线图(line graph):表示数据的点通过线串在一起。示例如下:
柱状图(bar chart):数据用柱子表示。示例如下:
饼图(pie chart):数据用扇形所占的面积表示。示例如下:
- ①It seems that the rate of high-grade students taking part-time jobs is higher than that of low-grade students.②Several factors can account for this situation.3For one thing,doing a part-timejob takes time. ④Compared with low-grade students,high-grade students,having fewer courses,gain more free time,⑤so they are more likely to try part-time work.⑥For another, one’s willingnessis also a factor. ⑦High-grade students endure higher pressure to find a job.BAs a result,they aremore willing to take a part-time job that they believe can bring them certain experience.
①句(段首句)用来总结图表主要规律或特征:高年级学生兼职率比低年级学生高。因为一张图表中的数据必定呈现出某种规律或特征,所以在段首指出规律或特征,既总结上文,又可以很好地引出下文。 - ②句提示本段主旨是分析原因,而不是分析影响。
- ③句是第一个原因的铺垫句。铺垫句多半是指出论证的前提。打个比方:有人说康熙大帝比乾隆大帝更伟大。他的证明过程如下:皇帝的伟大程度和在位时间成正比。因为康熙大帝在位时间比乾隆大帝在位时间长,所以康熙大帝比乾隆大帝伟大。在此证明中,“皇帝的伟大程度和在位时间成正比”是铺垫,也是前提。换言之,如果没有此前提,之后的论证“因为……所以……”就不成立。④句是基于③句的论证:因为高年级学生所学课程少,所以他们有更多空闲时间。⑤句是由此论证得出的结论:高年级学生更有可能去做兼职工作。此处的结论句其实是图表所反映的主要规律或特征的另—种说法。
- ⑥句是第二个原因的前提:个人意愿。⑦句是基于第二个前提的论证:高年级学生找工作方面压力更大。⑧句是由此论证得出的结论:高年级学生更愿意做兼职。
It seems that{主要规律或主要特征}.②Several factors can explain{这个现象或局面}.③For one thing, as we know,{第一个前提}.④{基于此前提的论证}.⑤As a result,{基于此论证的结论}.⑥For another,it is a fact that {第二个前提 }.⑦{基于此前提的论证}.BTherefore,{基于此论证的结论}.
除了构思框架,想出至少两个原因(causes)也是一门技术活。原因分为内因(internalcauses)和外因(external causes)。内因一般来说和当事人(物)自身有关。每张图表的变量就是当事人(物),因此找出内因不是难事。外因指相对于当事人(物)之外的因素,这些因素可能是他人,也可能是社会。对于上一案例,当事人是各年级大学生,所以内因和他们自身有关,比如说个人意愿、空闲时间、个人能力等。而外因是相对于这些学生的外部因素,比方说提供兼职岗位的单位和社会上关于大学生做兼职的舆论等。
①It seems that the rate of high-grade students taking part-time jobs is higher than that of low-grade students. ②Several factors can account for this situation.③For one thing,doing a part-timejob takes time. ④Compared with low-grade students, high-grade students,having fewer courses, gainmore free time,⑤so they are more likely to try part-time work.⑥For another, companies tend tohire competent part-time workers.⑦Since high-grade students are more capable of handling workstuff than low-grade students,Bthey are more willing to gain part-time work.
DIt seems that China has been undergoing a fast urbanization,②which has far-reachinginfluences on Chinese people and the society as a whole.③As cities grow, the Chinese have betterliving conditions; they move into larger apartments or even houses while their children receive more advanced education and their parents better medical care.④As for society,rapid urban developmentbrings fast economic growth,which then allows for scientific and technological breakthroughs.Eventually,China will regain the prosperity that our forefathers once realized.
①we can see from the chart that college students,particularly seniors,tend to take part-time jobs in addition to their academic study.②Many factors can account for this situation,but the most important one is concerned with social competition.3As the competition in labormarkets or academic fields becomes fierce,all college students face difficulties in findingjobs or pursuing further study after graduation,so they tend to do part-time jobs to gain someexperience.④But spending too much time on part-time practice is not good, since it will distractstudents from finishing school assignments—the primary goal during college.
The bar chart gives information about the change in population in both cities and villagesin China. The number of residents in Chinese cities increased rapidly from 300 million in 1990to about 670 million in 2010.By contrast,the number of rural dwellers in China,which stood at 820 million in 1990, decreased to 680 million in 2010,which was only marginally higher thanthe number of urban dwellers that same year.
lt seems that China has been undergoing a fast urbanization.Several factors can account forthe trend. For one thing, the Chinese government has been investing profoundly in city expansionsince the implementation of the Reform and Opening-up Policy in 1978. As time has passed,Chinese cities have developed at an unprecedented speed. For another, Chinese people desire tolead better lives. Since the living conditions in cities is much better than that in rural areas,morepeople have rushed into cities.
As the Chinese government will continue to invest money in urban construction,we havesound reasons to believe that the city population of China will keep growing while the ruralpopulation will shrink in the future. So we college students should grasp opportunities broughtby the urbanization to realize our own dreams.
·笔者在“the city population of China will keep growing while the rural population willshrink in the future”一句中用了省略。可以想象,如果不省略,这部分应写成“the citypopulation of China will keep growing while the rural population of China will keep shrinkingin the future”。其中加粗部分与前半部分完全重复,在“X,while Y”等平行结构中,Y部分和X部分完全重复的部分可以省略(但不能影响句意),这种省略是写作常用手法。英国著名散文家弗兰西斯·培根(“知识就是力量”这一名句就出自他笔下)在他著名的随笔《论读书》(Of Studies)中曾写道:“Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writingan exact man.”(读书足以怡情,足以博采,足以长才。)此句中的后两个并列分句都省略了谓语动词makes,这样既避免赘述,又不失文采。
The table shows the rates of satisfaction among employees in a company.One sixth ofemployees under 40 are satisfied,while one third are not. None of the employees in their 40s arecontent,and almost two thirds in this age group are dissatisfied. And the rates of satisfied anddissatisfied employees over 50 are 40% and 10% respectively.
we can see from the table that in general,older employees are more satisfied than eitheryoung or middle-aged ones. The main factors contributing to this situation are listed below.Oneis payment. As age and experience grows,older employees are paid more,sometimes muchmore, than the other two groups,so they tend to feel more satisfied.Another factor is a sense ofbeing valued.Often rewarded and highly praised, older workers have a stronger sense that theyare valuable. Therefore, the satisfaction rate among this group is higher.
A high dissatisfaction rate among employees is harmful to companies. So company leadersshould be more familiar with employees’needs. And employees themselves should also lowertheir expectations so as to feel happier about thcir work.
短语lower one’s expectation表示“降低期待值”。中国古语所谓“知足常乐”,一个人越容易满足就越容易感到幸福。
The table gives a breakdown of the main causes of accidents in 2005 and their frequencyof occurrence compared with 2004.The number of accidents caused by drivers turning leftwithout due care was 608,10% higher than that of 2004,while the figure for those attributed topedestrians crossing roads carelessly was 401 (12% higher than the previous year). And drivers failing to give a signal contributed to 264 accidents, a 5 % decrease from a year earlier.
The table tells us that road accidents occur more frequently year by year. The major causesof this trend are discussed as follows. First,one important cause is concerned with the numberof drivers. Since the population of drivers grows every year, they are likely to cause more trafficaccidents one way or another.Second, another factor might be drivers’safety awareness.Lackinggood instruction, drivers are now less aware that they should be extremely careful when driving.As a result, more of them tend to make mistakes,contributing to more casualties.
lt is highly possible that the number of road accidents will see another rise in the followingyears. So related agencies should lay more severe punishments on those breaking traffic rules.Besides, drivers as well as pedestrians should enhance their safety consciousness.