance programs with which AWS complies:
  • SOC 1/ISAE 3402, SOC 2, SOC 3
  • PCI DSS Level 1
  • ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27018
  • Exam Essentials

  • Understand the global infrastructure.
    • AWS provides a highly available technology infrastructure platform with multiple locations worldwide. These locations are composed of regions and Availability Zones. Each region is located in a separate geographic area and has multiple, isolated locations known as Availability Zones.
  • Understand regions.
    • An AWS region is a physical geographic location that consists of a cluster of data centers. AWS regions enable the placement of resources and data in multiple locations around the globe. Each region is completely independent and is designed to be completely isolated from the other regions. This achieves the greatest possible fault tolerance and stability. Resources aren’t replicated across regions unless organizations choose to do so.
  • Understand Availability Zones.
    • An Availability Zone is one or more data centers within a region that are designed to be isolated from failures in other Availability Zones. Availability Zones provide inexpensive, low-latency network connectivity to other zones in the same region. By placing resources in separate Availability Zones, organizations can protect their website or application from a service disruption impacting a single location.
  • Understand the hybrid deployment model.
    • A hybrid deployment model is an architectural pattern providing connectivity for infrastructure and applications between cloud-based resources and existing resources that are not located in the cloud.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Amazon Web Services

Compute Services​​​​​​​

Networking and Content Delivery​​​​​​​

Media Services



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