斯坦福密码学 I 学习笔记
本系列为斯坦福 Dan Boneh教授的"密码学 I"的学习笔记
课程网址: http://www.coursera.org/lecture/crypto/course-overview-lboqg
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最近听了一遍斯坦福大学Dan Boneh的密码学课程,打算记录一下这门课程的一些知识点。
- 课程大纲
- 0 Introduction
- 1 Stream Ciphers
- 2 Block Ciphers
- 3 Message Integrity
- 4 Authenticated Encryption
- 5 Basic Key Exchange
- 6 Public-Encryption
- 0 Introduction
- 0.1 Course Overview
- 0.2 What is Cryptography
- 0.3 History of Cryptography
- 相关书籍
- Symmetric Ciphers
- Few History Examples
- 0.4 Discrete Probablity
- Basic Symbols and definitions
- Events
- The Union bound
- Random Variables
- The uniform random variable
- Randomized algorithms
- Recap 扼要重述
- Independence
- The birthday paradox
- 1 Stream Ciphers
- 1.1 理论安全和一次一密 Information Theoretic Security and The One Time Pad
- Symmetric Ciphers: definition
- One time Pad (Vernam 1917)
- Infromation Theoretic Security
- Lemma: OTP has perfect secrecy
- Bad news about perfect secrecy
- 1.2 Stream Ciphers and Pseudo Random Generators
- Review
- Stream cipher: making OTP practical
- 不可预测性:PRG must be unpredictable
- Weak PRGs
- Negligible and non-negligible
- 1.3 Attacks on Stream Ciphers
- Review
- Attack 1: two time pad is insecure !
- Real Word example
- A better construction
- Yet another example: disk encryption
- Two time pad: summary
- Attack2: no integrity
- 1.4 Real-World Stream Ciphers
- Old example : RC4 (1987)
- Old example: CSS (Content Scrambling System)
- Modern stream ciphers: estream (2008)
- eStream: Salsa 20 (SW + HW)
- Performance in AMD Opteron. 2.2 GHz, Linux
- 1.5 What is a secure cipher
- 1.5.1 PRG Security Definitions
- Definitions
- Statistical Tests
- Advantage
- Secure PRGs: crypto definition
- Easy fact: a secure PRG is unpredictable
- Thm (Yao’82): an unpredictable PRG is secure
- More Generally
- 1.5.2 Semantic Security
- What is a secure cipher?
- Recall Shannon’s perfect secrecy
- Semantic Security (one-time key)
- Example: Not semantically secure
- Example: OTP is semantically secure
- 1.5.3 Stream ciphers are semantically secure
- Stream ciphers are semantically secure
- Proof of claim 2: \exist B: | PrW_0
- 1.5.1 PRG Security Definitions
- 1.1 理论安全和一次一密 Information Theoretic Security and The One Time Pad
- 2 Block Ciphers
- 2.1 Overview – What are Block ciphers?
- Block ciphers: crypto work horse
- Block Ciphers Built by iteration
- Performance
- Abstractly: PRPs and PRFs
- Running examples
- Secure PRFs
- A Practice
- An easy application: PRF ⇒\Rightarrow⇒ PRG
- 2.2 The Data Encryption Standard
- 2.2.1 DES Structure
- The Data Encryption Standard (DES)
- DES: Core idea - Feistel Network
- Decryption circuit
- Theorem: security of Feistel (secure PRP) Luby-Rackoff '85
- DES: 16 round Feistel network
- The function F(ki,x)\mathbf{F}(k_i,x)F(ki,x)
- The S-boxes
- Example: a bad S-Box choice (Linear S-Box)
- Choose the S-boxes and P-box
- 2.2.2 Exhaustive Search Attacks
- Exhaustive Search for block cipher key
- DES challenge
- Strengthening DES against ex. search – Method 1: Triple-DES
- Why not double DES?
- Meet in the middle attack
- Strengthening DES against ex. search – Method 2: DESX
- 2.2.3 More attacks on Block Ciphers
- Attacks on the implementation
- Linear and differential attacks
- Linear attacks
- Lesson
- Quantum attacks
- Quantum exhaustive search
- 2.2.1 DES Structure
- 2.3 AES and other constructions
- 2.3.1 The AES Block Cipher
- The AES process
- AES is a Subs-Perm network (not Feistel)
- AES-128 schematic
- The round function
- Example: Javascript AES
- AES in hardware
- Attacks
- 2.3.2 Block Ciphers From PRGs
- Can we build a PRF from a PRG?
- Extending a PRG:
- A quick Proof: G1G_1G1 is a secure PRG:
- Extending more:
- Extending even more: the GGM PRF
- Secure block cipher from a PRG
- 2.3.1 The AES Block Cipher
- 2.4 How to use Block Ciphers 1: one-time key
- 2.4.1 Review:PRPs and PRFs
- Abstractly: PRPs and PRFs
- Secure PRFs
- Secure PRF: definition
- Secure PRP
- Practice: secure PRF
- Example secure PRPs
- Practice: Secure PRP
- PRF Switching Lemma
- Final Note
- 2.4.2 Models of Operation: One-time Key
- Using PRPs and PRFs
- Incorrect use of a PRP
- Semantic Security (One-time key)
- ECB is not Semantically Secure
- Secure Construction 1
- Det. counter-mode security
- 2.4.1 Review:PRPs and PRFs
- 2.5 How to use Block Ciphers 2: many-time Key
- 2.5.1 Security for Many-Time Key (CPA Security)
- Semantic Security for many-time key (CPA security)
- Ciphers insecure under CPA
- Solution 1: randomized encryption
- Solution 2: nonce-based Encryption
- CPA security for nonce-based encryption
- 2.5.2 Modes of Operation: Many Time Key (CBC)
- Construction 1: CBC with random IV
- Decryption circuit
- CBC: CPA Analysis
- An example
- Warning: an attack on CBC with rand. IV
- Construnction 1’: nonce-based CBC
- An example Crypto API (open SSL)
- A CBC technicality: padding
- 2.5.3 Modes of Operation: Many Time Key (CTR)
- Construction 2: rand. ctr-mode
- Construction 2‘: nonce ctr-mode
- rand ctr-mode (rand. IV): CPA analysis
- An axample
- Comparison: ctr VS. CBC
- Summary
- 2.5.1 Security for Many-Time Key (CPA Security)
- 2.1 Overview – What are Block ciphers?
- 3 Message Integrity
- 3.1 Message Integrity: Definitions
- 3.1.1 Message Authentication Codes
- Message Integrity
- Message integrity: MACs
- Integrity requires a secret key
- Secure MACs
- Example on the MAC security
- Example: Protecting system files
- 3.1.2 MAC beasd on PRFs
- Review: Secure MAC
- Secure PRF ⇒\Rightarrow⇒ Secure MAC
- A bad example
- Security
- Proof Sketch
- Examples
- Truncating MACs based on PRFs
- 3.1.1 Message Authentication Codes
- 3.2 Message Integrity 2: Construction (Squential MAC Construction)
- 3.2.1 CBC-MAC and NMAC
- MACs and PRFs
- Construction 1: CBC-MAC
- Construction 2: NMAC (nested MAC)
- Why the last encryption step in ECBC-MAC and NMAC?
- ECBC-MAC and NMAC analysis
- An example
- The security bounds are tight: an attack
- Comparison
- 3.2.2 MAC padding
- Recall ECBC-MAC
- CBC MAC padding: What if msg. len. is not multiple of block-size
- CBC MAC padding
- CMAC (NIST standard)
- 3.2.1 CBC-MAC and NMAC
- 3.3 More constructions (Parallel or One-time MAC): PMAC and the Carter Wegman MAC
- Construction 3: PMAC - Parallel MAC
- PAC: Analysis
- PMAC is incremental
- One time MAC (analog of one time pad)
- One-time MAC: an example
- One-time MAC ⇒\Rightarrow⇒ Many-time MAC
- Construction HMAC (Hash-MAC)
- Further reading
- 3.4 Collision Ressistance 1: What is a collision resistant function
- 3.4.1 Introduction
- Recap: message integrity
- Collision Resistance
- MACs from Collision Resistance
- MACs from Collision Resistance
- Protecting file integity using C.R. hash
- 3.4.2 Generic birthday attack
- Generic attack on C.R. functions
- The birthday paradox
- Generic attack
- Sample C.R. hash functions:
- 3.4.1 Introduction
- 3.5 Collision Resistance 2: constructions
- 3.5.1 The Merkle-Damgard Paradigm
- Collision resistance: review
- The Merkle-Damgard iterated construction
- MD collision resistanace
- 3.5.2 Constructing Compression Functions
- The Merkle-Damgard iterated construction
- Comopression function from a block cipher
- Other block cipher constructions
- Case study: SHA-256
- Provable compression function
- 3.5.1 The Merkle-Damgard Paradigm
- 3.6 A MAC from a hash function
- 3.6.1 HMAC: a MAC from SHA-256
- The Merkle-Damgard iterated construction
- MAC from a Merkle-Damgard Hash Function
- Standardized method: HMAC (Hash-MAC)
- HMAC properties
- 3.6.2 Timing attacks on MAC verification
- Warning: verification timing attacks
- Warning: verification timing attacks
- Defnese #1
- Defense #2
- 3.6.1 HMAC: a MAC from SHA-256
- 3.1 Message Integrity: Definitions
- 4 Authenticated Encryption
- 4.1 Authenticated encryption: Why is it so important?
- 4.1.1 Active attacks on CPA-Secure Encryption
- Recap: the story so far
- Sample tampering attacks
- An attack using only network access
- The lesson
- 4.1.2 Definitions
- Goals
- Ciphertext integrity
- Authenticated encryption
- Implication 1: authenticity authenticity 真实性,可靠性
- Implication 2
- 4.1.3 Chosen Ciphertext Attacks
- Example chosen ciphertext attacks
- Chosen ciphertext security
- Chosen ciphertext security: definition
- Authenticated enc. ⇒\Rightarrow⇒ CCA security
- Proof by pictures
- Conclusion according to AE⇒CCAsecurityAE \Rightarrow CCA securityAE⇒CCAsecurity
- 4.1.1 Active attacks on CPA-Secure Encryption
- 4.2 Standard AE (authenticated encryption) constructions
- Some history
- Combiing MAC and ENC (CCA)
- A.E. Theorems
- Standards (at a high level)
- An example API (OpenSSL)
- MAC Security: an example
- OCB: a direct construction from a PRP
- Performance
- 4.3 Authenticated Encryption 3: potfalls
- 4.3.1 Case Study: TLS 1.2
- The TLS Record Protocol (TLS 1.2)
- TLS record: encryption (CBC AES-128, HMAC-SHA1)
- TLS record: decryption (CBC AES-128, HMAC-SHA1)
- Bugs in older versions (prior to TLS 1.1)
- 802.11b WEP: how not to do it
- Active attacks
- 4.3.2 CBC padding attacks
- Recap
- The TLS record protocol (CBC encryption)
- Padding oracle
- Padding oracle via timing OpenSSL
- Using a padding oracle
- IMAP over TLS
- Lesson
- 4.3.3 Attacking Non-Atomic Decryption
- SSH Binary Packet Protocol
- An attack on the enc. length field (simplified)
- Lesson
- Further reading about Authenticated Encryption
- 4.3.1 Case Study: TLS 1.2
- 4.4 Odds and Ends: Key Derivation
- Deriving many keys from one
- When source key is uniform
- Whay if source key is not uniform
- Extract-then-Expand paradigm
- HKDF: a KDF from HMAC
- Passwaord-Based KDF (PBKDF)
- 4.5 Odds and Ends 2: Searching on encrypted data
- 4.5.1 Deterministic Encryption
- The need for det. Encryption
- Problem: Deterministic encryption cannot be CPA secure
- A solution: the case of unique messages
- Deterministic CPA Security
- A common Mistake
- 4.5.2 Determinisic Encryption: SIV and Wide PRP
- Deterministic encryption
- Consturction 1: Synthetic IV (SIV)
- Ensuring ciphertext integrity
- Det. Auth. Enc. (DAE) for free
- Construcion 2: just use a PRP
- EME: constructing a wide block PRP
- PRP-based Det. Authenticated Enc.
- 4.5.1 Deterministic Encryption
- 4.6 Disk Encryption and Creditcard encryption
- 4.6.1 Tweakable Encryption
- Disk encryption: no expansion
- Tweakable block ciphers
- Secure tweakable block ciphers
- Example 1: the trivial construction
- The XTS tweakable block cipher R’04
- Disk encryption using XTS
- Summary
- 4.6.2 Format Preserving Encryption
- Encrypting credit card numbers
- Format preserving encryption (FPE)
- Step 1: from {0,1}n\{0,1 \}^{n}{0,1}n to {0,1}t\{0,1 \}^{t}{0,1}t (t<n)
- Step 2: from {0,1}t\{0,1 \}^{t}{0,1}t to {0,1,2 ,… ,s-1}
- Security
- Further reading
- 4.6.1 Tweakable Encryption
- 4.1 Authenticated encryption: Why is it so important?
- 5 Basic Key Exchange
- 5.1 Basic Key Exchange 1: problem statement
- 5.1.1 Truested 3rd parties
- Key management
- A better solution
- Generating keys: a toy protocol
- Generating keys: a toy protocol
- Toy protocol: insecure against active attacks
- Key question:
- 5.1.2 Merkle Puzzles
- Key exchange without an online TTP??
- Merkle Puzzles (1974)
- Impossibility Result
- 5.1.1 Truested 3rd parties
- 5.2 Basic key exchange 2: two solutions
- 5.2.1 The Diffie-Hellman Protocol
- The Diffie-Hellman Protocol
- Security
- How hard is the DH function mod p?
- Insecure against man-in-the middle
- Another look at DH
- An open problem: Can we do this for more than two party?
- 5.2.2 Public-Key Encryption
- Establishing a shared secret
- Public key encryption
- Public key encryption
- Semantci Security
- Establishing a shared secret
- Security
- Insecure against man in the middle
- Public key encryption: Constructions
- Further readings
- 5.2.1 The Diffie-Hellman Protocol
- 5.3 Number Theory 1: modular arithmetic
- 5.3.1 Notation
- Background
- Notation
- Modular arithmetic
- Greatset common divisor
- Modular inversion
- Modular inversion
- More notation
- Solving modular linear equations
- 5.3.2 Fermat and Euler
- Review
- Fermat’s theorem (1640)
- Aplication: generating random primes
- The structure of (Zp)∗(\mathcal{Z}_{p})^{*}(Zp)∗
- Order 阶数
- Euler’s generalization of Fermat
- 5.3.3 Modular e’th Roots
- Modular e’th roots
- The easy case: gcd(e, p-1) = 1
- The case e=2: square roots
- Euler’s theorem
- Computing square roots mod p
- Solving quadratic equations mod p
- Computing e’th roots mod N?
- 5.3.1 Notation
- 5.4 Number Theory: easy and hard problems
- 5.4.1 Arithmetic algorithms
- Representing bignums
- Arithmetic
- Exponentiation
- The repeated squaring alg.
- Running times
- 5.4.2 Intractable Problems
- Easy problem
- Intractable problems with primes
- DLOG: more generally
- Computing Dlog in ZP∗\mathcal{Z}^{*}_{P}ZP∗
- An application: Collision resistance
- Intractable problems with composites
- The factoring problem
- Futuer reading
- 5.4.1 Arithmetic algorithms
- 5.1 Basic Key Exchange 1: problem statement
- 6 Public-Encryption
- 6.1 Public Key Encryption from Trapdoor Permutations
- 6.1.1 Definitions and Security
- Public key encryption
- Applicaions
- Public key encryption
- Semantci Security (as a quick review)
- Relation to symmetric cipher security
- Security against active attacks
- (pub-key) Chosen Ciphertext Security: definition
- 6.1.2 Constructions
- Trapdoor functions (TDF)
- Secure Trapdoor Functions (TDFs)
- Public-key encryption from TDFs
- Incorrect use of a Trapdoor Function (TDF)
- 6.1.1 Definitions and Security
- 6.2 Public Key Encryption from Trapdoor Permutations: RSA
- 6.2.1 The RSA Trapdoor Permutation
- Review: Trapdoor permutations
- Review: arithmetic mod composites
- The RSA trapdoor permutation
- The RSA assumption
- Review: RSA pub-key encryption
- Textbook RSA is insecure
- A simple attack on textbook RSA
- 6.2.2 PKCS 1
- RSA encryption in practice
- PKCS 1 V1.5
- Attack on PKCS 1 v1.5 (Bleichenbacher 1998)
- Baby Bleichenbacher
- HTTPS Defense (RFC 5246)
- PKCS v 2.0: OAEP
- OAEP Improvements
- Subtleties in implementing OAEP
- 6.2.1 The RSA Trapdoor Permutation
- 6.3 Public Key Encryption from Trapdoor Permutations: Attacks
- 6.3.1 Is RSA a One-Way Function?
- Is RSA a one-way permutation?
- Shortcuts?
- How Not to improve RSA’s performance
- Wiener’s attack
- 6.3.2 RSA in Practice
- RSA with Low public exponent
- Key Lengths
- Implementation attacks
- An example Fault Attack on RSA (CRT)
- RSA Key Generation Trouble Heninger et al. / Lenstra et al.
- Further reading
- 6.3.1 Is RSA a One-Way Function?
- 6.4 Public Key Encryption From Diffie-Hellman: EIGamal
- 6.4.1 The EIGamal Public-key system
- Recap: public key encryption (Gen, E, D) & Applications
- Constructions
- Review: the Diffie-Hellman protocol
- EIGamal: converting to pub-key enc.
- The EIGamal system (a modern view)
- EIGamal performance
- 6.4.2 EIGamal Security
- Computational Diffie-Hellman Assumption
- Hash Diffie-Hellman Assumption
- EIGamal is sem. secure under Hash-DH
- EIGamal chosen ciphertext security?
- EIGamal chosen ciphertext security
- 6.4.3 EIGamal Variants With Better Security
- Review: EIGamal Encryption
- EIGamal Chosen Ciphertext Security
- Variants: twin EIGamal CKS’ 08
- Chosen ciphertext security
- EIGamal security without random oracles
- Further reading
- 6.4.1 The EIGamal Public-key system
- 6.5 Public Key Encryption: Summary
- 6.5.1 A unifying Theme
- One-way function
- Ex. 1: Generic one-way functions
- Ex 2: The DLOG one-way function
- Ex.3 The RSA one-way function
- Summary
- 6.5.2 Farewell (For Now)
- Quick Review: primiteves
- Remaining Core Topics (Part 2)
- 6.5.1 A unifying Theme
- 6.1 Public Key Encryption from Trapdoor Permutations
- Week 1: PRG
- Week 2: PRF and PRP
- Week 3: Data integrity
- MAC 各种MAC地构造
- Hash 函数
- Collision Resistance 生日悖论等
- Week 4: Authenticated Encryption
- 认证 + 加密
- Week 5: 开始一个新的topic- 公钥密码
- Trapdoor functions
- Diffie-Hellman groups
- Week 6: 具体方法
- EIGamal