Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 学习笔记 Unit 9

Unit 9


  • [her-/hes-]:"to stick"
    • adhesive 黏合剂;可黏着的, 黏性的
    • hesitate
    • adherent        追随者;信徒
      • (1) Someone who follows a leader, a party, or a profession. (2) One who believes in a particular philosophy or religion.
        • adhere 遵循;支持,拥护;附着
    • cohere          黏合;联合,结合,连贯,一致
      • To hold together firmly as parts of the same mass.
    • incoherent         口齿不清的,语无伦次的;不连贯的
      • (1) Unclear or difficult to understand. (2) Loosely organized or inconsistent.
    • inherent         固有的;内在的;与生俱来的
      • Part of something by nature or habit.


  • [fug-]:"to flee or escape"
    • refugee
    • fugitive :逃犯
    • centrifugal:离心的
      • Moving outward from a center or central focus.
    • refuge :庇护,避难;避难所
      • Shelter or protection from danger or distress, or a place that provides shelter or protection.
    • fugue:赋格曲 
      • A musical form in which a theme is echoed and imitated by voices or instruments that enter one after another and interweave as the piece proceeds.
    • subterfuge:诡计        
      • (1) A trick designed to help conceal, escape, or evade. (2) A deceptive trick.
  • [cosm-]:"order"
    • cosmonaut:宇航员
    • cosmetic:化妆品

→ 来自cosm- ,安排,整理,秩序,词源同cosmos.后指化妆品,即使人看起来漂亮。

  • cosmos:(尤指被视为有序体系时的)宇宙        
    • (1) The universe, especially when it is viewed as orderly and systematic. (2) Any orderly system that is complete in itself.
      • cosmic 宇宙的
  • cosmology:宇宙学;宇宙起源论
    • (1) A theory that describes the nature of the universe. (2) A branch of astronomy that deals with the origin and structure of the universe.
  • microcosm:小规模地;缩影
    • Something (such as a place or an event) that is seen as a small version of something much larger.
      • microcosm 微观世界
  • cosmopolitan:世界性的
    • (1) Having international sophistication and experience. (2) Made up of persons, elements, or influences from many different parts of the world.
  • [sci-]:"to know" "to understand"
    • science
    • conscience
    • conscious
    • conscientious:一丝不苟的; 勤勉认真的
      • (1) Governed by morality; scrupulous. (2) Resulting from painstaking or exact attention.
    • nescience:无知
      • Lack of knowledge or awareness: ignorance.
        • nescient
    • prescient:预知的
      • Having or showing advance knowledge of what is going to happen.
        • prescience
    • unconscionable:昧着良心的;不合理的;过分的
      • (1) Not guided by any moral sense; unscrupulous. (2) Shockingly excessive, unreasonable, or unfair.
  • [junct-]:"to join"
    • junction
    • conjunction
    • juncture:关口,关键点 ,重要关头;接合,接缝
      • (1) An important point in a process or activity. (2) A place where things join: junction.
    • adjunct:附件 ,附属,赠品?
      • Something joined or added to another thing of which it is not a part.
    • disjunction:分离
      • A break, separation, or sharp difference between two things.
        • disconnect
    • conjunct:结合的;共同的;连接的
      • Bound together; joined, united.
  • [part-]:"part"
    • apartment
    • compartment
    • particle
    • bipartite:有两个部分的;两部分组成的
      • (1) Being in two parts. (2) Shared by two.
    • impartial:不偏不倚的;公平的,公正的
      • Fair and not biased; treating or affecting all equally.
    • participle:分词
      • A word that is formed from a verb but used like an adjective.
    • partisan:偏袒的;游击队
      • (1) A person who is strongly devoted to a particular cause or group. (2) A guerrilla fighter.
  • [mis-]:"to send"
    • missile :导弹,发射物
    • dismiss
    • mission:军事行动;使命
      • (1) A task that someone is given to do, especially a military task. (2) A task that someone considers an important duty.
    • missionary:传教士
      • A person undertaking a mission, and especially a religious missionary.
    • emissary:特使
      • Someone sent out to represent another; an agent.
    • transmission:(电子信号或信息的)发射,发送;传动装置
      • (1) The act or process of sending something from one point to another, especially sending electrical signals to a radio, television, computer, etc. (2) The gears by which the power is passed from the engine to the axle in a motor vehicle.
  • [pel-]:"to move or drive"
    • propeller:螺旋桨
    • dispel:驱散
    • compel:强迫 ;引起反应
      • (1) To force (someone) to do something. (2) To make (something) happen.
    • expel:驱逐
      • (1) To drive or force out. (2) To force to leave, usually by official action.
    • impel:激励
      • To urge or drive forward by strong moral force.
    • repel:击退,驱逐
      • (1) To keep (something) out or away. (2) To drive back.
  • Words from Mythology
    • arachnid        A member of the class Arachnida, which principally includes animals with four pairs of legs and no antennae, such as spiders, scorpions, mites, and ticks.
    • calliope        A musical instrument similar to an organ in which whistles are sounded by steam or compressed air.
    • dryad        A wood nymph.
    • fauna        Animal life, especially the animals that live naturally in a given area or environment.
    • flora        Plant life, especially the flowering plants that live naturally in a specific area or environment.
    • herculean        (1) Extremely strong. (2) Extremely extensive, intense, or difficult.
    • Pandora's box        A source of many troubles.
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