
(图片为截图 请到原文查看效果)
ActionScript对象占用的大部分内存分配给Flash Player和更多的ActionScript对象集合,其内存消耗较高。为了保持程序的内存消耗低,在Flash Player中定期做一些面对所有的ActionScript对象和从内存中释放那些不再使用的资源的内存回收。
CPU使用率率 = (目标帧频-实际帧频)/实际帧频*100
请注意:本教程中的所有影片截图来自独立版本的Flash Player。该图将很有可能和你的系统上显示的数字不同,这取决于你的操作系统、浏览器、Flash Player版本。有任何其他在不同的浏览器窗口正在运行的Flash应用程序或flash播放器也可能会影响某些系统内存使用报告。当分析你的程序效能时,始终保证没有其他的Flash程序正在运行,因为它们可能会破坏你的指标。
下面是动画影片的源代码,它只有一个类,叫Flames,也是文档类。这个类包含了一些属性来追踪影片内存使用和CPU使用率历史,被用来画一个图表。内存和CPU使用率数据的计算和更新都是在Flames.getStates() 这个函数中,并且图表是由Flames.drawGraph()逐帧绘制的,为了创造火焰效果,Flames.createParticles()这个函数首先每秒生成几百个粒子,粒子都被存储在fireParticles这个数组里。这个数组在Flames.drawParticles()中不断循环,用粒子属性创造效果。
- Package com.pjtops{
- Import flash.display.MovieClip;
- Import flash.events.Event;
- Import fl.motion.Color;
- Import flash.geom.Point;
- Import flash.geom.Rectangle;
- Import flash.text.TextField;
- Import flash.system.System;
- Import flash.utils.getTimer;
- Public class Flames extends MovieClip{
- Private var memory Log = newArray(); // stores System.totalMemory values for display in the graph
- Private var memory Max = 0; // the highest value of System.totalMemory recorded so far
- Private var memory Min = 0; // the lowest value of System.totalMemory recorded so far
- Private var memory Color; // the color used by text displaying memory info
- Private var ticks = 0; // counts the number of times getStats() is called before the next frame rate value is set
- Private var frameRate = 0; //the original frame rate value as set in Adobe Flash
- Private var cpuLog = newArray(); // stores cpu values for display in the graph
- Private var cpuMax = 0; // the highest cpu value recorded so far
- Private var cpuMin = 0; // the lowest cpu value recorded so far
- Private var cpuColor; // the color used by text displaying cpu
- Private var cpu; // the current calculated cpu use
- Private var lastUpdate = 0; // the last time the framerate was calculated
- Private var sampleSize = 30; // the length of memoryLog & cpuLog
- Private var graphHeight;
- Private var graphWidth;
- Private var fireParticles = new Array(); // stores all active flame particles
- Private var fireMC = new MovieClip(); // the canvas for drawing the flames
- Private var palette = new Array(); // stores all available colors for the flame particles
- Private var anchors = new Array(); // stores horizontal points along fireMC which act like magnets to the particles
- Private var frame; // the movieclips bounding box
- // class constructor. Set up all the events, timers and objects
- Public functionFlames() {
- addChildAt( fireMC, 1);
- frame = new Rectangle( 2, 2, stage.stageWidth - 2, stage.stageHeight - 2);
- var colWidth = Math.floor( frame.width / 10);
- for( var i = 0; i < 10; i++ ){
- anchors[i] = Math.floor( i * colWidth );
- }
- SetPalette();
- memoryColor = memoryTF.textColor;
- cpuColor = cpuTF.textColor;
- graphHeight = graphMC.height;
- graphWidth = graphMC.width;
- frameRate = stage.frameRate;
- addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, drawParticles );
- addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, getStats );
- addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, drawGraph );
- }
- //creates a collection of colors for the flame particles, and stores them in palette
- Private function setPalette(){
- Var black = 0x000000;
- Var blue = 0x0000FF;
- Var red = 0xFF0000;
- Var orange = 0xFF7F00;
- Var yellow = 0xFFFF00;
- Var white = 0xFFFFFF;
- palettepalette = palette.concat( getColorRange( black, blue, 10) );
- palettepalette = palette.concat( getColorRange( blue, red, 30) );
- palettepalette = palette.concat( getColorRange( red, orange, 20) );
- palettepalette = palette.concat( getColorRange( orange, yellow, 20) );
- palettepalette = palette.concat( getColorRange( yellow, white, 20) );
- }
- //returns a collection of colors, made from different mixes of color1 and color2
- Private function getColorRange( color1, color2, steps){
- Var output = new Array();
- for( var i = 0; i < steps; i++ ){
- var progress = i / steps;
- var color = Color.interpolateColor( color1, color2, progress );
- output.push( color );
- }
- Return output;
- }
- // calculates statistics for the current state of the application, in terms of memory used and the cpu %
- Private function getStats( event ){
- ticks++;
- var now = getTimer();
- if( now - lastUpdate < 1000){
- return;
- }else{
- lastUpdate = now;
- }
- cpu = 100- ticks / frameRate * 100;
- cpuLog.push( cpu );
- ticks = 0;
- cpucpuTF.text = cpu.toFixed(1) + '%';
- if( cpu > cpuMax ){
- cpucpuMax = cpu;
- cpuMaxTF.text = cpuTF.text;
- }
- if( cpu < cpuMin || cpuMin == 0){
- cpucpuMin = cpu;
- cpuMinTF.text = cpuTF.text;
- }
- Var memory = System.totalMemory / 1000000;
- memoryLog.push( memory );
- memoryTF.text = String( memory.toFixed(1) ) + 'mb';
- if( memory > memoryMax ){
- memorymemoryMax = memory;
- memoryMaxTF.text = memoryTF.text;
- }
- if( memory < memoryMin || memoryMin == 0){
- memorymemoryMin = memory;
- memoryMinTF.text = memoryTF.text;
- }
- }
- //render's a graph on screen, that shows trends in the applications frame rate and memory consumption
- Private function drawGraph( event ){
- graphMC.graphics.clear();
- var ypoint, xpoint;
- var logSize = memoryLog.length;
- if( logSize > sampleSize ){
- memoryLog.shift();
- cpuLog.shift();
- logSize = sampleSize;
- }
- Var widthRatio = graphMC.width / logSize;
- graphMC.graphics.lineStyle( 3, memoryColor, 0.9);
- var memoryRange = memoryMax - memoryMin;
- for( var i = 0; i < memoryLog.length; i++ ){
- ypoint = ( memoryLog[i] - memoryMin ) / memoryRange * graphHeight;
- xpoint = (i / sampleSize) * graphWidth;
- if( i == 0){
- graphMC.graphics.moveTo( xpoint, -ypoint );
- continue;
- }
- graphMC.graphics.lineTo( xpoint, -ypoint );
- }
- graphMC.graphics.lineStyle( 3, cpuColor, 0.9);
- for( var j = 0; j < cpuLog.length; j++ ){
- ypoint = cpuLog[j] / 100* graphHeight;
- xpoint = ( j / sampleSize ) * graphWidth;
- if( j == 0){
- graphMC.graphics.moveTo( xpoint, -ypoint );
- continue;
- }
- graphMC.graphics.lineTo( xpoint, -ypoint );
- }
- }
- //renders each flame particle and updates it's values
- Private function drawParticles( event ) {
- createParticles( 20);
- fireMC.graphics.clear();
- for( vari infireParticles ) {
- varparticle = fireParticles[i];
- if(particle.life == 0) {
- delete( fireParticles[i] );
- continue;
- }
- Var size = Math.floor( particle.size * particle.life/100);
- Var color = palette[ particle.life ];
- Var transperency = 0.3;
- if( size < 3){
- size *= 3;
- color = 0x333333;
- particle.x += Math.random() * 8- 4;
- particle.y -= 2;
- transperency = 0.2;
- }else{
- particle.y = frame.bottom - ( 100- particle.life );
- if( particle.life > 90){
- size *= 1.5;
- }elseif( particle.life > 45){
- particle.x += Math.floor( Math.random() * 6- 3);
- size *= 1.2;
- }else{
- transperency = 0.1;
- size *= 0.3;
- particle.x += Math.floor( Math.random() * 4- 2);
- }
- }
- fireMC.graphics.lineStyle( 5, color, 0.1);
- fireMC.graphics.beginFill( color, transperency );
- fireMC.graphics.drawCircle( particle.x, particle.y, size );
- fireMC.graphics.endFill();
- particle.life--;
- }
- }
- //generates flame particle objects
- Private function createParticles( count ){
- Var anchorPoint = 0;
- for(var i = 0; i < count; i++){
- var particle = newObject();
- particle.x = Math.floor( Math.random() * frame.width / 10) + anchors[anchorPoint];
- particle.y = frame.bottom;
- particle.life = 70+ Math.floor( Math.random() * 30);
- particle.size = 5+ Math.floor( Math.random() * 10);
- fireParticles.push( particle );
- if(particle.size > 12){
- particle.size = 10;
- }
- particle.anchor = anchors[anchorPoint] + Math.floor( Math.random() * 5);
- anchorPoint = (anchorPoint == 9)? 0: anchorPoint + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- 复制代码
第一个我们要改动的一类就是所有声明的数据类型变量、函数参数和函数返回值。例如:对它进行改动:Protect var memoryLog = new Array();Protected var memoryMax = 0;改成这样:Protected var memoryLog:Array = new array();Protected var memoryMax:Number = 0; 当声明变量时指定数据类型会使得flash编译器在生成SWF文件时进行一些额外的优化,仅仅这样就已经能使得优化得到很大的提升了,我们会看着例子来说。另一个强类型的好处就是编译器能够捕捉到而且警告你数据类型相关的一些错误。

AS提供了三种数据类型:Number,uint和int。在这三种数据类型中,Number消耗了最多的内存,因为它能存储比其它两种更大的数据值。这也是唯一的能存储小数类型的数据类型。 Flames类有很多数据属性,它们都使用了Number数据类型。在不必使用小数的情况下使用Int和uint比起来能比Number节省更多的内存。
- for( var i:Number= 0; i < 10; i++ ){
- anchors[i] = Math.floor( i * colWidth );
- }
- 复制代码
- for( vari:int= 0; i < 10; i++ ){
- anchors[i] = Math.floor( i * colWidth );
- }
- 复制代码
Cpu、cpuMax和memoryMax会保持Number类型,因为它们存储的是小数数据,但memoryColor cpuColor 和ticks可以改成uint类型,因为它们经常存储的是正整数。