





External Devices

I/O Speed: bytes transferred per second(from mouse to display: 10-to-million)



Disk drive

  • Contain two types of electronics
  • One type for exchanging data, control and status signals with an I/O module
  • The other for controlling the disk read/write mechanism

I/O Modules

Function of I/O Module

  • Control & Timing
  • CPU ~ I/O Communication
  • Device ~I/O Communication
  • Memory ~ I/O communication
  • Data Buffering
  • Error Detection

I/O Steps

  • CPU checks I/O module and device status
  • I/O module returns status
  • If ready, CPU requests data transfer
  • I/O module gets data from device
  • I/O module transfers data to CPU
    • Programmed-I/O
    • Interrupt-Driven I/O
    • DMA/Channel

I/O Communication

  • Command decoding:
    • Read sector, Seek track, Scan ID
    • Which blocks can be read or written.
  • Data exchange
    • External data I/O module buffer through local bus
    • I/O module buffer CPU/memory through system bus
  • Status reporting
    • Busy, ready, error, etc
  • Address recognition
    • Recognize each peripheral

Data Buffering

  • Adapt peripherals to CPU or main memory in their velocities
  • CPU/DRAM ← → \leftarrow \rightarrow I/O buffer
  • I/O buffer ← → \leftarrow \rightarrow peripherals

Error Detection

  • An I/O modular is often responsible for error detection and reporting errors to CPU
  • One class of errors is hardware failure
    • Mechanical or electrical
    • E.g.: paper jam, bad disk track
  • Another class of errors is transmitting errors
    • Bit errors
    • Data losses


I/O Module Decisions

  • Support multiple or single device
  • Hide or reveal device properties to CPU
  • Control device functions or leave for CPU
  • Also O/S decisions
    • e.g. Unix treats everything it can as a file

Input Output Modes

  • Programmed
  • Interrupt driven
  • Direct Memory Access (DMA)
  • I/O Channel
  • I/O processor

Programmed I/O

  • With programmed I/O, data are exchanged between the CPU and I/O modular

  • CPU has direct control over I/O in a program

    • Sensing status
    • Read/write commands
    • Transferring data
  • CPU waits for I/O module to complete operation when it issues an I/O command

  • Wastes CPU time


  • CPU encounters an I/O instruction
  • CPU executes it, by sending a command to I/O modular, and waits for the I/O modular ready
  • I/O modular performs the command and then set the appropriate bit in the I/O status register
  • CPU periodically checks the status bit until it find the operation completed

I/O Commands

  • CPU issues address
    • Identifies module & device ( if >1 per module)
  • CPU issues commands: 4 commands
    • Control - telling module what to do
      • e.g. rewind, open disk drive, etc
    • Test - check status
      • e.g. power? Error?
    • Read/Write
      • Module transfers data via buffer from/to device

Addressing I/O Devices

  • Under programmed I/O data transfer is very like memory access (CPU viewpoint)
  • Each device given unique identifier
  • CPU commands contain identifier (address)

I/O Mapping


  • Memory mapped I/O
    • Devices and memory share an address space
      • 0xxxxxx, 1xxxxxx
    • I/O looks just like memory read/write
    • No special commands for I/O
      • Large selection of devices available
  • Isolated I/O
    • Separate address spaces
    • Need I/O or memory select lines
    • Special commands for I/O
      • Limited set



  • Advantage:
    • Simple: processor is totally in control and does all
  • Disadvantage:
    • Polling overhead can consume a lot of CPU time
  • Solution: use exception mechanism to help I/O. Interrupt program when I/O ready, return when done with data transfer

Interrupt Driven I/O

  • Overcomes CPU waiting
  • No repeated CPU checking of device
  • I/O module interrupts when ready

Interrupt Driven I/O Basic Operation

  • CPU issues read command, and then do other things
  • I/O module gets data from peripheral whilst CPU does other work
  • I/O module interrupts CPU
  • CPU requests data
  • I/O module transfers data through bus
  • At last, CPU recover previous work

CPU Viewpoint

  • Issue read command
  • Do other work
  • Check for interrupt at end of each instruction cycle
  • If interrupted:-
    • Save context (registers)
    • Process interrupt
      • Fetch data & store
    • Restore context
  • Continue previous work

I/O Module Viewpoint

  • Receive a READ command from CPU
  • Detect the state of the peripheral
  • Read data from the peripheral, put it into registers
  • Signal an interrupt to CPU
  • Wait until its data are requested by CPU
  • Place the data on the data bus


Design Issues

How do you identify the module issuing the interrupt

  • Multiple interrupt lines
    • Different line for each module, Limits number of devices
  • Software poll
    • CPU asks each module in turn through interrupt-service subroutine
      • Command + address of I/O module
      • Read addressable status register contained in each I/O module
      • CPU branches to the device service routine
    • Slow (time consuming)
  • Daisy chain or Hardware poll Bus
    • All I/O modules share a common interrupt request line
    • Once CPU senses an interrupt, Interrupt Acknowledge sent down a chain
    • Module responsible places vector (address, id) on bus
    • CPU uses vector to point to an appropriate device-service routine
    • Referred to as vectored interrupt
  • Arbitration (vectored)
    • Module must claim the bus before it can raise interrupt
    • CPU detects the interrupt, respond it through interrupt acknowledge line.
    • I/O module places vector on the data bus
      • e.g. PCI & SCSI

How do you deal with multiple interrupts

  • With multiple lines, Each interrupt line has a priority
    • Higher priority lines can interrupt lower priority lines
  • With software polling, the order in which modules are polled determines their priority
  • With daisy, the order of modules on the daisy determines their priority

Direct Memory Access

Drawbacks of programmed and interrupt-driven I/O

  • Programmed I/O needs to occupy all CPU time
  • Interrupt driven I/O still requires active CPU intervention, though more efficient CPU usage than Programmed I/O (transfer rate is lower)
  • In both modes, data transfer must traverse CPU
    • Transfer rate is limited
    • CPU is tied up
  • When large volumes of data are transferred, DMA is a more efficient technique

What is DMA

  • External to the CPU
  • Additional Module (hardware) on bus
  • DMA controller takes over from CPU for I/O
    • Transfer blocks of data to or from memory without CPU intervention
  • In fact, DMA is also an I/O module
  • Act as a master on the bus
  • Memory system acts like slave
  • Manage byte-word conversion
  • Priority: DMA > CPU

Three modes of data transfer between CPU and DMA

  • Block transfer mode (Monopolistic mode)
    • 当DMA传送数据的时候,CPU不能使用总线
    • An entire block of data is transferred in one contiguous sequence
    • If DMA transfers data, CPU be disabled for a duration until DMA release bus
    • Useful for loading an programs or data files into memory
  • Cycle stealing mode
    • DMA与CPU交替传输数据
    • DMA uses the bus only when CPU does not need it or forcing CPU to suspend operation temporarily
    • DMA transfer one word of data, then release bus
    • DMA interleaves instructions and data transfers
  • Transparent mode (alternate mode)
    • DMA与CPU分别占用时钟的上升沿和下降沿工作
    • DMA and CPU use bus by division time multiplexing
    • Require most time, but most efficient


DMA Structure



CPU首先通过Address Lines向地址寄存器发送需要请求的设备地址号,DMA将CPU传来的设备号直接发给I/O,然后CPU通过Data Lines向DMA发送对应的内存地址,存入地址寄存器中保存,CPU通过数据线将数据发送至数据寄存器,DMA将该数据再写入I/O设备中

  • Preprocessing: CPU tells DMA controller
    • Read/Write
    • Device address
    • Starting address of memory block for data
    • Amount of data to be transferred
    • CPU carries on with other work
  • Data transferring: DMA controller deals with transfer (word by word)
  • Postprocessing: DMA controller sends interrupt when finished


DMA Transfer Cycle Stealing

  • DMA controller takes over bus for a cycle
  • Transfer of one word of data
  • Not an interrupt
    • CPU does not switch context
  • CPU suspended just before it accesses bus
    • i.e. before an operand or data fetch or a data write
  • Slows down CPU but not as much as CPU doing transfer

DMA and Interrupt Breakpoints During an Instruction Cycle


DMA Configurations

Single Bus, detached DMA controller

  • Each transfer uses bus twice
    • I/O to DMA then DMA to memory
  • CPU is suspended twice


Single Bus, Integrated DMA controller

  • Controller may support >1 device
  • Each transfer uses bus once
    • DMA to memory
  • CPU is suspended once


Separate I/O Bus

  • Bus supports all DMA enabled devices
  • Each transfer uses bus once
    • DMA to memory
  • CPU is suspended once




I/O Channels

  • I/O channel is an I/O module with its own processor which can execute I/O program
  • I/O program is located in main memory
  • In fact, the I/O channel represents an extension of the DMA concept
  • Thus, an I/O channel has the ability to execute I/O instructions and control the I/O operations

Functions of I/O Channels

  • Receive command from CPU
    • Micro command
  • Load I/O program from memory, send commands to device
  • Buffer, control and transfer data, provide path for transferring
  • Report device status or interrupt

Working Principle

  • Master CPU sends I/O command and waits channel and device ready
    • the number of Channel
    • the number of device
    • Entry of channel program
    • Size of data
  • Master CPU starts the channel and returns to main program
  • The channel executes I/O program to transfer data between memory and device
  • When data transfer completed, interrupt CPU

Types of I/O Channels

Channel Capacity/data-transmission rate

  • Maximum data transmitted per unit time of channel

Selector channel

  • At any one time, only one device is selected to transfer data
  • High-speed devices


Multiplexor channel

  • Byte multiplexor channel
    • Round robin between devices
    • For a device, only one byte data transferred
    • For low speed devices
  • Block multiplexor channel
    • Round robin between devices
    • For a device, K bytes data transferred


Evolution of the I/O Function

  • CPU directly control a peripheral
  • A control or I/O module is added
    • programmed I/O
  • Interrupt-driven I/O
  • DMA
    • Device–memory
  • I/O channel
    • I/O processor, no local memory
  • I/O processor
    • I/O processor + local memory

External Interface


Connecting devices together

  • Point to point
    • Dedicated line between I/O module and external devices
    • E.g. keyboard, printer, modem, etc.
  • Point to multi-point
    • external buses
    • External mass storage
    • Multimedia devices (CD-ROMs, video, audio)

Serial or parallel

  • Printer, mouse, keyboard, etc.
  • Disk, tape, etc.

Write operation from I/O module to a peripheral

  • I/O module sends a control signal requesting permission to send data
  • The peripheral acknowledges the request
  • The I/O module transfers data
  • The peripheral acknowledges the receipt of the data

Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI)

  • Standard interface for CD-ROM drive, audio equipment, external mass storage devices
  • Parallel interface
    • 8, 16, 32 bit data lines
  • Daisy chained local bus, attached to PCI
  • Devices are independent
  • Devices can communicate with each other as well as host

Key points

  • Functions of I/O Module?
  • I/O module structure
  • Input Output Modes
  • What is 82c59a?
  • DMA &channel
  • SCSI
  • Firewire


  • Cycle stealing: 周期窃取
  • Interrupt: 中断
  • Isolated I/O:分离式I/O
  • Memory-mapped I/O:存储映射式I/O
  • Multiplexor channel:多路转换通道
  • Parallel I/O:并行器I/O
  • Peripheral device : 外围设备
  • Selector channel:选择通道
  • 0
  • 1
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 打赏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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