

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)



论文地址:Generative Adversarial Networks

摘要:We propose a new framework for estimating generative models via an adversarial process, in which we simultaneously train two models: a generative model G that captures the data distribution, and a discriminative model D that estimates the probability that a sample came from the training data rather than G. The training procedure for G is to maximize the probability of D making a mistake. This framework corresponds to a minimax two-player game. In the space of arbitrary functions G and D, a unique solution exists, with G recovering the training data distribution and D equal to 1/2 everywhere. In the case where G and D are defined by multilayer perceptrons, the entire system can be trained with backpropagation. There is no need for any Markov chains or unrolled approximate inference networks during either training or generation of samples. Experiments demonstrate the potential of the framework through qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the generated samples.



论文地址:Least Squares Generative Adversarial Networks

摘要:Unsupervised learning with generative adversarial networks (GANs) has proven hugely successful. Regular GANs hypothesize the discriminator as a classifier with the sigmoid cross entropy loss function. However, we found that this loss function may lead to the vanishing gradients problem during the learning process. To overcome such a problem, we propose in this paper the Least Squares Generative Adversarial Networks (LSGANs) which adopt the least squares loss function for the discriminator. We show that minimizing the objective function of LSGAN yields minimizing the Pearson χ2 divergence. There are two benefits of LSGANs over regular GANs. First, LSGANs are able to generate higher quality images than regular GANs. Second, LSGANs perform more stable during the learning process. We evaluate LSGANs on five scene datasets and the experimental results show that the images generated by LSGANs are of better quality than the ones generated by regular GANs. We also conduct two comparison experiments between LSGANs and regular GANs to illustrate the stability of LSGANs.



论文地址:Wasserstein GAN

主要贡献:•In Section 2, we provide a comprehensive theoretical analysis of how the Earth Mover (EM) distance behaves in comparison to popular probability distances and divergences used in the context of learning distributions.
• In Section 3, we define a form of GAN called Wasserstein-GAN that minimizes a reasonable and efficient approximation of the EM distance, and we theoretically show that the corresponding optimization problem is sound.
• In Section 4, we empirically show that WGANs cure the main training problems of GANs. In particular, training WGANs does not require maintaining a careful balance in training of the discriminator and the generator, and does not require a careful design of the network architecture either. The mode dropping phenomenon that is typical in GANs is also drastically reduced. One of the most compelling practical benefits of WGANs is the ability to continuously estimate the EM distance by training the discriminator to optimality. Plotting these learning curves is not only useful for debugging and hyperparameter searches, but also correlate remarkably well with the observed sample quality.



论文地址:Improved Training of Wasserstein GANs

摘要:Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are powerful generative models, but suffer from training instability. The recently proposed Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) makes progress toward stable training of GANs, but sometimes can still generate only poor samples or fail to converge. We find that these problems are often due to the use of weight clipping in WGAN to enforce a Lipschitz constraint on the critic, which can lead to undesired behavior. We propose an alternative to clipping weights: penalize the norm of gradient of the critic with respect to its input. Our proposed method performs better than standard WGAN and enables stable training of a wide variety of GAN architectures with almost no hyperparameter tuning, including 101-layer ResNets and language models with continuous generators. We also achieve high quality generations on CIFAR-10 and LSUN bedrooms.



论文地址:On Convergence and Stability of GANs

摘要:We propose studying GAN training dynamics as regret minimization, which is in contrast to the popular view that there is consistent minimization of a divergence between real and generated distributions. We analyze the convergence of GAN training from this new point of view to understand why mode collapse happens. We hypothesize the existence of undesirable local equilibria in this non-convex game to be responsible for mode collapse. We observe that these local equilibria often exhibit sharp gradients of the discriminator function around some real data points. We demonstrate that these degenerate local equilibria can be avoided with a gradient penalty scheme called DRAGAN. We show that DRAGAN enables faster training, achieves improved stability with fewer mode collapses, and leads to generator networks with better modeling performance across a variety of architectures and objective functions.


论文地址:Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets

摘要:Generative Adversarial Nets were recently introduced as a novel way to traingenerative models. In this work we introduce the conditional version of generativeadversarial nets, which can be constructed by simply feeding the data, y, we wishto condition on to both the generator and discriminator. We show that this modelcan generate MNIST digits conditioned on class labels. We also illustrate howthis model could be used to learn a multi-modal model, and provide preliminary examples of an application to image tagging in which we demonstrate how this approach can generate descriptive tags which are not part of training labels.


论文地址:InfoGAN: Interpretable Representation Learning by Information Maximizing Generative Adversarial Nets

摘要:This paper describes InfoGAN, an information-theoretic extension to the Generative Adversarial Network that is able to learn disentangled representations in a completely unsupervised manner. InfoGAN is a generative adversarial network that also maximizes the mutual information between a small subset of the latent variables and the observation. We derive a lower bound of the mutual information objective that can be optimized efficiently. Specifically, InfoGAN successfully disentangles writing styles from digit shapes on the MNIST dataset, pose from lighting of 3D rendered images, and background digits from the central digit on the SVHN dataset. It also discovers visual concepts that include hair styles, presence/absence of eyeglasses, and emotions on the CelebA face dataset. Experiments show that InfoGAN learns interpretable representations that are competitive with representations learned by existing supervised methods.


论文地址:Conditional Image Synthesis With Auxiliary Classifier GANs

摘要:In this paper we introduce new methods for the improved training of generative adversarial networks (GANs) for image synthesis. We construct a variant of GANs employing label conditioning that results in 128 × 128 resolution image samples exhibiting global coherence. We expand on previous work for image quality assessment to provide two new analyses for assessing the discriminability and diversity of samples from class-conditional image synthesis models. These analyses demonstrate that high resolution samples provide class information not present in low resolution samples. Across 1000 ImageNet classes, 128 × 128 samples are more than twice as discriminable as artificially resized 32 × 32 samples. In addition, 84.7% of the classes have samples exhibiting diversity comparable to real ImageNet data.


论文地址:Energy-based Generative Adversarial Network

摘要:We introduce the “Energy-based Generative Adversarial Network” model (EBGAN) which views the discriminator as an energy function that attributes low energies to the regions near the data manifold and higher energies to other regions. Similar to the probabilistic GANs, a generator is seen as being trained to produce contrastive samples with minimal energies, while the discriminator is trained to assign high energies to these generated samples. Viewing the discriminator as an energy function allows to use a wide variety of architectures and loss functionals in addition to the usual binary classifier with logistic output. Among them, we show one instantiation of EBGAN framework as using an auto-encoder architecture, with the energy being the reconstruction error, in place of the discriminator. We show that this form of EBGAN exhibits more stable behavior than regular GANs during training. We also show that a single-scale architecture can be trained to generate high-resolution images.


论文地址:Boundary-Seeking Generative Adversarial Networks

摘要:Generative adversarial networks (GANs, Goodfellow et al., 2014) are a learning framework that rely on training a discriminator to estimate a measure of difference between a target and generated distributions. GANs, as normally formulated, rely on the generated samples being completely differentiable w.r.t. the generative parameters, and thus do not work for discrete data. We introduce a method for training GANs with discrete data that uses the estimated difference measure from the discriminator to compute importance weights for generated samples, thus providing a policy gradient for training the generator. The importance weights have a strong connection to the decision boundary of the discriminator, and we call our method boundary-seeking GANs (BGANs). We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm with discrete image and character-based natural language generation. In addition, the boundary-seeking objective extends to continuous data, which can be used to improve stability of training, and we demonstrate this on Celeba, Large-scale Scene Understanding (LSUN) bedrooms, and Imagenet without conditioning.

Results for mnist

Random generation

All results are randomly sampled.

Conditional generation

Each row has the same noise vector and each column has the same label condition.

Results for fashion-mnist

Random generation

All results are randomly sampled.

Conditional generation

Each row has the same noise vector and each column has the same label condition.

Variational Auto-Encoders (VAEs)


论文地址:Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes

摘要:How can we perform efficient inference and learning in directed probabilistic models, in the presence of continuous latent variables with intractable posterior distributions, and large datasets? We introduce a stochastic variational inference and learning algorithm that scales to large datasets and, under some mild differentiability conditions, even works in the intractable case. Our contributions is two-fold. First, we show that a reparameterization of the variational lower bound yields a lower bound estimator that can be straightforwardly optimized using standard stochastic gradient methods. Second, we show that for i.i.d. datasets with continuous latent variables per datapoint, posterior inference can be made especially efficient by fitting an approximate inference model (also called a recognition model) to the intractable posterior using the proposed lower bound estimator. Theoretical advantages are reflected in experimental results.


论文地址:Semi-Supervised Learning with Deep Generative Models

摘要:The ever-increasing size of modern data sets combined with the difficulty of obtaining label information has made semi-supervised learning one of the problems of significant practical importance in modern data analysis. We revisit the approach to semi-supervised learning with generative models and develop new models that allow for effective generalisation from small labelled data sets to large unlabelled ones. Generative approaches have thus far been either inflexible, inefficient or non-scalable. We show that deep generative models and approximate Bayesian inference exploiting recent advances in variational methods can be used to provide significant improvements, making generative approaches highly competitive for semi-supervised learning.


论文地址:Denoising Criterion for Variational Auto-Encoding Framework

摘要:Denoising autoencoders (DAE) are trained to reconstruct their clean inputs with noise injected at the input level, while variational autoencoders (VAE) are trained with noise injected in their stochastic hidden layer, with a regularizer that encourages this noise injection. In this paper, we show that injecting noise both in input and in the stochastic hidden layer can be advantageous and we propose a modified variational lower bound as an improved objective function in this setup. When input is corrupted, then the standard VAE lower bound involves marginalizing the encoder conditional distribution over the input noise, which makes the training criterion intractable. Instead, we propose a modified training criterion which corresponds to a tractable bound when input is corrupted. Experimentally, we find that the proposed denoising variational autoencoder (DVAE) yields better average log-likelihood than the VAE and the importance weighted autoencoder on the MNIST and Frey Face datasets.


论文地址:Adversarial Autoencoders

摘要:In this paper, we propose the “adversarial autoencoder” (AAE), which is a probabilistic autoencoder that uses the recently proposed generative adversarial networks (GAN) to perform variational inference by matching the aggregated posterior of the hidden code vector of the autoencoder with an arbitrary prior distribution. Matching the aggregated posterior to the prior ensures that generating from any part of prior space results in meaningful samples. As a result, the decoder of the adversarial autoencoder learns a deep generative model that maps the imposed prior to the data distribution. We show how the adversarial autoencoder can be used in applications such as semi-supervised classification, disentangling style and content of images, unsupervised clustering, dimensionality reduction and data visualization. We performed experiments on MNIST, Street View House Numbers and Toronto Face datasets and show that adversarial autoencoders achieve competitive results in generative modeling and semi-supervised classification tasks.

Results for mnist

Random generation

All results are randomly sampled.

Conditional generation

Each row has the same noise vector and each column has the same label condition.

Results for fashion-mnist

Random generation

All results are randomly sampled.

Conditional generation

Each row has the same noise vector and each column has the same label condition.

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