Self-aware value network in the context of i4.0 工业4.0背景下,具有感知能力的价值网络

 In 2009 when I was discussing with people on a BBS about manufacturing information systems, I made an assert,'In the future, no matter which industry, the trend for information systems is: Equipment <==> EAP <==> MES <==> ERP <==> Whole Supply Chain <==> End market, all these sections with be fully integrated, IT technology is the most powerful tool, it will extend to each corner of industrial productions, it's the best tool to optimize the overall value chain.'
Of course, the people who was arguing with me laughed.
What I assumed was that there can be a big virtual supply chain platform, all the organizations in upstream and downstream can publish requests and respond to requests from outside in real-time, thus a big virtual factory can be formed, the overall efficiency of the industry can be maximized. To support this real-time pattern, inside of the factory there shall be real-time integration from ERP down to equipment in the bottom.

In the spring of 2014, I was thinking of translating the i4.0 report published by the German i4.0 work group into Chinese to bring awareness, but when i was just starting, I saw on the MIIT website there are some translated chapters which is 2 chapters ahead of me. Thus it's pointless to do the same thing. So I decided to change direction, in combine with my own experience and ideas, try to write a series of articles about the realization of software applications which adopt the German i4.0 concept.

The topics I was thinking of include:
1) My understanding over the i4.0 itself.
2) SOA and i4.0
3) real-time integration and how can available IOT technologies might be able to support this
4) real-time costing in i4.0 framework
5) case: starting with an ECR process flow, to discuss the real-time decision making for an organization or value chain in the context of i4.0
6) case: practicals to promote the i4.0 concept in selected industries

As I was busy with my own work as a PLM sales, only by noting down ideas time to time, they're still some scratches.
One day when I was showering, a concept came into my mind, that is, self-aware value network. After dressing up, I talked to my wife about this, as her work background is logistics and supply chain management. She said never heard about this but it's very interesting, thus I should dig into it. I explained to her shortly the main concept of i4.0, and drew for her on paper my initial idea -- a real-time value chain looks like a neural network. This is the origin of this article.


I will explain this concept first, then comes to detail realization later.

Self-aware value network, is an open, dynamic, demand driven value network. To fulfill certain market request, the value chain is formed randomly by diverse points. Each point is an organization can provide certain product, parts, raw material or certain service like design, consulting, or a special processing service. These product and services, before the organization is adapted to the value network, shall be certified. Ad in the meantime, all these points should be able to fully master its capability and internal status(logistics is a service as well and logistics service provider is a very important point in the value network. But it does not add to the value of product or service provided by other points, it only increases the cost. And its actually independent with each vertical industry).

Here comes to the scenario:
1) At anytime, based on its own requirements, every point in the value network can publish request to the outside points, like 'I will need certain amount of  product/parts/raw material at a certain location at a certain cost.'(the ideal situation here is, all the request initiates from the final consumers, thus in this perfect DDVN, there is no redundant inventory). Te request information, can be sensed by all the points which has registered(also been certified with) the ability to provide that kind of product/service. Te points forward can decided to respond the request based on its own situation. If forward point decided to respond, it will run an internal calculation, based on its current capability plan, measure its resourced like raw material, calculate out its requirements and publish to notify its own forward points(lets assume this calculation over its own capability and resource can be done in real-time)
In this way, as you can imagine, the initial request, after been divided and published in parallel far to the most forward points in the value network, like a neural network.
2) when the request comes to the most forward points in the value network, based on its own situation, the most forward points can provide feedback to backward point(It has no forward point). Lets say this forward point is capable to deliver and decides to respond to the requests, it will acknowledge the backward point, then the forward point will publish a logistic request to all the logistic vendors in the value network to check if the logistic requirements can be meet(or the backward point can publish this logistic request), after confirmation about the logistic part, the forward point can send a respond plan to the backward point. In this respond plan there is information like the quotation of the service/product, the logistic cost and due date.
Similar to step 1, the respond plans to the requests are passed back to the backward points. Each backward point can chose the best respond plan from forward points, like best price or best delivery schedule, in order to better respond to its backward points(there might be necessary several runs in this step till forward and backward points can come to an agreement on respond plan).
3) The initial request point or say the most backward points, selects the best respond plan from its forward points, makes the deal. Then its forward point does the same. In this way the deal is done in the whole value network.
4) From the most forward point, according to the respond plan, the requests are fulfilled backwards till the most backward point's requested product or service is delivered. In this step, each points monitor its request respond status, and shall pass the information to its backward points in real-time. Like logistic failure, or equipment failure inside of the point itself.

To avoid duplication, when the initial request is published from the most backward point, it will carry the unique ID of this point per request, when the request is passed again over to forward point, another unique ID of the forward point will be added in addition to the request, it might be useful for forward points, because it might face requests from same initial source point but routed through different points in between.

All in all, this scenario includes: one request information transmission forward, one request respond plan information transmission backward, one deal agreement information transmission forward, and the actual request fulfillment.
The transmission of information is done in real-time and in a parallel pattern like a neural network.

Now let's see how to realize this.

It’s obvious that the difficulty lies on(Logistic service is simpler, I won’t discuss about it here):
1)The universal understandable semantics over the request and the respond in between the forward and backward value network points
2)For each point the ability of calculate out the request to forward points and the respond plan to backward points.

Look at the first difficulty. The exchange of information of points should be based on understandable semantics between points. This part, should be mainly solved at product RD or service definition phase. The certain specifications should be defined. For process industry, the universal raw material code can be adopted, for discrete manufacturing, it will be more complicate, but we can try to the concept which used in some area already -- UPC, to extend the UPC concept here, define UPC (as possible as we can) for each depth of points, so before transmitting the request to the forward points in different depth of the whole value chain, each points can calculate out the BOM it will need based on UPC and in combination with the internal ability.
(It useful to discuss the real-time RD collaboration inside of value network)

Let’s look at the second difficulty, this part looks more like traditional APS domain, but what I will discuss won’t be like the top-down method like APS, I will change a way, and will continue use the neural network used before.
We can treat previously discussed points of the value network as an object, in the meantime, inside of each point(enterprise organization) there are more objects like a equipment, a work center, a site.

Every object has following characters:
1) Location:  The physical location, be used for physical logistics, for example,  in which bay and port is the equipment located in a work center(Used for the automatic handling and material transfer system like AGV and conveyors),or the the address of the factory in the city(or only a location for deals with outside entities), and the virtual address, like emails or the unique port on the value network used for information certification, communication and so on.
2) Service ability: as shall be defined in product RD or service definition(Like different process recipes of a equipment, or service like shop floor logistics)
3) Input: To finish a request, the necessary outside support, like energy, labor, raw material(or the UPC defined previously), these resource should be fully tracked real-time.
4) Status: Each object’s status, like due time for a job, and other internal information might be interesting to outside objects when there is a work inside.
5) Output: The actual output of a work, all the related tracking information should be attached to each output.

We can use the following structure to define the objects. This is one slide from Mr. Jean Vieille’s PPT about Enterprise Physical Assents in the ISA8895 introduction


For now in different industries, the MES or SCADA systems are just able to collect information and download some simple instructions, what we need to do is: Based on MES or SCADA system, create an perpetual running software instance for each object according to the levels showed above. This instance shall master all the characters listed previously for itself. It should maintain a list of the service capability of its own, like for an equipment object, it’s a list of different process recipe; and for a product line, it’s a list of product categories it can produce, say different size of semiconductor chips. Also, all the actual status of each object collected by MES/SCADA, every work’s starting and estimated finishing time(the maintenance plan for each object also need to take in to account). Thus every object instance can create an calendar-like capability plan(same to requests). When an outside request comes, the instance can provide possible respond instantly. But the transmission of request/respond plan inside of an enterprise points, is not like the transmission inside of value network between points, it’s not a publish to all, it will follow the route product and service defined inside of the enterprise entity, it’s more guided not random.

Lets’ come back to the beginning, similarly, for each point of the value network, there should be an perpetual running software instance, all the information exchange, are done by this instance, following the scenario described.

This kind of neural network like operation, have the ability of parallel processing and tolerance to damage(one point’s failure is not fatal to others),and the ability of generalize can be done via the big data analysis over each point itself(Every point can have the evaluation for the forward and backward value network, to improve its oven efficiency, capability, the point itself can evolve, which will brings in the evolve of the whole value network)

i4.0 will break all the legacy information systems in the manufacturing world, for example, a WIP which bears a RFID which include the future process recipes and routes, then MES will lose the function of work dispatching, cause the automation device can based on the information read from RFID chip then dispatch the WIP to the destination itself. Thus, I think to achieve the success of i4.0, we can not be restricted to the old concepts.


6)情境设想:标杆产业应用推广工业4.0 的设想





先来看第一点,节点之间的交互肯定是需要基于可供前后相关节点可理解的通用语义。这一部分,更多的要在研发阶段,对产品和服务的设计和定义时做出具体规范。流程制造业可以用通用的原料代号,离散制造业的情形则会复杂一些,但是可以尝试延用某些领域已有的UPC的概念,延伸开便是: 尽可能地为每个阶段的节点定义UPC,这样在逐级对价值链前端的需求进行传递时,每个节点可以根据UPC结合自己内部的能力逐步计算出本对象所需要的外部BOM,(可以展开再去讨论研发在价值网络内的协同)



1) 地点:每个对象的实际物理地址,用于实体物流,比如说设备位于工作中心的哪个bay 哪个port(供自动化搬送和传输设备比如AGV和传送带使用),工厂在城市的地址(或者仅仅是所有对外交易服务的实体交割点)等等,还有虚拟地址,如Email,或者处于价值网络上的唯一的端口用于信息认证、通讯等等。
2 ) 服务能力: 包括产出产品和服务的能力(具体的设备的不同的加工方法工厂内的AGV提供的自动化搬送)
3) 输入: 完成某项工作所需要的支撑,能源,人力,物料(或者是前面提到的UPC),这三点要实时可追踪。
4) 状态: 对象身的状态,比如预计工作完成时间等所有可以搜集到和发布的外部可能会感兴趣的所有关于对象在运作过程中的信息。
5) 输出: 实际的产出或能提供的服务,产出要附带上在节点内部所有相关的信息。

下面是Mr. Jean Vieille 做的ISA8895系列介绍,阐述企业物理资产时的一页PPT。可以参考这个结构去进行对象的划分。






这种类似神经网络式的运作,并行处理,对损伤有冗余(每个节点的失败对其他节点不致命), 而可以归纳的能力则体现在:对每个节点的大大数据分析可以带来更多的优化(每个节点都可以有围绕自身的向前向后延伸的价值网络的评估,提升自身节点的性能,响应速度,响应能力等等,实现自身节点的进化进而整个价值网络的进化)







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