[综述笔记]Comprehensive review of Transformer-based models in neuroscience, neurology, and psychiatry

论文网址:Comprehensive review of Transformer‐based models in neuroscience, neurology, and psychiatry - Cong - 2024 - Brain‐X - Wiley Online Library

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1. 省流版

1.1. 心得

1.2. 论文总结图

2. 论文逐段精读

2.1. Abstract

2.2. Introduction

2.2.1. Background

2.2.2. Motivations behind employing Transformers in brain science

2.2.3. Objective and scope

2.3. Fundamentals of Transformer

2.3.1. Attention mechanisms

2.3.2. Scaled dot-product attention

2.3.3. Multi-head attention

2.3.4. Cross-attention

2.3.5. Transformer architecture

2.3.6. Transformer variants

2.4. Transformer in neuroimage analysis

2.4.1. Overview of neuroimage data

2.4.2. Applications of Transformer models

2.4.3. Current limitations

2.5. Transformer in network neuroscience analysis

2.5.1. Overview of network neuroscience

2.5.2. Applications of Transformer models

2.5.3. Current limitations

2.6. Transformer in spatiotemporal sequence analysis

2.6.1. Overview of spatiotemporal sequence data

2.6.2. Applications of Transformer models

2.6.3. Current limitations

2.7. Interpretability

2.7.1. Intrinsic interpretability

2.7.2. Post-hoc interpretability

2.8. Discussion and conclusions

2.8.1. Limitations and future research directions

2.8.2. Conclusions

3. 知识补充

3.1. Shapley Value

3.2. Zero-Shot Learning

4. Reference List

1. 省流版

1.1. 心得





1.2. 论文总结图

2. 论文逐段精读

2.1. Abstract

        ①This review clarifies "the growing impact of Transformer-based models in the fields of neuroscience, neurology, and psychiatry"

        ②Transformer was designed for sequential data originally, but can transfer to "capture complex spatiotemporal relationships and long-range dependencies" in biomedical field

        ③"This review serves as an informative reference for" ... 

decipher  vt.破译;辨认(难认、难解的东西)  v.破译  n.密电(或密信)的译文

2.2. Introduction

2.2.1. Background

        ①Transformers can be used to analyse brain structure and functional connectivity (FC) with irregular grid and interval

        ②Used in specific neuroscience, neurology, and psychiatry...

throughput  n.吞吐量;(某一时期内的)生产量,接待人数

2.2.2. Motivations behind employing Transformers in brain science

        ①Transformer is able to caputure long term dependency

        ②It can be also added in pre-training and fine-tuning

2.2.3. Objective and scope

        ①They specifically analyse how Transformer used in diffferent type of data

        ②They provide interpretability of Transformer

        ③Applicable fields of Transformer (in neuroscience, neurology, and psychiatry):

nuance  n.细微的差别;(意义、声音、颜色、感情等方面的)细微差别

2.3. Fundamentals of Transformer

2.3.1. Attention mechanisms

        ①Introducing attention mechanism and Transformer

2.3.2. Scaled dot-product attention

        ①Scaled dot-product attention (SDA), the part of Transformer:

        ②Introducing their functions

2.3.3. Multi-head attention

        ①Briefly introducing multi-head attention (MHA)

2.3.4. Cross-attention

        ①Cross attention is able to capture the cross sequence information

        ②The second MHA lyaer in denoder block is the cross attention module

2.3.5. Transformer architecture




(4)Positional encoding

        ①Positional encoding for information in different dimension i:

\mathrm{PE}_{\mathrm{pos},i}=\begin{cases}\sin \left(\frac{\mathrm{pos}}{10000^{\frac{i}{d}}}\right) \mathrm{if}\, i\, \mathrm{is} \mathrm{even}\\[2ex]\cos\left(\frac{\mathrm{pos}}{10000^{\frac{i-1}{d}}}\right) \mathrm{if}\, i \, \mathrm{is} \mathrm{odd}\end{cases}

(5)Layer normalization

        ①Especially for sequences with different lengths, normalization method calculates the mean and variance along with the feature dimension

(6)Masked multi-head attention

        ①When Transformer predicts, it relies on the previous data but can not see the subsequent data

2.3.6. Transformer variants

        ①Introducing the variants of Transformer, Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT), Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), DEtection TRansformer (DETR), Vision Transformer (ViT), Data-efficient image Transformers (DeiT), Swin Transformer, Segment Anything Model (SAM), Graph Transformer Networks (GTNs), Efficient Transformers

2.4. Transformer in neuroimage analysis

2.4.1. Overview of neuroimage data

        ①Computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) can obtain the neuroimage, which represents the brain structure

2.4.2. Applications of Transformer models

(1)Region detection

        ①Models used for region detection, such as brain tissues, abnormal anatomical structures, and lesions:

        ②作者居然找得到2020年全球癌症登记结果,“1930 万例新发癌症病例,其中包括 308,102 例与大脑和神经系统相关的病例”

        ③Then listing some variants for detecting cancer

        ④Introducing some models applied in cortical and subcortical region segmentation and intracranial vessel segmentation

neonatal  adj.新生儿的    intracranial  n. 颅内;颅内段

(2)Image reconstruction

        ①Transformer based models appied for image reconstruction:

        ②Introducing Transformer variants used in image denosing and super resolution of image enhancement, image inpainting, modality transfer, and image harmonization

seamlessly  adv.无缝的;无缝;无缝地;天衣无缝地

(3)Image registration

        ①Models used for neuroimage registration:

affine  adj.亲合的;仿射的;拟似的;远交的    n.姻亲


        ①Transformer based model applied in disease diagosis:

(5)Prognostic assessments

        ①Some models are used for assess the outcome

(6)Brain age estimation


2.4.3. Current limitations

        ①⭐Transformers cannot analyse the inherent spatial and temporal biases(这样写也太奇怪了,毕竟作者没定义如何使用transformer,是用在时间上还是空间上还是都用。就片面地说什么偏差啥的也有点太vague了吧。不敢苟同喔,其实我觉得都可以解决的)

        ②Transformer mostly analyses gloabal information rather than local

        ③Computing costs

intensified  v.(使)加强,增强,加剧  adj.加强的

2.5. Transformer in network neuroscience analysis

2.5.1. Overview of network neuroscience

        ①They introduced Transformer searching the relationship between neural entities and functional systems

2.5.2. Applications of Transformer models


        ①Transformer in brain desease diagnosis(表是倒着的,我就不截图了)

(2)Network analysis

        ①Introducing models.........

2.5.3. Current limitations

        ①It is hard to handle multimodal and heterogeneous structure

        ②Limit interpretability

2.6. Transformer in spatiotemporal sequence analysis

2.6.1. Overview of spatiotemporal sequence data

2.6.2. Applications of Transformer models


        ①Transformer in temporal disease diagnosis:

(2)Neural decoding

        ①Transformer in neural decoding:

(3)Health monitoring

        ①Transformer in health monitorning:

        ②They further go with emotion recognition, sleep monitoring, and treatment response

apnea  n.呼吸暂停;窒息

(4)Medical reports generation and knowledge systems

        ①Transformer in auto medical report generation:

synergy  n.协同作用;协同增效作用(人或公司共同协作所产生的效果优于各自单独行动的效果)

2.6.3. Current limitations

        ①Again, low computing efficiency

        ②⭐Lack of the long term dependency representations and efficiencies 

        ③Field overlaping in neurological and psychiatric disorders may bring challenge

2.7. Interpretability

2.7.1. Intrinsic interpretability

(1)Attention-based feature importance analysis

        ①Intrinsic interpretability of Transformer: different importance between different input location

        ②Introducing some relevant models

2.7.2. Post-hoc interpretability

(1)Shapley-based feature importance analysis

(2)Gradient-based feature importance analysis

(3)Layer-wise feature importance analysis

2.8. Discussion and conclusions

2.8.1. Limitations and future research directions

        ①Data collection and annotation difficulties: "而数据合成等技术93和协调82为增强数据和跨不同领域进行调整提供了潜在的解决方案,但它们可能会受到生物医学数据固有的复杂性和可变性的限制。迁移学习127和零样本学习,105尽管它们在利用现有数据集方面具有优势,但由于数据分布的差异和专业临床领域的样本量小,它们往往面临困难。为了提高标注效率,概念标注233是一个不断发展的研究课题,旨在有效地对数据进行分类并自动生成标签。此外,元学习234, 235策略使模型能够快速适应新的数据类型和任务,从而在泛化功能方面提供有希望的改进。"

        ②Long-term dependency and computational complexity

        ③Inductive biases: combining different models to achieve multi-aspect learning

        ④Model Interpretability: lack of noise filtering ability

2.8.2. Conclusions

        They elucidate Transformers in neuroscience, neurology, and psychiatry

3. 知识补充

3.1. Shapley Value

Shapley值(Shapley Value)是合作博弈论中的一个核心概念,由经济学家劳埃德·S·沙普利(Lloyd S. Shapley)于1953年提出。它用于衡量在合作博弈中,各个参与者对合作所创造的价值的贡献程度。



φi(v) = ∑s∈Si ω(|s|)[v(s) - v(s{i})]




3.2. Zero-Shot Learning

零样本学习(Zero-Shot Learning,ZSL)是机器学习中的一种策略,其目标是使模型能够理解并识别它在训练阶段未曾遇到过的类别。零样本学习涉及的主要数据包括已知类(模型训练时用到的带类别标签的)和未知类(模型测试、训练时不知道类别标签的)。辅助信息,如对已知类和未知类数据的描述、语义属性、词嵌入等信息,充当了已知类和未知类之间的桥梁。



4. Reference List

Cong, S. et al. (2024) 'Comprehensive review of Transformer-based models in neuroscience, neurology, and psychiatry', Brain-X, 2(2): https://doi.org/10.1002/brx2.57

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