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原创 机器学习英语单词概念整理

regression 回归,退化linear model 线性模型supervised learning 监督式学习semi-supervised learning 半监督式学习Transfer Learning 迁移学习

2019-11-16 21:40:06 631

原创 [PAT]模版整理

(1)并查集int fa[MAX];//寻找根节点int findFather(int x) { //由于x在下面的while中会变成根节点,因此先将原先的x保存一下 int a = x; while(x != fa[x]) { //寻找根节点 x = fa[x]; } //到这里,x存放的是根节点,下面把路径上的所有结点的father都改成根节点 while(a != ...

2019-11-09 18:24:02 154

原创 PAT甲级英文单词整理

non-leaf nodes 非叶子结点every seniority level 每一层

2019-10-30 19:29:12 913

原创 基于docker搭建个人博客jpress

docker配置搭建博客参考资料docker仓库步骤linux安装docker运行截图参考资料第一个dicker化的java应用来自慕课网在centos上安装dockerJpress模版docker仓库网易蜂巢docker镜像中心步骤环境:linux centos7.3系统linux安装docker设置yum源 yum-config-manager \ --add-r...

2020-03-16 19:01:49 637

原创 SSH整合配置(Spring+SpringMVC+JPA)


2020-01-03 17:27:27 530

原创 1113 Integer Set Partition (25 分) 排序

Given a set of N (>1) positive integers, you are supposed to partition them into two disjoint sets A​1 and A2 of n1 and n2 numbers, respectively. Let S1 and S2 denote the sums of all the numbers in...

2019-12-04 10:50:51 247

原创 1108 Finding Average (20 分)字符串处理(sscanf和sprintf)

The basic task is simple: given N real numbers, you are supposed to calculate their average. But what makes it complicated is that some of the input numbers might not be legal. A legal input is a real...

2019-12-02 18:31:25 223

原创 1107 Social Clusters (30 分) 并查集

When register on a social network, you are always asked to specify your hobbies in order to find some potential friends with the same hobbies. A social cluster is a set of people who have some of thei...

2019-12-02 18:19:37 163

原创 1106 Lowest Price in Supply Chain (25 分) DFS

A supply chain is a network of retailers(零售商), distributors(经销商), and suppliers(供应商)-- everyone involved in moving a product from supplier to customer.Starting from one root supplier, everyone on the...

2019-12-01 15:37:29 105

原创 1104 Sum of Number Segments (20 分) 数学问题

Given a sequence of positive numbers, a segment is defined to be a consecutive subsequence. For example, given the sequence { 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 }, we have 10 segments: (0.1) (0.1, 0.2) (0.1, 0.2, 0.3...

2019-12-01 15:27:17 106

原创 1102 Invert a Binary Tree (25 分) 树的遍历

The following is from Max Howell @twitter:Google: 90% of our engineers use the software you wrote (Homebrew), but you can't invert a binary tree on a whiteboard so fuck off.Now it’s your turn to pr...

2019-12-01 15:24:56 109

原创 1099 Build A Binary Search Tree (30 分)二叉查找树

A Binary Search Tree (BST) is recursively defined as a binary tree which has the following properties:The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than the node's key.The right subt...

2019-12-01 15:06:08 358

原创 1095 Cars on Campus (30 分) 排序

Zhejiang University has 8 campuses and a lot of gates. From each gate we can collect the in/out times and the plate numbers of the cars crossing the gate. Now with all the information available, you a...

2019-12-01 14:39:40 109

原创 1094 The Largest Generation (25 分) DFS

A family hierarchy is usually presented by a pedigree tree where all the nodes on the same level belong to the same generation. Your task is to find the generation with the largest population.Input S...

2019-12-01 14:31:56 134

原创 1093 Count PAT's (25 分)逻辑题

The string APPAPT contains two PAT’s as substrings. The first one is formed by the 2nd, the 4th, and the 6th characters, and the second one is formed by the 3rd, the 4th, and the 6th characters.Now g...

2019-12-01 14:09:48 122

原创 1092 To Buy or Not to Buy (20 分) hash散列

Eva would like to make a string of beads with her favorite colors so she went to a small shop to buy some beads. There were many colorful strings of beads. However the owner of the shop would only sel...

2019-12-01 14:00:14 109

原创 1090 Highest Price in Supply Chain (25 分)DFS

A supply chain is a network of retailers(零售商), distributors(经销商), and suppliers(供应商)-- everyone involved in moving a product from supplier to customer.Starting from one root supplier, everyone on the...

2019-12-01 13:41:10 101

原创 1086 Tree Traversals Again (25 分) 树的遍历

An inorder binary tree traversal can be implemented in a non-recursive way with a stack. For example, suppose that when a 6-node binary tree (with the keys numbered from 1 to 6) is traversed, the stac...

2019-12-01 13:18:50 163

原创 1084 Broken Keyboard (20 分) hash散列

On a broken keyboard, some of the keys are worn out. So when you type some sentences, the characters corresponding to those keys will not appear on screen.Now given a string that you are supposed to ...

2019-12-01 11:36:01 126

原创 1083 List Grades (25 分) 排序

Given a list of N student records with name, ID and grade. You are supposed to sort the records with respect to the grade in non-increasing order, and output those student records of which the grades ...

2019-12-01 10:39:30 159

原创 1079 Total Sales of Supply Chain (25 分) DFS

A supply chain is a network of retailers(零售商), distributors(经销商), and suppliers(供应商)-- everyone involved in moving a product from supplier to customer.Starting from one root supplier, everyone on the...

2019-12-01 10:07:34 117

原创 1078 Hashing (25 分) 哈希探测

The task of this problem is simple: insert a sequence of distinct positive integers into a hash table, and output the positions of the input numbers. The hash function is defined to be H(key)=key%TSiz...

2019-11-30 21:33:51 89

原创 1077 Kuchiguse (20 分) 字符串处理

The Japanese language is notorious for its sentence ending particles. Personal preference of such particles can be considered as a reflection of the speaker’s personality. Such a preference is called ...

2019-11-30 16:46:38 440

原创 1076 Forwards on Weibo (30 分) BFS

Weibo is known as the Chinese version of Twitter. One user on Weibo may have many followers, and may follow many other users as well. Hence a social network is formed with followers relations. When a ...

2019-11-29 23:12:21 108

原创 1073 Scientific Notation (20 分) 科学计数法

Scientific notation is the way that scientists easily handle very large numbers or very small numbers. The notation matches the regular expression [±][1-9].[0-9]+E[±][0-9]+ which means that the intege...

2019-11-28 17:22:54 158

原创 1071 Speech Patterns (25 分) 字符串处理

People often have a preference among synonyms of the same word. For example, some may prefer “the police”, while others may prefer “the cops”. Analyzing such patterns can help to narrow down a speaker...

2019-11-28 17:15:37 134

原创 1070 Mooncake (25 分)贪心算法 分月饼

Mooncake is a Chinese bakery product traditionally eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Many types of fillings and crusts can be found in traditional mooncakes according to the region’s culture. Now ...

2019-11-28 16:44:38 825

原创 1069 The Black Hole of Numbers (20 分) 字符串数字处理

For any 4-digit integer except the ones with all the digits being the same, if we sort the digits in non-increasing order first, and then in non-decreasing order, a new number can be obtained by takin...

2019-11-27 11:58:01 110

原创 1068 Find More Coins (30 分) 01背包,动态规划

Eva loves to collect coins from all over the universe, including some other planets like Mars. One day she visited a universal shopping mall which could accept all kinds of coins as payments. However,...

2019-11-27 11:39:42 98

原创 1065 A+B and C (64bit) (20 分) 大整数比较

Given three integers A, B and C in [−2^​63,2 ^63], you are supposed to tell whether A+B>C.Input Specification:The first line of the input gives the positive number of test cases, T (≤10). Then T ...

2019-11-27 11:23:23 142

原创 1063 Set Similarity (25 分) set集合

Given two sets of integers, the similarity of the sets is defined to be Nc/Nt×100%, where Nc is the number of distinct common numbers shared by the two sets, and N​t is the total number of distinct nu...

2019-11-27 10:47:24 100

转载 机器学习中的数学符号及其读法

数学符号及读法大全常用数学输入符号: ≈ ≡≠= ≤≥ < > ≮ ≯ ∷ ±+ - × ÷ / ∫∮ ∝ ∞ ∧ ∨ ∑∏∪ ∩ ∈ ∵ ∴  ⊥ ‖ ∠ ⌒  ≌ ∽ √  () 【】{} Ⅰ Ⅱ ⊕ ⊙∥α β γ δ ε ζ η θ&nbsp...

2019-11-24 14:04:26 3027

原创 1062 Talent and Virtue (25 分) 排序

About 900 years ago, a Chinese philosopher Sima Guang wrote a history book in which he talked about people’s talent and virtue. According to his theory, a man being outstanding in both talent and virt...

2019-11-24 13:39:33 143

原创 1058 A+B in Hogwarts (20 分) 进制转换

If you are a fan of Harry Potter, you would know the world of magic has its own currency system – as Hagrid explained it to Harry, “Seventeen silver Sickles to a Galleon and twenty-nine Knuts to a Sic...

2019-11-24 12:44:08 85

原创 1055 The World's Richest (25 分) 排序

Forbes magazine publishes every year its list of billionaires based on the annual ranking of the world’s wealthiest people. Now you are supposed to simulate this job, but concentrate only on the peopl...

2019-11-24 12:30:28 228

原创 1054 The Dominant Color (20 分) map集合

Behind the scenes in the computer’s memory, color is always talked about as a series of 24 bits of information for each pixel. In an image, the color with the largest proportional area is called the d...

2019-11-23 21:15:01 170

原创 1053 Path of Equal Weight (30 分) dfs,树

Given a non-empty tree with root R, and with weight W​i assigned to each tree node Ti. The weight of a path from R to L is defined to be the sum of the weights of all the nodes along the path from R t...

2019-11-23 20:06:55 86

原创 1052 Linked List Sorting (25 分) 链表排序

A linked list consists of a series of structures, which are not necessarily adjacent in memory. We assume that each structure contains an integer key and a Next pointer to the next structure. Now give...

2019-11-23 19:24:34 137

原创 1051 Pop Sequence (25 分) 模拟栈

Given a stack which can keep M numbers at most. Push N numbers in the order of 1, 2, 3, …, N and pop randomly. You are supposed to tell if a given sequence of numbers is a possible pop sequence of the...

2019-11-23 18:39:29 139

原创 1050 String Subtraction (20 分) 字符串处理

Given two strings S​1 and S2, S=S1−S2 is defined to be the remaining string after taking all the characters in S​2 from S1. Your task is simply to calculate S1−S2 for any given strings. However, it mi...

2019-11-22 16:46:38 183



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