- 深度学习的实用层面

吴恩达 Andrew Ng


Setting up your ML application

Train/dev/test sets (训练、开发、测试集)

  • the goal of the dev set is to test different algorithms on it and see which algorithm works better
  • test set is going to give you a pretty confident estimate of how well it’s doing
  • 数据量越大,训练集所占比例就越大
  • Make sure dev set and test set come from the same distribution
  • cross-validation 交叉验证 (dev set)

Bias(偏差) and Variance(方差)

  • high bias: under fitting (high train set error)
  • high variance: over fitting (low train set error but high dev set error)
  • high bias and high variance: high train set error and higher dev set error
  • optimal error (Bayes error) 最优误差也被称作贝叶斯误差

Basic “recipe” for machine learning


  • 网络规模大往往可以避免高偏差,延长训练时间可能有用可能没用
  • 更多的数据和正则化可以减小方差
  • trade off between bias and variance

Regularization (正则化)

Logistic Regression

λ λ is regularization parameter (正则化参数), use lambd to represent teh lambda regularization parameter in code

L~2~ Regularization
  • J(w,b)=1mmi=1L(y^(i),y(i))+λ2mw22 J ( w , b ) = 1 m ∑ i = 1 m L ( y ^ ( i ) , y ( i ) ) + λ 2 m ‖ w ‖ 2 2
  • w22=nxj=1w2j=wTw ‖ w ‖ 2 2 = ∑ j = 1 n x w j 2 = w T w
  • 测试不同的 λ λ
L~1~ regularization
  • λ2mw1=λ2mnxj=1|wj| λ 2 m ‖ w ‖ 1 = λ 2 m ∑ j = 1 n x | w j |
  • w w vector will have a lot of zeros in it, so make your model sparse

Neural Network

  • λ2ml=1Lw[l]F2

  • w[l]2=n[l1]i=1n[l]j=1(w[l]ij)2 ‖ w [ l ] ‖ 2 = ∑ i = 1 n [ l − 1 ] ∑ j = 1 n [ l ] ( w i j [ l ] ) 2 (所有元素的平方和)

  • Frobenius Norm (弗罗贝尼乌斯范数)

  • dw[l]=(backpropagation)+λmw[l] d w [ l ] = ( b a c k p r o p a g a t i o n ) + λ m w [ l ]

    w[l]=w[l]αdw[l] w [ l ] = w [ l ] − α d w [ l ] (weight decay)

  • L2 L 2 范数正则化也称为权重衰减

Regularization reduces over fitting

  • λ λ 足够大时, w w 会接近于 0
  • reduce the impact of a lot of hidden units, so end up with a simper network
  • 例如激活函数是 tanh(z) tanh ⁡ ( z ) w w 较小时, z z 也相对小
    • 函数几乎呈线性关系
    • every layer will be roughly linear, just like a linear regression
    • if every layer is linear, then the whole network is just a linear network

Dropout Regularization


  • have a p p chance of keeping each node and (1p) chance of removing each node
  • eliminate some nodes, and remove all the ingoing outgoing lines form that node
  • end up with a smaller and diminished network
  • No dropout during test set

inverted dropout (反向随机失活)


  • keep-prob 保留某个结点的概率
  • by dividing by the keep-prob, it ensures that the expected value of a[3] a [ 3 ] remains the same
  • 每一次迭代都使随机的一些结点置零,无论正向反向

Understanding Dropout

  • on every iteration, working with a smaller neural network
  • can’t rely on any one feature, any one of its inputs could go away at random
  • 收缩权重的平方范数 shrink the squared norm of the weights
  • 参数多的层 keep_prob 设置的小一点,防止过拟合
  • 通常不在输入层应用 dropout
  • dropout is very frequently used by computer vision
  • cost function J is no longer well-defined, hard to calculated
  • 先不用 dropout,网络的 cost 是递减的,且发生了过拟合,再打开 dropout

Other Regularization Methods

Date augmentation (数据扩增)

  • flip horizontally 水平翻转
  • random crops of the image 随机裁剪
  • rotate 旋转

Early stopping

  • 验证集的错误通常开始时下降, 某个点后上升
  • 在那个点停止训练 stop the training of neural network earlier
  • 参数刚开始是比较小的,随着训练越来越大
  • 提前停止训练,cost function 可能不够小

Normalizing Inputs (归一化输入)

  • zero out the mean (零均值化): just move the training set until it has 0 mean
  • normalize the variances (归一化方差),使方差为1,伸缩变换
  • after normalizing features, cost function will on average look more symmetric(对称)
  • 如果特征值的范围相差不大,归一化也就没多重要
  • 应该可以加速神经网络的训练

Vanishing / Exploding Gradients (梯度消失/爆炸)

  • activations end up increasing/decreasing exponentially
  • 线性激活函数的例子
  • 激活函数的输入特征被零均值和标准方差化,方差是 1, z 也会调整到相似范围,可以减少梯度爆炸和消失

Single Neuron Example

  • 激活函数用 ReLU(z),初始化 W[l]=np.random.randn(shape)np.sqrt(2/n[l1]) W [ l ] = n p . r a n d o m . r a n d n ( s h a p e ) ∗ n p . s q r t ( 2 / n [ l − 1 ] )
  • 若使用 tanh(z) tanh ⁡ ( z ) ,系数使用 np.sqrt(2/n[l1]) n p . s q r t ( 2 / n [ l − 1 ] ) 更好 (Xavier 初始化)

Gradient Checking (梯度检验)

Numerical approximation of gradients

  • two-sided difference is more accurate than one-sided difference
  • f(x+ϵ)f(xϵ)2ϵ=12(f(x+ϵ)f(x)ϵ+f(x)f(xϵ)ϵ) f ( x + ϵ ) − f ( x − ϵ ) 2 ϵ = 1 2 ( f ( x + ϵ ) − f ( x ) ϵ + f ( x ) − f ( x − ϵ ) ϵ )

Grad check

  • take W[1],b[1],...,W[L],b[L] W [ 1 ] , b [ 1 ] , . . . , W [ L ] , b [ L ] and reshape to a big vector θ θ
  • take dW[1],db[1],...,dW[L],db[L] d W [ 1 ] , d b [ 1 ] , . . . , d W [ L ] , d b [ L ] and reshape to a big vector dθ d θ
  • 这里写图片描述

Implementation notes

  • Don’t use in training, only to debug
  • Look at components to try to identify bug
  • Remember to include regularization
  • Doesn’t work with dropout
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