LMB connects only to the on-chip BRAMs.Its access latency is one clock cycle.
OPB (IBM CoreConnect On-chip Peripheral Bus to access OPB compatible Peripherals) is the main bus to connect to the Microblaze core and its peripherals.Its access latency depends on the type of peripheral being addressed.
MicroBlaze Configurations
Configuration 1: IOPB+ILMB+DOPB+DLMB
Configuration 2: IOPB+DOPB+DLMB
Configuration 3: ILMB+DOPB+DLMB
Configuration 4: IOPB+ILMB+DOPB
Configuration 5: IOPB+DOPB
Configuration 6: ILMB+DOPB
·What are the MicroBlaze™ bus interfaces?
MicroBlaze has two bus interfaces:
LMB: Local Memory Bus to access only on-chip BRAMs
OPB: IBM CoreConnect On-chip Peripheral Bus to access OPB compatible peripherals.
·Why would you need an OPB-to-OPB Bridge, when you use both IOPB and DOPB sides?
The OPB-to-OPB bridge is only required if the data-side OPB needs access to the instruction-side OPB peripherals, such as for software-based debugging.
·What are the the most common MicroBlaze™ configurations?
Configuration 1: IOPB+ILMB+DOPB+DLMB
Configuration 3: ILMB+DOPB+DLMB