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可以使用gst-inspect-1.0查询nvarguscamerasrc 插件功能,而gst-inspect-1.0不仅仅可以查询nvarguscamerasrc 插件功能,可以查询大部分插件的功能。



$ gst-inspect-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc


Factory Details出厂默认值:

  Rank                     primary (256)

  Long-name                NvArgusCameraSrc

  Klass                    Video/Capture

  Description              nVidia ARGUS Camera Source

  Author                   Viranjan Pagar <vpagar@nvidia.com>, Amit Pandya <apandya@nvidia.com>


Plugin Details(插件细节):

  Name                     nvarguscamerasrc

  Description              nVidia ARGUS Source Component

  Filename                 /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/libgstnvarguscamerasrc.so

  Version                  1.0.0

  License                  Proprietary

  Source module            nvarguscamerasrc

  Binary package           NvARGUSCameraSrc

  Origin URL               http://nvidia.com/









Pad Templates:

  SRC template: 'src'

    Availability: Always



                  width: [ 1, 2147483647 ]

                 height: [ 1, 2147483647 ]

                 format: { (string)NV12 }

              framerate: [ 0/1, 2147483647/1 ]


Element has no clocking capabilities.

Element has no URI handling capabilities.



  SRC: 'src'

    Pad Template: 'src'


Element Properties(元素特性):

  name(名称)         : The name of the object(对象名称)

                        flags: readable, writable(状态:可读可写)

                        String. Default: "nvarguscamerasrc0"(字符串,默认 ”nvarguscamerasrc0”

  parent(父对象)      : The parent of the object对象的父对象

                        flags: readable, writable(状态:可读可写)

                        Object of type "GstObject"(对象类型 "GstObject"

  blocksize块大小     : Size in bytes to read per buffer (-1 = default)每个缓冲区读取的 字节数(-1 =默认)

                        flags: readable, writable(状态:可读可写)

                        Unsigned Integer. Range: 0 - 4294967295 Default: 4096 无符号整 数。范围:0 - 4294967295默认:4096

  num-buffers缓冲区数目: Number of buffers to output before sending EOS (-1 = unlimited)发送EOS之前输出的缓冲区数目(-1 =无限制)

                        flags: readable, writable(状态:可读可写)

                        Integer. Range: -1 - 2147483647 Default: -1 整数。范围:-1 - 2147483647默认:-1

  typefind(已弃用)   : Run typefind before negotiating (deprecated, non-functional)

                        flags: readable, writable, deprecated

                        Boolean. Default: false

  do-timestamp(做时间戳): Apply current stream time to buffers将当前流时间应用到缓冲区

                        flags: readable, writable(状态:可读可写)

                        Boolean. Default: true(布尔,默认值:true)

  silent              : Produce verbose output ?(产生冗长的输出?

                        flags: readable, writable(状态:可读可写)

                        Boolean. Default: true(布尔,默认值:true)

  timeout(超时)    : timeout to capture in seconds (Either specify timeout or num-buffers, not both)捕获的超时(以秒为单位)(要么指定超时,要么指定数字缓 冲区,而不是同时指定)

                        flags: readable, writable(状态:可读可写)

                        Unsigned Integer. Range: 0 - 2147483647 Default: 0 无符号整数。 范围:0 - 2147483647默认:0

  wbmode(自动白平衡): White balance affects the color temperature of the photo白平衡 影响照片的色温

                        flags: readable, writable(状态:可读可写)

                        Enum "GstNvArgusCamWBMode" Default: 1, "auto"默认值:1, “auto”

                           (0): off (关闭)             - GST_NVCAM_WB_MODE_OFF

                           (1): auto (自动)            - GST_NVCAM_WB_MODE_AUTO

                           (2): incandescent(白炽光)     - GST_NVCAM_WB_MODE_INCANDESCENT

                           (3): fluorescent(荧光)      - GST_NVCAM_WB_MODE_FLUORESCENT

                           (4): warm-fluorescent(暖荧光) - GST_NVCAM_WB_MODE_WARM_FLUORESCENT

                           (5): daylight(日光)         - GST_NVCAM_WB_MODE_DAYLIGHT

                           (6): cloudy-daylight(阴天)  - GST_NVCAM_WB_MODE_CLOUDY_DAYLIGHT

                           (7): twilight(黄昏)         - GST_NVCAM_WB_MODE_TWILIGHT

                           (8): shade(阴影)            - GST_NVCAM_WB_MODE_SHADE

                           (9): manual(说明)           - GST_NVCAM_WB_MODE_MANUAL

  saturation(饱和)      : Property to adjust saturation value(属性来调整饱和度值

                        flags: readable, writable(状态:可读可写)

                        Float. Range:               0 -               2 Default:               1 自由浮动。范围:0 - 2默认:1

  sensor-id(传感器编号): Set the id of camera sensor to use. Default 0.设置要使用的相机 传感器id。默认为0。

                        flags: readable, writable

                        Integer. Range: 0 - 255 Default: 0

  sensor-mode(传感器模式): Set the camera sensor mode to use. Default -1 (Select the best match)设置相机传感器模式使用。默认值-1(选择最佳匹配)

                        flags: readable, writable

                        Integer. Range: -1 - 255 Default: -1

  total-sensor-modes  : Query the number of sensor modes available. Default 0查询可用的传

总传感器模式           感器模式的数量。默认值0

         flags: readable

                        Integer. Range: 0 - 255 Default: 0

  exposuretimerange   : Property to adjust exposure time range in nanoseconds

(曝光时间范围)          Use string with values of Exposure Time Range (low, high)

                                              in that order, to set the property.

                                         (属性调整曝光时间范围(以纳秒为单位)使用带有曝光时间范围值 的字符串(低、高)按此顺序设置属性。

                                           eg: exposuretimerange="34000 358733000"

                                          flags: readable, writable

                                           String. Default: null

  gainrange(增益范围): Property to adjust gain range

                                                    Use string with values of Gain Time Range (low, high)

                                                    in that order, to set the property.

                                                  (属性调整增益范围使用增益时间范围值(低、高)的字符串按此顺序设置属 性。

                                                  eg: gainrange="1 16"

                                                  flags: readable, writable

                                                   String. Default: null

  ispdigitalgainrange : Property to adjust digital gain range

isp数字增益范围Use string with values of ISP Digital Gain Range (low, high)

                                          in that order, to set the property.特性可调整数字增益范围使用ISP数字增 益范围值(低、高)的字符串。按此顺序设置属性。

                                               eg: ispdigitalgainrange="1 8"

                                               flags: readable, writable

                                                String. Default: null

  tnr-strength :                          property to adjust temporal noise reduction strength特性可调整暂时 降噪强度

时间降噪强度                    flags: readable, writable

                                                         Float. Range:              -1 -               1 Default:              -1

  tnr-mode                                  : property to select temporal noise reduction mode属性选择时域降   噪模式

(时间降噪模式)                    flags: readable, writable

                                                        Enum "GstNvArgusCamTNRMode" Default: 1, "NoiseReduction_Fast"

                                                       (0): NoiseReduction_Off - GST_NVCAM_NR_OFF

                                                       (1): NoiseReduction_Fast - GST_NVCAM_NR_FAST

                                                       (2): NoiseReduction_HighQuality - GST_NVCAM_NR_HIGHQUALITY

  ee-mode(边缘增强模式): property to select edge enhnacement mode属性选择边缘增强 模式

                                                           flags: readable, writable

                                                            Enum "GstNvArgusCamEEMode" Default: 1, "EdgeEnhancement_Fast"

                                                          (0): EdgeEnhancement_Off - GST_NVCAM_EE_OFF

                                                          (1): EdgeEnhancement_Fast - GST_NVCAM_EE_FAST

                                                          (2): EdgeEnhancement_HighQuality - GST_NVCAM_EE_HIGHQUALITY

  ee-strength(边缘增强强度): property to adjust edge enhancement strength属性调整边 缘增强强度

                                                              flags: readable, writable

                                                                 Float. Range:              -1 -               1 Default:              -1

  aeantibanding       :             property to set the auto exposure antibanding mode属性设置自动曝光反贴边模式

 反贴边模式                       flags: readable, writable

                                                      Enum "GstNvArgusCamAeAntiBandingMode" Default: 1, "AeAntibandingMode_Auto"

                                                        (0): AeAntibandingMode_Off - GST_NVCAM_AEANTIBANDING_OFF

                                                        (1): AeAntibandingMode_Auto - GST_NVCAM_AEANTIBANDING_AUTO

                                                         (2): AeAntibandingMode_50HZ - GST_NVCAM_AEANTIBANDING_50HZ

                                                        (3): AeAntibandingMode_60HZ - GST_NVCAM_AEANTIBANDING_60HZ

  exposurecompensation: property to adjust exposure compensation属性来调整曝光补偿

   (曝光补偿)                       flags: readable, writable

                                                     Float. Range:              -2 -               2 Default:               0

  aelock                   : set or unset the auto exposure lock设置或取消自动曝光锁定

                                    flags: readable, writable

                                    Boolean. Default: false

  awblock               : set or unset the auto white balance lock设置或取消自动白平衡锁

                                   flags: readable, writable

                                    Boolean. Default: false

  maxperf             : set or unset the max performace设置或取消设置最大性能

                                 flags: readable, writable

                                  Boolean. Default: false

  bufapi-version      : set to use new Buffer API设置为使用新的缓冲区API

                                      flags: readable, writable

                                      Boolean. Default: false

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GStreamer ISP插件是为了与NVIDIA Jetson系列嵌入式系统的ISP(Image Signal Processor)硬件协同工作而设计的。该插件可以让应用程序访问ISP并对图像和视频进行处理和优化。 使用GStreamer ISP插件,您可以: - 控制相机的曝光和增益等参数。 - 使用ISP硬件进行降噪、去马赛克、缩放等图像处理操作。 - 将ISP处理后的图像流输出到GStreamer管道。 以下是使用GStreamer ISP插件的基本流程: 1. 确认您的相机硬件已经连接到Jetson Nano,且已正确安装相应的驱动程序。 2. 安装GStreamer和ISP插件。您可以通过JetPack SDK或apt-get等包管理器安装。 3. 创建GStreamer管道,使用nvarguscamerasrc元素捕获相机输出。例如: ``` gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc ! 'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM),width=1920, height=1080, framerate=30/1, format=NV12' ! nvvidconv flip-method=0 ! 'video/x-raw,width=960, height=540' ! nvvidconv ! nvegltransform ! nveglglessink -e ``` 此命令将捕获相机输出并在EGL窗口显示。 4. 在管道添加ISP插件。例如,您可以使用nvsipl_plugin元素: ``` gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc ! 'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM),width=1920, height=1080, framerate=30/1, format=NV12' ! nvvidconv flip-method=0 ! 'video/x-raw,width=960, height=540' ! nvvidconv ! nvsipl_plugin ! nvegltransform ! nveglglessink -e ``` 此命令将使用ISP插件对相机输出进行处理,并将结果输出到EGL窗口。 5. 根据需要配置ISP插件的参数。例如,您可以使用nvsipl_plugin的exposure-time、gain、white-balance等属性来控制相机的曝光和颜色校正等参数。 这些是基本的步骤,您可以根据需要进行调整和扩展。


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