使用机器学习/深度学习进行时间序列预测:第 3 部分基于xgboost时间序列建模以及如何提高模型精度


答案就是利用时间轴上的窗口分割器。当我们拥有一段连续的时序数据,我们可以利用一个滑动的窗口沿着数据的方向进行滑动从而产生连续的时间序列的数据和相应的预测标签。比如如图所示,假设我们14条数据,选择其中5条数据来预测未来的3条数据,那么我们的标签就是这2条数据。其中通过窗口分割器,我们十六条原始数据通过大小分别为为5和3的滑动窗口得到训练数据8条(14 - ( 5 + 3 - 1) = 7),所以通过滑动窗口分割,我们可以将原始数据分割成可供训练的8条数据。



import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os

# load the data
root = "/kaggle/input/energy-consumption-generation-prices-and-weather"
df_energy = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, "energy_dataset.csv"))
df_weather = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, "weather_features.csv"))


	time	generation biomass	generation fossil brown coal/lignite	generation fossil coal-derived gas	generation fossil gas	generation fossil hard coal	generation fossil oil	generation fossil oil shale	generation fossil peat	generation geothermal	...	generation waste	generation wind offshore	generation wind onshore	forecast solar day ahead	forecast wind offshore eday ahead	forecast wind onshore day ahead	total load forecast	total load actual	price day ahead	price actual
0	2015-01-01 00:00:00+01:00	447.0	329.0	0.0	4844.0	4821.0	162.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	...	196.0	0.0	6378.0	17.0	NaN	6436.0	26118.0	25385.0	50.10	65.41
1	2015-01-01 01:00:00+01:00	449.0	328.0	0.0	5196.0	4755.0	158.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	...	195.0	0.0	5890.0	16.0	NaN	5856.0	24934.0	24382.0	48.10	64.92
2	2015-01-01 02:00:00+01:00	448.0	323.0	0.0	4857.0	4581.0	157.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	...	196.0	0.0	5461.0	8.0	NaN	5454.0	23515.0	22734.0	47.33	64.48
3	2015-01-01 03:00:00+01:00	438.0	254.0	0.0	4314.0	4131.0	160.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	...	191.0	0.0	5238.0	2.0	NaN	5151.0	22642.0	21286.0	42.27	59.32
4	2015-01-01 04:00:00+01:00	428.0	187.0	0.0	4130.0	3840.0	156.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	...	189.0	0.0	4935.0	9.0	NaN	4861.0	21785.0	20264.0	38.41	56.04
...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...
35059	2018-12-31 19:00:00+01:00	297.0	0.0	0.0	7634.0	2628.0	178.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	...	277.0	0.0	3113.0	96.0	NaN	3253.0	30619.0	30653.0	68.85	77.02
35060	2018-12-31 20:00:00+01:00	296.0	0.0	0.0	7241.0	2566.0	174.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	...	280.0	0.0	3288.0	51.0	NaN	3353.0	29932.0	29735.0	68.40	76.16
35061	2018-12-31 21:00:00+01:00	292.0	0.0	0.0	7025.0	2422.0	168.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	...	286.0	0.0	3503.0	36.0	NaN	3404.0	27903.0	28071.0	66.88	74.30
35062	2018-12-31 22:00:00+01:00	293.0	0.0	0.0	6562.0	2293.0	163.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	...	287.0	0.0	3586.0	29.0	NaN	3273.0	25450.0	25801.0	63.93	69.89
35063	2018-12-31 23:00:00+01:00	290.0	0.0	0.0	6926.0	2166.0	163.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	...	287.0	0.0	3651.0	26.0	NaN	3117.0	24424.0	24455.0	64.27	69.88


def missing_values_table(df):
        # Total missing values
        mis_val = df.isnull().sum()
        # Percentage of missing values
        mis_val_percent = 100 * df.isnull().sum() / len(df)
        formatted_percentage = mis_val_percent.apply(lambda x: "{:.3}".format(x))

        # Make a table with the results
        mis_val_table = pd.concat([mis_val, formatted_percentage], axis=1)
        # Rename the columns
        mis_val_table_ren_columns = mis_val_table.rename(
        columns = {0 : 'Missing Values', 1 : '% of Total Values'})
        # Sort the table by percentage of missing descending
        mis_val_table_ren_columns = mis_val_table_ren_columns[
            mis_val_table_ren_columns.iloc[:,0] != 0]
        mis_values = mis_val_table_ren_columns.sort_values(
        '% of Total Values', ascending=False).round(1)
        # Print some summary information
        print ("Your selected dataframe has " + str(df.shape[1]) + " columns.\n"      
            "There are " + str(mis_values.shape[0]) +
              " columns that have missing values.")
        # Return the dataframe with missing information
        return mis_values, mis_val_table_ren_columns
        mis_val, energy_missing= missing_values_table(df_energy)


Your selected dataframe has 29 columns.
There are 23 columns that have missing values.
Missing Values	% of Total Values
generation biomass	19	0.0542
generation fossil brown coal/lignite	18	0.0513
generation fossil coal-derived gas	18	0.0513
generation fossil gas	18	0.0513
generation fossil hard coal	18	0.0513
generation fossil oil	19	0.0542
generation fossil oil shale	18	0.0513
generation fossil peat	18	0.0513
generation geothermal	18	0.0513
generation hydro pumped storage aggregated	35064	1e+02
generation hydro pumped storage consumption	19	0.0542
generation hydro run-of-river and poundage	19	0.0542
generation hydro water reservoir	18	0.0513
generation marine	19	0.0542
generation nuclear	17	0.0485
generation other	18	0.0513
generation other renewable	18	0.0513
generation solar	18	0.0513
generation waste	19	0.0542
generation wind offshore	18	0.0513
generation wind onshore	18	0.0513
forecast wind offshore eday ahead	35064	1e+02
total load actual	36	0.103


# handling missing values
df = df_energy.drop(['generation hydro pumped storage aggregated', 'forecast wind offshore eday ahead'], axis = 1)
df = df.dropna(subset = ['total load actual',
       'generation waste', 'generation marine',
       'generation hydro pumped storage consumption', 'generation biomass',
       'generation fossil oil', 'generation hydro run-of-river and poundage',
       'generation fossil peat', 'generation geothermal',
       'generation fossil oil shale', 'generation fossil brown coal/lignite',
       'generation hydro water reservoir', 'generation fossil hard coal',
       'generation other', 'generation other renewable', 'generation solar',
       'generation fossil gas', 'generation wind offshore',
       'generation wind onshore', 'generation fossil coal-derived gas',
       'generation nuclear'])


def create_sliding_window_dataset(df, window_size, step_size):
    targets = df.values
    features = []
    labels = []
    train_set = []

    for i in range(0, len(targets) - window_size - step_size + 1):
        window = targets[i:i + window_size]
        label = targets[i + window_size :i + window_size + step_size]

        features.append(window)  # Convert window to NumPy array
        labels.append(label)    # Convert label to NumPy array
        train_set.append((window, label))

    return features, labels, train_set

# Example usage
window_size = 5
step_size = 3

features, labels, dataset = create_sliding_window_dataset(df['price actual'], window_size, step_size)


train_data = pd.DataFrame(dataset, columns=['features', 'target'] )


features	target
0	[65.41, 64.92, 64.48, 59.32, 56.04]	[53.63, 51.73, 51.43]
1	[64.92, 64.48, 59.32, 56.04, 53.63]	[51.73, 51.43, 48.98]
2	[64.48, 59.32, 56.04, 53.63, 51.73]	[51.43, 48.98, 54.2]
3	[59.32, 56.04, 53.63, 51.73, 51.43]	[48.98, 54.2, 58.94]
4	[56.04, 53.63, 51.73, 51.43, 48.98]	[54.2, 58.94, 59.86]


X = np.array(train_data['features'].tolist())
y = np.array(train_data['target'].tolist())
import xgboost as xgb
from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingRegressor

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error

# Split the data into training and testing sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)

# Convert the data to DMatrix format
dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(X_train, label=y_train)
dtest = xgb.DMatrix(X_test, label=y_test)

# Set up the parameters for XGBoost
params = {
    'objective': 'reg:squarederror',
    'eval_metric': 'rmse',  # Use the appropriate metric for your problem
    'eta': 0.1,                       # Learning rate (controls the step size during training)
    'max_depth': 3,                   # Maximum depth of a tree
    'min_child_weight': 1,            # Minimum sum of instance weight (hessian) needed in a child
    'subsample': 0.8,                 # Fraction of observations to be randomly sampled for each tree
    'colsample_bytree': 0.8,          # Fraction of features to be randomly sampled for each tree
    'seed': 42                        # Random seed for reproducibility

# Specify the evaluation sets
evals = [(dtrain, 'train'), (dtest, 'test')]

eval_results = {}

# Train the XGBoost model and capture evaluation results
model = xgb.train(params, dtrain, num_boost_round=100, evals=evals, evals_result=eval_results, early_stopping_rounds=10)


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# results = model.evals_result()
# Access training and validation metrics
train_rmse = eval_results['train']['rmse']
val_rmse = eval_results['test']['rmse']
# train_mae, val_mae = evals_result["validation_0"]["mae"], evals_result["validation_1"]["mae"]
x_values = range(0, len(train_rmse))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,4))
ax.plot(x_values, train_rmse, label="Train RMSE")
ax.plot(x_values, val_rmse, label="Validation RMSE")
plt.ylabel("RMSE Loss")
plt.title("XGBoost RMSE Loss")




  1. 数据量过少
  2. 特征过少(我们只选取了price actual一条特征)
  3. 特征不合适(我们使用滑动窗口得到过去五个窗口值预测三个窗口值,分割不能包含完整的序列信息)
  4. 模型选择不合理(xgboost是否是合适的时间序列模型,即使在xgboost上的时间序列建模应用已经很广泛了)
  5. 评估方式是否合适(需要详细了解数据的特征选择合适的评估方式)

举一个简单的例子,针对第四项,我们可以看到在诸多时间序列建模中使用xgboost的成功例子,但自己在建模的时候发现很多时候并不能得到很好的结果。在网上寻找答案的时候通常会说更改模型参数可以提高模型效果,但是我们没有讨论过是否选择模型本身就有问题。或者是建模时没有关注业务本身的特点。当使用 XGBoost 执行交叉验证时,它会在内部将训练数据拆分为多个折叠(在本例中为五个折叠)并迭代训练模型,在每次迭代中使用不同的折叠作为验证集。如下:

# Access the evaluation results for each round
evals_result = model.get_fscore()

# Print the results for each boosting round
for dataset, metric_values in evals_result.items():
    print(f"{dataset} {params['eval_metric']} values: {metric_values}")


f0 rmse values: 369.0
f1 rmse values: 117.0
f2 rmse values: 351.0
f3 rmse values: 389.0
f4 rmse values: 871.0

这在实际业务理论中是不合适的。因为在时序预测任务中,使用传统的交叉验证(例如k折交叉验证)可能会引入数据泄漏(data leakage)问题。数据泄露是指在现在预测未来时,未来数据已经被暴露给模型。在实际应用中,我们只能在过去的时间点上训练模型,并在未来的时间点上进行预测。因此,通常不建议在时序预测中使用标准的交叉验证方法。


Walk-Forward Validation(滚动验证): 将数据集分割为训练和测试集,按时间顺序逐步滑动窗口。每次窗口中的数据被用于训练模型,并在窗口之后的时间点上进行预测。

Expanding Window Validation(扩展窗口验证): 类似于滚动验证,但训练集的窗口逐渐扩大,包含过去所有的观测值。

TimeSeriesSplit: TimeSeriesSplit是一种专为时序数据设计的交叉验证策略,与传统的k折交叉验证不同,它确保训练集始终包含过去的时间点,测试集包含未来的时间点。

from sklearn.model_selection import TimeSeriesSplit

tscv = TimeSeriesSplit(n_splits=5)  # 5折时序交叉验证

for train_index, test_index in tscv.split(X):
    X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index]
    y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index]
    # 在这里训练和评估模型


  • 建模方法:相关模型方法的数学理论,如何理解。模型建模的相关的优缺点,以及如何提升相关模型的性能。
  • 数据处理方法:单特征预测,多特征预测,一般性的特征处理方法以提升性能及针对特殊模型的特征处理提升方法。
  • 模型结构

tips about merging dataframes:

import dask.dataframe as dd 是导入 Dask 库中的 DataFrame 模块。Dask 是一个用于处理大规模数据并进行并行计算的库,它提供了与 Pandas 类似的 API,但能够处理比内存更大的数据集。

在上述代码中,dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=10) 将一个 Pandas DataFrame 转换为 Dask DataFrameDask DataFrame 由多个小的 Pandas DataFrame 组成,每个小的 DataFrame 称为一个分区(partition)。npartitions 参数指定将原始数据划分为多少个分区,以便进行并行处理。

dd.merge(df_dask, dataset_dask, on='target', how='left') 使用 Dask 的 merge 方法执行合并操作。on=‘target’ 指定合并键为 ‘target’ 列,how=‘left’ 表示左连接。

最后,d_slice_dask.compute()Dask DataFrame 转换回 Pandas DataFrame,将计算结果放入内存中。这一步是为了获取最终的合并结果。

总体而言,Dask 允许以一种更灵活的方式处理大规模数据,利用分布式和并行计算的优势。如果你的数据集较大,而且你想要进行高效的并行计算,Dask 是一个强大的选择。

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