Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 学习笔记 Unit3




  • [ambi-] : “on both sides” or “around”
    • ambidextrous : adj. 左右手都灵的;搞两面派的;非常灵巧的;非常熟练的
    • ambiguous : adj. 模棱两可的, 含糊不清的;引起歧义的;
      • (1) Doubtful or uncertain especially from being obscure or indistinct. (2) Unclear in meaning because of being understandable in more than one way.
        • ambigere:to be undecided
    • ambient : (声音、光线)四周的,环绕的;(气温)周围的
      • Existing or present on all sides.
    • ambivalent :(忧喜参半、好坏参半等)矛盾情绪的;摇摆不定的,犹豫不决的
      • (1) Holding opposite feelings and attitudes at the same time toward someone or something. (2) Continually wavering between opposites or alternative courses of action.
    • ambit :范围(抽象)
      • The range or limit covered by something (such as a law).
  • [epi-]:"on ,over" or "attached to "
    • epicenter : 震中
    • epidermis : 表皮
    • epilogue : 结语;后记
      • The final section after the main part of a book or play.
    • epiphyte : 附生植物
      • A plant that obtains its nutrients from the air and the rain and usually grows on another plant for support.
    • epitaph : 墓志铭
      • An inscription on a grave or tomb in memory of the one buried there.
    • epithet : 别称;外号
      • (1) A descriptive word or phrase occurring with or in place of the name of a person or thing. (2) An insulting or demeaning word or phrase.
  • [hyp- /hypo-]:"below ,under"
    • hypo·dermic :(针、注射器)皮下注射的
    • hypo·tension : 低血压
    • hypochondriac:疑病患者
      • A person overly concerned with his or her own health who often suffers from delusions of physical disease.
    • hypoglycemia:低血糖症
      • Abnormal decrease of sugar in the blood.
    • hypothermia:体温过低
      • Subnormal temperature of the body.
    • hypothetical :假设的
      • (1) Involving an assumption made for the sake of argument or for further study or investigation. (2) Imagined for purposes of example.
        • hypothesis
  • [therm- /thermo]:"warm"
    • thermometer :温度计            -meter,仪器
    • thermostat : 恒温器                 -stat,平衡,稳定,词源同stand.
    • thermos:n. 热水瓶
    • thermal :热的,热量的 ;(衣服)保暖的,御寒的
      • (1) Of, relating to, or caused by heat. (2) Designed to insulate in order to retain body heat.
    • thermodynamics:热力学           dynamics,动力学。
      • Physics that deals with the mechanical actions or relations of heat.
    • thermonuclear:(武器、设备)热核的
      • Of or relating to the changes in the nucleus of atoms with low atomic weight, such as hydrogen, that require a very high temperature to begin.
    • British thermal unit:英国热量单位
      • The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit at a specified temperature.
        • joule 焦耳
        • calorie 卡路里
  • [poly-]:"many"
    • polytechnic :理工专科学院
    • polygamy:多配偶(制);一夫多妻(制);一妻多夫(制)
    • polysyllabic :多音节的
    • polyp:水螅;
      • (1) A sea invertebrate that has a mouth opening at one end surrounded by stinging tentacles. (2) A growth projecting from a mucous membrane, as on the colon or vocal cords.
    • polyglot:通晓数种语言的人;(书、社会等)(使用)多种语言的
      • (1) One who can speak or write several languages. (2) Having or using several languages.
    • polymer:聚合物(体)
      • A chemical compound formed by a reaction in which two or more molecules combine to form larger molecules with repeating structural units.
        • polymeric:聚合的
        • polypropylene:聚丙烯(制作皮箱等等)
        • polyurethane 聚氨酯 (做涂料)
        • polyvinyl chloride(PVC):聚氯乙烯(管道,塑料袋)
        • polyester:聚酯纤维,涤纶
    • polygraph:(描记脉搏、呼吸速率的)多种波动描记器;测谎仪 
      • An instrument for recording changes in several bodily functions (such as blood pressure and rate of breathing) at the same time; lie detector.
  • [prim-]:"first"
    • primary:adj. 主要的;初级的;基本的 n. 原色;最主要者
    • primitive:adj. 原始的, 早期的;简单的; 粗糙的
    • primeval : 太古的;原始的;远古的
    • primal:基本的;最初的,原始的
      • Basic or primitive.
    • primer:识字课本,启蒙书;入门书
      • (1) A small book for teaching children to read. (2) A small introductory book on a subject.
    • primate:灵长目动物
      • Any member of the group of animals that includes human beings, apes, and monkeys.
    • primordial:初生的,初发的;原生的,原始的
      • (1) First created or developed. (2) Existing in or from the very beginning.
        • primordium:原基,原始细胞
  • [hom- /homo-]:"same" ,"similar"
    • homo·graph : 同形异义词((拼写相同,意义不同,读音可能不同))
    • homo·sexual :同性恋的
    • homo·nym:同形(同音)异义词(写法或读音相同,但意义不同)
      • One of two or more words pronounced and/or spelled alike but different in meaning.
        • homophone:同音异形词,同音异义词(读音相同,写法或意义不同)









homonym 同音









homograph : 同形异义词((拼写相






bow /baʊ; baʊ/ v.鞠躬  n.行礼;船锚

bow /bəʊ; boʊ/ 弓;蝴蝶结



  • homo·ge·neous:同种类的;同性质的;由相同成分(或部分)组成的
    • (1) Of the same or a similar kind. (2) Of uniform structure or composition throughout.
      • homogeneity is the quality of being homogeneous. 同种;同质
  • homologous:同源的
    • Developing from the same or a similar part of a remote ancestor.
  • homogenize:使均质;使类同
    • (1) To treat (milk) so that the fat is mixed throughout instead of floating on top. (2) To change (something) so that its parts are the same or similar.
      • By now the suburb had gotten so homogenized that he couldn't tell the families on his street apart.如今郊区都变得一样,以至于他无法区分他街道上的家庭(无法说出,也就不好区分)
  • [dis-]:"apart ","opposite" or "not"
    • distaste:厌恶
    • disagreeable:
    • deprive :剥夺
    • disinfect:给...消毒
    • disbar:取消(某人)的律师资格
    • dissipate:驱散;挥霍
    • dissuade:劝(某人)不要做(或相信)
      • To convince (someone) not to do something.
    • disorient:使迷惘;使迷失方向        
      • To cause to be confused or lost.
    • discredit:使不可信;败坏…的名声
      • (1) To cause (someone or something) to seem dishonest or untrue. (2) To damage the reputation of (someone).
    • dislodge:取出,驱逐
      • To force out of a place, especially a place of rest, hiding, or defense.
        • 【反】lodge:小屋;安顿


  • Latin Borrowings
    • ad hoc:(形势所需而)临时安排的,特别的,专门的
      • Formed or used for a particular purpose or for immediate needs.
    • ad hominem        Marked by an attack on an opponent's character rather than by an answer to the arguments made or the issues raised.
    • alter ego:针对个人(而非理据)的
      • (1) A trusted friend or personal representative. (2) The opposite side of a personality.
    • de facto:实际上存在的(不一定合法)
      • Being such in practice or effect, although not formally recognized; actual.
    • quid pro quo:报偿;回报
      • Something given or received for something else.
    • ex post facto:事后的(地)
      • Done, made, or formulated after the fact.
    • modus operandi:做法,惯技
      • A usual way of doing something.
    • modus vivendi:妥协;生活方式
      • (1) A practical compromise or arrangement that is acceptable to all concerned. (2) A way of life.





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