斯坦福 密码学 I 学习笔记4:Lecture 3 Message Integrity

本系列为斯坦福 Dan Boneh教授的"密码学 I"的学习笔记
课程网址: http://www.coursera.org/lecture/crypto/course-overview-lboqg



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本文为其中Chapter 3 Message Integrity 的内容,包括:


3 Message Integrity

This chapter:

  • First:
    • stop talking about encryption
    • instead, discuss Message Integrity
  • Next:
    • come back to encryption
    • show how to Provide Both Encryption And Integirty

3.1 Message Integrity: Definitions

3.1.1 Message Authentication Codes

Message Integrity
  • Goal: integrity, no confidentiality
  • Examples:
    • Protecting public binaries on disk
      • such as opertating system files on your disk
        • they are not confidential
        • But it is important to make sure that they’re not modified by a virus or some malwares
    • Protecting banner ads on web pages
      • The provider of the ads does not care at all if someone copies them
        • No confidentiality at all
        • But they do care about modifying those ads
        • where integrity matters
Message integrity: MACs
  • MAC: message authentication code


  • Alice send a message to Bob
    • integrity: make sure that an attacker along the way cannot modify this message
    • Alice: Generate tag:
      • using a MAC signing algorithms
      • t a g ← S ( k , m ) tag \leftarrow S(k,m) tagS(k,m)
      • takes input as the key and the message
      • output: a very short tag
        • like 90 bits or 100 bits
        • even though the message is gigabytes long
    • Then append the tag to the message
      • Sends the combination of them to Bob
    • Bob:Verify tag:
      • using a MAC verification algorithm on this tag
      • input: k, m, tag
      • output: yes / no
  • Def:
    • MAC I = ( S , V ) I = (S,V) I=(S,V) defined over ( K , M , T ) (K,M,T) (K,M,T) is a pair of algs:
    • S(k,m) outputs t in T
    • V(k,m,t) outputs “yes” or “no”
  • 应满足的一致性 (consistency) requirement:

∀ k ∈ K , m ∈ M \forall k \in \mathcal{K}, m\in \mathcal{M} kK,mM
V ( k , m , S ( k , m ) ) = ′ y e s ′ V(k,m,S(k,m)) = 'yes' V(k,m,S(k,m))=yes

Integrity requires a secret key
  • If use a CRC instead of encryption:
    • which is keyless
    • Bob: detect tag == CRC(m)


  • Attacker can easily modify message m and re-compute CRC

    • i.e., send (m’||CRC(m’))
  • CRC designed to detect random, not malicious errors

  • By introducing the key, Alice can do something that the attacker cannot do!

    • which complement the integrity!
Secure MACs
  • Attacker’s power:
    • chosen message attack
      • the attacker can give Alice arbitrary messages of his choice
      • and Alice will compute the tag for the attacker
      • Why would Alice do that?
        • In practice, it’s normal
        • 例如还是email, attacker 发邮件给Alice,Alice为了安全就可能会加上tag,然后就被attacker拿到
    • for m 1 , m 2 , . . . , m q m_1,m_2, ... , m_q m1,m2,...,mq attacker is given t i ↔ S ( k , m i ) t_i \leftrightarrow S(k,m_i) tiS(k,mi)
      • even for a message that’s completely gibberish gibberish: 乱码,无意义的数据!
        • Why?gibberish have no value to the attacker
        • 因为假设what we want to send is a random secret key
        • 看上去很gibberish
        • 但attacker却可以凭此fool a user into using the wrong secret key!
  • Attacker’s goal:
    • existential forgery forgery: 伪造
    • produce some new valid message/tag pair (m,t)
    • ( m , t ) ∉ ( m 1 , t 1 ) , . . . , ( m q , t q ) (m,t) \notin {(m_1,t_1),...,(m_q,t_q)} (m,t)/(m1,t1),...,(mq,tq)

  • ⇒ \Rightarrow attacker cannot produce a valid tag for a new message
    - ⇒ \Rightarrow given (m,t) attacker cannot even produce (m,t’) for t ≠ t ′ t\not ={t'} t=t
    • if the attacker has a tag t for a message m, we need the attacker cannot produce another tag t’ for the message
    • Because: there are many applications where it’s really important that the attacker not to be able to produce new tag for a previously signed message
      • Inparticular, when we combine encryption and integrity

  • More precisely definition
    • For a MAC I = (S,V) and adv. A define a MAC game as:


  • Def: I = ( S , V ) I=(S,V) I=(S,V) is a secure MAC if for all “efficient” A:
    • A d v M A C [ A , I ] Adv_{MAC}[A,I] AdvMAC[A,I] = Pr[Chal. outputs 1] is “negligible”
  • i.e., no efficient adversary can win this game with non negligible probability
Example on the MAC security

Example 1

  • Let I = ( S , V ) I=(S,V) I=(S,V) be a MAC

  • Suppose an attacker is able to find m 0 ≠ m 1 m_0 \not ={m_1} m0=m1 such that

    • S ( k , m 0 ) = S ( k , m 1 ) S(k,m_0)=S(k,m_1) S(k,m0)=S(k,m1) for 1/2 of the keys k in K
  • Can this MAC be secure?

  • Ans: No, This mac can be broken using a chosen msg attack!

    • the attacker can ask for the tag on m 0 m_0 m0
    • then receive ( m 0 , t ) (m_0,t) (m0,t)
    • then the attacker output as his existential forgery ( m 1 , t ) (m_1,t) (m1,t)
      • ( m 0 , t ) (m_0,t) (m0,t) is different fron ( m 1 , t ) (m_1,t) (m1,t)
    • So the advance of the attack is 1/2
    • non negligible

Example 2

  • Let I = ( S , V ) I=(S,V) I=(S,V) be a MAC

  • Suppose S(k,m) is always 5 bits long

  • Can this MAC be secure?

  • Ans:

    • No, an attacker can simply guess the tag for messages
    • What the attack will do?
      • ask no query!
      • just output an existential forgery as follows:
        • choose a random tag t ← R { 0 , 1 } 5 t \leftarrow ^R \{0,1 \}^{5} tR{0,1}5
        • output: (0,t)
    • And the adv = 1/32
      • Non negligible
  • MAC 码的长度不能太短

    • typical tag length: 64, 96, 128,bits
Example: Protecting system files
  • Suppose at install time the system computes:
    • k derived from the user’s password
    • generate a tag for each one of the files
    • then erases the key K
      • no longer stores the key K on disc


  • Later, a virus infects system and modifies system files
    • 用户如何检测到哪些文件遭到了纂改?
    • User reboots into clean OS and supplies his password
      • Then, secure MAC ⇒ \Rightarrow all modified files will be detected
        • Means the virus could not creat a new file such that (F’, t’) to cheat the MAC verification alg.


  • Try to build a secure MAC algorithm

3.1.2 MAC beasd on PRFs

Review: Secure MAC
  • MAC I = ( S , V ) I = (S,V) I=(S,V) defined over ( K , M , T ) (K,M,T) (K,M,T) is a pair of algs:
    • Signing S(k,m) outputs t in T
    • Verification V(k,m,t) outputs “yes” or “no”
  • Attacker’s power:
    • chosen message attack
    • for m 1 , m 2 , . . . , m q m_1,m_2, ... , m_q m1,m2,...,mq attacker is given t i ↔ S ( k , m i ) t_i \leftrightarrow S(k,m_i) tiS(k,mi)
  • Attacker’s goal:
    • existential forgery forgery: 伪造
    • produce some new valid message/tag pair (m,t)
    • ( m , t ) ∉ ( m 1 , t 1 ) , . . . , ( m q , t q ) (m,t) \notin {(m_1,t_1),...,(m_q,t_q)} (m,t)/(m1,t1),...,(mq,tq)

  • ⇒ \Rightarrow cannot produce a valid tag for a new message

How to build a MAC?

Secure PRF ⇒ \Rightarrow Secure MAC
  • For a PRF: F : K × X ⇒ Y F: K \times X \Rightarrow Y F:K×XY define a MAC I F = ( S , V ) I_F = (S,V) IF=(S,V) as:
    • S ( k , m ) : = F ( k , m ) S(k,m) := F(k,m) S(k,m):=F(k,m)
    • V ( k , m , t ) V(k,m,t) V(k,m,t): output ‘yes’ if t = F ( k , m ) t = F(k,m) t=F(k,m) and ‘no’ otherwise


A bad example
  • Suppose F : K × X → Y F:K\times X \rightarrow Y F:K×XY is a secure PRF with Y = { 0 , 1 } 10 Y=\{0,1 \}^{10} Y={0,1}10

  • Is the derived MAC I F I_F IF a secure MAC system?

  • Ans: No tags are too short: anyone can guess the tag for any msg

  • just like the last example

    • Adv = 1/1024
  • Thm: if F : K × Y F:K \times Y F:K×Y is a secure PRF and 1/|Y| is negligible

    • then I F I_F IF is a secure MAC
  • In particular, for every eff. MAC adversary A attacking I F I_F IF

    • there exists an eff. PRF adversary B attacking F, s.t.:
    • Adv ⁡ M A C [ A , I F ] ≤ Adv ⁡ P R F [ B , F ] + 1 / ∣ Y ∣ \operatorname{Adv}_{\mathrm{MAC}}\left[\mathrm{A}, \mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{F}}\right] \leq \operatorname{Adv}_{\mathrm{PRF}}[\mathrm{B}, \mathrm{F}]+1 /|\mathrm{Y}| AdvMAC[A,IF]AdvPRF[B,F]+1/Y
      • Adv ⁡ P R F [ B , F ] \operatorname{Adv}_{\mathrm{PRF}}[\mathrm{B}, \mathrm{F}] AdvPRF[B,F] is negligible
  • ⇒ \Rightarrow I F I_F IF is secure as along as |Y| is large, say ∣ Y ∣ = 2 80 |Y| = 2^{80} Y=280

Proof Sketch

Sketch: 简述,概述,素描

  • Suppose f : X → Y f:X \rightarrow Y f:XY is a truly random function
  • Then MAC adversary A must win the following game:
  • A wins if t=f(m) and m ∉ m 1 , . . . , m q m\notin {m_1, ... , m_q} m/m1,...,mq
  • Because f : X → Y f:X \rightarrow Y f:XY is a truly random function,
  • ⇒ \Rightarrow Pr[A wins] = 1/ |Y|
  • Same must hold for F(k,x)
  • AES: a MAC for 16-byte messages
  • Main question: how to convert Small-MAC into a Big-MAC?
    • 输入的message: 能够非常big, instead of 16 bytes for example
  • Two main constructions used in practice:
    • CBC-MAC:
      • banking - ANSI X 9.9, X9.19, FIPS 186-3
    • HMAC
      • Internet protocols: SSL, IPsec , SSH
  • Both convert small-PRF into a big PRF
Truncating MACs based on PRFs
  • Truncating truncating 截断

  • Easy lemma: suppose F : K × X → { 0 , 1 } n F:K\times X \rightarrow \{0,1 \}^{n} F:K×X{0,1}n is a secure PRF

    • Then so is F t ( k , m ) = F ( k , m ) [ 1 : t ] F_t(k,m) = F(k,m)[1:t] Ft(k,m)=F(k,m)[1:t] for all 1 ≤ t ≤ n 1 \leq t\leq n 1tn
      • just output the first t-bits
  • ⇒ \Rightarrow if (S,V) is a MAC based on a secure PRF outputing n-bits tags

    • the truncated MAC outputing w bits is secure
      • as long as 1 / 2 w 1/2^w 1/2w is still negligible (say w $\geq $ 64)

Next segment:

  • See how CBC-MAC works

3.2 Message Integrity 2: Construction (Squential MAC Construction)

3.2.1 CBC-MAC and NMAC

In this segment:

  • Construct two classic MACs
  • The CBC-MAC and the NMAC
MACs and PRFs
  • Recall: secure PRF F ⇒ \Rightarrow secure MAC
    • as long as |Y| is large
    • S(k,m) = F(k,m)
  • Our goal:
    • given a PRF for shor messages (AES)
      • it can only process 16 byte messages
    • Coustruct a PRF for long messages
  • (shorthand shorthand 速记,简写 for what’s coming)
    • From here on let X = { 0 , 1 } n X = \{0,1 \}^{n} X={0,1}n
      • e.g. n = 128
Construction 1: CBC-MAC
  • also encrypted CBC-MAC

    • ECBC
  • Let F : K × X → X F: K \times X \rightarrow X F:K×XX be a PRP

    • Define new PRF F E C B C : K 2 × X ≤ L → X F_{ECBC}: K^2 \times X^{\leq L} \rightarrow X FECBC:K2×XLX
      • X ≤ L = U i = 1 L X i X^{\leq L} = U^{L}_{i=1} X^i XL=Ui=1LXi
      • L: the bound of the maximum length


  • Two process:
    • F(k,): many rounds
      • The first process is called raw CBC
      • CBC-MAC only with this step is NOT secure!!
    • and F(k1,)
      • k1 is an independent key from k
      • and output the final tag (length N)
      • it’s ok to truncate the tag to less than N bits
      • this step is critical for making the MAC secure

Another construction for converting a small PRF to a large PRF:

  • Called NMAC
Construction 2: NMAC (nested MAC)
  • Let F : K × X → K F: K \times X \rightarrow K F:K×XK be a PRF
    • Define new PRF F N M A C : K 2 × X ≤ L → K F_{NMAC}: K^2 \times X^{\leq L} \rightarrow K FNMAC:K2×XLK
      • outputs element in the KEY space!


  • Process
    • 1 take our message and break it into blocks

      • Each length is as big as the block length of the underlying PRF
    • 2 Feed the key as the input to F

      • the msg in 1 is acted as the date input to F
      • to generate a new key, and input the new key into the next block …
        • finally get output t ∈ K t\in \mathcal{K} tK
      • Just like before:
        • if we stop here, the function we obetain is called cascade function – Not secure!
    • 3 map the element t ∈ K t \in \mathcal{K} tK into the set X

      • because the last F’s input is X and K
    • 4 Get the final output tag

Why the last encryption step in ECBC-MAC and NMAC?

  • NMAC: Suppose we define a MAC I = ( S , V ) I=(S,V) I=(S,V) where
    • S(k,m) = cascade(k,m)$

Question: Is the MAC I Secure? Why?

  • Ans: This mac can be forged with one chosen msg query!
    • forge 伪造
    • Query: Cascade(k,m)
    • ⇒ \Rightarrow the attacker can calculate: Cascade(k, m || w), for any w
    • 其中,Cascade(k, m || w) = F(Cascade(k,m), w)
      • the attacker knows Cascade(k,m), w, F
      • therefore the attacker can forge (m||w, Cascade(k, m || w))
    • Not secure with only one chosen msg query!!

  • ECBC: Suppose we define a MAC I R A W = ( S , V ) I_{RAW} = (S,V) IRAW=(S,V) where
    • S(k,m) = rawCBC(k,m)
  • Then I R A W I_{RAW} IRAW is easily broken using a 1-chosen msg attack!
    • The reson is different with NMAC:
      • The attacker does not know k in ECBC!
      • in NMAC: the key is the query output t!
    • However, the attacking can works as follows:
      • Choose an arbitrary one-block message m ∈ X m\in X mX
      • Request tag for m
        • Get t = F(k,m)
      • Output t as MAC forgery for the 2-block message ( m , t ⨁ m ) (m, t \bigoplus m) (m,tm)
      • Indeed: r a w C B C ( k , ( m , t ⨁ m ) ) = F ( k , F ( k , m ) ⨁ ( t ⨁ m ) ) = F ( k , t ⨁ ( t ⨁ m ) ) = F ( k , m ) = t rawCBC(k, (m, t \bigoplus m)) = F(k, F(k,m)\bigoplus (t\bigoplus m)) = F(k, t\bigoplus(t\bigoplus m)) = F(k,m) = t rawCBC(k,(m,tm))=F(k,F(k,m)(tm))=F(k,t(tm))=F(k,m)=t


ECBC-MAC and NMAC analysis
  • Theorem:

    • For any L > 0 L>0 L>0
    • For every eff. q-query PRF adv. A attacking F E C B C F_{ECBC} FECBC or F N M A C F_{NMAC} FNMAC
    • there exists an eff. adversary B, s.t.:
      • Adv ⁡ P R F [ A , F E C B C ] ≤ Adv ⁡ P R P [ B , F ] + 2 q 2 / ∣ X ∣ \operatorname{Adv}_{P R F}\left[A, F_{E C B C}\right] \leq \operatorname{Adv}_{P R P}[B, F]+2 q^{2} /|X| AdvPRF[A,FECBC]AdvPRP[B,F]+2q2/X
        A d v P R F [ A , F NMAC  ] ≤ q ⋅ L ⋅ Adv ⁡ P R F [ B , F ] + q 2 / 2 ∣   K ∣ A d v_{P R F}\left[A, F_{\text {NMAC }}\right] \leq \mathrm{q} \cdot L \cdot \operatorname{Adv}_{P R F}[B, F]+q^{2} / 2|\mathrm{~K}| AdvPRF[A,FNMAC ]qLAdvPRF[B,F]+q2/2 K
  • CBC-MAC is secure as long as q < < ∣ X ∣ 1 / 2 q << |X|^{1/2} q<<X1/2

  • NMAC is secure as long as q < < ∣ K ∣ 1 / 2 q<< |K|^{1/2} q<<K1/2

    • 2 64 f o r A E S − 128 2^{64} for AES-128 264forAES128
An example
  • Adv ⁡ P R F [ A , F E C B C ] ≤ Adv ⁡ P R P [ B , F ] + 2 q 2 / ∣ X ∣ \operatorname{Adv}_{\mathrm{PRF}}\left[\mathrm{A}, \mathrm{F}_{\mathrm{ECBC}}\right] \leq \operatorname{Adv}_{\mathrm{PRP}}[\mathrm{B}, \mathrm{F}]+2 \mathrm{q}^{2} /|\mathrm{X}| AdvPRF[A,FECBC]AdvPRP[B,F]+2q2/X

    • q = # messages MAC-ed with k
  • Suppose we want A d v P R F [ A , F E C B C ] ≤ 1 / 2 32 Adv_{PRF} [A,F_{ECBC}] \leq 1/2^{32} AdvPRF[A,FECBC]1/232

    • ⇐ q 2 / ∣ X ∣ < 1 / 2 32 \Leftarrow q^2 / |X| < 1/2^{32} q2/X<1/232
  • For AES:

    • ∣ X ∣ = 2 128 ⇒ q < 2 48 |X| = 2^{128} \Rightarrow q<2^{48} X=2128q<248
    • So, after 2 48 2^{48} 248 messages must, must change the key!!!
  • But for 3DES:

    • |X| = 2 64 2^{64} 264
    • ⇒ q < 2 16 \Rightarrow q<2^{16} q<216
    • Too short!
The security bounds are tight: an attack


  • After signing:

    • ∣ X ∣ 1 / 2 |X|^{1/2} X1/2 messages with ECBC-MAC or
    • ∣ K ∣ 1 / 2 |K|^{1/2} K1/2 messages with NMAC
  • The MACs become insecure

  • Suppose the underlying PRF F is a PRP

    • e.g., AES
    • Then both PRFs (ECBC and NMAC) have the following entension property:
    • ∀ x , y , w : F B I G ( k , x ) = F B I G ( k , y ) ⇒ F B I G ( k , x ∥ w ) = F B I G ( k , y ∥ w ) \forall x, y, w: \quad F_{B I G}(k, x)=F_{B I G}(k, y) \Rightarrow F_{B I G}(k, x \| w)=F_{B I G}(k, y \| w) x,y,w:FBIG(k,x)=FBIG(k,y)FBIG(k,xw)=FBIG(k,yw)
      • namely, if you give me a collision : x and y
      • then, in fact, that also implies a collision on an extension of x and y

An example

  • Let $F_{BIG}: K \times X \rightarrow Y $ be a PRF that has the extension property
    • F B I G ( k , x ) = F B I G ( k , y ) ⇒ F B I G ( k , x ∥ w ) = F B I G ( k , y ∥ w ) F_{B I G}(k, x)=F_{B I G}(k, y) \Rightarrow F_{B I G}(k, x \| w)=F_{B I G}(k, y \| w) FBIG(k,x)=FBIG(k,y)FBIG(k,xw)=FBIG(k,yw)
  • Generic attack on the derived MAC

Step1: issue ∣ Y ∣ 1 / 2 |Y|^{1/2} Y1/2 message queries for rand. messages in X

  • Obtain ( m i , t i ) (m_i,t_i) (mi,ti) for i = 1 , 2 , . . . , ∣ Y ∣ 1 / 2 i= 1, 2, ..., |Y|^{1/2} i=1,2,...,Y1/2

Step 2: find a collision t u = t v t_u = t_v tu=tv for u ≠ v u\not ={v} u=v

  • One exists w.h.p by b-day paradox
    • b-day paradox: birthday paradox paradox 悖论,矛盾

Step 3: choose some w and query for t : = F B I G ( k , m u ∥ w ) t:=F_{B I G}\left(k, m_{u} \| w\right) t:=FBIG(k,muw)
Step 4: output forgery ( m v ∣ ∣ w , t ) (m_v||w,t) (mvw,t). Indeed t : = F B I G ( k , m v ∣ ∣ w ) t:=F_{BIG}(k,m_v||w) t:=FBIG(k,mvw)

    • is commonly used as an AES-based MAC
    • CCM encryption mode (used in 802.11i)
    • NIST standard called CMAC
  • NMAC:
    • not usually used with AES or 3DES
    • Main reason:
      • need to change AES key on every block
        • reuqires re-computing AES key expension
        • AES is not designed well when it changes key very rapidly!
    • But NMAC is the basis for a popular MAC called HMAC
      • Will be introduced later

3.2.2 MAC padding

Last segment:

  • talk about CBC-MAC and NMAC
  • assume that the message length waas a multiple of the block length

In this segment:

  • See What to do when the message length is not a multiple of the block size
    • Let $F: K \times X \rightarrow X $ be a PRP
    • Define new PRF F E C B C = K 2 × X ≤ L → X F_{ECBC} = K^2 \times X^{\leq L} \rightarrow X FECBC=K2×XLX
CBC MAC padding: What if msg. len. is not multiple of block-size


  • Bad idea:
    • pad m with 0’s
    • m[0] || m[1] ⇒ \Rightarrow m[0] || m[1] || 0000
  • Is the resulting MAC secure?
    • No! given tag on msg m, attacker obtains tag on m||0
    • The problem is:
      • it’s possible to come up with a msg. m, so that m and m||0 happen to have exactly the same pad
        • as shown in the following figure
      • measn that both m and m||0 have the same tag!
      • and therefore the attacker can mount an existential forgery.


  • a concrete example:
    • we do a check for a $ 100
    • But the tag of $ 100 = the tag of $ 1000
    • Terrible!
CBC MAC padding
  • For security, padding must be invertible!

    • namely, m 0 ≠ m 1 ⇒ p a d ( m 0 ) ≠ p a d ( m 1 ) m_0 \not ={m_1} \Rightarrow pad(m_0) \not ={pad(m_1)} m0=m1pad(m0)=pad(m1)
    • different messages must have different padding resutls!
  • ISO (proposed by the International Standards Organization)

    • pad widht “100 … 00”
      • shorter than the block size
    • add new dummy block if needed
      • 恰好是multiple
    • The ‘1’ indicates beginning of pad


  • 上图第二行
    • 如果不添加dummy block
      • the pad would be uninvertible
      • the MAC becones un secure!
      • for example, if m’[1]的最后几行happen to be ‘100’

Is there a padding scheme that never needs to add a dummy block?

  • The answer: if you look at a deterministic padding function, there always be cases where we need to pad!
    • 恰好是block length整数倍的messages的数量 (padding后) is much smaller 不是整数倍的msg的数量 (padding前)
    • 无法找到一个从bigger set到smaller set的映射!
  • But: by using randomized padding function, we can!
    • see next page (CMAC)
CMAC (NIST standard)
  • Variant of CBC-MAC where key = ( k , k 1 , k 2 ) (k,k_1,k_2) (k,k1,k2)

    • (some times it is called thee-key construction)
    • k: used in the standard CBC-MAC algorithm
    • k1 and k2: used just for the padding scheme at the very last block!
      • k1 and k2 are derived from k throught PRG
    • No final encryption step
      • extension attack thwarted by last keyed xor
    • No dummy block
      • ambiguity resolved by use of k 1 k_1 k1 or k 2 k_2 k2
  • Principle:

    • If the msg. is not multiple of the block length:
      • padding 100…
      • and using k1
    • elif the msg. is multiple of the block length:
      • No dummy block
      • using k2!
  • This secure

    • The attacker does not know k1 and k2
  • Benefits

    • 1 No final encryption layer
    • 2 The two distinct keys resolve the ambiguity between the 2 cases
      • and the scheme is secure!
  • CMAC: The standard!

    • when using CBCMAC
    • you actually be using CMAC as the standard way to do it
    • F --> AES

This & Last segment:

  • Sequential MAC 串行MAC
    • CBC-MAC
    • NMAC
    • How to padding

Next segment:

  • Parallel MAC

3.3 More constructions (Parallel or One-time MAC): PMAC and the Carter Wegman MAC

  • Parallel MAC
    • also converts a small PRF into a large PRF
    • but does it in a parallelizable fashion

Construction 3: PMAC - Parallel MAC

  • Let F : K × X → X F: K \times X \rightarrow X F:K×XX be a PRF
    • Define new PRF F P M A C : K 2 × X ≤ L → X F_{PMAC}: K^2 \times X^{\leq L} \rightarrow X FPMAC:K2×XLX


  • The construction (im the above figure)
    • P: function P
      • First: if we delete these P, just input m[0] to F(k1, ⋅ \cdot )
        • The resulting MAC is completely insecure!
        • Reason: No order is enforced between the message blocks!
          • blocks swapping attack
          • If we swap m[i] and m[j]
            • does not change the resulting tag!!
          • Not secure!
      • P’s input: the key k and the block’s order n
      • P(k,i): an easy to compute function
    • F: PRF
      • The last block even does not need PRF
    • key = (k,k1)
    • padding similar to CMAC

PAC: Analysis

  • PMAC theorem:
    • For any L > 0,
    • if F is a secure PRF over (K,X,X) then
      • F M A C F_{MAC} FMAC is a secure PRF over (K, X ≤ L X^{\leq L} XL,X)
    • For every eff. q-query PRF adv. A attacking F M A C F_{MAC} FMAC
      • there exists an eff. PRF adversary B s.t.:
      • Adv ⁡ P R F [ A , F P M A C ] ≤ Adv ⁡ P R F [ B , F ] + 2 q 2   L 2 / ∣ X ∣ \operatorname{Adv}_{\mathrm{PRF}}\left[\mathrm{A}, \mathrm{F}_{\mathrm{PMAC}}\right] \leq \operatorname{Adv}_{\mathrm{PRF}}[\mathrm{B}, \mathrm{F}]+2 \mathrm{q}^{2} \mathrm{~L}^{2} /|\mathrm{X}| AdvPRF[A,FPMAC]AdvPRF[B,F]+2q2 L2/X
  • PMAC is secure as long as q L < < ∣ X ∣ 1 / 2 qL << |X|^{1/2} qL<<X1/2
    • so that 2 q 2   L 2 / ∣ X ∣ 2 \mathrm{q}^{2} \mathrm{~L}^{2} /|\mathrm{X}| 2q2 L2/X is negligible

PMAC is incremental

  • Suppose F is a PRP

  • When m[1] → \rightarrow m’[1]

    • (one message bolck of this long message changes)
    • Can we quickly update tag?
      • For other MAC (e.g., CBC-MAC) we have to recompute the tag on the entire message! (O(N))
    • Note: Fuction F is a PRP
      • Invertible!
  • Ans:

    • do F − 1 ( k 1 , tag ) ⨁ F ( k 1 ,   m [ 1 ] ⨁ P ( k , 1 ) ) ⨁ F ( k 1 ,   m ’ [ 1 ] ⨁ P ( k , 1 ) ) F^{-1}(k_1,\text{tag}) \bigoplus F\big(k_1,\ m[1] \bigoplus P(k,1)\big) \bigoplus F\big(k_1,\ m’[1] \bigoplus P(k,1)) F1(k1,tag)F(k1, m[1]P(k,1))F(k1, m[1]P(k,1))
    • and apply F ( k 1 , ⋅ ) F(k_1,\cdot) F(k1,) to the result


  • Swith topics a little bit
  • talk about the concept of a one time MAC
One time MAC (analog of one time pad)
  • creat a MAC used for integrity of a single message
    • every time we conpute the MAC for a particular message, we also change the key!
    • 对于只认证一条消息的应用而言,one time MAC 是有用的
      • just like one time pad / stream cipher is useful!


  • Security:
    • the attacker只能看到one message
    • only one chosen message attack
      • then forge a a message tag pair
    • The attacker’s goal: the forged message tag pair verifies correctly and is different from the given pair

Def: I=(S, V) is a secure MAC if for all “efficient” A:
A d v M A C [ A , I ] Adv_{MAC}[A,I] AdvMAC[A,I] = Pr[Chal. outputs 1] is negligible

One-time MAC: an example
  • Can be secure against all adversaries and faster than PRF-based MACs

  • Let q be a large prime prime 素数 (e.g., q = 2 128 + 51 q = 2^{128} + 51 q=2128+51)

    • (q is slightly larger than the block size)
      • This case: use 128-bit block
      • 因此选择略大于 2 128 2^{128} 2128
    • key = (k,a) ∈ 1 , 2 , . . . , q 2 \in {1,2, ..., q}^2 1,2,...,q2
      • two random ints. in [1,q]
    • msg = (m[1],m[2], … , m[L])
      • where each block is 128 bit
    • 接下来将每个数字视为一个在 0 ∼ 2 128 0\sim 2^{128} 02128的整数
  • S ( k e y , msg ⁡ ) = P m s g ( k ) + a (   m o d   q ) S(k e y, \operatorname{msg})=P_{m s g}(k)+a \quad(\bmod q) S(key,msg)=Pmsg(k)+a(modq)

    • where P m s g ( x ) = m [ L ] ⋅ x L + … + m [ 1 ] ⋅ x P_{m s g}(x)=m[L] \cdot x^{L}+\ldots+m[1] \cdot x Pmsg(x)=m[L]xL++m[1]x is a poly. of deg. L
  • The MAC:

    • 1st: take the polynomial that correspond to the message
      • evaluate at the point k
        • k: one half of the secret key
    • 2nd: sadd the value a
      • a: second half of the secret key
    • 3rd: mod q, and get the MAC
  • A fact:

    • given S(key, m s g 1 msg_1 msg1), adv. has no info about S(key, m s g 2 msg_2 msg2)
      • the MAC for one message tells you nothing about the MAC for another message!
    • namely: No way of forging this MAC for another new message!
    • Secure!
One-time MAC ⇒ \Rightarrow Many-time MAC
  • Let (S,V) be a secure one-time MAC over ( K I , M , { 0 , 1 } n K_I, M, \{0,1 \}^{n} KI,M,{0,1}n)

  • Let F : K F × { 0 , 1 } n → { 0 , 1 } n F:K_F\times \{0,1 \}^{n} \rightarrow \{0,1 \}^{n} F:KF×{0,1}n{0,1}n be a secure PRF

  • Carter-Wegman MAC:

    • C W ( ( k 1 , k 2 ) , m ) = ( r , F ( k 1 , r ) ⨁ S ( k 2 , m ) ) CW((k_1,k_2),m) = (r, F(k_1,r)\bigoplus S(k_2,m)) CW((k1,k2),m)=(r,F(k1,r)S(k2,m))
    • for random r ← { 0 , 1 } n r\leftarrow \{0,1 \}^{n} r{0,1}n
    • where
      • F ( k 1 , r ) F(k_1,r) F(k1,r): slow but short inp
      • S ( k 2 , m ) S(k_2,m) S(k2,m): fast long inp
    • Process:
      • 1 apply one time MAC to the message M
      • 2 encrypt the result using the PRF
        • How to encryt the result?
          • choose a random r
            • 因此Carter-Wegman MAC可以用作many-time MAC
          • then apply PRF to this r and compute one-time pad:
            • F ( k 1 , r ) ⨁ S ( k 2 , m ) F(k_1,r)\bigoplus S(k_2,m) F(k1,r)S(k2,m)
      • 总结:
        • fast one time pad is applied to the long msg
          • 如gigabytes long
        • the slower PRf is only applied to the nonce r
  • Thm:

    • If (S,V) is a secure one-time MAC and F a secure PRF, then CW is a secure MAC outputting tags in { 0 , 1 } 2 n \{0,1 \}^{2n} {0,1}2n

A Practice of Carter-Wegman MAC

CW ⁡ ( ( k 1 , k 2 ) , m ) = ( r , F ( k 1 , r ) ⊕ S ( k 2 , m ) ) \operatorname{CW}\left(\left(k_{1}, k_{2}\right), m\right)=\left(r, F\left(k_{1}, r\right) \oplus S\left(k_{2}, m\right)\right) CW((k1,k2),m)=(r,F(k1,r)S(k2,m))

  • How would you verify a CW tag (r,t) on message m?

    • Recall that V ( k 2 , m , . ) V(k_2, m, .) V(k2,m,.) is the verification alg. for the one time MAC
  • Ans:

    • Run V ( k 2 , m , ( F ( k 1 , r ) ⨁ t ) ) V(k_2, m, (F(k_1,r) \bigoplus t)) V(k2,m,(F(k1,r)t))
      • where ( F ( k 1 , r ) ⨁ t ) = S ( k 2 , m ) (F(k_1,r)\bigoplus t)= S\left(k_{2}, m\right) (F(k1,r)t)=S(k2,m)
Construction HMAC (Hash-MAC)
  • Mostly widely used MAC on the Internet
    • But, we first need to discuss hash function
Further reading
  • 2005 CBC MACs for Arbitrary-Length Messages: The three-key constructions

  • 2006 A tight bound for EMAC

  • 2002 A block-cipher mode of operation for parallelizable message authentication

    • PMAC
  • 2006 New Proofs for NMAC and HMAC: Security withouot collision resistance

    • security of NMAC and HMAC
  • 2008 A new mode of operation for block ciphers and length-preserving MACs

    • If AES is only an unpredictable function, but not a secure PRF, can we still build MACs for long messages?

In the next segment:

  • talk about collision resistance

collision resistance 抗碰撞性

3.4 Collision Ressistance 1: What is a collision resistant function

This module:

  • talk about a new concept: collision resistance
  • it plays important role in providing message integrity
  • Then build HMAC
    • which is built from collision resistant hash function

3.4.1 Introduction

Recap: message integrity

so far, four MAC constructions:

  • based on PRF
    • ECBC-MAC, CMAC: (squential)
      • commonly used with AES
        • e.g., 802.11i
    • NMAC: basis of HMAC (squential)
      • (This segment)
    • PMAC
      • a parallel MAC
  • randomized MAC (not PRF)
    • Carter-Wegman MAC: built from a fast one-time MAC
- This module: Creat MACs from collision resistance - The first thing: - construct collision resistance hash functions
Collision Resistance

What does it mean for a hash function to be collision resistant?

  • Let H : M → T H: M \rightarrow T H:MT be a hash function

    • |M| >> |T|
  • A collision for H is a pair m 0 , m 1 ∈ M m_0, m_1 \in M m0,m1M such that:

    • H ( m 0 ) = H ( m 1 ) H(m_0)=H(m_1) H(m0)=H(m1) and m 0 ≠ m 1 m_0 \not ={m_1} m0=m1
  • 事实上肯定会有collision:

    • because input space is much larger than the output space
  • A function H is collision resistant if for all (explicit) eff. algs. A:

    • “explicit”: it’s not enough to just say that an algorithms exists
      • 必然有很多collision,只要无法明确地找到算法A即可。
    • A d v C R [ A , H ] Adv_{CR}[A,H] AdvCR[A,H] = Pr[A outputs collision for H]
    • is “negligible”
  • Example: SHA-256 (outputs 256 bits)

MACs from Collision Resistance

An application of Collision Resistance:

  • How we can trivially build a MAC given a collision resistant hash function
  • Let I = (S,V) be a MAC for short messages over ( K , M , T ) (K,M,T) (K,M,T) (e.g., AES)

  • Let H : M b i g → M H:M^{big}\rightarrow M H:MbigM

    • a collision resistant hash function
  • Def: a new MAC I b i g = ( S b i g , V b i g ) I^{big} = (S^{big}, V^{big}) Ibig=(Sbig,Vbig) over ( K , M b i g , T ) (K,M^{big},T) (K,Mbig,T) as:

    • S b i g ( k , m ) = S ( k , H ( m ) ) ; S^{big}(k,m) = S(k,H(m)); Sbig(k,m)=S(k,H(m));
    • V b i g ( k , m , t ) = V ( k , H ( M ) , t ) V^{big}(k,m,t) = V(k,H(M),t) Vbig(k,m,t)=V(k,H(M),t)
  • The new MAC I b i g = ( S b i g , V b i g ) I^{big} = (S^{big}, V^{big}) Ibig=(Sbig,Vbig) is for long messages!

    • The collision resistant hash function cam be used to expand the input space!

Thm: If I is a secure MAC and H is collision resistant

  • then I b i g I^{big} Ibig is a secure MAC

  • Example:

    • S ( k , m ) = A E S 2 -block-cbc  ( k S(k, m)=A E S_{2 \text {-block-cbc }}(k S(k,m)=AES2-block-cbc (k, SHA-256 ( m ) ) (m)) (m)) is a secure MAC!

MACs from Collision Resistance
  • S b i g ( k , m ) = S ( k , H ( m ) ) ; S^{big}(k,m) = S(k,H(m)); Sbig(k,m)=S(k,H(m));
  • V b i g ( k , m , t ) = V ( k , H ( M ) , t ) V^{big}(k,m,t) = V(k,H(M),t) Vbig(k,m,t)=V(k,H(M),t)
  • Collision resistance is necessary for security:
    • Suppose adversary can find m 0 ≠ m 1 m_0 \not ={m_1} m0=m1, s.t.,
      • H ( m 0 ) = H ( m 1 ) H(m_0)=H(m_1) H(m0)=H(m1)
    • Then:
      • S b i g S^{big} Sbig is insecure under a 1-chosen msg attack
        • the combined mac
      • step 1: adversary asks for t ← S ( k , m 0 ) t\leftarrow S(k,m_0) tS(k,m0)
      • step 2: output ( m 1 , t ) (m_1,t) (m1,t) as forgery!


  • Collision resistance is a very useful primitive!
Protecting file integity using C.R. hash
  • Software packages:


  • target:
    • ensure 用户下载的安装包(packages)是正确的,而不是some version that the attacker tampered with


  • Methods:
    • basically refer to a read-only public sapce
      • this space: hold small hashes of these software packages
        • so the space is small
      • read-only:
        • attacker cannot modify hashes stored in this space
    • When user downloads package, the user can verify that contents are vilid!
    • H collision resistant
      • ⇒ \Rightarrow attacker cannot modify package without detection
    • no key needed
      • (public verifiability – everyone can verify the space)
      • but requires read-only space
      • 后面:会看到通过digital signature, 可实现 public verifiability + No read-only (extra) space

This segment:

  • introduce collision resistance

Next segment:

  • talk about generic attack on collision resistance

3.4.2 Generic birthday attack

In block cipher:

  • There is exhaustive attack
  • limit the min length of the key.

同样,对于collision resistance:

  • There is a general attack called the birthday attack
  • forces the output of collision resistant hash functions to be more than a certain bound
Generic attack on C.R. functions
  • Let H: M → { 0 , 1 } n M\rightarrow \{0,1 \}^{n} M{0,1}n be a hash function
    • |M| >> 2 n 2^n 2n
  • Generic alg. to find a collision in time O ( 2 n / 2 ) O(2^{n/2}) O(2n/2) hashes!


  1. Choose 2 n / 2 2^{n/2} 2n/2 random messages in M:
    • m 1 , … , m 2 n / 2 m_{1}, \ldots, m_{2}^{n / 2} m1,,m2n/2
    • distinct w.h.p
  2. For i = 1 , … , 2 n / 2 \mathrm{i}=1, \ldots, 2^{\mathrm{n} / 2} i=1,,2n/2 compute t i = H ( m i ) ∈ { 0 , 1 } n t_i = H(m_i) \in \{0,1 \}^{n} ti=H(mi){0,1}n
  3. Look for a collision ( t i = t j ) (t_i = t_j) (ti=tj)
    • If not found, got back to step 1
  • How well will this work?
    • ANS: the number of iteration is very very small!
    • that means找到碰撞的时间复杂度约为 O ( 2 n / 2 ) O(2^{n/2}) O(2n/2)

The birthday paradox
  • Let r 1 , … , r n ∈ { 1 , … , B } r_{1}, \ldots, r_{n} \in\{1, \ldots, B\} r1,,rn{1,,B} be independent identically distributed integers

  • Thm: when n = 1.2 × B 1 / 2 n=1.2 \times B^{1 / 2} n=1.2×B1/2,

    • the P r [ ∃ i ≠ j : r i = r j ] ≥ 1 / 2 Pr[\exist i \not ={j}: r_i = r_j] \geq 1/2 Pr[i=j:ri=rj]1/2
      • 事实上, n = 1.2 × B 1 / 2 n=1.2 \times B^{1 / 2} n=1.2×B1/2是最差结果
        • r i r_i ri均匀采样时的结果
      • 如果 r i r_i ri采样不均匀, n n n会更小
  • Proof:

    • for uniform indep. r 1 , … , r n r_{1}, \ldots, r_{n} r1,,rn
    • P r [ ∃ i ≠ j : r i = r j ] = 1 − P r [ ∀ i ≠ j : r i ≠ r j ] = 1 − ( B − 1 B ) ( B − 2 B ) ( B − n + 1 B ) Pr[\exist i \not ={j}: r_i = r_j] = 1- Pr[\forall i \not ={j}: r_i \not ={r_j}] = 1- (\frac{B-1}{B})(\frac{B-2}{B})(\frac{B-n+1}{B}) Pr[i=j:ri=rj]=1Pr[i=j:ri=rj]=1(BB1)(BB2)(BBn+1)
    • = 1 − ∏ i = 1 n − 1 ( 1 − i B ) ≥ 1 − ∏ i = 1 n − 1 e − i / B = 1 - \prod_{i=1}^{n-1}(1-\frac{i}{B}) \geq 1- \prod_{i=1}^{n-1} e^{-i/B} =1i=1n1(1Bi)1i=1n1ei/B
      • $ 1-x \leq e^{-x} = 1- x + \frac{x^2}{2} … $
    • = 1 − e − 1 B Σ i = 1 n − 1 i =1-e^{-\frac{1}{B}\Sigma_{i=1}^{n-1}i } =1eB1Σi=1n1i
    • ≥ 1 − e − n 2 / 2 B \geq 1 - e^{-n^2/2B} 1en2/2B
    • n = 1.2 × B 1 / 2 n=1.2 \times B^{1 / 2} n=1.2×B1/2时,上式等于
    • = 1 − e − 0.72 = 1 - e^{-0.72} =1e0.72 = 0.53
  • Why is it called “paradox”?

    • because it is very paradoxical that the square root function grows very slowly
    • for birthday:
      • 1.2 × 365 ≈ 23 1.2 \times \sqrt{365} \approx 23 1.2×365 23 人中就会有超过一半的概率出现两个生日相同的人
      • amazing (paradoxical)
      • (考虑到birth dates are actually not uniform, the actual bound is going to be samller that 1.2 × 365 1.2 \times \sqrt{365} 1.2×365 )
  • The graph of paradox when B = 1 0 6 B=10^6 B=106


Generic attack
  • H: M → { 0 , 1 } n M\rightarrow \{0,1 \}^{n} M{0,1}n

  • Collision finding algorithms:

    1. Choose 2 n / 2 2^{n/2} 2n/2 random messages in M: m 1 , … , m 2 n / 2 m_{1}, \ldots, m_{2}^{n / 2} m1,,m2n/2
    2. For i = 1 , … , 2 n / 2 \mathrm{i}=1, \ldots, 2^{\mathrm{n} / 2} i=1,,2n/2 compute t i = H ( m i ) ∈ { 0 , 1 } n t_i = H(m_i) \in \{0,1 \}^{n} ti=H(mi){0,1}n
    3. Look for a collision ( t i = t j ) (t_i = t_j) (ti=tj). Go back to step 1 if not found
  • Q: Expected number of iteration is about ?

  • Ans: 2

    • Since each iteration’s probability is about 1/2
    • therefore: 2 times!
  • Running time: O ( 2 n / 2 ) O(2^{n/2}) O(2n/2)

    • Space O ( 2 n / 2 ) O(2^{n/2}) O(2n/2)
Sample C.R. hash functions:
  • AMD Opteron. 2.2 GHz
    • Linux


  • speed:

    • 每秒钟能Hash映射多少数据
    • the bigger the block (output) size, the slower the algorithm is
    • But security is more important!
  • Best known collision finder for SHA-1 requires 2 51 2^{51} 251 hash evaluations

Next segment:

  • building collision resistant function

3.5 Collision Resistance 2: constructions

3.5.1 The Merkle-Damgard Paradigm

Paradigm 范式 范例

This segment:

  • look at a very general paradigm:The Merkle-Damgard Paradigm
  • used for constructing collision-resistant hash functions
Collision resistance: review
  • Let H: M → T M\rightarrow T MT be a hash function
    • |M| >> |T|
  • A collision for H is a pair m 0 m_0 m0, m 1 m_1 m1 ∈ M \in M M such that:
    • H ( m 0 ) = H ( m 1 ) H(m_0) = H(m_1) H(m0)=H(m1) and m 0 ≠ m 1 m_0 \not ={m_1} m0=m1
  • Out goal: construct collision resistant (C.R.) hash functions
    • even though many collision collisions exist, no efficient algorithm can even output a single collision
  • Step 1: Given C.R. function for short messages
    • construct C.R. function for long messages
    • will be done in this segment!

Next segment:

  • step 2:
  • build CR hash functions for next messages
The Merkle-Damgard iterated construction


  • Note:

    • IV is fixed:
      • IV is basically embedded in the code and in the standards
      • just a fixed ID as part of the definition of the fucntion
    • 中间each h’s output: chaining variables
    • PB in the last bolck:
      • padding block
  • Given h : T × X → T h:T\times X \rightarrow T h:T×XT

    • compression function
  • we obtain** H : X ≤ L → T H:X^{\leq L} \rightarrow T H:XLT**

    • up to L blocks of X
    • output t: a tag in the tag space T
    • H i H_i Hi: chaining variables
  • PB: padding block

    • 1000..00 || (msg length)
    • The “msg length” has 64 bits
      • The max message length is 2 64 2^{64} 264 in The Merkle-Damgard hash function
    • If no space for PB: Add another block
MD collision resistanace

Thm: if h is collision resistant so is H.

  • Proof:

    • 证明contrapositive:Collision on H ⇒ \Rightarrow collision on h
      • contrapositive 对换的,逆否命题
    • Suppose H(M) = H(M’)
      • then we build collision for h
    • Remind: how H works:
      • IV = H 0 H_0 H0 -> H 1 H_1 H1 -> H 2 H_2 H2 -> … -> H t H_t Ht -> H t + 1 H_{t+1} Ht+1 -->H(M)
      • IV = H 0 ′ H_0' H0 -> H 1 ′ H_1' H1 -> H 2 ′ H_2' H2 -> … -> H r ′ H_r' Hr -> H r + 1 ′ H_{r+1}' Hr+1 -->H(M’)
      • The lenght of them donot have to be the same
    • Therefore, if H(M) = H(M’), then H t + 1 H_{t+1} Ht+1 = H r + 1 ′ H_{r+1}' Hr+1
      • h ( H t , M t ∥ P B ) = H t + 1 = H r + 1 ′ = h ( H r ′ , M r ′ ∥ P B ′ ) h\left(H_{t}, M_{t} \| P B\right)=H_{t+1}=H_{r+1}^{\prime}=h\left(H_{r}^{\prime}, M_{r}^{\prime} \| P B^{\prime}\right) h(Ht,MtPB)=Ht+1=Hr+1=h(Hr,MrPB)
    • h ( H t , M t ∥ P B ) = h ( H r ′ , M r ′ ∥ P B ′ ) h\left(H_{t}, M_{t} \| P B\right) = h\left(H_{r}^{\prime}, M_{r}^{\prime} \| P B^{\prime}\right) h(Ht,MtPB)=h(Hr,MrPB)
      • if H t ≠ H r ′ H_t\not ={H_r'} Ht=Hr or M t ≠ M r ′ M_t\not ={M_r'} Mt=Mr or P B ≠ P B ′ PB\not ={PB'} PB=PB
        • then find collision for h!
    • What if ( H t ≠ H r ′ H_t\not ={H_r'} Ht=Hr or M t ≠ M r ′ M_t\not ={M_r'} Mt=Mr or P B ≠ P B ′ PB\not ={PB'} PB=PB) is False?
      • H t = H r ′ H_{t}=H_{r}^{\prime} Ht=Hr and M t = M r ′ M_{t}=M_{r}^{\prime} Mt=Mr and P B = P ′ P B=P^{\prime} PB=P, 怎么办?
      • P B = P ′ P B=P^{\prime} PB=P:t = r (the length of M and M’ are same)
      • Then h ( H t − 1 , M t − 1 ) = H t = H t ′ = h ( H t − 1 ′ , M t − 1 ′ ) \mathrm{h}\left(\mathrm{H}_{\mathrm{t}-1}, \mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{t}-1}\right)=\mathrm{H}_{\mathrm{t}}=\mathrm{H}_{\mathrm{t}}^{\prime}=\mathrm{h}\left(\mathrm{H}_{\mathrm{t}-1}^{\prime}, \mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{t}-1}^{\prime}\right) h(Ht1,Mt1)=Ht=Ht=h(Ht1,Mt1)
        • 又找到了一组h的碰撞:
          • 如果其中的两个M又恰好相等,就继续
        • 除非M = M’ (违反了假设), 否则总能找到h的碰撞
          • 即只有两种结果
            • (1) Find collision for h 或
            • (2) ∀ i : M i = M i ′ ⇒ M = M ′ \forall i: M_i = M_i' \Rightarrow M = M' i:Mi=MiM=M
    • Done!
  • Therefore:

    • To construct C.R. function,
      • suffices to construct compression function
  • 只要h CR,就能建立CR的H

Next segment:

  • 如何建立collision resistant的h

3.5.2 Constructing Compression Functions

Out goal for this segment: \

  • build secure (collision resistant) compression
The Merkle-Damgard iterated construction


  • Thm: h collision ⇒ \Rightarrow H collision resistant
  • Goal: construct compression function h : T × X → T h:T\times X \rightarrow T h:T×XT


  • see a couple of constructions
Comopression function from a block cipher
  • E : K × { 0 , 1 } n ⟶ { 0 , 1 } n E: K \times\{0,1\}^{n} \longrightarrow\{0,1\}^{n} E:K×{0,1}n{0,1}n a block cipher
  • The Davies-Meyer compression function:
    • h ( H , m ) = E ( m , H ) ⨁ H h(H, m)=E(m, H) \bigoplus H h(H,m)=E(m,H)H
    • encrypt the chaining variable using the message block as the key


  • Thm: Suppose E is an ideal cipher
    • collection of |K| random permutations
    • Finding a collision h(H,m) = h(H’,m) takes O ( 2 n / 2 ) O(2^{n/2}) O(2n/2) evaluations of (E,D)
      • because there is always a generic birthday attack
  • Davies-Meyer compression function is very popular
    • SHA functions all used Davies-Meyer


  • Suppose we define h(H,m) = E(m,H)
    • without XOR H compared with Davies-Meyer compression function ( h ( H , m ) = E ( m , H ) ⨁ H h(H, m)=E(m, H) \bigoplus H h(H,m)=E(m,H)H )
    • 下面证明 h(H,m) = E(m,H) is not collision resistant
  • Then the resulting h(.,.) is not collision resistant:
    • to build a collision (H,m) and (H’,m’)
    • choose random (H,m,m’) and construct H’ as follows:
  • Ans:
    • Just let H’=D(m’,E(m,H))
      • E(m’,H’) = E(m,H)

Other block cipher constructions
  • Let E : { 0 , 1 } n × { 0 , 1 } n ⟶ { 0 , 1 } n E:\{0,1\}^{n} \times\{0,1\}^{n} \longrightarrow\{0,1\}^{n} E:{0,1}n×{0,1}n{0,1}n for simplicity
  • Miyaguchi-Preneel:
    • h ( H , m ) = E ( m , H ) ⊕ H ⨁ m h(H, m)=E(m, H) \oplus H \bigoplus m h(H,m)=E(m,H)Hm (Whirlpool)
    • h ( H , m ) = E ( H ⨁ m , m ) ⨁ m h(H,m) = E(H\bigoplus m, m) \bigoplus m h(H,m)=E(Hm,m)m
      • total of 12 variants like this
  • Other natural variants are insecure
    • 上述12种变体可以,其他的不行
    • e.g.,: h(H,m) = E(m,H) XOR m (HW)


  • We have all the ingredients to describe the SHA 256 hash function
Case study: SHA-256
  • Merkel-Damgard function
  • Davies-Meyer compression function
  • Block cipher: SHACAL-2
    • the underlying block cipher for Daview-Meyer
    • the 512-bit key of SHACAL-2: msg
    • 256-bit block of SHACAL-2: the chaining variable


compression Functions:

  • 1类来自block cipher (said before)
  • 另一类: 来自Hard problems from number theory
    • briefly show one example in the following
Provable compression function
  • provable 可证明的

    • provable: If you can find the collision on this compression function, then you are going to be able to solve a very hard number theoritic problem which is believed to be intractable intractable 棘手的,难治的
  • choose random 2000-bit prime p and random 1 ≤ u , v ≤ p 1 \leq u,v \leq p 1u,vp

  • For m , H ∈ 0 , 1 , 2 , . . . , p − 1 m,H \in {0,1,2, ... , p-1} m,H0,1,2,...,p1 define:

    • h ( H , m ) = u H ⋅ v m (   m o d   p ) h(H, m)=u^{H} \cdot v^{m} \quad(\bmod p) h(H,m)=uHvm(modp)
    • 输入0至p-1的两个数,输出0至p-1的一个数
      • compression ratio is 2.
  • Fact:

    • finding collision for h ( . , . ) h(.,.) h(.,.) is as hard as
    • solving “discrete-log” modulo p
    • 证明:
      • 见后文:when we get to the numver theoretic part of the course!
  • 此方法的problem:

    • slow!
    • therefore
      • not really used for any compression functions
      • 但假如要sign的msg很短,可用时间又很长的话还是可以用的 – because it is provable

Next segment:

  • goint to talk about HMAC

3.6 A MAC from a hash function

3.6.1 HMAC: a MAC from SHA-256

The Merkle-Damgard iterated construction


  • Thm: h collision ⇒ \Rightarrow H collision resistant

Can we use H(.) to directly build a MAC?

  • without having to rely on a PRF
MAC from a Merkle-Damgard Hash Function
  • H : X ≤ L ⟶ T \mathrm{H}: \mathrm{X}^{\leq \mathrm{L}} \longrightarrow \mathrm{T} H:XLT a C.R. Merkle-Damgard Hash Function

  • Attempt #1: S(k,m) = H(k||m)

  • This MAC is insecure. Prove this!

Ans: Given H(k||m) anyone can compute H(k||m||PB||w) for any w!

  • The adversary can use w to creat (k||m||PB||w) and H(k||m||PB||w) to construct the existential forgery
  • so this is totally insecure and should never be used
Standardized method: HMAC (Hash-MAC)
  • Most widely used MAC on the Internet

  • H: hash function

    • example: SHA-256
    • output is 256 bits
      • the 256 bits can be regarded as pseudrandom numbers!
  • Building a MAC out of a hash function:

    • HMAC: S ( k , m ) = H ( k ⊕ o p a d , H ( k ⊕ i p a d ∥ m ) ) S(k, m)=H(k \oplus o p a d, H(k \oplus i p a d \| m)) S(k,m)=H(kopad,H(kipadm))
    • 1st: concatenate k with an iternal pad (ipad)
      • as one block of the Merkel-Damguard construction
        • would be 512 bits in the case of SHA-256
    • 2nd: append k ⊕ i p a d k \oplus i p a d kipad with message m m m
    • 3rd: hash!
    • 4th: 和 k ⨁ o p a d k\bigoplus opad kopad一起再进行一次SHA256
  • HMAC in pictures:


  • Similar to the NMAC PRF
    • main difference: the two keys k1 and k2 are dependent
    • 如下图所示


  • ipad and opad are constants specified in the HMAC standard
HMAC properties
  • HMAC is assumed to be a secure PRF
    • Can be proven under certain PRF assumptions about h(.,.)
    • Security bounds similar to NMAC
      • Need q 2 / ∣ T ∣ q^2/|T| q2/T to be negligible ( q < < ∣ T ∣ 1 / 2 ) (q << |T|^{1/2}) (q<<T1/2)
        • q: the number of messages you’er macing
        • T: the output tag space
  • In TLS: must support HMAC-SHA1-96
    • SHA1: SHA1 hash function, output 160bits
    • -96: truncated to 96 bits

Next sement:

  • timing attack on HMAC

3.6.2 Timing attacks on MAC verification

  • a general attack that affects many implementations of MAC alg.
  • a lesson for us!
Warning: verification timing attacks
  • Example: Keyczar crpto library (Python)
    • e.g.,: HMAC(key,msg)和sig_bytes both are 16 bytes
def Verify(key, msg, sig_bytes):
  return HMAC(key,msg) == sig_bytes
  • The problem: ‘==’ implemented as a byte-by-byte comparison
    • comparator returns false when first inequality found

How to attack?

Warning: verification timing attacks


  • Timing attack: to compute tag for target message m do:
    • 可利用的条件:一台有着密钥key的HMAC认证服务器
    • Step1: Query server with random tag
    • Step2: Loop over all possible first bytes and query server
      • Stop when verification takes longer than in step 1
    • Step3: repeat for all tag bytes until valid tag found



Defnese #1
  • Make string comparator always take same time (python)
    • in fact, Keyczar lib. exactly implemented this defense
return false if sig_bytes has wrong length
result = 0 
# zip: create pairs between HMAC(key,msg) and big_bytes
for x,y in zip(HMAC(key,msg),big_bytes): 
  result |= ord(x) ^ ord(y)
return result == 0
  • can be difficult to ensure due to optimizing compiler
    • an optimized compiler: 会自动地在不相等的字节对break for循环!
    • 导致防御失效
Defense #2
  • Make string comparator always take same time (python)
    • 隐藏真正被验证的string
def Verify(key, msg, sig_bytes):
  mac = HMAC(key,msg)
  return HMAC(key,mac) == HMAC(key,sig_bytes)
  • Attacker does not know values being compared!


  • 密码算法实现时处处可能犯错
  • 谨慎implement crypto yourself!




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