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原创 电脑如何设置定时任务,定时执行

第四步:选择【触发器】>>>【新建】>>>【设置触发时间】这个任务到设置的时间就会自动运行,也可以右键任务手动执行。选择【操作】>>>【新建】>>>【选择程序】,最后确认。第一步:开始-- 搜索打开任务计划程序,第三步:输入名称,名称随便起一个。第二步:选择【创建任务】

2022-10-31 15:26:36 5328

原创 优化记录(9):string.replaceFirst()的优化


2022-10-24 15:35:35 596

原创 优化记录(10): MySQLTransactionRollbackException 如何处理:

这个问题应该是mysql事务回滚异常,超过锁等待超时;2、查询的结果中,如何存在锁住的目标对象表,则需要用。1、查询所有表事务:执行的sql中是否有你的表。执行DML语句时,用时长导致表锁。3、 查询是否存在其他锁的情况。

2022-10-24 10:44:51 552

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(31)

A.Instruct another team member to determine the cause B.Sack the team member from the team C.Waiting for the team member to request a meeting D.Contact the team member to determine how to provide support 一名团队成员在站会上迟到,团队绩效降低,敏捷项目经理应该怎么办?

2022-10-21 16:02:24 543

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(30)

1、Members of an agile team identity that the daily stand up meeting is not adding value because The group is too large. During a retrospective, they raise some ideas about breaking the project team into smaller groups, what would the scrum master doA.Reduc

2022-10-21 16:01:34 1543 1

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(28)

A.Instruct another team member to determine the cause B.Sack the team member from the team C.Waiting for the team member to request a meeting D.Contact the team member to determine how to provide support 一名团队成员在站会上迟到,团队绩效降低,敏捷项目经理应该怎么办?

2022-10-20 08:50:45 709

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(29)

A.Instruct another team member to determine the cause B.Sack the team member from the team C.Waiting for the team member to request a meeting D.Contact the team member to determine how to provide support 一名团队成员在站会上迟到,团队绩效降低,敏捷项目经理应该怎么办?

2022-10-20 08:50:22 809

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(26)

1、If the burndown chart showed an upward trend for two days in a row in the middle of the iteration, what might be the reason? A. The team is not completing the stories fast enough B. Few team members are absent C. Stories got added to the iteration backlo

2022-10-20 08:46:26 3014 2

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(24)

1、One enterprise has the goal of developing high-quality and innovative products and provide specific parameters for the team so that the team can complete development and obtain the target market. The team needs to deliver high-quality products and increa

2022-10-20 08:46:14 2102 1

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(25)

1、One enterprise has the goal of developing high-quality and innovative products and provide specific parameters for the team so that the team can complete development and obtain the target market. The team needs to deliver high-quality products and increa

2022-10-20 08:45:49 977

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(21)

在某一天,当保尔正处于开发用户故事的困难时期,他无意识地用肢体语言向彼特传达了这个情况。A. Push for a remote working environment B. Push for more overtime C. Push for moving the daily scrum to a weekly scrum D. Push for collocating the team Henrietta及她的敏捷团队在进行一项敏捷工作,虽然大家都在公司,但是分隔在不同的办公室,那么她应如何提高沟通?

2022-10-20 08:40:52 393

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(22)

1、Ethan and his team just highlighted two processes that each have a lead time an order of magnitude more than any other processes in the system. When an agile team uses value stream mapping like Ethan’s team it is an example of a A. Product roadmap B. Kan

2022-10-20 08:40:51 908

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(23)

授权团队指的是什么?A. Project requirements B. Feature breakdown and a rough project plan C. Project schedule and constraints D. Project vision and scope Tom当前在执行海史密斯敏捷项目管理模型的推测阶段,除了估算迭代和发布计划,他还会进行的是。

2022-10-20 08:40:48 505

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(20)

在某一天,当保尔正处于开发用户故事的困难时期,他无意识地用肢体语言向彼特传达了这个情况。A. Push for a remote working environment B. Push for more overtime C. Push for moving the daily scrum to a weekly scrum D. Push for collocating the team Henrietta及她的敏捷团队在进行一项敏捷工作,虽然大家都在公司,但是分隔在不同的办公室,那么她应如何提高沟通?

2022-10-19 08:39:00 435

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(19)

A. The natural flow of questions, ideas, and information sharing B. The natural flow of top-down decision making C. Inter-team rivalry and competition for improved D. A reduction in the use of body language and other visual cues 集中办公与渗透沟通在团队成员之间可以增强什么?

2022-10-19 08:38:18 718

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(18)

A. Defect-stream and Value-stream B. Information-flow and information-owner C. Value-added and non value-added D. Sigma-ranked and Theta-prioritized 哈利的敏捷团队刚完成了其中一个产品的价值流程图。

2022-10-19 08:38:16 362

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(17)

A. Defect-stream and Value-stream B. Information-flow and information-owner C. Value-added and non value-added D. Sigma-ranked and Theta-prioritized 哈利的敏捷团队刚完成了其中一个产品的价值流程图。

2022-10-19 08:38:14 291

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(16)

A. Defect-stream and Value-stream B. Information-flow and information-owner C. Value-added and non value-added D. Sigma-ranked and Theta-prioritized 哈利的敏捷团队刚完成了其中一个产品的价值流程图。亨利最有可能是在进行的是哪一项流行的敏捷计划游戏?C解析:价值流程图是敏捷采用的精益生产分析技能,用于对形成客户产品或服务的原料和信息(即价值)的流动进行分析。

2022-10-19 08:33:59 256

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(15)

A. Defect-stream and Value-stream B. Information-flow and information-owner C. Value-added and non value-added D. Sigma-ranked and Theta-prioritized 哈利的敏捷团队刚完成了其中一个产品的价值流程图。

2022-10-19 08:33:57 377

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(14)

A. Defect-stream and Value-stream B. Information-flow and information-owner C. Value-added and non value-added D. Sigma-ranked and Theta-prioritized 哈利的敏捷团队刚完成了其中一个产品的价值流程图。

2022-10-19 08:33:55 348

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(13)

A. A feature that has minimal NPV and a marketable IRR B. A feature that is relatively simple and will return value C. A feature that returns the most value to a customer D. A feature that has minimal IRR and a marketable NPV 最小可售功能的定义是。其中的S代表的是什么呢?

2022-10-19 08:30:04 469

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(11)

A. After the first iteration B. After the first release C. At the beginning of the project D. At the end of the project 托马斯所在的敏捷团队和客户正在建立产品路线图。C解析:缩写SMART(specific详细的,measurable可测量的,achievable可完成的,relevant相关的和timeboxed有明确的截止时间)D解析:授权团队会进行自我决策以适应管理的复杂性。

2022-10-19 08:29:18 310

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(12)

A. A feature that has minimal NPV and a marketable IRR B. A feature that is relatively simple and will return value C. A feature that returns the most value to a customer D. A feature that has minimal IRR and a marketable NPV 最小可售功能的定义是。其中的S代表的是什么呢?

2022-10-19 08:29:16 419

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(10)

A. After the first iteration B. After the first release C. At the beginning of the project D. At the end of the project 托马斯所在的敏捷团队和客户正在建立产品路线图。C解析:缩写SMART(specific详细的,measurable可测量的,achievable可完成的,relevant相关的和timeboxed有明确的截止时间)D解析:授权团队会进行自我决策以适应管理的复杂性。

2022-10-18 18:20:05 300

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(9)

A. A feature that has minimal NPV and a marketable IRR B. A feature that is relatively simple and will return value C. A feature that returns the most value to a customer D. A feature that has minimal IRR and a marketable NPV 最小可售功能的定义是。其中的S代表的是什么呢?

2022-10-18 18:18:51 319

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(8)

A. A feature that has minimal NPV and a marketable IRR B. A feature that is relatively simple and will return value C. A feature that returns the most value to a customer D. A feature that has minimal IRR and a marketable NPV 最小可售功能的定义是。其中的S代表的是什么呢?

2022-10-18 18:18:10 446

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(7)

A. A feature that has minimal NPV and a marketable IRR B. A feature that is relatively simple and will return value C. A feature that returns the most value to a customer D. A feature that has minimal IRR and a marketable NPV 最小可售功能的定义是。其中的S代表的是什么呢?

2022-10-18 18:17:17 521

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(6)

A. Making all decisions for the team B. Having a team that is self-organizing and self-disciplined C. Promoting competition D. Assigning more work than can be accomplished in an iteration to set a sense of urgency 作为项目领导,Becky努力尝试建立一支高绩效的团队,那么她可采用的实践或技能是。

2022-10-18 18:14:38 144

原创 ACP练习题(5)

A. Making all decisions for the team B. Having a team that is self-organizing and self-disciplined C. Promoting competition D. Assigning more work than can be accomplished in an iteration to set a sense of urgency 作为项目领导,Becky努力尝试建立一支高绩效的团队,那么她可采用的实践或技能是。

2022-10-18 18:09:06 117

原创 ACP练习题(4)

A. Making all decisions for the team B. Having a team that is self-organizing and self-disciplined C. Promoting competition D. Assigning more work than can be accomplished in an iteration to set a sense of urgency 作为项目领导,Becky努力尝试建立一支高绩效的团队,那么她可采用的实践或技能是。

2022-10-18 17:51:22 289

原创 ACP练习题(3)

A. Making all decisions for the team B. Having a team that is self-organizing and self-disciplined C. Promoting competition D. Assigning more work than can be accomplished in an iteration to set a sense of urgency 作为项目领导,Becky努力尝试建立一支高绩效的团队,那么她可采用的实践或技能是。

2022-10-18 17:50:37 150

原创 ACP练习题(2)

A. Making all decisions for the team B. Having a team that is self-organizing and self-disciplined C. Promoting competition D. Assigning more work than can be accomplished in an iteration to set a sense of urgency 作为项目领导,Becky努力尝试建立一支高绩效的团队,那么她可采用的实践或技能是。

2022-10-18 17:49:16 161

原创 PMI-ACP练习题(1)

A. Making all decisions for the team B. Having a team that is self-organizing and self-disciplined C. Promoting competition D. Assigning more work than can be accomplished in an iteration to set a sense of urgency 作为项目领导,Becky努力尝试建立一支高绩效的团队,那么她可采用的实践或技能是。

2022-10-18 17:46:35 687

原创 typora 主题下载及安装

typora 主题下载及安装一、官网下载地址官网下载地址二、下载进入主题,点击 Download 按钮即可三、安装将下载完成后的压缩包,进行解压,解压后,将 source、 css 文件复制到 用户\AppData\Roaming\Typora\themes(我的地址在:C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Typora\themes) 下,关闭typora,重新打开,在工具栏中---> 主题 ---&gt..

2021-10-09 10:09:27 6532

转载 DataWay让编写接口变的简单

DataWay让编写接口变简单_百度知乎地址Dataway 是基于 DataQL 服务聚合能力,为应用提供的一个接口配置工具。使得使用者无需开发任何代码就配置一个满足需求的接口。整个接口配置、测试、冒烟、发布。一站式都通过 Dataway 提供的 UI 界面完成。UI 会以 Jar 包方式提供并集成到应用中并和应用共享同一个 http 端口,应用无需单独为 Dataway 开辟新的管理端口。 这种内嵌集成方式模式的优点是,可以使得大部分老项目都可以在无侵入的情况下直接应用 Dataway。进而改进

2021-09-23 08:27:52 335

原创 VSCode 快速生成vue代码片段

VSCode 快速生成vue代码片段第一步、打开vscode,找到用户代码片段,选择 ***.json 文件打开,如下图说明: 你要什么什么样的模板,点击用户片段后输入设置的关键字.json (若要设置vue,找到 vue.json 文件)第二步、将以下代码复制粘贴到vue.json里面,保存说明:"Print to console": { "prefix": "vue", // 1.用户输入的关键字 "body": [ // 2.body中的

2021-09-12 12:50:21 331

原创 python多线程队列学习

python学习之多线程线程几种状态: 初始化—>就绪/或等待---->运行时态---->死亡每个线程一定会有一个name,线程的run()方法介绍线程就结束了,多线程中无法控制线程的调度(操作系统说了算),但是可以通过别的方式来影响线程调度,比如互斥、死锁、条件变量、生产者与消费者。1. 单线程按顺序依次执行import time def hello(): print("hello world") time.sleep(1)if __name__ == '__mai

2021-09-12 12:47:27 183

原创 有道翻译post请求Python分析

python学习之有道翻译python请求分析如下:代码如下:import requests\# 如果返回的错误码是errorcode 那么说明地址有问题 url ='http://fanyi.youdao.com/translate?smartresult=dict&smartresult=rule' #修改后的url \# url ='http://fanyi.youdao.com/translate_o?smartresult=dict&smartresult=ru

2021-09-12 12:46:51 411

原创 python的几种获取元素的方法

Python学习之解析HTML文档1. xpath 解析1.1 直接通过xpath获取元素\# pip install lxmlfrom lxml import etreeimport requests \# get 请求 res = requests.get(url,headers=headers) \# 判断请求的状态 if res.status_code ==200 : \# 获取响应的数据 response = res.content.decode('utf-8')

2021-09-12 12:45:45 1813

原创 python入门学习笔记

python入门学习笔记1. 常见的DOS命令1.dir 查看当前目录下的文件(夹) --> dircd 进入到指定目录 (.表示当前目录 …表示上级目录) --> cd 文件夹名称3.md 创建目录 --> md 文件夹名称4.rd 删除目录 --> rd 文件夹名称5.del 删除文件 —> del 文件名称6.cls 清除屏幕2. Python的环境变量(environment variable)path环境变量中保存的是一个一个路径,当

2021-09-12 12:28:02 350


目前Notepad++最新版是7.5.1,但很多插件仍然不能在64位版中使用,官网上是这么说的“Note that the most of plugins (including Plugin Manager) are not yet available in x64”。今天想用一下文本对比插件,于是重新下载了个32位的了。安装好后发现没有Plugin Manager,不过没关系,下载好插件放到安装目录的\plugins目录下,重启Notepad++就能用了。


eclipse-3.7.1 windows 32位/64位

EcliPSe 是一个开放源代码的、基于 Java 的可扩展开发平台。就其本身而言,它只是一个框架和一组服务,用于通过插件组件构建开发环境。幸运的是,eclipse 附带了一个标准的插件集,包括 Java 开发工具(Java Development Tools,JDT)。 虽然大多数用户很乐于将 Eclipse 当作 J ava IDE 来使用,但 Eclipse 的目标不仅限于此。Eclipse 还包括插件开发环境(Plug-in Development Environment,PDE),这个组件主要针对希望扩展 Eclipse 的软件开发人员,因为它允许他们构建与 Eclipse 环境无缝集成的工具。由于 Eclipse 中的每样东西都是插件,对于给 Eclipse 提供插件,以及给用户提供一致和统一的集成开发环境而言,所有工具开发人员都具有同等的发挥场所。 这种平等和一致性并不仅限于 Java 开发工具。尽管 Eclipse 是使用 Java 语言开发的,但它的用途并不限于 Java 语言;例如,支持诸如 C/C++、COBOL 和 Eiffel 等编程语言的插件已经可用,或预计会推出。Eclipse 框架还可用来作为与软件开发无关的其他应用程序类型的基础,比如内容管理系统。



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