




当然看代码,我们当然选择source insight了,我用的是4.0版本。



/* msgQLib.h - message queue library header file */

/* Copyright 1984-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */

modification history
02m,19oct01,bwa  Added MSG_Q_EVENTSEND_ERR_NOTIFY option.
02l,17apr98,rlp  canceled MSG_Q_INFO modification for backward compatibility.
02k,04nov97,rlp  modified MSG_Q_INFO structure for tracking messages sent.
02j,13jul93,wmd  use MEM_ROUND_UP to determine MSG_NODE_SIZE.
02i,22sep92,rrr  added support for c++
02h,04jul92,jcf  cleaned up.
01g,26may92,rrr  the tree shuffle
01f,04oct91,rrr  passed through the ansification filter
		  -changed copyright notice
01e,05oct90,dnw  changed MSG_Q_INFO structure.
01d,05oct90,dnw  changed function declarations for new interface.
01c,05oct90,shl  added ANSI function prototypes.
                 made #endif ANSI style.
                 added copyright notice.
01b,07aug90,shl  moved function declarations to end of file.
01a,10may90,dnw  written

#ifndef __INCmsgQLibh
#define __INCmsgQLibh

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include "vxWorks.h"
#include "vwModNum.h"

/* generic status codes */

#define S_msgQLib_INVALID_MSG_LENGTH		(M_msgQLib | 1)
#define S_msgQLib_NON_ZERO_TIMEOUT_AT_INT_LEVEL	(M_msgQLib | 2)
#define S_msgQLib_INVALID_QUEUE_TYPE		(M_msgQLib | 3)

/* message queue options */

#define MSG_Q_TYPE_MASK	0x01	/* mask for pend queue type in options */
#define MSG_Q_FIFO	0x00	/* tasks wait in FIFO order */
#define MSG_Q_PRIORITY	0x01	/* tasks wait in PRIORITY order */
#define MSG_Q_EVENTSEND_ERR_NOTIFY 0x02 /* notify when eventRsrcSend fails */

/* message send priorities */

#define MSG_PRI_NORMAL	0	/* normal priority message */
#define MSG_PRI_URGENT	1	/* urgent priority message */

/* message queue typedefs */

typedef struct msg_q *MSG_Q_ID;	/* message queue ID */

typedef struct			/* MSG_Q_INFO */
    int     numMsgs;		/* OUT: number of messages queued */
    int     numTasks;		/* OUT: number of tasks waiting on msg q */

    int     sendTimeouts;	/* OUT: count of send timeouts */
    int     recvTimeouts;	/* OUT: count of receive timeouts */

    int     options;		/* OUT: options with which msg q was created */
    int     maxMsgs;		/* OUT: max messages that can be queued */
    int     maxMsgLength;	/* OUT: max byte length of each message */

    int     taskIdListMax;	/* IN: max tasks to fill in taskIdList */
    int *   taskIdList;		/* PTR: array of task ids waiting on msg q */

    int     msgListMax;		/* IN: max msgs to fill in msg lists */
    char ** msgPtrList;		/* PTR: array of msg ptrs queued to msg q */
    int *   msgLenList;		/* PTR: array of lengths of msgs */

    } MSG_Q_INFO;

/* macros */

/* The following macro determines the number of bytes needed to buffer
 * a message of the specified length.  The node size is rounded up for
 * efficiency.  The total buffer space required for a pool for
 * <maxMsgs> messages each of up to <maxMsgLength> bytes is:
 *    maxMsgs * MSG_NODE_SIZE (maxMsgLength)

#define MSG_NODE_SIZE(msgLength) \
	(MEM_ROUND_UP((sizeof (MSG_NODE) + msgLength)))

/* function declarations */

#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)

extern STATUS 	msgQLibInit (void);
extern MSG_Q_ID msgQCreate (int maxMsgs, int maxMsgLength, int options);
extern STATUS 	msgQDelete (MSG_Q_ID msgQId);
extern STATUS 	msgQSend (MSG_Q_ID msgQId, char *buffer, UINT nBytes,
			  int timeout, int priority);
extern int 	msgQReceive (MSG_Q_ID msgQId, char *buffer, UINT maxNBytes,
			     int timeout);
extern STATUS 	msgQInfoGet (MSG_Q_ID msgQId, MSG_Q_INFO *pInfo);
extern int 	msgQNumMsgs (MSG_Q_ID msgQId);
extern void 	msgQShowInit (void);
extern STATUS 	msgQShow (MSG_Q_ID msgQId, int level);

#else	/* __STDC__ */

extern STATUS 	msgQLibInit ();
extern MSG_Q_ID 	msgQCreate ();
extern STATUS 	msgQDelete ();
extern STATUS 	msgQSend ();
extern int 	msgQReceive ();
extern STATUS 	msgQInfoGet ();
extern int 	msgQNumMsgs ();
extern void 	msgQShowInit ();
extern STATUS 	msgQShow ();

#endif	/* __STDC__ */

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __INCmsgQLibh */



#ifndef __INCmsgQLibh
#define __INCmsgQLibh

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

这边的预编译可以防止头文件被重复包含,external “C”可以让C++用C编译该头文件中的代码,这样可以和与该头文件对应的库文件的符号表一致,可以使C++调用C语言写的库文件。

#include "vxWorks.h"
#include "vwModNum.h"


/* generic status codes */

#define S_msgQLib_INVALID_MSG_LENGTH		(M_msgQLib | 1)
#define S_msgQLib_NON_ZERO_TIMEOUT_AT_INT_LEVEL	(M_msgQLib | 2)
#define S_msgQLib_INVALID_QUEUE_TYPE		(M_msgQLib | 3)

/* message queue options */

#define MSG_Q_TYPE_MASK	0x01	/* mask for pend queue type in options */
#define MSG_Q_FIFO	0x00	/* tasks wait in FIFO order */
#define MSG_Q_PRIORITY	0x01	/* tasks wait in PRIORITY order */
#define MSG_Q_EVENTSEND_ERR_NOTIFY 0x02 /* notify when eventRsrcSend fails */

/* message send priorities */

#define MSG_PRI_NORMAL	0	/* normal priority message */
#define MSG_PRI_URGENT	1	/* urgent priority message */	(M_msgQLib | 3)


typedef struct msg_q *MSG_Q_ID;	/* message queue ID */

typedef struct			/* MSG_Q_INFO */
    int     numMsgs;		/* OUT: number of messages queued */
    int     numTasks;		/* OUT: number of tasks waiting on msg q */

    int     sendTimeouts;	/* OUT: count of send timeouts */
    int     recvTimeouts;	/* OUT: count of receive timeouts */

    int     options;		/* OUT: options with which msg q was created */
    int     maxMsgs;		/* OUT: max messages that can be queued */
    int     maxMsgLength;	/* OUT: max byte length of each message */

    int     taskIdListMax;	/* IN: max tasks to fill in taskIdList */
    int *   taskIdList;		/* PTR: array of task ids waiting on msg q */

    int     msgListMax;		/* IN: max msgs to fill in msg lists */
    char ** msgPtrList;		/* PTR: array of msg ptrs queued to msg q */
    int *   msgLenList;		/* PTR: array of lengths of msgs */

    } MSG_Q_INFO;

/* macros */

/* The following macro determines the number of bytes needed to buffer
 * a message of the specified length.  The node size is rounded up for
 * efficiency.  The total buffer space required for a pool for
 * <maxMsgs> messages each of up to <maxMsgLength> bytes is:
 *    maxMsgs * MSG_NODE_SIZE (maxMsgLength)

#define MSG_NODE_SIZE(msgLength) \
	(MEM_ROUND_UP((sizeof (MSG_NODE) + msgLength)))


#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)

extern STATUS 	msgQLibInit (void);
extern MSG_Q_ID msgQCreate (int maxMsgs, int maxMsgLength, int options);
extern STATUS 	msgQDelete (MSG_Q_ID msgQId);
extern STATUS 	msgQSend (MSG_Q_ID msgQId, char *buffer, UINT nBytes,
			  int timeout, int priority);
extern int 	msgQReceive (MSG_Q_ID msgQId, char *buffer, UINT maxNBytes,
			     int timeout);
extern STATUS 	msgQInfoGet (MSG_Q_ID msgQId, MSG_Q_INFO *pInfo);
extern int 	msgQNumMsgs (MSG_Q_ID msgQId);
extern void 	msgQShowInit (void);
extern STATUS 	msgQShow (MSG_Q_ID msgQId, int level);

#else	/* __STDC__ */

extern STATUS 	msgQLibInit ();
extern MSG_Q_ID 	msgQCreate ();
extern STATUS 	msgQDelete ();
extern STATUS 	msgQSend ();
extern int 	msgQReceive ();
extern STATUS 	msgQInfoGet ();
extern int 	msgQNumMsgs ();
extern void 	msgQShowInit ();
extern STATUS 	msgQShow ();






#include <stdio.h>
#include "add.h"

int main(void) {
	add(1, 3);

extern int add();//或者extern int add(int a, int b);都可以通过编译

int add(int a, int b) {
	return a + b;



#include <iostream>
#include "add.h"

using namespace std;
int main(void) {
	add(1, 3);

extern int add();//或者extern int add(int a, int b);都可以通过编译

int add(int a, int b) {
	return a + b;

因为我们使用的头文件是 iostream,所以IDE会使用C++编译器。在使用C++编译器时,该项目是不能通过编译的,提示[Error] too many arguments to function ‘int add()’,意思是你声明的时候没有参数,现在又有了两个参数,因此报错了。

这就是因为C++编译器对函数名的处理了,在main.cpp文件中,我们通过头文件包含的add函数没有参数,因此C++编译器将其处理成符号名 add ,而在add.c 文件中,add函数是有参数的,因此C++编译器会把add函数处理成符号为 add_int_int之类的符号名,当然在他们单独编译时是可能正常的,但到链接时,add函数的两个符号名不能匹配起来,因此会造成错误;而C编译器可以正常处理的原因就是,在C编译器下,函数的符号名只和函数名有关,和函数参数无关。




typedef struct			/* MSG_Q_INFO */
    int     numMsgs;		/* OUT: number of messages queued */
    int     numTasks;		/* OUT: number of tasks waiting on msg q */

    int     sendTimeouts;	/* OUT: count of send timeouts */
    int     recvTimeouts;	/* OUT: count of receive timeouts */

    int     options;		/* OUT: options with which msg q was created */
    int     maxMsgs;		/* OUT: max messages that can be queued */
    int     maxMsgLength;	/* OUT: max byte length of each message */

    int     taskIdListMax;	/* IN: max tasks to fill in taskIdList */
    int *   taskIdList;		/* PTR: array of task ids waiting on msg q */

    int     msgListMax;		/* IN: max msgs to fill in msg lists */
    char ** msgPtrList;		/* PTR: array of msg ptrs queued to msg q */
    int *   msgLenList;		/* PTR: array of lengths of msgs */

    } MSG_Q_INFO;



int * taskIdList; /* PTR: array of task ids waiting on msg q */任务ID数组

char ** msgPtrList; /* PTR: array of msg ptrs queued to msg q */数组,数组存储的每个元素是消息的字符指针

int * msgLenList; /* PTR: array of lengths of msgs */数组,每个消息的长度



#define BOOL int
#define LOCAL static
#define IMPORT extern
#define ERROR -1
#define NULL 0
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

#define FAST	register
#define IMPORT	extern
#define LOCAL	static

typedef	char		INT8;
typedef	short		INT16;
typedef	int		INT32;
typedef	long long	INT64;

typedef	unsigned char	UINT8;
typedef	unsigned short	UINT16;
typedef	unsigned int	UINT32;
typedef	unsigned long long UINT64;

typedef	unsigned char	UCHAR;
typedef unsigned short	USHORT;
typedef	unsigned int	UINT;
typedef unsigned long	ULONG;

typedef	int		BOOL;
typedef	int		STATUS;
typedef int 		ARGINT;

typedef void		VOID;

#ifdef __cplusplus
typedef int 		(*FUNCPTR) (...);     /* ptr to function returning int */
typedef void 		(*VOIDFUNCPTR) (...); /* ptr to function returning void */
typedef double 		(*DBLFUNCPTR) (...);  /* ptr to function returning double*/
typedef float 		(*FLTFUNCPTR) (...);  /* ptr to function returning float */
typedef int 		(*FUNCPTR) ();	   /* ptr to function returning int */
typedef void 		(*VOIDFUNCPTR) (); /* ptr to function returning void */
typedef double 		(*DBLFUNCPTR) ();  /* ptr to function returning double*/
typedef float 		(*FLTFUNCPTR) ();  /* ptr to function returning float */
#endif			/* _cplusplus */



* msgQCreate - create and initialize a message queue
* This routine creates a message queue capable of holding up to <maxMsgs>
* messages, each up to <maxMsgLength> bytes long.  The routine returns 
* a message queue ID used to identify the created message queue in all 
* subsequent calls to routines in this library.  The queue can be created 
* with the following options:
* .iP "MSG_Q_FIFO  (0x00)" 8
* queue pended tasks in FIFO order.
* .iP "MSG_Q_PRIORITY  (0x01)"
* queue pended tasks in priority order.
* When a message is sent, if a task is registered for events and the
* actual sending of events fails, a value of ERROR is returned and the errno
* is set accordingly. This option is off by default.
* .LP
* MSG_Q_ID, or NULL if error.
* SEE ALSO: msgQSmLib

MSG_Q_ID msgQCreate
    int         maxMsgs,        /* max messages that can be queued */
    int         maxMsgLength,   /* max bytes in a message */
    int         options         /* message queue options */
    MSG_Q_ID	msgQId;
    void *	pPool;		/* pointer to memory for messages */
    UINT	size = (UINT) maxMsgs * MSG_NODE_SIZE (maxMsgLength);

    if (INT_RESTRICT () != OK)		/* restrict ISR from calling */
	return (NULL);

    if ((!msgQLibInstalled) && (msgQLibInit () != OK))
	return (NULL);			/* package init problem */

    if ((msgQId = (MSG_Q_ID)objAllocExtra (msgQClassId, size, &pPool)) == NULL)
	return (NULL);

    if (msgQInit (msgQId, maxMsgs, maxMsgLength, options, pPool) != OK)
	objFree (msgQClassId, (char *) msgQId);
	return (NULL);

    /* windview - level 1 event logging routine */
    EVT_OBJ_4 (OBJ, msgQId, msgQClassId, EVENT_MSGQCREATE, 
		msgQId, maxMsgs, maxMsgLength, options);

    return ((MSG_Q_ID) msgQId);


typedef struct msg_q *MSG_Q_ID;	/* message queue ID */
typedef struct msg_q		/* MSG_Q */
    OBJ_CORE		objCore;	/* object management */
    Q_JOB_HEAD		msgQ;		/* message queue head */
    Q_JOB_HEAD		freeQ;		/* free message queue head */
    int			options;	/* message queue options */
    int			maxMsgs;	/* max number of messages in queue */
    int			maxMsgLength;	/* max length of message */
    int			sendTimeouts;	/* number of send timeouts */
    int			recvTimeouts;	/* number of receive timeouts */
    EVENTS_RSRC		events;		/* VxWorks events */
    } MSG_Q;   
typedef struct obj_core		/* OBJ_CORE */
    struct obj_class *pObjClass;	/* pointer to object's class */
    } OBJ_CORE;
typedef struct				/* Head of job queue */
    Q_JOB_NODE *first;			/* first node in queue */
    Q_JOB_NODE *last;			/* last node in queue */
    int		count;			/* number of nodes in queue */
    Q_CLASS    *pQClass;		/* must be 4th long word */
    Q_HEAD	pendQ;			/* queue of blocked tasks */
    } Q_JOB_HEAD;
typedef struct qJobNode			/* Node of a job queue */
    struct qJobNode *next;
    } Q_JOB_NODE;



* msgQInit - initialize a message queue
* This routine initializes a message queue data structure.  Like msgQCreate()
* the resulting message queue is capable of holding up to <maxMsgs> messages,
* each of up to <maxMsgLength> bytes long.
* However, instead of dynamically allocating the MSG_Q data structure,
* this routine takes a pointer <pMsgQ> to the MSG_Q data structure to be
* initialized, and a pointer <pMsgPool> to the buffer to be use to hold
* queued messages.  <pMsgPool> must point to a 4 byte aligned buffer
* that is (<maxMsgs> * MSG_NODE_SIZE (<maxMsgLength>)).

* The queue can be created with the following options:
*	MSG_Q_FIFO	queue pended tasks in FIFO order
*	MSG_Q_PRIORITY	queue pended tasks in priority order
* SEE ALSO: msgQCreate()

    FAST MSG_Q *pMsgQ,          /* pointer to msg queue to initialize */
    int         maxMsgs,        /* max messages that can be queued */
    int         maxMsgLength,   /* max bytes in a message */
    int         options,        /* message queue options */
    void *      pMsgPool        /* pointer to memory for messages */
    FAST int		nodeSize = MSG_NODE_SIZE (maxMsgLength);
    FAST int		ix;
    FAST Q_CLASS_ID	msgQType;

    if ((!msgQLibInstalled) && (msgQLibInit () != OK))
	return (ERROR);				/* package init problem */

    bzero ((char *) pMsgQ, sizeof (*pMsgQ));	/* clear out msg q structure */

    /* initialize internal job queues */

    switch (options & MSG_Q_TYPE_MASK)
        case MSG_Q_FIFO:	msgQType = Q_FIFO;	break;
        case MSG_Q_PRIORITY:	msgQType = Q_PRI_LIST;	break;

            errnoSet (S_msgQLib_INVALID_QUEUE_TYPE);
	    return (ERROR);

    if ((qInit ((Q_HEAD *) &pMsgQ->msgQ, qJobClassId, msgQType,
	 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) != OK) ||
	(qInit ((Q_HEAD *) &pMsgQ->freeQ, qJobClassId, msgQType,
	 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) != OK))
	return (ERROR);

    /* put msg nodes on free list */

    for (ix = 0; ix < maxMsgs; ix++)
	qJobPut (pMsgQ, &pMsgQ->freeQ, (Q_JOB_NODE *) pMsgPool,
	pMsgPool = (void *) (((char *) pMsgPool) + nodeSize);

    /* initialize rest of msg q */

    pMsgQ->options	= options;
    pMsgQ->maxMsgs	= maxMsgs;
    pMsgQ->maxMsgLength	= maxMsgLength;

    eventInit (&pMsgQ->events);

    if (wvObjIsEnabled)
    /* windview - connect level 1 event logging routine */
    objCoreInit (&pMsgQ->objCore, msgQInstClassId);
    objCoreInit (&pMsgQ->objCore, msgQClassId);

    return (OK);


void bzero
    char *buffer,               /* buffer to be zeroed       */
    int nbytes                  /* number of bytes in buffer */
    bfill (buffer, nbytes, 0);


* bfill - fill a buffer with a specified character
* This routine fills the first <nbytes> characters of a buffer with the
* character <ch>.  Filling is done in the most efficient way possible,
* which may be long-word, or even multiple-long-word stores, on some
* architectures.  In general, the fill will be significantly faster if
* the buffer is long-word aligned.  (For filling that is restricted to
* byte stores, see the manual entry for bfillBytes().)
* SEE ALSO: bfillBytes()

void bfill
    FAST char *buf,           /* pointer to buffer              */
    int nbytes,               /* number of bytes to fill        */
    FAST int ch     	      /* char with which to fill buffer */
#if (CPU_FAMILY != I960) || !defined(__GNUC__) || defined(VX_IGNORE_GNU_LIBS)
    FAST long *pBuf;
    char *bufend = buf + nbytes;
    FAST char *buftmp;
    FAST long val;

    if (nbytes < 10)
	goto byte_fill;

    val = (ch << 24) | (ch << 16) | (ch << 8) | ch;

    /* start on necessary alignment */

    while ((int)buf & ALIGNMENT)
	*buf++ = ch;

    buftmp = bufend - sizeof (long); /* last word boundary before bufend */

    pBuf = (long *)buf;

    /* fill 4 bytes at a time; don't exceed buf endpoint */

	*pBuf++ = val;
    while ((char *)pBuf < buftmp);

    buf = (char *)pBuf - sizeof (long);

    /* fill remaining bytes one at a time */

    while (buf < bufend)
	*buf++ = ch;
#else	/* IGNORE GNU LIBS */
    (void) memset ((void *)buf, (int) ch, (size_t) nbytes);
#endif	/* IGNORE GNU LIBS */



* msgQSend - send a message to a message queue
* This routine sends the message in <buffer> of length <nBytes> to the message
* queue <msgQId>.  If any tasks are already waiting to receive messages
* on the queue, the message will immediately be delivered to the first
* waiting task.  If no task is waiting to receive messages, the message
* is saved in the message queue and if a task has previously registered to 
* receive events from the message queue, these events are sent in the context 
* of this call.  This may result in the unpending of the task waiting for 
* the events.  If the message queue fails to send events and if it was 
* created using the MSG_Q_EVENTSEND_ERR_NOTIFY option, ERROR is returned 
* even though the send operation was successful.
* The <timeout> parameter specifies the number of ticks to wait for free
* space if the message queue is full.  The <timeout> parameter can also have 
* the following special values:
* .iP "NO_WAIT  (0)" 8
* return immediately, even if the message has not been sent.  
* .iP "WAIT_FOREVER  (-1)"
* never time out.
* .LP
* The <priority> parameter specifies the priority of the message being sent.
* The possible values are:
* .iP "MSG_PRI_NORMAL  (0)" 8
* normal priority; add the message to the tail of the list of queued 
* messages.
* .iP "MSG_PRI_URGENT  (1)"
* urgent priority; add the message to the head of the list of queued messages.
* .LP
* This routine can be called by interrupt service routines as well as
* by tasks.  This is one of the primary means of communication
* between an interrupt service routine and a task.  When called from an
* interrupt service routine, <timeout> must be NO_WAIT.
* RETURNS: OK on success or ERROR otherwise.
* Distributed objects message queue library (VxFusion) not initialized.
* Shared memory message queue library (VxMP Option) not initialized.
* .iP "S_objLib_OBJ_ID_ERROR"
* Invalid message queue ID.
* .iP "S_objLib_OBJ_DELETED"
* Message queue deleted while calling task was pended.
* No free buffer space when NO_WAIT timeout specified.
* .iP "S_objLib_OBJ_TIMEOUT"
* Timeout occurred while waiting for buffer space.
* Message length exceeds limit.
* Called from ISR with non-zero timeout.
* Message queue failed to send events to registered task.  This errno 
* value can only exist if the message queue was created with the 
* .LP
* SEE ALSO: msgQSmLib, msgQEvStart

    FAST MSG_Q_ID       msgQId,         /* message queue on which to send */
    char *              buffer,         /* message to send */
    FAST UINT           nBytes,         /* length of message */
    int                 timeout,        /* ticks to wait */
    int                 priority        /* MSG_PRI_NORMAL or MSG_PRI_URGENT */
    FAST MSG_NODE *	pMsg;

    if (ID_IS_SHARED (msgQId))			/* message Q is shared? */
		if (ID_IS_DISTRIBUTED (msgQId)) /* message queue is distributed? */
			if (msgQDistSendRtn == NULL)
				errno = S_distLib_NOT_INITIALIZED; 
				return (ERROR);
		 	return ((*msgQDistSendRtn) (msgQId, buffer, nBytes,
			 	timeout, WAIT_FOREVER, priority));

        if (msgQSmSendRtn == NULL)
            errno = S_smObjLib_NOT_INITIALIZED;
            return (ERROR);

        return ((*msgQSmSendRtn) (SM_OBJ_ID_TO_ADRS (msgQId), buffer, nBytes,
				  timeout, priority));

    /* message queue is local */

    if (!INT_CONTEXT ())
	if (timeout != 0)
	    errnoSet (S_msgQLib_NON_ZERO_TIMEOUT_AT_INT_LEVEL);
	    return (ERROR);

    if (OBJ_VERIFY (msgQId, msgQClassId) != OK)
	if (!INT_CONTEXT ())
	    TASK_UNLOCK ();
	return (ERROR);

    /* windview - level 1 event logging routine */
    EVT_OBJ_5 (OBJ, msgQId, msgQClassId, EVENT_MSGQSEND, msgQId, 
	       buffer, nBytes, timeout, priority);

    if (nBytes > msgQId->maxMsgLength)
	if (!INT_CONTEXT ())
	    TASK_UNLOCK ();
	errnoSet (S_msgQLib_INVALID_MSG_LENGTH);
	return (ERROR);

    pMsg = (MSG_NODE *) qJobGet (msgQId, &msgQId->freeQ, timeout);

    if (pMsg == (MSG_NODE *) NONE)
	timeout = SIG_TIMEOUT_RECALC(timeout);
	goto restart;

    if (pMsg == NULL)

	 * The timeout stat should only be updated if a timeout has occured.
	 * An OBJ_VERIFY needs to be performed to catch the case where a 
	 * timeout indeed occured, but the message queue is subsequently 
	 * deleted before the current task is rescheduled.

	if (errnoGet() == S_objLib_OBJ_TIMEOUT) 
	    if (OBJ_VERIFY (msgQId, msgQClassId) == OK)

#endif /* FALSE */

	if (!INT_CONTEXT ())
	    TASK_UNLOCK ();
	return (ERROR);

    pMsg->msgLength = nBytes;
    bcopy (buffer, MSG_NODE_DATA (pMsg), (int) nBytes);

    if (qJobPut (msgQId, &msgQId->msgQ, &pMsg->node, priority) != OK)
	if (!INT_CONTEXT ())
	    TASK_UNLOCK ();

	return (ERROR); /* errno set by qJobPut() */

    if (!INT_CONTEXT ())

    return (OK);


* bcopy - copy one buffer to another
* This routine copies the first <nbytes> characters from <source> to
* <destination>.  Overlapping buffers are handled correctly.  Copying is done
* in the most efficient way possible, which may include long-word, or even
* multiple-long-word moves on some architectures.  In general, the copy
* will be significantly faster if both buffers are long-word aligned.
* (For copying that is restricted to byte, word, or long-word moves, see
* the manual entries for bcopyBytes(), bcopyWords(), and bcopyLongs().)
* SEE ALSO: bcopyBytes(), bcopyWords(), bcopyLongs()

void bcopy
    const char *source,       	/* pointer to source buffer      */
    char *destination,  	/* pointer to destination buffer */
    int nbytes          	/* number of bytes to copy       */
    FAST char *dstend;
    FAST long *src;
    FAST long *dst;
    int tmp = destination - source;

    if (tmp <= 0 || tmp >= nbytes)
	/* forward copy */

	dstend = destination + nbytes;

	/* do byte copy if less than ten or alignment mismatch */

	if (nbytes < 10 || (((int)destination ^ (int)source) & ALIGNMENT))
	    goto byte_copy_fwd;

	/* if odd-aligned copy byte */

	while ((int)destination & ALIGNMENT)
	    *destination++ = *source++;

	src = (long *) source;
	dst = (long *) destination;

	    *dst++ = *src++;
	while (((char *)dst + sizeof (long)) <= dstend);

	destination = (char *)dst;
	source      = (char *)src;

	while (destination < dstend)
	    *destination++ = *source++;
	/* backward copy */

	dstend       = destination;
	destination += nbytes - sizeof (char);
	source      += nbytes - sizeof (char);

	/* do byte copy if less than ten or alignment mismatch */

	if (nbytes < 10 || (((int)destination ^ (int)source) & ALIGNMENT))
	    goto byte_copy_bwd;

	/* if odd-aligned copy byte */

	while ((int)destination & ALIGNMENT)
	    *destination-- = *source--;

	src = (long *) source;
	dst = (long *) destination;

	    *dst-- = *src--;
	while (((char *)dst + sizeof(long)) >= dstend);

	destination = (char *)dst + sizeof (long);
	source      = (char *)src + sizeof (long);

	while (destination >= dstend)
	    *destination-- = *source--;
#endif	/* IGNORE GNU LIBS */


* msgQReceive - receive a message from a message queue
* This routine receives a message from the message queue <msgQId>.
* The received message is copied into the specified <buffer>, which is
* <maxNBytes> in length.  If the message is longer than <maxNBytes>,
* the remainder of the message is discarded (no error indication
* is returned).
* The <timeout> parameter specifies the number of ticks to wait for 
* a message to be sent to the queue, if no message is available when
* msgQReceive() is called.  The <timeout> parameter can also have 
* the following special values: 
* .iP "NO_WAIT  (0)" 8
* return immediately, whether a message has been received or not.  
* .iP "WAIT_FOREVER  (-1)"
* never time out.
* .LP
* WARNING: This routine must not be called by interrupt service routines.
* The number of bytes copied to <buffer>, or ERROR.
*        S_objLib_OBJ_ID_ERROR, S_objLib_OBJ_DELETED,
*        S_objLib_OBJ_UNAVAILABLE, S_objLib_OBJ_TIMEOUT,
* SEE ALSO: msgQSmLib

int msgQReceive
    FAST MSG_Q_ID       msgQId,         /* message queue from which to receive */
    char *              buffer,         /* buffer to receive message */
    UINT                maxNBytes,      /* length of buffer */
    int                 timeout         /* ticks to wait */
    FAST MSG_NODE *	pMsg;
    FAST int		bytesReturned;

    if (INT_RESTRICT() != OK) /* errno set by INT_RESTRICT() */
	return ERROR;

    if (ID_IS_SHARED (msgQId))			/* message Q is shared? */
		if (ID_IS_DISTRIBUTED (msgQId)) /* message queue is distributed? */
			if (msgQDistReceiveRtn == NULL)
				errno = S_distLib_NOT_INITIALIZED;
			 	return (ERROR);
			return ((*msgQDistReceiveRtn) (msgQId, buffer,
				maxNBytes, timeout, WAIT_FOREVER));

        if (msgQSmReceiveRtn == NULL)
            errno = S_smObjLib_NOT_INITIALIZED;
            return (ERROR);

        return ((*msgQSmReceiveRtn) (SM_OBJ_ID_TO_ADRS (msgQId), buffer,
				     maxNBytes, timeout));

    /* message queue is local */

    /* even though maxNBytes is unsigned, check for < 0 to catch possible
     * caller errors
    if ((int) maxNBytes < 0)
	errnoSet (S_msgQLib_INVALID_MSG_LENGTH);
	return (ERROR);

    TASK_LOCK ();

    if (OBJ_VERIFY (msgQId, msgQClassId) != OK)
	return (ERROR);

    /* windview - level 1 event logging routine */
    EVT_OBJ_4 (OBJ, msgQId, msgQClassId, EVENT_MSGQRECEIVE, msgQId, 
	       buffer, maxNBytes, timeout);

    pMsg = (MSG_NODE *) qJobGet (msgQId, &msgQId->msgQ, timeout);

    if (pMsg == (MSG_NODE *) NONE)
	timeout = SIG_TIMEOUT_RECALC(timeout);
	goto restart;

    if (pMsg == NULL)
	 * The timeout stat should only be updated if a timeout has occured.
	 * An OBJ_VERIFY needs to be performed to catch the case where a 
	 * timeout indeed occured, but the message queue is subsequently 
	 * deleted before the current task is rescheduled.

	if (errnoGet() == S_objLib_OBJ_TIMEOUT) 
	    if (OBJ_VERIFY (msgQId, msgQClassId) == OK)

#endif /* FALSE */

	return (ERROR);

    bytesReturned = min (pMsg->msgLength, maxNBytes);
    bcopy (MSG_NODE_DATA (pMsg), buffer, bytesReturned);

    qJobPut (msgQId, &msgQId->freeQ, &pMsg->node, Q_JOB_PRI_DONT_CARE);


    return (bytesReturned);


STATUS msgQDelete
    MSG_Q_ID msgQId     /* message queue to delete */
    return (msgQDestroy (msgQId, TRUE));


* msgQDestroy - destroy message queue

    MSG_Q_ID msgQId,    /* message queue to destroy */
    BOOL     dealloc    /* deallocate memory associated with message queue */
    Q_JOB_NODE *pNode;
    FAST int	timeout;
    FAST int	nMsgs;

    int errnoCopy;

    if (ID_IS_SHARED (msgQId))  		/* message Q is shared?*/
		if (ID_IS_DISTRIBUTED (msgQId)) /* message queue is distributed? */
			errno = S_distLib_NO_OBJECT_DESTROY;
		 	return (ERROR);             /* cannot delete distributed msgQ */
		errno = S_smObjLib_NO_OBJECT_DESTROY;
        return (ERROR);				/* cannot delete sm. msgQ */

    if (INT_RESTRICT () != OK)			/* restrict isr use */
	return (ERROR);

    TASK_SAFE ();				/* TASK SAFE */


    /* Indicate that msgQDelete has been initiated */

    /* windview - level 1 event logging routine */
    EVT_OBJ_1 (OBJ, msgQId, msgQClassId, EVENT_MSGQDELETE, msgQId);

    if (OBJ_VERIFY (msgQId, msgQClassId) != OK)	/* validate message queue id */
	return (ERROR);

    objCoreTerminate (&msgQId->objCore);	/* INVALIDATE */


    /*  Indicate that the msgQDelete has succeeded (before TASK_UNLOCK, as
     *  that causes unnecessary WV parser confusion).

    /* windview - level 2 instrumentation
     * EVENT_OBJ_MSGDELETE needs to return the msgQId so MSG_OFFSET is
     * used to calulate the msgQId from the pQHead


    /* gobble up all messages in the message and free queues */

    timeout = NO_WAIT;		/* first time through gobble without waiting */
    nMsgs = 0;

    errnoCopy = errnoGet ();

    while (nMsgs < msgQId->maxMsgs)
	while (((pNode = qJobGet (msgQId, &msgQId->freeQ, timeout)) != NULL) &&
	       (pNode != (Q_JOB_NODE *) NONE))

	while (((pNode = qJobGet (msgQId, &msgQId->msgQ, timeout)) != NULL) &&
	       (pNode != (Q_JOB_NODE *) NONE))

	timeout = 1;		/* after first time, wait a bit */

    errnoSet (errnoCopy);

    /* terminate both the queues */

     * Since eventTerminate() can wake up a task, we want to put all tasks
     * in the ready queue before doing a windExit(), so that it is sure that
     * the task of highest priority runs first. To achieve that, the
     * statements 'kernelState = TRUE;' and 'windExit();' have been moved
     * from qJobTerminate() to here. This is the only place that qJobTerminate
     * is called.

    kernelState = TRUE;

    qJobTerminate (&msgQId->msgQ);
    qJobTerminate (&msgQId->freeQ);

    eventTerminate (&msgQId->events);/* free task waiting for events if any */

    windExit ();

    if (dealloc)
	objFree (msgQClassId, (char *) msgQId);

    TASK_UNSAFE ();				/* TASK UNSAFE */

    return (OK);


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### 回答1: VxWorks 5.5是一款实时操作系统(RTOS)的版本,该版本的开发文档提供了开发者所需的全部信息和指导,以便能够使用这个操作系统进行软件开发。 开发文档通常包含以下内容:系统架构和配置指南、安装和使用指南、API和函数参考手册、开发工具的说明和使用方法等。 在系统架构和配置指南中,文档会介绍VxWorks 5.5的整体结构和各个模块的功能。它还会提供配置系统所需的步骤和指导,以确保开发者正确地设置和调整操作系统。 安装和使用指南会详细说明如何在目标硬件上安装VxWorks 5.5,并配置开发环境。这些指南会包含从下载VxWorks 5.5到在硬件上运行和调试的步骤,以及可能遇到的常见问题的解决方法。 API和函数参考手册是开发者在使用VxWorks 5.5时的重要参考。其中会列出所有可用的API和函数,以及它们的参数、返回值和使用方法。开发者可以根据自己的需求和要解决的问题,查找和使用合适的API和函数。 开发文档还会介绍各种开发工具,例如编译器、调试器和性能分析工具。文档会解释这些工具的功能和使用方法,以及如何结合VxWorks 5.5进行开发和调试。 总之,VxWorks 5.5的开发文档对于那些希望使用这个实时操作系统进行软件开发的开发者来说是非常重要的。它提供了系统架构、安装和使用指南、API和函数参考手册,以及开发工具的说明和使用方法等方面的信息和指导,帮助开发者顺利地进行软件开发工作。 ### 回答2: VxWorks 5.5是一款嵌入式实时操作系统,其开发文档提供了详细的技术资料和指南,帮助开发人员理解和使用该操作系统。 VxWorks 5.5的开发文档包含以下主要内容: 1. 系统架构概述:介绍VxWorks 5.5的体系结构、内核组件和系统层次结构,帮助开发人员了解其基本原理和工作方式。 2. 编程指南:提供了使用VxWorks 5.5开发嵌入式应用程序的详细指南。该指南涵盖了任务管理、内存管理、进程间通信、中断处理和设备驱动程序等方面的内容,帮助开发人员编写高效、可靠的嵌入式软件。 3. API参考手册:列出了VxWorks 5.5支持的各种API函数和系统调用,包括任务控制、内存分配、文件系统和网络编程等。该手册提供了函数的详细说明、参数列表和用法示例,方便开发人员快速查找和使用API函数。 4. BSP开发指南:介绍了如何为特定的硬件平台开发VxWorks 5.5的板支持包(BSP)。该指南解释了BSP的概念、结构和要求,并提供了开发BSP所需的工具和技术。 5. 配置和调试指南:详细说明了如何配置和调试VxWorks 5.5系统。该指南包括系统启动过程的步骤、配置选项的设置和调试工具的使用方法,帮助开发人员快速调试和优化嵌入式应用程序。 VxWorks 5.5开发文档的编写充分考虑了各种应用场景和开发需求,并提供了丰富的示例和实践建议。通过阅读和理解开发文档,开发人员可以更好地利用VxWorks 5.5的功能和特性,开发出高质量和可靠的嵌入式应用程序。同时,VxWorks 5.5的开发文档也是学习嵌入式系统和实时操作系统开发的重要参考资料之一。 ### 回答3: VxWorks是一款实时操作系统 (RTOS),用于嵌入式系统开发。VxWorks 5.5是其版本之一,是一套非常重要的开发文档。它包含了VxWorks 5.5操作系统的安装、配置、编程接口等方面的详细说明,帮助开发人员更好地理解和使用这个操作系统。 首先,VxWorks 5.5开发文档提供了操作系统的安装和配置指南。通过这些指南,开发人员可以了解如何在目标硬件上正确地安装和配置VxWorks 5.5。这些指南详细介绍了安装和配置的步骤以及可能出现的问题和解决方案。 其次,VxWorks 5.5开发文档提供了丰富的编程接口文档。这些文档详细描述了VxWorks 5.5操作系统提供的函数和API,开发人员可以根据需要选择合适的API进行程序开发。这些编程接口文档还包括实时任务调度、内存管理、设备驱动程序等方面的说明,帮助开发人员编写高效可靠的嵌入式软件。 此外,VxWorks 5.5开发文档还提供了大量的示例代码和案例分析。这些示例代码和案例分析展示了如何使用VxWorks 5.5来解决各种实际问题,包括网络通信、文件系统、远程调试等。开发人员可以通过学习这些示例代码和案例分析,更好地理解VxWorks 5.5的使用方法,并运用到实际的项目开发中。 总之,VxWorks 5.5开发文档对于想要深入了解和使用该操作系统的开发人员来说,是一份非常宝贵的资源。通过学习这些文档,开发人员可以掌握VxWorks 5.5的安装、配置和编程接口等方面的知识,为开发高质量的嵌入式软件提供有力支持。
评论 4




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