
参考自: PX4/Pixhawk—uORB深入理解和应用. 修改部分内容和格式


 * This is implemented as a singleton.  This class manages creating the
 * uORB nodes for each uORB topics and also implements the behavor of the
 * uORB Api's.
class uORB::Manager
	: public uORBCommunicator::IChannelRxHandler
	// ==== uORB interface methods ====
	 * Advertise as the publisher of a topic.
	 * This performs the initial advertisement of a topic; it creates the topic
	 * node in /obj if required and publishes the initial data.
	 * Any number of advertisers may publish to a topic; publications are atomic
	 * but co-ordination between publishers is not provided by the ORB.
	 * Internally this will call orb_advertise_multi with an instance of 0 and
	 * default priority.
	 * @param meta    The uORB metadata (usually from the ORB_ID() macro)
	 *      for the topic.
	 * @param data    A pointer to the initial data to be published.
	 *      For topics updated by interrupt handlers, the advertisement
	 *      must be performed from non-interrupt context.
	 * @param queue_size  Maximum number of buffered elements. If this is 1, no queuing is
	 *      used.
	 * @return    nullptr on error, otherwise returns an object pointer
	 *      that can be used to publish to the topic.
	 *      If the topic in question is not known (due to an
	 *      ORB_DEFINE with no corresponding ORB_DECLARE)
	 *      this function will return nullptr and set errno to ENOENT.
	orb_advert_t orb_advertise(const struct orb_metadata *meta, const void *data, unsigned int queue_size = 1)
		return orb_advertise_multi(meta, data, nullptr, ORB_PRIO_DEFAULT, queue_size);

	 * Advertise as the publisher of a topic.
	 * This performs the initial advertisement of a topic; it creates the topic
	 * node in /obj if required and publishes the initial data.
	 * Any number of advertisers may publish to a topic; publications are atomic
	 * but co-ordination between publishers is not provided by the ORB.
	 * The multi can be used to create multiple independent instances of the same topic
	 * (each instance has its own buffer).
	 * This is useful for multiple publishers who publish the same topic. The subscriber
	 * then subscribes to all instances and chooses which source he wants to use.
	 * @param meta    The uORB metadata (usually from the ORB_ID() macro)
	 *      for the topic.
	 * @param data    A pointer to the initial data to be published.
	 *      For topics updated by interrupt handlers, the advertisement
	 *      must be performed from non-interrupt context.
	 * @param instance  Pointer to an integer which will yield the instance ID (0-based)
	 *      of the publication. This is an output parameter and will be set to the newly
	 *      created instance, ie. 0 for the first advertiser, 1 for the next and so on.
	 * @param priority  The priority of the instance. If a subscriber subscribes multiple
	 *      instances, the priority allows the subscriber to prioritize the best
	 *      data source as long as its available. The subscriber is responsible to check
	 *      and handle different priorities (@see orb_priority()).
	 * @param queue_size  Maximum number of buffered elements. If this is 1, no queuing is
	 *      used.
	 * @return    PX4_ERROR on error, otherwise returns a handle
	 *      that can be used to publish to the topic.
	 *      If the topic in question is not known (due to an
	 *      ORB_DEFINE with no corresponding ORB_DECLARE)
	 *      this function will return -1 and set errno to ENOENT.
	orb_advert_t orb_advertise_multi(const struct orb_metadata *meta, const void *data, int *instance,
					 int priority, unsigned int queue_size = 1);

	 * Unadvertise a topic.
	 * @param handle  handle returned by orb_advertise or orb_advertise_multi.
	 * @return 0 on success
	int orb_unadvertise(orb_advert_t handle);

	/** 2
	 * Publish new data to a topic.
	 * The data is atomically published to the topic and any waiting subscribers
	 * will be notified.  Subscribers that are not waiting can check the topic
	 * for updates using orb_check and/or orb_stat.
	 * 即使订阅的主题没有被公告,但是也能订阅成功;但是在这种情况下,却得不到数据,直到主题被公告
	 * @param meta    The uORB metadata (usually from the ORB_ID() macro) for the topic.
	 * @param handle    The handle returned from orb_advertise.
	 * @param data    A pointer to the data to be published.
	 * @return    OK on success, PX4_ERROR otherwise with errno set accordingly.
	int  orb_publish(const struct orb_metadata *meta, orb_advert_t handle, const void *data);

	 * Subscribe to a topic.
	 * The returned value is a file descriptor that can be passed to poll()
	 * in order to wait for updates to a topic, as well as topic_read,
	 * orb_check and orb_stat.
	 * If there were any publications of the topic prior to the subscription,
	 * an orb_check right after orb_subscribe will return true.
	 * Subscription will succeed even if the topic has not been advertised;
	 * in this case the topic will have a timestamp of zero, it will never
	 * signal a poll() event, checking will always return false and it cannot
	 * be copied. When the topic is subsequently advertised, poll, check,
	 * stat and copy calls will react to the initial publication that is
	 * performed as part of the advertisement.
	 * Subscription will fail if the topic is not known to the system, i.e.
	 * there is nothing in the system that has declared the topic and thus it
	 * can never be published.
	 * Internally this will call orb_subscribe_multi with instance 0.
	 * @param meta    The uORB metadata (usually from the ORB_ID() macro)
	 *      for the topic.
	 * @return    PX4_ERROR on error, otherwise returns a handle
	 *      that can be used to read and update the topic.
	int  orb_subscribe(const struct orb_metadata *meta);

	 * Subscribe to a multi-instance of a topic.
	 * The returned value is a file descriptor that can be passed to poll()
	 * in order to wait for updates to a topic, as well as topic_read,
	 * orb_check and orb_stat.
	 * If there were any publications of the topic prior to the subscription,
	 * an orb_check right after orb_subscribe_multi will return true.
	 * Subscription will succeed even if the topic has not been advertised;
	 * in this case the topic will have a timestamp of zero, it will never
	 * signal a poll() event, checking will always return false and it cannot
	 * be copied. When the topic is subsequently advertised, poll, check,
	 * stat and copy calls will react to the initial publication that is
	 * performed as part of the advertisement.
	 * Subscription will fail if the topic is not known to the system, i.e.
	 * there is nothing in the system that has declared the topic and thus it
	 * can never be published.
	 * If a publisher publishes multiple instances the subscriber should
	 * subscribe to each instance with orb_subscribe_multi
	 * (@see orb_advertise_multi()).
	 * @param meta    The uORB metadata (usually from the ORB_ID() macro)
	 *      for the topic.
	 * @param instance  The instance of the topic. Instance 0 matches the
	 *      topic of the orb_subscribe() call, higher indices
	 *      are for topics created with orb_advertise_multi().
	 * @return    PX4_ERROR on error, otherwise returns a handle
	 *      that can be used to read and update the topic.
	 *      If the topic in question is not known (due to an
	 *      ORB_DEFINE_OPTIONAL with no corresponding ORB_DECLARE)
	 *      this function will return -1 and set errno to ENOENT.
	int  orb_subscribe_multi(const struct orb_metadata *meta, unsigned instance);
	 * Unsubscribe from a topic.
	 * @param handle  A handle returned from orb_subscribe.
	 * @return    OK on success, PX4_ERROR otherwise with errno set accordingly.
	int  orb_unsubscribe(int handle);

	 * Fetch data from a topic.
	 * This is the only operation that will reset the internal marker that
	 * indicates that a topic has been updated for a subscriber. Once poll
	 * or check return indicating that an updaet is available, this call
	 * must be used to update the subscription.
	 * @param meta    The uORB metadata (usually from the ORB_ID() macro)
	 *      for the topic.
	 * @param handle  A handle returned from orb_subscribe.
	 * @param buffer  Pointer to the buffer receiving the data, or NULL
	 *      if the caller wants to clear the updated flag without
	 *      using the data.
	 * @return    OK on success, PX4_ERROR otherwise with errno set accordingly.
	int  orb_copy(const struct orb_metadata *meta, int handle, void *buffer);

	 * Check whether a topic has been published to since the last orb_copy.
	 * This check can be used to determine whether to copy the topic when
	 * not using poll(), or to avoid the overhead of calling poll() when the
	 * topic is likely to have updated.
	 * Updates are tracked on a per-handle basis; this call will continue to
	 * return true until orb_copy is called using the same handle. This interface
	 * should be preferred over calling orb_stat due to the race window between
	 * stat and copy that can lead to missed updates.
	 * @param handle  A handle returned from orb_subscribe.
	 * @param updated Set to true if the topic has been updated since the
	 *      last time it was copied using this handle.
	 * @return    OK if the check was successful, PX4_ERROR otherwise with
	 *      errno set accordingly.
	int  orb_check(int handle, bool *updated);

	 * Return the last time that the topic was updated. If a queue is used, it returns
	 * the timestamp of the latest element in the queue.
	 * @param handle  A handle returned from orb_subscribe.
	 * @param time    Returns the absolute time that the topic was updated, or zero if it has
	 *      never been updated. Time is measured in microseconds.
	 * @return    OK on success, PX4_ERROR otherwise with errno set accordingly.
	int  orb_stat(int handle, uint64_t *time);

	 * Check if a topic has already been created and published (advertised)
	 * @param meta    ORB topic metadata.
	 * @param instance  ORB instance
	 * @return    OK if the topic exists, PX4_ERROR otherwise.
	int  orb_exists(const struct orb_metadata *meta, int instance);

	 * Return the priority of the topic
	 * @param handle  A handle returned from orb_subscribe.
	 * @param priority  Returns the priority of this topic. This is only relevant for
	 *      topics which are published by multiple publishers (e.g. mag0, mag1, etc.)
	 *      and allows a subscriber to pick the topic with the highest priority,
	 *      independent of the startup order of the associated publishers.
	 * @return    OK on success, PX4_ERROR otherwise with errno set accordingly.
	int  orb_priority(int handle, int32_t *priority);

	 * Set the minimum interval between which updates are seen for a subscription.
	 * If this interval is set, the subscriber will not see more than one update
	 * within the period.
	 * Specifically, the first time an update is reported to the subscriber a timer
	 * is started. The update will continue to be reported via poll and orb_check, but
	 * once fetched via orb_copy another update will not be reported until the timer
	 * expires.
	 * This feature can be used to pace a subscriber that is watching a topic that
	 * would otherwise update too quickly.
	 * @param handle  A handle returned from orb_subscribe.
	 * @param interval  An interval period in milliseconds.
	 * @return    OK on success, PX4_ERROR otherwise with ERRNO set accordingly.
	int  orb_set_interval(int handle, unsigned interval);

	 * Get the minimum interval between which updates are seen for a subscription.
	 * @see orb_set_interval()
	 * @param handle  A handle returned from orb_subscribe.
	 * @param interval  The returned interval period in milliseconds.
	 * @return    OK on success, PX4_ERROR otherwise with ERRNO set accordingly.
	int	orb_get_interval(int handle, unsigned *interval);
	 * Method to set the uORBCommunicator::IChannel instance.
	 * @param comm_channel
	 *  The IChannel instance to talk to remote proxies.
	 * @note:
	 *  Currently this call only supports the use of one IChannel
	 *  Future extensions may include more than one IChannel's.
	void set_uorb_communicator(uORBCommunicator::IChannel *comm_channel);
	 * Gets the uORB Communicator instance.
	uORBCommunicator::IChannel *get_uorb_communicator();

	 * Utility method to check if there is a remote subscriber present
	 * for a given topic
	bool is_remote_subscriber_present(const char *messageName);


#endif /* _uORBManager_hpp_ */

1 int poll(struct pollfd fds[], nfds_t nfds, int timeout)

  * @brief 监控文件描述符(多个);
           timemout=0,poll()函数立即返回而不阻塞;timeout=INFTIM(-1),poll()会一直阻塞下去,直到检测到return > 0; 
  * @param  fds:struct pollfd结构类型的数组;
  * @param  nfds:用于标记数组fds中的结构体元素的总数量;
  * @param  timeout:是poll函数调用阻塞的时间,单位:毫秒; 
  * @retval:  >0:数组fds中准备好读、写或出错状态的那些socket描述符的总数量;
int poll(struct pollfd fds[], nfds_t nfds, int timeout){
  • 3
  • 6
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


