CppAD: A Package for Differentiation of C++ Algorithms
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
add_executable(test example.cpp)
# include <iostream> // standard input/output
# include <vector> // standard vector
# include <cppad/cppad.hpp> // the CppAD package
namespace { // begin the empty namespace
// define the function Poly(a, x) = a[0] + a[1]*x[1] + ... + a[k-1]*x[k-1]
template <class Type>
Type Poly(const CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(double) &a, const Type &x)
{ size_t k = a.size();
Type y = 0.; // initialize summation
Type x_i = 1.; // initialize x^i
for(size_t i = 0; i < k; i++)
{ y += a[i] * x_i; // y = y + a_i * x^i
x_i *= x; // x_i = x_i * x
return y;
// main program
int main(void)
{ using CppAD::AD; // use AD as abbreviation for CppAD::AD
using std::vector; // use vector as abbreviation for std::vector
// vector of polynomial coefficients
size_t k = 5; // number of polynomial coefficients
CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(double) a(k); // vector of polynomial coefficients
for(size_t i = 0; i < k; i++)
a[i] = 1.; // value of polynomial coefficients
// domain space vector
size_t n = 1; // number of domain space variables
vector< AD<double> > ax(n); // vector of domain space variables
ax[0] = 3.; // value at which function is recorded
// declare independent variables and start recording operation sequence
// range space vector
size_t m = 1; // number of ranges space variables
vector< AD<double> > ay(m); // vector of ranges space variables
ay[0] = Poly(a, ax[0]); // record operations that compute ay[0]
// store operation sequence in f: X -> Y and stop recording
CppAD::ADFun<double> f(ax, ay);
// compute derivative using operation sequence stored in f
vector<double> jac(m * n); // Jacobian of f (m by n matrix)
vector<double> x(n); // domain space vector
x[0] = 3.; // argument value for computing derivative
jac = f.Jacobian(x); // Jacobian for operation sequence
// print the results
std::cout << "f'(3) computed by CppAD = " << jac[0] << std::endl;
// check if the derivative is correct
int error_code;
if( jac[0] == 142. )
error_code = 0; // return code for correct case
else error_code = 1; // return code for incorrect case
return error_code;
$ ./test
f'(3) computed by CppAD = 142