
HTSJDK 库中的 SAMUtils 类提供了一系列静态实用方法,用于处理和操作 SAM/BAM 文件中的数据。这些方法包括对 SAM/BAM 记录的各种处理,如编码、解码、排序、修正和转换。

HTSJDK 库中的 SAMUtils 类提供了一些实用方法来处理 SAM/BAM 文件中的数据,但它本身并不直接负责将 SAM 数据压缩和转换为 BAM 文件。实际的压缩和转换过程涉及多个步骤,包括将 SAM 记录编码为 BAM 格式,并使用 GZIP 压缩来压缩数据。

  1. SAM 记录编码为 BAM 格式

    • 使用 BAMRecordCodec 类,将每个 SAMRecord 对象编码为 BAM 二进制格式。
  2. 数据压缩

    • 使用 GZIP 压缩编码后的 BAM 二进制数据。
  3. 写入 BAM 文件

    • 将压缩后的数据写入 BAM 文件。


 * The MIT License
 * Copyright (c) 2009 The Broad Institute
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package htsjdk.samtools;

import htsjdk.samtools.seekablestream.SeekablePathStream;
import htsjdk.samtools.seekablestream.SeekableStream;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.BinaryCodec;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.CigarUtil;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.CloserUtil;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.CoordMath;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.RuntimeEOFException;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.StringUtil;
import htsjdk.tribble.annotation.Strand;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * Utilty methods.
public final class SAMUtils {
     * regex for semicolon, used in {@link SAMUtils#getOtherCanonicalAlignments(SAMRecord)}
    private static final Pattern SEMICOLON_PAT = Pattern.compile("[;]");
     * regex for comma, used in {@link SAMUtils#getOtherCanonicalAlignments(SAMRecord)}
    private static final Pattern COMMA_PAT = Pattern.compile("[,]");

    // Representation of bases, one for when in low-order nybble, one for when in high-order nybble.
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_EQUAL_LOW = 0;
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_A_LOW = 1;
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_C_LOW = 2;
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_M_LOW = 3;
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_G_LOW = 4;
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_R_LOW = 5;
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_S_LOW = 6;
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_V_LOW = 7;
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_T_LOW = 8;
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_W_LOW = 9;
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_Y_LOW = 10;
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_H_LOW = 11;
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_K_LOW = 12;
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_D_LOW = 13;
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_B_LOW = 14;
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_N_LOW = 15;
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_EQUAL_HIGH = COMPRESSED_EQUAL_LOW << 4;
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_A_HIGH = COMPRESSED_A_LOW << 4;
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_C_HIGH = COMPRESSED_C_LOW << 4;
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_G_HIGH = COMPRESSED_G_LOW << 4;
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_T_HIGH = (byte) (COMPRESSED_T_LOW << 4);
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_N_HIGH = (byte) (COMPRESSED_N_LOW << 4);

    private static final byte COMPRESSED_M_HIGH = (byte) (COMPRESSED_M_LOW << 4);
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_R_HIGH = (byte) (COMPRESSED_R_LOW << 4);
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_S_HIGH = (byte) (COMPRESSED_S_LOW << 4);
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_V_HIGH = (byte) (COMPRESSED_V_LOW << 4);
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_W_HIGH = (byte) (COMPRESSED_W_LOW << 4);
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_Y_HIGH = (byte) (COMPRESSED_Y_LOW << 4);
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_H_HIGH = (byte) (COMPRESSED_H_LOW << 4);
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_K_HIGH = (byte) (COMPRESSED_K_LOW << 4);
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_D_HIGH = (byte) (COMPRESSED_D_LOW << 4);
    private static final byte COMPRESSED_B_HIGH = (byte) (COMPRESSED_B_LOW << 4);

    private static final byte[] COMPRESSED_LOOKUP_TABLE = {

    public static final int MAX_PHRED_SCORE = 93;

     * Convert from a byte array containing =AaCcGgTtNnMmRrSsVvWwYyHhKkDdBb represented as ASCII, to a byte array half as long,
     * with for example, =, A, C, G, T converted to 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 15.
     * @param readBases Bases as ASCII bytes.
     * @return New byte array with bases represented as nybbles, in BAM binary format.
    static byte[] bytesToCompressedBases(final byte[] readBases) {
        final byte[] compressedBases = new byte[(readBases.length + 1) / 2];
        int i;
        for (i = 1; i < readBases.length; i += 2) {
            compressedBases[i / 2] = (byte) (charToCompressedBaseHigh(readBases[i - 1]) |
        // Last nybble
        if (i == readBases.length) {
            compressedBases[i / 2] = charToCompressedBaseHigh(readBases[i - 1]);
        return compressedBases;

     * Convert from a byte array with bases stored in nybbles, with for example,=, A, C, G, T, N represented as 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 15,
     * to a a byte array containing =AaCcGgTtNn represented as ASCII.
     * @param length           Number of bases (not bytes) to convert.
     * @param compressedBases  Bases represented as nybbles, in BAM binary format.
     * @param compressedOffset Byte offset in compressedBases to start.
     * @return New byte array with bases as ASCII bytes.
    public static byte[] compressedBasesToBytes(final int length, final byte[] compressedBases, final int compressedOffset) {
        final byte[] ret = new byte[length];
        int i;
        for (i = 1; i < length; i += 2) {
            final int compressedIndex = i / 2 + compressedOffset;
            ret[i - 1] = compressedBaseToByteHigh(compressedBases[compressedIndex]);
            ret[i] = compressedBaseToByteLow(compressedBases[compressedIndex]);
        // Last nybble
        if (i == length) {
            ret[i - 1] = compressedBaseToByteHigh(compressedBases[i / 2 + compressedOffset]);
        return ret;

     * Convert from ASCII byte to BAM nybble representation of a base in low-order nybble.
     * @param base One of =AaCcGgTtNnMmRrSsVvWwYyHhKkDdBb.
     * @return Low-order nybble-encoded equivalent.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the base is not one of =AaCcGgTtNnMmRrSsVvWwYyHhKkDdBb.
    private static byte charToCompressedBaseLow(final byte base) {
        switch (base) {
            case '=':
                return COMPRESSED_EQUAL_LOW;
            case 'a':
            case 'A':
                return COMPRESSED_A_LOW;
            case 'c':
            case 'C':
                return COMPRESSED_C_LOW;
            case 'g':
            case 'G':
                return COMPRESSED_G_LOW;
            case 't':
            case 'T':
                return COMPRESSED_T_LOW;
            case 'n':
            case 'N':
            case '.':
                return COMPRESSED_N_LOW;

            // IUPAC ambiguity codes
            case 'M':
            case 'm':
                return COMPRESSED_M_LOW;
            case 'R':
            case 'r':
                return COMPRESSED_R_LOW;
            case 'S':
            case 's':
                return COMPRESSED_S_LOW;
            case 'V':
            case 'v':
                return COMPRESSED_V_LOW;
            case 'W':
            case 'w':
                return COMPRESSED_W_LOW;
            case 'Y':
            case 'y':
                return COMPRESSED_Y_LOW;
            case 'H':
            case 'h':
                return COMPRESSED_H_LOW;
            case 'K':
            case 'k':
                return COMPRESSED_K_LOW;
            case 'D':
            case 'd':
                return COMPRESSED_D_LOW;
            case 'B':
            case 'b':
                return COMPRESSED_B_LOW;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad base passed to charToCompressedBaseLow: " + Character.toString((char) base) + "(" + base + ")");

     * Convert from ASCII byte to BAM nybble representation of a base in high-order nybble.
     * @param base One of =AaCcGgTtNnMmRrSsVvWwYyHhKkDdBb.
     * @return High-order nybble-encoded equivalent.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the base is not one of =AaCcGgTtNnMmRrSsVvWwYyHhKkDdBb.
    private static byte charToCompressedBaseHigh(final byte base) {
        switch (base) {
            case '=':
                return COMPRESSED_EQUAL_HIGH;
            case 'a':
            case 'A':
                return COMPRESSED_A_HIGH;
            case 'c':
            case 'C':
                return COMPRESSED_C_HIGH;
            case 'g':
            case 'G':
                return COMPRESSED_G_HIGH;
            case 't':
            case 'T':
                return COMPRESSED_T_HIGH;
            case 'n':
            case 'N':
            case '.':
                return COMPRESSED_N_HIGH;

            // IUPAC ambiguity codes
            case 'M':
            case 'm':
                return COMPRESSED_M_HIGH;
            case 'R':
            case 'r':
                return COMPRESSED_R_HIGH;
            case 'S':
            case 's':
                return COMPRESSED_S_HIGH;
            case 'V':
            case 'v':
                return COMPRESSED_V_HIGH;
            case 'W':
            case 'w':
                return COMPRESSED_W_HIGH;
            case 'Y':
            case 'y':
                return COMPRESSED_Y_HIGH;
            case 'H':
            case 'h':
                return COMPRESSED_H_HIGH;
            case 'K':
            case 'k':
                return COMPRESSED_K_HIGH;
            case 'D':
            case 'd':
                return COMPRESSED_D_HIGH;
            case 'B':
            case 'b':
                return COMPRESSED_B_HIGH;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad base passed to charToCompressedBaseHigh: " + Character.toString((char) base) + "(" + base + ")");

     * Returns the byte corresponding to a certain nybble
     * @param base One of COMPRESSED_*_LOW, a low-order nybble encoded base.
     * @return ASCII base, one of =ACGTNMRSVWYHKDB.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the base is not one of =ACGTNMRSVWYHKDB.
    private static byte compressedBaseToByte(byte base) {
        try {
            return COMPRESSED_LOOKUP_TABLE[base];
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad base passed to charToCompressedBase: " + Character.toString((char) base) + "(" + base + ")");

     * Convert from BAM nybble representation of a base in low-order nybble to ASCII byte.
     * @param base One of COMPRESSED_*_LOW, a low-order nybble encoded base.
     * @return ASCII base, one of ACGTN=.
    private static byte compressedBaseToByteLow(final int base) {
        return compressedBaseToByte((byte) (base & 0xf));

     * Convert from BAM nybble representation of a base in high-order nybble to ASCII byte.
     * @param base One of COMPRESSED_*_HIGH, a high-order nybble encoded base.
     * @return ASCII base, one of ACGTN=.
    private static byte compressedBaseToByteHigh(final int base) {
        return compressedBaseToByte((byte) ((base >> 4) & 0xf));

     * Convert bases in place into canonical form, upper case, and with no-call represented as N.
     * @param bases byte array of bases to "normalize", in place.
    static void normalizeBases(final byte[] bases) {
        for (int i = 0; i < bases.length; ++i) {
            bases[i] = StringUtil.toUpperCase(bases[i]);
            if (bases[i] == '.') {
                bases[i] = 'N';

     * Convert an array of bytes, in which each byte is a binary phred quality score, to
     * printable ASCII representation of the quality scores, ala FASTQ format.
     * <p/>
     * Equivalent to phredToFastq(data, 0, data.length)
     * @param data Array of bytes in which each byte is a binar phred score.
     * @return String with ASCII representation of those quality scores.
    public static String phredToFastq(final byte[] data) {
        if (data == null) {
            return null;
        return phredToFastq(data, 0, data.length);

     * Convert an array of bytes, in which each byte is a binary phred quality score, to
     * printable ASCII representation of the quality scores, ala FASTQ format.
     * @param buffer Array of bytes in which each byte is a binar phred score.
     * @param offset Where in buffer to start conversion.
     * @param length How many bytes of buffer to convert.
     * @return String with ASCII representation of those quality scores.
    public static String phredToFastq(final byte[] buffer, final int offset, final int length) {
        final char[] chars = new char[length];
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            chars[i] = phredToFastq(buffer[offset + i] & 0xFF);
        return new String(chars);

     * Convert a single binary phred score to printable ASCII representation, ala FASTQ format.
     * @param phredScore binary phred score.
     * @return Printable ASCII representation of phred score.
    public static char phredToFastq(final int phredScore) {
        if (phredScore < 0 || phredScore > MAX_PHRED_SCORE) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot encode phred score: " + phredScore);
        return (char) (33 + phredScore);

     * Convert a string with phred scores in printable ASCII FASTQ format to an array
     * of binary phred scores.
     * @param fastq Phred scores in FASTQ printable ASCII format.
     * @return byte array of binary phred scores in which each byte corresponds to a character in the input string.
    public static byte[] fastqToPhred(final String fastq) {
        if (fastq == null) {
            return null;
        final int length = fastq.length();
        final byte[] scores = new byte[length];
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            scores[i] = (byte) fastqToPhred(fastq.charAt(i));
        return scores;

     * Converts printable qualities in Sanger fastq format to binary phred scores.
    public static void fastqToPhred(final byte[] fastq) {
        for (int i = 0; i < fastq.length; ++i) {
            fastq[i] = (byte) fastqToPhred((char) (fastq[i] & 0xff));

     * Convert a single printable ASCII FASTQ format phred score to binary phred score.
     * @param ch Printable ASCII FASTQ format phred score.
     * @return Binary phred score.
    public static int fastqToPhred(final char ch) {
        if (ch < 33 || ch > 126) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid fastq character: " + ch);
        return (ch - 33);

     * calculate the bin given an alignment in [beg,end)
     * Copied from SAM spec.
     * @param beg 0-based start of read (inclusive)
     * @param end 0-based end of read (exclusive)
     * @deprecated Use {@link GenomicIndexUtil#regionToBin}
    static int reg2bin(final int beg, final int end) {
        return GenomicIndexUtil.regionToBin(beg, end);

     * Handle a list of validation errors according to the validation stringency.
     * @param validationErrors     List of errors to report, or null if there are no errors.
     * @param samRecordIndex       Record number of the SAMRecord corresponding to the validation errors, or -1 if
     *                             the record number is not known.
     * @param validationStringency If STRICT, throw a SAMFormatException.  If LENIENT, print the validation
     *                             errors to stderr.  If SILENT, do nothing.
    public static void processValidationErrors(final List<SAMValidationError> validationErrors,
                                               final long samRecordIndex,
                                               final ValidationStringency validationStringency) {
        if (validationErrors != null && !validationErrors.isEmpty()) {
            for (final SAMValidationError validationError : validationErrors) {
            if (validationStringency == ValidationStringency.STRICT) {
                throw new SAMFormatException("SAM validation error: " + validationErrors.get(0));
            } else if (validationStringency == ValidationStringency.LENIENT) {
                for (final SAMValidationError error : validationErrors) {
                    System.err.println("Ignoring SAM validation error: " + error);

    public static void processValidationError(final SAMValidationError validationError,
                                              final ValidationStringency validationStringency) {
        if (validationStringency == ValidationStringency.STRICT) {
            throw new SAMFormatException("SAM validation error: " + validationError);
        } else if (validationStringency == ValidationStringency.LENIENT) {
            System.err.println("Ignoring SAM validation error: " + validationError);

    private static final SAMHeaderRecordComparator<SAMReadGroupRecord> HEADER_RECORD_COMPARATOR =
            new SAMHeaderRecordComparator<>(
                    // We don't actually want to compare with ID but it's suitable
                    // "just in case" since it's the only one that's actually required

     * Calculate a hash code from identifying information in the RG (read group) records in a SAM file's
     * header. This hash code changes any time read groups are added or removed. Comparing one file's
     * hash code to another's tells you if the read groups in the BAM files are different.
    public static String calculateReadGroupRecordChecksum(final File input, final File referenceFasta) {
        final String ENCODING = "UTF-8";

        final MessageDigest digest;
        try {
            digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
        } catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) {
            throw new Error("No MD5 algorithm was available in a Java JDK? Unheard-of!");

        // Sort the read group records by their first
        final SamReader reader = SamReaderFactory.makeDefault().referenceSequence(referenceFasta).open(input);
        final List<SAMReadGroupRecord> sortedRecords = new ArrayList<>(reader.getFileHeader().getReadGroups());
        Collections.sort(sortedRecords, HEADER_RECORD_COMPARATOR);

        for (final SAMReadGroupRecord rgRecord : sortedRecords) {
            final TreeMap<String, String> sortedAttributes = new TreeMap<>();
            for (final Map.Entry<String, String> attributeEntry : rgRecord.getAttributes()) {
                sortedAttributes.put(attributeEntry.getKey(), attributeEntry.getValue());

            try {
                for (final Map.Entry<String, String> sortedEntry : sortedAttributes.entrySet()) {
                    if (!sortedEntry.getKey().equals(SAMReadGroupRecord.READ_GROUP_ID_TAG)) { // Redundant check, safety first
            } catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
                throw new Error("No " + ENCODING + "!? WTH?");

        // Convert to a String and pad to get the full 32 chars.
        final StringBuilder hashText = new StringBuilder((new BigInteger(1, digest.digest())).toString(16));
        while (hashText.length() < 32) hashText.insert(0, "0");

        return hashText.toString();

     * Chains <code>program</code> in front of the first "head" item in the list of
     * SAMProgramRecords in <code>header</code>.  This method should not be used
     * when there are multiple chains of program groups in a header, only when
     * it can safely be assumed that there is only one chain.  It correctly handles
     * the case where <code>program</code> has already been added to the header, so
     * it can be used whether creating a SAMProgramRecord with a constructor or when
     * calling SAMFileHeader.createProgramRecord().
    public static void chainSAMProgramRecord(final SAMFileHeader header, final SAMProgramRecord program) {

        final List<SAMProgramRecord> pgs = header.getProgramRecords();
        if (!pgs.isEmpty()) {
            final List<String> referencedIds = new ArrayList<>();
            for (final SAMProgramRecord pg : pgs) {
                if (pg.getPreviousProgramGroupId() != null) {
            for (final SAMProgramRecord pg : pgs) {
                // if record being chained has already been added, ignore it
                if (pg.getProgramGroupId().equals(program.getProgramGroupId())) {
                if (!referencedIds.contains(pg.getProgramGroupId())) {

     * Strip mapping information from a SAMRecord.
     * <p>
     * WARNING: by clearing the secondary and supplementary flags,
     * this may have the affect of producing multiple distinct records with the
     * same read name and flags, which may lead to invalid SAM/BAM output.
     * Callers of this method should make sure to deal with this issue.
    public static void makeReadUnmapped(final SAMRecord rec) {
        if (rec.getReadNegativeStrandFlag()) {

     * Strip mapping information from a SAMRecord, but preserve it in the 'O' tags if it isn't already set.
    public static void makeReadUnmappedWithOriginalTags(final SAMRecord rec) {
        if (!hasOriginalMappingInformation(rec)) {
            rec.setAttribute(SAMTag.OP, rec.getAlignmentStart());
            rec.setAttribute(SAMTag.OC, rec.getCigarString());
            rec.setAttribute(SAMTag.OF, rec.getFlags());
            rec.setAttribute(SAMTag.OR, rec.getReferenceName());

     * See if any tags pertaining to original mapping information have been set.
    public static boolean hasOriginalMappingInformation(final SAMRecord rec) {
        return rec.getAttribute(SAMTag.OP) != null
                || rec.getAttribute(SAMTag.OC) != null
                || rec.getAttribute(SAMTag.OF) != null
                || rec.getAttribute(SAMTag.OR) != null;

     * Determines if a cigar has any element that both consumes read bases and consumes reference bases
     * (e.g. is not all soft-clipped)
    public static boolean cigarMapsNoBasesToRef(final Cigar cigar) {
        for (final CigarElement el : cigar.getCigarElements()) {
            if (el.getOperator().consumesReadBases() && el.getOperator().consumesReferenceBases()) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * Tests if the provided record is mapped entirely beyond the end of the reference (i.e., the alignment start is greater than the
     * length of the sequence to which the record is mapped).
     * @param record must not have a null SamFileHeader
    public static boolean recordMapsEntirelyBeyondEndOfReference(final SAMRecord record) {
        if (record.getHeader() == null) {
            throw new SAMException("A non-null SAMHeader is required to resolve the mapping position: " + record.getReadName());
        } else {
            return record.getHeader().getSequence(record.getReferenceIndex()).getSequenceLength() < record.getAlignmentStart();

     * @return negative if mapq1 < mapq2, etc.
     * Note that MAPQ(0) < MAPQ(255) < MAPQ(1)
    public static int compareMapqs(final int mapq1, final int mapq2) {
        if (mapq1 == mapq2) return 0;
        if (mapq1 == 0) return -1;
        else if (mapq2 == 0) return 1;
        else if (mapq1 == 255) return -1;
        else if (mapq2 == 255) return 1;
        else return mapq1 - mapq2;

     * Hokey algorithm for combining two MAPQs into values that are comparable, being cognizant of the fact
     * that in MAPQ world, 1 > 255 > 0. In this algorithm, 255 is treated as if it were 0.01, so that
     * CombinedMapq(1,0) > CombinedMapq(255, 255) > CombinedMapq(0, 0).
     * The return value should not be used for anything other than comparing to the return value of other
     * invocations of this method.
    public static int combineMapqs(int m1, int m2) {
        if (m1 == 255) {
            m1 = 1;
        } else {
            m1 *= 100;

        if (m2 == 255) {
            m2 = 1;
        } else {
            m2 *= 100;

        return m1 + m2;


    public static long findVirtualOffsetOfFirstRecordInBam(final Path bamFile) {
        try (SeekableStream ss = new SeekablePathStream(bamFile)){
            return BAMFileReader.findVirtualOffsetOfFirstRecord(ss);
        } catch (final IOException ioe) {
            throw new RuntimeEOFException(ioe);

     * Returns the virtual file offset of the first record in a BAM file - i.e. the virtual file
     * offset after skipping over the text header and the sequence records.
    public static long findVirtualOffsetOfFirstRecordInBam(final File bamFile) {
        try {
            return BAMFileReader.findVirtualOffsetOfFirstRecord(bamFile);
        } catch (final IOException ioe) {
            throw new RuntimeEOFException(ioe);

     * Returns the virtual file offset of the first record in a BAM file - i.e. the virtual file
     * offset after skipping over the text header and the sequence records.
    public static long findVirtualOffsetOfFirstRecordInBam(final SeekableStream seekableStream) {
        try {
            return BAMFileReader.findVirtualOffsetOfFirstRecord(seekableStream);
        } catch (final IOException ioe) {
            throw new RuntimeEOFException(ioe);

     * Given a Cigar, Returns blocks of the sequence that have been aligned directly to the
     * reference sequence. Note that clipped portions, and inserted and deleted bases (vs. the reference)
     * are not represented in the alignment blocks.
     * @param cigar          The cigar containing the alignment information
     * @param alignmentStart The start (1-based) of the alignment
     * @param cigarTypeName  The type of cigar passed - for error logging.
     * @return List of alignment blocks
    public static List<AlignmentBlock> getAlignmentBlocks(final Cigar cigar, final int alignmentStart, final String cigarTypeName) {
        if (cigar == null) return Collections.emptyList();

        final List<AlignmentBlock> alignmentBlocks = new ArrayList<>();
        int readBase = 1;
        int refBase = alignmentStart;

        for (final CigarElement e : cigar.getCigarElements()) {
            switch (e.getOperator()) {
                case H:
                    break; // ignore hard clips
                case P:
                    break; // ignore pads
                case S:
                    readBase += e.getLength();
                    break; // soft clip read bases
                case N:
                    refBase += e.getLength();
                    break;  // reference skip
                case D:
                    refBase += e.getLength();
                case I:
                    readBase += e.getLength();
                case M:
                case EQ:
                case X:
                    final int length = e.getLength();
                    alignmentBlocks.add(new AlignmentBlock(readBase, refBase, length));
                    readBase += length;
                    refBase += length;
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Case statement didn't deal with " + cigarTypeName + " op: " + e.getOperator() + "in CIGAR: " + cigar);
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(alignmentBlocks);

     * @param alignmentStart The start (1-based) of the alignment
     * @param cigar          The cigar containing the alignment information
     * @return the alignment start (1-based, inclusive) adjusted for clipped bases.  For example if the read
     * has an alignment start of 100 but the first 4 bases were clipped (hard or soft clipped)
     * then this method will return 96.
     * <p/>
     * Invalid to call on an unmapped read.
     * Invalid to call with cigar = null
    public static int getUnclippedStart(final int alignmentStart, final Cigar cigar) {
        int unClippedStart = alignmentStart;
        for (final CigarElement cig : cigar.getCigarElements()) {
            final CigarOperator op = cig.getOperator();
            if (op == CigarOperator.SOFT_CLIP || op == CigarOperator.HARD_CLIP) {
                unClippedStart -= cig.getLength();
            } else {

        return unClippedStart;

     * @param alignmentEnd The end (1-based) of the alignment
     * @param cigar        The cigar containing the alignment information
     * @return the alignment end (1-based, inclusive) adjusted for clipped bases.  For example if the read
     * has an alignment end of 100 but the last 7 bases were clipped (hard or soft clipped)
     * then this method will return 107.
     * <p/>
     * Invalid to call on an unmapped read.
     * Invalid to call with cigar = null
    public static int getUnclippedEnd(final int alignmentEnd, final Cigar cigar) {
        int unClippedEnd = alignmentEnd;
        final List<CigarElement> cigs = cigar.getCigarElements();
        for (int i = cigs.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            final CigarElement cig = cigs.get(i);
            final CigarOperator op = cig.getOperator();

            if (op == CigarOperator.SOFT_CLIP || op == CigarOperator.HARD_CLIP) {
                unClippedEnd += cig.getLength();
            } else {

        return unClippedEnd;

     * Returns the Mate Cigar String as stored in the attribute 'MC'.
     * @param rec the SAM record
     * @return Mate Cigar String, or null if there is none.
    public static String getMateCigarString(final SAMRecord rec) {
        return rec.getStringAttribute(SAMTag.MC);

     * Returns the Mate Cigar or null if there is none.
     * @param rec            the SAM record
     * @param withValidation true if we are to validate the mate cigar before returning, false otherwise.
     * @return Cigar object for the read's mate, or null if there is none.
    public static Cigar getMateCigar(final SAMRecord rec, final boolean withValidation) {
        final String mateCigarString = getMateCigarString(rec);
        Cigar mateCigar = null;
        if (mateCigarString != null) {
            mateCigar = TextCigarCodec.decode(mateCigarString);
            if (withValidation && rec.getValidationStringency() != ValidationStringency.SILENT) {
                final List<AlignmentBlock> alignmentBlocks = getAlignmentBlocks(mateCigar, rec.getMateAlignmentStart(), "mate cigar");
                SAMUtils.processValidationErrors(validateCigar(rec, mateCigar, rec.getMateReferenceIndex(), alignmentBlocks, -1, "Mate CIGAR"), -1L, rec.getValidationStringency());
        return mateCigar;

     * Returns the Mate Cigar or null if there is none.  No validation is done on the returned cigar.
     * @param rec the SAM record
     * @return Cigar object for the read's mate, or null if there is none.
    public static Cigar getMateCigar(final SAMRecord rec) {
        return getMateCigar(rec, false);

     * @param rec the SAM record
     * @return number of cigar elements (number + operator) in the mate cigar string.
    public static int getMateCigarLength(final SAMRecord rec) {
        final Cigar mateCigar = getMateCigar(rec);
        return (mateCigar != null) ? mateCigar.numCigarElements() : 0;

     * This method uses the MateCigar value as determined from the attribute MC.  It must be non-null.
     * @param rec the SAM record
     * @return 1-based inclusive rightmost position of the clipped mate sequence, or 0 read if unmapped.
    public static int getMateAlignmentEnd(final SAMRecord rec) {
        if (rec.getMateUnmappedFlag()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("getMateAlignmentEnd called on an unmapped mate: " + rec);
        final Cigar mateCigar = SAMUtils.getMateCigar(rec);
        if (mateCigar == null) {
            throw new SAMException("Mate CIGAR (Tag MC) not found:" + rec);
        return CoordMath.getEnd(rec.getMateAlignmentStart(), mateCigar.getReferenceLength());

     * @param rec the SAM record
     * @return the mate alignment start (1-based, inclusive) adjusted for clipped bases.  For example if the mate
     * has an alignment start of 100 but the first 4 bases were clipped (hard or soft clipped)
     * then this method will return 96.
     * <p/>
     * Invalid to call on an unmapped read.
    public static int getMateUnclippedStart(final SAMRecord rec) {
        if (rec.getMateUnmappedFlag())
            throw new RuntimeException("getMateUnclippedStart called on an unmapped mate: " + rec);
        final Cigar mateCigar = getMateCigar(rec);
        if (mateCigar == null) {
            throw new SAMException("Mate CIGAR (Tag MC) not found: " + rec);
        return SAMUtils.getUnclippedStart(rec.getMateAlignmentStart(), mateCigar);

     * @param rec the SAM record
     * @return the mate alignment end (1-based, inclusive) adjusted for clipped bases.  For example if the mate
     * has an alignment end of 100 but the last 7 bases were clipped (hard or soft clipped)
     * then this method will return 107.
     * <p/>
     * Invalid to call on an unmapped read.
    public static int getMateUnclippedEnd(final SAMRecord rec) {
        if (rec.getMateUnmappedFlag()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("getMateUnclippedEnd called on an unmapped mate: " + rec);
        final Cigar mateCigar = SAMUtils.getMateCigar(rec);
        if (mateCigar == null) {
            throw new SAMException("Mate CIGAR (Tag MC) not found: " + rec);
        return SAMUtils.getUnclippedEnd(getMateAlignmentEnd(rec), mateCigar);

     * @param rec the SAM record
     *            Returns blocks of the mate sequence that have been aligned directly to the
     *            reference sequence. Note that clipped portions of the mate and inserted and
     *            deleted bases (vs. the reference) are not represented in the alignment blocks.
    public static List<AlignmentBlock> getMateAlignmentBlocks(final SAMRecord rec) {
        return getAlignmentBlocks(getMateCigar(rec), rec.getMateAlignmentStart(), "mate cigar");

     * Run all validations of the mate's CIGAR.  These include validation that the CIGAR makes sense independent of
     * placement, plus validation that CIGAR + placement yields all bases with M operator within the range of the reference.
     * @param rec             the SAM record
     * @param cigar           The cigar containing the alignment information
     * @param referenceIndex  The reference index
     * @param alignmentBlocks The alignment blocks (parsed from the cigar)
     * @param recordNumber    For error reporting.  -1 if not known.
     * @param cigarTypeName   For error reporting.  "Read CIGAR" or "Mate Cigar"
     * @return List of errors, or null if no errors.

    public static List<SAMValidationError> validateCigar(final SAMRecord rec,
                                                         final Cigar cigar,
                                                         final Integer referenceIndex,
                                                         final List<AlignmentBlock> alignmentBlocks,
                                                         final long recordNumber,
                                                         final String cigarTypeName) {
        // Don't know line number, and don't want to force read name to be decoded.
        List<SAMValidationError> ret = cigar.isValid(rec.getReadName(), recordNumber);
        if (referenceIndex != SAMRecord.NO_ALIGNMENT_REFERENCE_INDEX) {
            SAMFileHeader samHeader = rec.getHeader();
            if (null == samHeader) {
                if (ret == null) ret = new ArrayList<>();
                ret.add(new SAMValidationError(SAMValidationError.Type.MISSING_HEADER,
                        cigarTypeName + " A non-null SAMHeader is required to validate cigar elements for: ", rec.getReadName(), recordNumber));
            } else {
                final SAMSequenceRecord sequence = samHeader.getSequence(referenceIndex);
                final int referenceSequenceLength = sequence.getSequenceLength();
                for (final AlignmentBlock alignmentBlock : alignmentBlocks) {
                    if (alignmentBlock.getReferenceStart() + alignmentBlock.getLength() - 1 > referenceSequenceLength) {
                        if (ret == null) ret = new ArrayList<>();
                        ret.add(new SAMValidationError(SAMValidationError.Type.CIGAR_MAPS_OFF_REFERENCE,
                                cigarTypeName + " M operator maps off end of reference", rec.getReadName(), recordNumber));
        return ret;

     * Run all validations of the mate's CIGAR.  These include validation that the CIGAR makes sense independent of
     * placement, plus validation that CIGAR + placement yields all bases with M operator within the range of the reference.
     * @param rec          the SAM record
     * @param recordNumber For error reporting.  -1 if not known.
     * @return List of errors, or null if no errors.
    public static List<SAMValidationError> validateMateCigar(final SAMRecord rec, final long recordNumber) {
        List<SAMValidationError> ret = null;

        if (rec.getValidationStringency() != ValidationStringency.SILENT) {
            if (rec.getReadPairedFlag() && !rec.getMateUnmappedFlag()) {      // The mateCigar will be defined if the mate is mapped
                if (getMateCigarString(rec) != null) {
                    ret = SAMUtils.validateCigar(rec, getMateCigar(rec), rec.getMateReferenceIndex(), getMateAlignmentBlocks(rec), recordNumber, "Mate CIGAR");
            } else {
                if (getMateCigarString(rec) != null) {
                    ret = new ArrayList<>();
                    if (!rec.getReadPairedFlag()) {
                        // If the read is not paired, and the Mate Cigar String (MC Attribute) exists, that is a validation error
                        ret.add(new SAMValidationError(SAMValidationError.Type.MATE_CIGAR_STRING_INVALID_PRESENCE,
                                "Mate CIGAR String (MC Attribute) present for a read that is not paired", rec.getReadName(), recordNumber));
                    } else { // will hit here if rec.getMateUnmappedFlag() is true
                        // If the Mate is unmapped, and the Mate Cigar String (MC Attribute) exists, that is a validation error.
                        ret.add(new SAMValidationError(SAMValidationError.Type.MATE_CIGAR_STRING_INVALID_PRESENCE,
                                "Mate CIGAR String (MC Attribute) present for a read whose mate is unmapped", rec.getReadName(), recordNumber));

        return ret;

     * Checks to see if it is valid for this record to have a mate CIGAR (MC) and then if there is a mate CIGAR available.  This is done by
     * checking that this record is paired, its mate is mapped, and that it returns a non-null mate CIGAR.
     * @param rec
     * @return
    public static boolean hasMateCigar(SAMRecord rec) {
        // NB: use getMateCigarString rather than getMateCigar to avoid validation.
        return (rec.getReadPairedFlag() && !rec.getMateUnmappedFlag() && null != SAMUtils.getMateCigarString(rec));

     * Returns a string that is the the read group ID and read name separated by a colon.  This is meant to canonically
     * identify a given record within a set of records.
     * @param record SAMRecord for which "canonical" read name is requested
     * @return The record's readgroup-id (if non-null) and the read name, separated by a colon, ':'
    public static String getCanonicalRecordName(final SAMRecord record) {
        String name = record.getStringAttribute(ReservedTagConstants.READ_GROUP_ID);
        if (null == name) name = record.getReadName();
        else name = name + ":" + record.getReadName();
        return name;

     * Returns the number of bases that need to be clipped due to overlapping pairs.  If the record is not paired,
     * or the given record's start position is greater than its mate's start position, zero is automatically returned.
     * NB: This method assumes that the record's mate is not contained within the given record's alignment.
     * @param rec SAMRecord that needs clipping due to overlapping pairs.
     * @return the number of bases at the end of the read that need to be clipped such that there would be no overlapping bases with its mate.
     * Read bases include only those from insertion, match, or mismatch Cigar operators.
    public static int getNumOverlappingAlignedBasesToClip(final SAMRecord rec) {
        // NB: ignores how to handle supplemental records when present for both ends by just using the mate information in the record.

        if (!rec.getReadPairedFlag() || rec.getReadUnmappedFlag() || rec.getMateUnmappedFlag()) return 0;

        // Only clip records that are left-most in genomic order and overlapping.
        if (rec.getMateAlignmentStart() < rec.getAlignmentStart()) return 0; // right-most, so ignore.
        else if (rec.getMateAlignmentStart() == rec.getAlignmentStart() && rec.getFirstOfPairFlag())
            return 0; // same start, so pick the first end

        // Find the number of read bases after the given mate's alignment start.
        int numBasesToClip = 0;
        final int refStartPos = rec.getMateAlignmentStart(); // relative reference position after which we should start clipping
        final Cigar cigar = rec.getCigar();
        int refPos = rec.getAlignmentStart();
        for (final CigarElement el : cigar.getCigarElements()) {
            final CigarOperator operator = el.getOperator();
            final int refBasesLength = operator.consumesReferenceBases() ? el.getLength() : 0;
            if (refStartPos <= refPos + refBasesLength - 1) { // add to clipped bases
                if (operator == CigarOperator.MATCH_OR_MISMATCH) { // M
                    if (refStartPos < refPos) numBasesToClip += refBasesLength; // use all of the bases
                        numBasesToClip += (refPos + refBasesLength) - refStartPos;  // since the mate's alignment start can be in the middle of a cigar element
                } else if (operator == CigarOperator.SOFT_CLIP || operator == CigarOperator.HARD_CLIP || operator == CigarOperator.PADDING || operator == CigarOperator.SKIPPED_REGION) {
                    // ignore
                } else { // ID
                    numBasesToClip += operator.consumesReadBases() ? el.getLength() : 0; // clip all the bases in the read from this operator
            refPos += refBasesLength;

        if (numBasesToClip < 0) return 0; // left-most but not overlapping

        return numBasesToClip;

     * Returns a (possibly new) record that has been clipped if input is a mapped paired and has overlapping bases with its mate.
     * See {@link #getNumOverlappingAlignedBasesToClip(SAMRecord)} for how the number of overlapping bases is computed.
     * NB: this does not properly consider a cigar like: 100M20S10H.
     * NB: This method assumes that the record's mate is not contained within the given record's alignment.
     * @param record        the record from which to clip bases.
     * @param noSideEffects if true a modified clone of the original record is returned, otherwise we modify the record directly.
     * @return a (possibly new) record that has been clipped
    public static SAMRecord clipOverlappingAlignedBases(final SAMRecord record, final boolean noSideEffects) {
        return clipOverlappingAlignedBases(record, getNumOverlappingAlignedBasesToClip(record), noSideEffects);

     * Returns a (possibly new) SAMRecord with the given number of bases soft-clipped at the end of the read if is a mapped
     * paired and has overlapping bases with its mate.
     * NB: this does not properly consider a cigar like: 100M20S10H.
     * NB: This method assumes that the record's mate is not contained within the given record's alignment.
     * @param record                    the record from which to clip bases.
     * @param numOverlappingBasesToClip the number of bases to clip at the end of the read.
     * @param noSideEffects             if true a modified clone of the original record is returned, otherwise we modify the record directly.
     * @return Returns a (possibly new) SAMRecord with the given number of bases soft-clipped
    public static SAMRecord clipOverlappingAlignedBases(final SAMRecord record, final int numOverlappingBasesToClip, final boolean noSideEffects) {
        // NB: ignores how to handle supplemental records when present for both ends by just using the mate information in the record.

        if (numOverlappingBasesToClip <= 0 || record.getReadUnmappedFlag() || record.getMateUnmappedFlag()) {
            return record;

        try {
            final SAMRecord rec = noSideEffects ? ((SAMRecord) record.clone()) : record;

            // watch out for when the second read overlaps all of the first read
            if (rec.getMateAlignmentStart() <= rec.getAlignmentStart()) { // make it unmapped
                return rec;

            // 1-based index of first base in read to clip.
            int clipFrom = rec.getReadLength() - numOverlappingBasesToClip + 1;
            // we have to check if the last cigar element is soft-clipping, so we can subtract that from clipFrom
            final CigarElement cigarElement = rec.getCigar().getCigarElement(rec.getCigarLength() - 1);
            if (CigarOperator.SOFT_CLIP == cigarElement.getOperator()) clipFrom -= cigarElement.getLength();
            // FIXME: does not properly consider a cigar like: 100M20S10H

            // clip it, clip it good
            rec.setCigar(new Cigar(CigarUtil.softClipEndOfRead(clipFrom, rec.getCigar().getCigarElements())));
            return rec;
        } catch (final CloneNotSupportedException e) {
            throw new SAMException(e.getMessage(), e);

     * Checks if a long attribute value is within the allowed range of a 32-bit unsigned integer.
     * @param value a long value to check
     * @return true if value is >= 0 and <= {@link BinaryCodec#MAX_UINT}, and false otherwise
    public static boolean isValidUnsignedIntegerAttribute(long value) {
        return value >= 0 && value <= BinaryCodec.MAX_UINT;

     * Extract a List of 'other canonical alignments' from a SAM record. Those alignments are stored as a string in the 'SA' tag as defined
     * in the SAM specification.
     * The name, sequence and qualities, mate data are copied from the original record.
     * @param record must be non null and must have a non-null associated header.
     * @return a list of 'other canonical alignments' SAMRecords. The list is empty if the 'SA' attribute is missing.
    public static List<SAMRecord> getOtherCanonicalAlignments(final SAMRecord record) {
        if (record == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("record is null");
        if (record.getHeader() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("record.getHeader() is null");
        /* extract value of SA tag */
        final Object saValue = record.getAttribute(SAMTag.SA);
        if (saValue == null) return Collections.emptyList();
        if (!(saValue instanceof String)) throw new SAMException(
                "Expected a String for attribute 'SA' but got " + saValue.getClass() + ". Record: " + record);

        final SAMRecordFactory samReaderFactory = new DefaultSAMRecordFactory();

        /* the spec says: "Other canonical alignments in a chimeric alignment, formatted as a
         * semicolon-delimited list: (rname,pos,strand,CIGAR,mapQ,NM;)+.
         * Each element in the list represents a part of the chimeric alignment.
         * Conventionally, at a supplementary line, the 1st element points to the primary line.

        /* break string using semicolon */
        final String semiColonStrs[] = SEMICOLON_PAT.split((String) saValue);

        /* the result list */
        final List<SAMRecord> alignments = new ArrayList<>(semiColonStrs.length);

        /* base SAM flag */
        int record_flag = record.getFlags();
        record_flag &= ~SAMFlag.PROPER_PAIR.flag;
        record_flag &= ~SAMFlag.SUPPLEMENTARY_ALIGNMENT.flag;
        record_flag &= ~SAMFlag.READ_REVERSE_STRAND.flag;

        for (int i = 0; i < semiColonStrs.length; ++i) {
            final String semiColonStr = semiColonStrs[i];
            /* ignore empty string */
            if (semiColonStr.isEmpty()) continue;

            /* break string using comma */
            final String commaStrs[] = COMMA_PAT.split(semiColonStr);
            if (commaStrs.length != 6)
                throw new SAMException("Bad 'SA' attribute in " + semiColonStr + ". Record: " + record);

            /* create the new record */
            final SAMRecord otherRec = samReaderFactory.createSAMRecord(record.getHeader());

            /* copy fields from the original record */
            if (record.getReadPairedFlag() && !record.getMateUnmappedFlag()) {

            /* get reference sequence */
            final int tid = record.getHeader().getSequenceIndex(commaStrs[0]);
            if (tid == -1)
                throw new SAMException("Unknown contig in " + semiColonStr + ". Record: " + record);

            /* fill POS */
            final int alignStart;
            try {
                alignStart = Integer.parseInt(commaStrs[1]);
            } catch (final NumberFormatException err) {
                throw new SAMException("bad POS in " + semiColonStr + ". Record: " + record, err);


            /* set TLEN */
            if (record.getReadPairedFlag() &&
                    !record.getMateUnmappedFlag() &&
                    record.getMateReferenceIndex() == tid) {
                otherRec.setInferredInsertSize(record.getMateAlignmentStart() - alignStart);

            /* set FLAG */
            int other_flag = record_flag;
            other_flag |= (commaStrs[2].equals("+") ? 0 : SAMFlag.READ_REVERSE_STRAND.flag);
           /* spec: Conventionally, at a supplementary line, the  1st element points to the primary line */
            if (!(record.getSupplementaryAlignmentFlag() && i == 0)) {
                other_flag |= SAMFlag.SUPPLEMENTARY_ALIGNMENT.flag;

           /* set CIGAR */

            /* set MAPQ */
            try {
            } catch (final NumberFormatException err) {
                throw new SAMException("bad MAPQ in " + semiColonStr + ". Record: " + record, err);

            /* fill NM */
            try {
                if (!commaStrs[5].equals("*")) {
                    otherRec.setAttribute(SAMTag.NM, Integer.parseInt(commaStrs[5]));
            } catch (final NumberFormatException err) {
                throw new SAMException("bad NM in " + semiColonStr + ". Record: " + record, err);

            /* if strand is not the same: reverse-complement */
            if (otherRec.getReadNegativeStrandFlag() != record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag()) {

            /* add the alignment */
        return alignments;

     * @deprecated because the method does the exact opposite of what it says.  Use the correctly named
     *             isReferenceSequenceIncompatibleWithBAI() instead.
    @Deprecated public static boolean isReferenceSequenceCompatibleWithBAI(final SAMSequenceRecord sequence) {
        return isReferenceSequenceIncompatibleWithBAI(sequence);

     * Checks if reference sequence is compatible with BAI indexing format.
     * @param sequence reference sequence.
    public static boolean isReferenceSequenceIncompatibleWithBAI(final SAMSequenceRecord sequence) {
        return sequence.getSequenceLength() > GenomicIndexUtil.BIN_GENOMIC_SPAN;

     * Function to create the OA tag value from a record. The OA tag contains the mapping information
     * of a record encoded as a comma-separated string (REF,POS,STRAND,CIGAR,MAPPING_QUALITY,NM_TAG_VALUE)
     * @param record to use for generating the OA tag
     * @return the OA tag string value
    public static String calculateOATagValue(SAMRecord record) {
        if (record.getReferenceName().contains(",")) {
            throw new SAMException(String.format("Reference name for record %s contains a comma character.", record.getReadName()));
        final String oaValue;
        if (record.getReadUnmappedFlag()) {
            oaValue = String.format(Locale.US, "*,0,%s,*,%s,",
                    record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag() ? Strand.NEGATIVE : Strand.POSITIVE,
        } else {
            oaValue = String.format(Locale.US, "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s",
                    record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag() ? Strand.NEGATIVE : Strand.POSITIVE,
        return oaValue;


使用GATK的combinegvcf模块合并gvcf文件,可是到了这一步Using GATK jar /stor9000/apps/users/NWSUAF/2022050434/biosoft/gatk4.3/gatk- Running: java -Dsamjdk.use_async_io_read_samtools=false -Dsamjdk.use_async_io_write_samtools=true -Dsamjdk.use_async_io_write_tribble=false -Dsamjdk.compression_level=2 -jar /stor9000/apps/users/NWSUAF/2022050434/biosoft/gatk4.3/gatk- CombineGVCFs -R /stor9000/apps/users/NWSUAF/2008115251/genomes/ARS-UCD1.2_Btau5.0.1Y.fa --variant /stor9000/apps/users/NWSUAF/2020055419/home/xncattle/03.GVCF/01_out_GVCF/XN_22/1_XN_22.g.vcf.gz --variant /stor9000/apps/users/NWSUAF/2020055419/home/xncattle/03.GVCF/01_out_GVCF/XN_18/1_XN_18.g.vcf.gz -O /stor9000/apps/users/NWSUAF/2022050469/candy/bwa/gatk/Combine/chr1.g.vcf.gz 09:10:40.524 INFO NativeLibraryLoader - Loading from jar:file:/stor9000/apps/users/NWSUAF/2022050434/biosoft/gatk4.3/gatk-!/com/intel/gkl/native/ 09:10:50.696 INFO CombineGVCFs - ------------------------------------------------------------ 09:10:50.697 INFO CombineGVCFs - The Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) v4.3.0.0 09:10:50.697 INFO CombineGVCFs - For support and documentation go to 09:10:50.698 INFO CombineGVCFs - Executing as 2022050469@node54 on Linux v3.10.0-1127.el7.x86_64 amd64 09:10:50.698 INFO CombineGVCFs - Java runtime: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM v1.8.0_72-b15 09:10:50.698 INFO CombineGVCFs - Start Date/Time: July 21, 2023 9:10:40 AM CST 09:10:50.698 INFO CombineGVCFs - ------------------------------------------------------------ 09:10:50.698 INFO CombineGVCFs - ------------------------------------------------------------ 09:10:50.698 INFO CombineGVCFs - HTSJDK Version: 3.0.1 09:10:50.699 INFO CombineGVCFs - Picard Version: 2.27.5 09:10:50.699 INFO CombineGVCFs - Built for Spark Version: 2.4.5 09:10:50.699 INFO CombineGVCFs - HTSJDK Defaults.COMPRESSION_LEVEL : 2 09:10:50.699 INFO CombineGVCFs - HTSJDK Defa就停止了,没有输出文件,也没有报错文件




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