Rage(PC) Modding Notes : Console Commands

                  _(翻译了一部分,没有完工,如果你的电脑显示器有问题,可以考虑缩小很多浏览器扥窗口的尺寸,缩小后使用,有的也可以考虑 偶尔的使用 电视 的显示器处理文档一把,hdml线连接,偶然试用一下,长期对眼睛不好,很多可以把亮度,对比度调低一下,包括电脑手机登都可以调低一下亮度,对比度等等,这样子可以使用机器时间长一点的,偶然用一下是可以的)________________________________________

                        Modding Notes : Console Commands

                                Sept 29, 2014
                                 Draft 1.0

                              Written by:  Dheu


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IX.A > > > >  Console Commands

  • 控制台命令 


  aa_AssistMode         sets the aim assist to easy mode


  aas_visCacheInfo      shows information about the AAS visibility cache


  aasLoad               load a particular AAS


  aasStats              shows AAS stats


  accelSim              outputs a 1D positional value for a point accelerated 
                        over time


  activateConsole       forces the console down ( or up ) and the desired 
                        fraction.. 0.5 is normal 0.2 is shifted


使用 控制台 ?   向下(或向上)和所需的 分数. .0.5是正常的0.2是移位的

  addarrow              adds a debug arrow

Addarrow添加了一个 调试 信号(翻译可能有误 )

  addClamp              adds to a cvar, with clamping

addClamp    增加一个 cvar中,伴随着clamping

(Clamp函数可以将随机变化的数值限制在一个给定的区间[min, max]内:)

  addline               adds a debug line


  AddResourceFile       Add a resource file to the current resource set


  addWrap               adds to a cvar, with wrapping


  aievents_stats        show stats for AI event manager


  AIStats                get the stats from all the active AI in this level 


  anim_bumpFormat2to3   bump the anim format of all animations in the base/md6 
                        folder. This is a one-time use command and will need to
                        be customized each time the anim needs bumping.

anim_bumpFormat2to3将base/md6中所有动画的动画格式改为动画格式 文件夹中。

这是一个一次性使用命令,将在每次动画 需要 需要碰撞时进行定制。

  anim_bumpFormat3to4   bump the anim format of all animations in the base/md6 
                        folder. This is a one-time use command and will need to 
                        be customized each time the anim needs bumping.

anim_bumpFormat3to4 bump base/md6(翻译未必正确。我感觉应该是 凹凸贴图转换 的命令)

为 在base/md5文件夹 中所有的 动画 格式 进行 凹凸贴图转换???

这是一个一次性使用命令,每次动画 需要凹凸贴图转换?时将进行进行 定制?(翻译位置对否?感觉继承了doom3凹凸贴图控制台命令?)

  anim_checkCompressionError checks the compression error setting for 
                        animations in the specified folder


  anim_checkVersions    check version info for all animations in the specified


  anim_fixProps         fixes props that are in Maya space so that they're in 


  anim_genScripts       auto-generates Maya MEL scripts for re-exporting 
                        existing models

anim_genScripts自动生成Maya MEL脚本用于重新导出  现有的模型

  anim_listWeakRefs     list all weak .md6anim references


列出所有弱. md6animm引用?

  anim_verifySources    examines source references in .md6anim files to see 
                        how many are valid

anim_verifysource检查. md6animm文件中的源引用

  bcm                   build collision models for a map


  benchmarkGameData     Test seek and read of the gameresources file


  BenchmarkRadixSort    Compares STL/Radix sorts


  bin2c                 reads in a binary file and outputs a C format 
                        declaration for embedding in code


  bind                  binds a command to a key


  bink                  Play a bink video

播放 bink格式的 视频(bink视频格式的一种,游戏中常用)

  bitmapConsole         tests bitmap console


  blinkline             blinks a debug line

   blinkline   使调试行闪烁

  break                 causes a debug breakpoint


  BuildAmbientLighting  Calculates cpu ambient lighting for all dynamic models


  buildCollisionColors  build megatexture sample colors into the world 
                        collision model for this map

buildCollisionColors  构建超大纹理样本颜色到世界中
                        为这张地图 创造碰撞模型

  buildDetail           compiles detail model for a map


  buildFoliage          compiles foliage for a map

buildFoliage   为地图编译 树叶?(植物?)

  BuildGame             Create the packed resource files for distribution


  BuildGpuAmbientLighting Calculates ambient lighting for all dynamic models

buildpuambientlighting 计算所有动态模型的环境照明

  BuildPixelScreenshot  Builds and writes a screenshot using the cpugen


  BuildPreviewScreenshot Builds a circular preview screenshot from player 

  BuildResourcePatch    Build a differenced resource files for a patch

  buildTexLOD           build the texlod model for the specified map

  BuildTool             Build tools

  BuildUniqueBSP        Does a combine and layout on a map


  BuildVisiblePixelMegatexture Builds and writes a megatexture image showing 
                        the visible pixels


  buildwater            compiles dynamic water surfaces for a map


  centerview            centers the view (set pitch to 0)


  changeTeam            Change teams (Team Games Only).


  checkin               check in all files for the current or specified map

登记当前所有的文件 或者 特殊地图?

  checkout              check out all files for the current or specified map

检查 出 当前的所有文件 或者 特殊地图?(check in?check out 意思?)

  checkSWF              Loads and unloads a swf to report memory usage and 
                        check for leaks


  cleanMapFolders       Cleans out old map files (.bcm, .bmodel and .proc) from
                        map folders)

清理旧的地图文件。. Bcm、.bmodel 和.proc  从 地图文件夹中



                        模组改装  :控制台命令


Written by:德鲁

______________________________________ 笔记 ____________________________________

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9。A > > > >控制台命令







                        分数. .0.5是正常的0.2是移位的

addarrow 添加一个调试箭头()

addClamp添加到cvar中,(Clamp ?具体意思翻译我现阶段也不完全清楚)



addWrap                增加了一个cvar 包装




anim_bumpFormat3to4 bump base/md6中所有动画的动画格式


anim_genScripts自动生成Maya MEL脚本用于重新导出

anim_listWeakRefs列出所有弱. md6animm引用
anim_verifysource检查. md6animm文件中的源引用

bcm                    建立碰撞模型的映射

BenchmarkRadixSort 比较STL/基数排序




















清理旧的地图文件。. Bcm、.bmodel和.proc


  CleanUpMegatextureDrive Deletes old megatextures from megatexture drive

  clear                 clears the console

  ClearDebugDrawing     Clears all the debug lines


  clearDebugPoints      empties the list of debug points


  clearHistory          Clears the console history


  clearLights           clears all lights


  clearLoadedSounds     Load sounds from a map into the sound editor's "in use"

将地图中的声音加载到声音编辑器的“in use”中 列表

  clearWarnings         clears the warnings list


  clipStats             clip space statistics

clipStats  剪辑空间统计信息

  closeViewNotes        close the view showing any notes for this map


  CloudBuild            Completely rebuild a map's pagefile on the cloud


  CloudConnect          Connects to the master server


  CloudDataBuild        Builds the generated files for a specified map

  CloudDataSeed         Seeds the cloud with generated files

  CloudDirectLighting   Builds the low-res *_directLighting images necessary 
                        for radiosity

  CloudEditJob          Edits a cloud job

  CloudExecString       Sends across a text string to be executed on all slaves

  CloudFreeUpServers    Requests the cloud to free up some servers

  CloudKill             Shutsdown all the connected cloud servers

  CloudServers          Spawn cloud servers for cloudBuild or stamping

  CloudStamp            Start the stamping DLLs

  cmap                  loads a combo map

  CmdMacroPlay          <optional filename> <optional loop count>. Plays 

  CmdMacroRecord        Records a cmd macro. Optionally specify filename

  CmdMacroStop          Stops recording and playback of cmd macro

  collisionModelInfo    shows collision model info

  CombineVirtualTextures Writes out a single combined page file from all page
                         files loaded for the specified map file

从所有页中   写入 单个组合页文件 为指定的 地图 文件加载 的文件(翻译可能有误,我自己都看不懂)

  commonDialogClear     clears all dialogs that may be hung

  compressFile          compresses a file

  ComputeVtInstallPoint Computes the preload endpoint for the virtual texture
  con_unwatch           removes the specified console watch. Specify 'all' to
                        remove all watches.

  con_watch             adds a new console watch - displays per frame results 
                        of console var/function printed output
  conDump               dumps the console text to a file

  connect               connect to the specified IP (only when 
                        net_usePlatformBackend 0)
  convertPhonemes       converts a phonemes file (.anno) to a voice track

  ConvertPoiPlayerColor Converts the color for player POI from hex to int and 
                        sets the poi_PlayerColor cvar
  convertStripsToTris   convert in place for testing

  convertToSuperScript  converts a .script file to a .ss file
  convertToTriStrips    convert in place for testing

  copy                  copy a file

  correctOnlineLevel    function for setting proper level from user's xp

  crash                 causes a crash

  createResourceIDs     Create resource IDs without conflicts.

  CreateTestCube        Writes a single pixel sized cube map with different 
                        colors on the sides for radiosity validation
  cvar_restart          restarts the cvar system, defaulting all cvars

  cvarAdd               adds a value to a cvar
  cvarMultiply          multiplies a cvar by a value

  cvarRandom            sets a cvar to a random value
  cvarsModified         reports cvars modified since the last call

CleanUpMegatextureDrive从megatexture drive中删除旧的megatexture




将地图中的声音加载到声音编辑器的“in use”中








CmdMacroPlay <可选文件名> <可选循环计数>。戏剧








con_unwatch删除指定的控制台监视。指定'all' to

                        控制台的var /函数打印输出


                        net_usePlatformBackend 0)


                        设置poi_PlayerColor cvar













  damage                apply damage to an entity

  debugScript           launches the in-game script debugger

  decompressFile        decompresses a file

  DelayedScreenshot     write out screenshot after time passed in

  deleteGenerated       deletes the generated path

  DeleteSelected        deletes selected entity from the game world, but does 
                        not remove it from the map file.

  demoCaptureFrames     Capture demo frames at 1280x720

  demoCaptureSounds     Capture demo sound

  demoplay              Play a recorded demo

  demorecord            Record a demo

  demorecord_playtest   Record a demo for playtest, gets argurments from cvars.

  demostop              Stop recording or playing a demo

  devcmap               loads a combo map in developer mode

  devmap                loads a combo map in developer mode

  dir                   lists a folder

  dirtree               lists a folder with subfolders

  disasmScript          disassembles script

  disconnect            disconnects from a game

  discSwapper_cancelSwap Simulates a cancelled disc swap on the PC

  discSwapper_getDiscNumber Returns which disc is in use

  discSwapper_swap      Simulates the need to swap a DVD on the PC

  discSwapper_testTokenization Tests how the string is going to be broken up

  Dmap                  compiles a map

  downloadPageFiles     Copies pagefiles for the specified map from the newtork
                        to the local vt_filepath.

  DrawCollision         Visualize the collision model for the world

  DrawCombinedCentroidLines Debug command to draw the combined centroid lines

  DrawCombinedCentroids Debug command to draw the combined centroids

  DrawGlobalShadowsModel Visualize the global shadow map as a model surface

  duck                  Syntax: duck <decl> [fadeIn [sustain fadeOut]]

  duckBlend             Syntax: duckBlend <decl> <percent 0-100>

  dumpHeapEntries       Walks the heap in debug builds

  dumpWarnings          Dump all warnings to a text file.

  echo                  prints text

  editEntity            launches the in-game Entity Inspector

  editEnvironment       launches the in-game environment editor

  editFx                launches the in-game fx editor

  editMaterial          launches the in-game Material Editor

  editMegatexture       launches idstudio and the megatexture editor

  editParticles         launches the in-game Particle Editor

  editSoundDucks        launches the in-game Sound Duck Editor

  editSoundEnvironment  launches the in-game Sound Environment Editor
  editSounds            launches the in-game Sound Editor

  EnableStreamFileLog   Allocate memory for the stream file log

  envshot               takes an environment shot

  error                 causes an error

  exec                  executes a config file

  exit                  exits the game

  expandMap             expands a map

  expandModel           expands a model

  exportCollisionModel  Writes an obj model visualizing the given collision 

  ExportCPUVmtr         Writes images in screenshots/ for all channels and mips
                        of a CPU vmtr

  exportJobCompletions  Exports the jobs completions values to a csv.  

  exportJobDescriptions Exports the jobs description values to a csv.  

  exportJobNotes        Exports the jobs notes values to a csv.  

  ExportPlayerAmmo      exports all the ammo types the player can have

  ExportPlayerInventoryCosts exports costs to a csv from the appropriate decls

  ExportPlayerRecipes   exports recipes to a csv from the appropriate decls

  ExportPlayerWeaponStats exports weapon stats to a csv from the appropriate 
  exportTriggers        export all trigger information to file triggers.txt

  exportWorld           export the specified map's area models as lightwave 
                        models (put .entities after map name)

  ExtractResourceFile   Apply a patch to a resource file(s)

  fc_clearHDC           Clear both the memory cache and hard drive backing 

  fc_clearMem           Clear the memory cache but leave the hard disk backing 

  fc_stats              Reports file cache statistics.


  filmStripper          generate a texture film strip from all the textures in
                        a specified directory

  find                  finds all system elements containing the given search 

  findImageInMaterial   Scans parsed materials for an image

  findNewProps          finds all func/statics with prop models that haven't 
                        been defined as props

  findOrphanedClipModels lists all clip models that aren't pointed to by an 

  FindTriangleData      Scans for models that still hold CPU side data

  findUninitializedMem  find uninitialized class variables

  FindUnlocalizedStrings Goes through the decls and writes out a file of some 
                        of the unlocalized strings, if given a parameter 
                        that'll be the file it writes to.

  FindUnreferencedStrings Goes through the lang file and finds ones that aren't
                        in decls. (doesn't mean it's not in a map though)

  fixActionScripts      fix action script formats

  force_disconnect_all  force disconnect on all users

  ForceAmbient          Sets all ambient lighting to the channels from a 
                        specified environment map

  ForceEndGame          Forefully end the game, useful for testing end game 

  forceFollow           force the debug targetted AI to follow the player.

  ForceIdListsToReallocateEveryAppend Enable idList debugging tool

  FreeUpDiskSpace       Deletes files in a directory until enough space is 

  freeze                freezes the game for a number of seconds

  fromQuat              converts an quaternion to a euler rotation

  game_memory           displays game class info

  gameError             causes a game error

  GatherMapStats        sends the map stats after a load to the map stat 
  GenDamageSkin         Generates Damage Skins

  generateDevMenuLayerInformation Generates layer sets for the dev menu 

  GenerateOrthoMap      creates high-res map images of the current map

  generateScenarioLayerInformation Generates layer sets for the scenario 

  genPhaseTrack         generates a phase track for the specified model and 

  getlatest             get latest from source control for the specified file 
                        or folder

  getviewpos            prints the current view position

  GfxInfo               show graphics info

  Give                  gives one or more items

  GiveAllPlayers        gives one or more items

  giveStat              gives stats that affects game/lifetime values

  God                   enables god mode

  guardPages            Covers all allocated memory with guard pages

  GuardResources        Sets a guard page on all idResources, use  
                        reportGuardedResources to see which have not been 

 game_memory           displays game class info


  gameError             causes a game error


  GatherMapStats        sends the map stats after a load to the map stat 


  GenDamageSkin         Generates Damage Skins


  generateDevMenuLayerInformation Generates layer sets for the dev menu 

  GenerateOrthoMap      creates high-res map images of the current map


  generateScenarioLayerInformation Generates layer sets for the scenario 


为场景 生成层集 选项。

  genPhaseTrack         generates a phase track for the specified model and 


  getlatest             get latest from source control for the specified file 
                        or folder



  getviewpos            prints the current view position


  GfxInfo               show graphics info


  Give                  gives one or more items


  GiveAllPlayers        gives one or more items


  giveStat              gives stats that affects game/lifetime values


  God                   enables god mode

God     启用上帝模式

  guardPages            Covers all allocated memory with guard pages


  GuardResources        Sets a guard page on all idResources, use  
                        reportGuardedResources to see which have not been 




  Hands_Cmd_Hide        force the player hands to hide.

  Hands_Cmd_Show        force the player hands to show.

  healAI                heals all AI in the level

  history               Displays the console command history

  hitch                 hitches the game

  htmlScriptOperators   lists all script operators

 Hands_Cmd_Hide        force the player hands to hide.


  Hands_Cmd_Show        force the player hands to show.

Hands_Cmd_Show 强制玩家的手显示。

  healAI                heals all AI in the level


  history               Displays the console command history


  hitch                 hitches the game


  htmlScriptOperators   lists all script operators


  IdentifyVisiblePages  Exports _visiblePages.jpg for the current view

(当前视图的Exports _visiblePages.jpg?)

  IdentifyVisibleTexels Exports _visiblePages.jpg for the current view

  idStudio              design studio for rage

狂怒设计 工具包

  importJobDescriptions imports voice strings for jobs from a master .csv file.


  importJobNotes        imports the job notes strings and references from a 
                         master.csv file.


  ImportPlayerAmmo      imports ammo from a csv and writes to appropriate decls

 从CSV中导入 弹药 并将其 写入 适当 的 文件

  ImportPlayerInventoryCosts imports costs from a csv and writes to appropriate

从CSV导入costs(成本?)并写入适当的 decls

  ImportPlayerRecipes   imports recipes from a csv and writes to appropriate 


  ImportPlayerWeaponStats imports weapon stats from a csv and writes to 
                        appropriate decls

从CSV文件中导入 武器 数据 并写入 适当 decls

  importVoiceOvers      imports voice overs and strings for jobs and 
                        interactions from a master .csv file.

为 jobs 和导入配音和字符串来自主.csv文件的交互(翻译可能有误)

  in_restart            Restart the input sysem

重新  启动输入  系统

  iPhoneBuildAmbient    Loads the specified map and renderworld and calculates
                        the ambient color for each iphone entity with 
                        brightness == 1.0

加载指定的地图和渲染世界 并进行  计算,

每个iPhone实体的环境色亮度== 1.0

  iPhoneCharacterBatched Builds the models.iosmodels file and all the necessary
                        pvr images

构建模型。Iosmodels文件 和 所有必要的pvr的图片

  iPhoneMap             Process a map for the iPhone


  iPhonePlay            Plays back an iphone map dataset


  iphoneShadow          generate the characterShadow file

  ItemsInMap             get the stats from all items in the level 


  IdentifyVisiblePages  Exports _visiblePages.jpg for the current view


  IdentifyVisibleTexels Exports _visiblePages.jpg for the current view

IdentifyVisibleTexels Exports _visiblePages.jpg用于当前视图

  idStudio              design studio for rage


  importJobDescriptions imports voice strings for jobs from a master .csv file.



  importJobNotes        imports the job notes strings and references from a 
                         master.csv file.



  ImportPlayerAmmo      imports ammo from a csv and writes to appropriate decls


从csv文件中导入玩家携带的 弹药,并写入相应的文件

  ImportPlayerInventoryCosts imports costs from a csv and writes to appropriate


从csv导入 Inventory( 详细目录,清单;存货,库存;盘货,存货盘点, 开列清单)

并写入到适当的  decls

  ImportPlayerRecipes   imports recipes from a csv and writes to appropriate 

ImportPlayerRecipes 从csv导入Recipes (食谱,方法),并写入适当的 decls

  ImportPlayerWeaponStats imports weapon stats from a csv and writes to 
                        appropriate decls



  importVoiceOvers      imports voice overs and strings for jobs and 
                        interactions from a master .csv file.


                        从主. csv文件交互。

  in_restart            Restart the input sysem


  iPhoneBuildAmbient    Loads the specified map and renderworld and calculates
                        the ambient color for each iphone entity with 
                        brightness == 1.0


亮度== 1.0

  iPhoneCharacterBatched Builds the models.iosmodels file and all the necessary
                        pvr images



  iPhoneMap             Process a map for the iPhone


  iPhonePlay            Plays back an iphone map dataset


  iphoneShadow          generate the characterShadow file


  ItemsInMap             get the stats from all items in the level 

ItemsInMap   获取关卡中所有道具的状态

  jobAccept             accepts the given job and completes all predecessor 

  jobActiveGameState    prints out the current game state variables on the 
                        job manager

  jobActiveItemMemories prints out the current item memories on the job manager

  jobActiveLayers       prints out the current layers on the job manager

  jobComplete           completes a job and all predecessor jobs

  jobFail               fails the given job.

  jobGUI                open the job debug GUI.  adds all job decls to the 
                        job manager in status NONE

  jobImportStrings      imports job strings from a .csv file

  jobReadyToTurnIn      sets a job to the ready to turn in status
  jobTestArea           print out the area we are in

  jobTestNumbers        print out the number of jobs completed versus available

  jobAccept             accepts the given job and completes all predecessor 



  jobActiveGameState    prints out the current game state variables on the 
                        job manager

控件上的当前游戏状态变量打印出来 作业管理器

  jobActiveItemMemories prints out the current item memories on the job manager


显示出  出 作业管理器 上的当前项 内存

  jobActiveLayers       prints out the current layers on the job manager


  jobComplete           completes a job and all predecessor jobs


  jobFail               fails the given job.


  jobGUI                open the job debug GUI.  adds all job decls to the 
                        job manager in status NONE

jobGUI打开作业调试GUI. 将所有job请求添加到 job管理器中(后面不知道怎么翻译)

  jobImportStrings      imports job strings from a .csv file


  jobReadyToTurnIn      sets a job to the ready to turn in status

jobReadyToTurnIn 将job设置为准备提交状态

  jobTestArea           print out the area we are in


  jobTestNumbers        print out the number of jobs completed versus available

jobTestNumbers打印完成的 jobs 数与可用的 jobs

(jobs可能是线程,不同平台的线程不同,抽象 定义的job?? 具体得查)

  launchScenarioOption  launches a scenario decl with a loadout decl at a 
                        specific difficulty

  leaveGame             disconnects from a game

  List                  Lists all resources of a given type

  listActiveEntities    lists active game entities

  listActiveLayers      lists active gameplay layers

  listAvailCloudServers displays a list of available servers on the renderfarm

  listBinds             lists key bindings

  listClasses           lists game classes

  listClassTypeInfo     list class type info

  listCmds              lists commands

  listCollisionModels   lists collision models

  ListCudaDevices       Lists devices available for use for CUDA

  listCustomizedVoiceTracks lists referenced voice tracks that have been 
                        modified since phoneme to viseme generation.

  listCvars             lists cvars

  listDecls             lists all decls

  listDevices           Lists the connected sound devices

  listEntities          lists game entities

  listEntitiesAtOrigin  lists all entities at the origin, optionally matching 
                        contents flags

  listEntityCollision   lists game entity collision models

  listEntityTypes       lists game entities by type and count

  listGameTypeInfo      list game type info

  listImages            lists images

  listInventory         lists players inventory or inventory of actor player 
                        is targeting with cursor

  listLines             lists all debug lines

  listMemTags           lists the TAG_* names for each numeric value

  listModels            lists all models

  listRenderLights      lists the renderLights

  listRenderModels      lists the renderModels

  ListRenderModelsGrouped lists the renderModels grouped by Model name and 
                        sorted by total number

  listStaleVoiceTracks  lists voice tracks that have not been regenerated 
                        since their source text or sound shader were changed

  listSWF               Lists all current idSWF objects

  listThreads           lists script threads

  listTypeInfo          list type info

  listVirtualTextures   lists all the referenced virtual texture pagefile 

  Load                  Loads a resource type / name

  loadDevMenuOption     loads a map from a idDeclDevMenuList and sublist option

  loadGame              loads a game

  loadGameSteam         loads a game from the steam cloud

  LoadGui               For loading a gui in MainMenu

  loadout               set the player's loadout for next respawn.

  loadoutsClearAll      clears all stored loadouts for the master user and 
                        returns to the defaults

  loadSoundsFrom        Load sounds from a map into the sound editor's "in use" 

  loadVoiceTrack        Loads a voice track file and outputs some statistics 
                        about the file

  MakeAmbientMap        makes an ambient map

  makeConsoleFont       writes consoleFont.cpp

  MakeTest              makeTest <mapName> [##] Starts recording a regression 
                        test using layer ##

  MakeTestLoadGame      makeTestLoadGame <mapName> <layer #> Starts recording 
                        a regression test for loading a savegame

  map                   loads a combo map

  MegaScreenShot        take a mega-screenshot

  mergeMaps             Combines all the compiled COMBO surfaces used by 
                        submaps for the wasteland

  mergeMaps2            Combines all the SOURCE surfaces used by submaps for 
                        the wasteland

  messagemode           activate text entry in the hud

  messagemode2          activate text entry in the hud

  MetricsRecord         record performance metrics

  MetricsStop           stop performance metrics recording

  MobileCollision       Process a map collision for mobile 

  MobileDecls           Exports all available mobile decls to a live object 

  MobileFont            Exports a font create a .dat file and a pvr for the

  MobileModel           Builds the idMobile Model file from MD6 Model

  MobileParticles       Converts the particle decls listed in the specified 
                        batch file

  MobileSWF             Exports all available mobile decls to a live object 

  ModelStats            Prints statistics about a model

  MPAddMultiplierPoints Add multiplier points in coop challenge mode

  MPCallout             Add multiplier points in coop challenge mode

  mpMenu                Show the multiplayer menu

  MPMeteorShower_SpillMeteors Add multiplier pionts in copp challenge mode

  MPTestLeaderboardDownloadCoop Tests uploading leaderboard entries

  MPTestLeaderboardDownloadRally Tests uploading leaderboard entries

  MPTestLeaderboardUpload Tests uploading leaderboard entries

  MPTestLeaderboardUploadCoop Tests uploading leaderboard entries

  MPTestLeaderboardUploadRoadRage Tests uploading leaderboard entries

  MPTestSpawns          Tests all multiplayer spawn points

  mt_matteStamp         Create a matte painting stamp

  Net_BandwidthChallenge Test network bandwidth

  net_debugOutputSignedInUsers Outputs all the local users and other debugging 
                        information from the sign in manager

  Net_DropClient        Drop a client

  net_removeUserFromLobby Removes the given user from the lobby
  Net_ThrottlePeer      Test network bandwidth

  nextActiveAI          move debug target to the next active (alive and not 
                        hidden) monster

  nextAI                move debug target to the next monster

  nextmap               transitions to the next map, maintaining inventory

  nextRegressionTest    force NextTest() call on regression system

  Noclip                disables collision detection for the player

  Notarget              disables the player as a target

  OrderIslands          Survey the islands in view and write an islandOrder 

  OutputPhysicsHash     prints the physics hash table

  parse                 prints tokenized string

  path                  lists search paths

  playerShowTutorial    Syntax: duckBlend <decl> <percent 0-100>

  playEvents            playEvents <name> playback sys events F12 will stop 
  playFlyThrough        play back a fly through

  PlayTest              playTest <events|folder> [startUp] Plays a regression 
                        test. Use third argument if running from command line 

  playtest_CreateAllData goes through all the playtest data and creates the 
                        necessary release data.  helper function for rob

  playtest_CreateBashTVFile goes through the passed in directory and creates 
                        a text file about the bash tv data

  playtest_CreateBombBaseFile goes through the passed in directory and creates
                        a text file about the bomb base data

  playtest_CreateComboModel loads a playtest directory and creates all the 
                        models from everything in side that into one model

  playtest_CreateFindWellSpringFile goes through the passed in directory and 
                        creates a text file about the find wellspring data

  playtest_CreateModel  loads a playtest binary file and creates the playtest
                        models * does a batch through all

  playtest_CreatePlayerPathCombo loads a playtest directory and creates the 
                        player paths from everything in side that into one 

  playtest_CreateTextFile loads a playtest binary file and creates the text 
                        file * does a batch through all

  playtest_CreateWasteLandRallyFile goes through the passed in directory and 
                        creates a text file about the wasteland rally data

  playtest_DebugDraw    draws the current playtest log info in debug mode, 
                        parameter is ms to draw for, 60000 by default

  playtest_SaveAndClear saves the playtest log to a file and clears the data

  playtest_SaveNoClear  saves the playtest log to a file does not clear the 

  PlayTestAndExit       playTestAndExit <events|folder> [startUp] Plays a 
                        regression test or folder tree, then shuts down the 

  playtestGUI           open the playtest debug gui

  playTestModel         spawns a playtest test model

  popDebugPoint         removes a debug point from the list of debug points
  popLight              removes the last created light

  PrepareCPUData        Ensures all data needed for cloudbuild on the current 
                        map is available

  prevAI                move debug target to the prev monster

  Print                 Prints information about all resources that match the 
                        provided name

  PrintCudaFuncStats    Prints function stats for the specified CUDA function

  printGameSpawnInfo    For printing out some test info

  PrintSharedRenderParms Print render parms that are used by both a vertex and
                        fragment program

  printVirtualMaterial  prints data on a virtual material

  PrintVirtualTextureStats Prints out stats of the megatexture

  printVOlog            Show recent history of AI voice controller

  ps3_testGetFriendScores Gets scores from ps3 ranking server
  ps3_testGetMyScore    Gets scores from ps3 ranking server
  ps3_testGetScores     Gets scores from ps3 ranking server

  ps3_testSendScore     Send a test score to the ps3 ranking server
  pushDebugPoint        adds a debug point to the list of debug points
  quit                  quits the game

  randomTest            superficial test of random number generators

  RebuildGlobalShadows  rebuild globalShadows for a specific map

  rebuildMap            check out, compile and check in the specified map

  RebuildVmtrs          Fully rebuilds vmtrs with no compression artifacts and 
                        in optimal order

  recordEvents          recordEvents <name> start recording sys events

  recordViewNotes       system record the current view position with notes

  reexportDecls         reparses and saves decls of a specific type

  regenVoicetracks      Loads and regenerates visemes for existing voicetrack 
                        in a path.

  Regression_idBitBlockAllocator_f regression check

  Reload                Calls ReloadIfStale() for either all resources, or a 
                        specific type

  reloadCloud           Reload files across the cloud

  reloadDecls           reloads decl files that have changed

  reloadEntity          reloads the specified entity
  reloadLanguage        reload language dict

  reloadModels          reloads models


  ReloadSuperScriptDLL  Reload super script

  reloadSurface         reloads the decl and images for selected surface

  reloadVehicles        reload all vehicles

  reloadVirtualMaterials checks timestamps of all virtual materials, reloading
                        outdated ones

  reloadVirtualMaterialsContaining reload any virtual material containing the 
                        passed in name

  reloadVoiceOvers      reload changed voice overs, add 'force' as a parameter 
                        to force regeneration of all voice overs

  reloadWater           reloads all loaded dynamic water entities

  Remove                remove a game entity

  removeline            removes a debug line

  removeUnreferencedVoiceTracks Deletes voice tracks (.vtr) files that are not
                        referenced by any voice over decls

  renameRenderProg      temporarily replace a renderProg with a different one

  RenameResource        Temporarily replace a resource definition with a 
                        different one

  RenderBump            processes a low poly / high poly model set to generate
                        normal / diffuse / ambient maps

  RenderBumpFlat        renders a flat bump map

  ReportAlbedo          Reports the average of the material diffuse colors

  ReportAtomicStrings   Stats for idAtomicString

  ReportGuardedResources Determine which resources tripped their guard pages

reportHeaps           reports the allocations in the global and map heaps

reportLinkedMemory    Associates memory blocks with the block that looks 
                        like it has pointers to it

  reportMainMenuFonts   reports font usage in main menu

  reportMemoryAllocations Reports on all the current memory allocations

  reportMemoryMappedFile dump the current memory mapped file

  reportMeshMemory      Reports on different vertex/index formats used by md6 
  reportNumRenderModels Writes the number of render models in the map to the 
  reportSoundWorld      Reports emitter / channel information

  ReportStalePointers   Looks for global heap pointers to the map heap
  reportStaticModelMemory Reports on different vertex/index formats used by 
                        static models

  ReportStreamFileLog   Dump the recorded stream file log information

  reportSWFMemory       Lists all current idSWF dictType objects

  reportTagStrings      Walks the heap in debug builds

  reportThreadSpeedLogs Write a file suitable for excel

  ReportWorldSurfaces   Reports the total surface and parm count

  reset                 resets a cvar to it's default value

  resetBreakables       reset breakables

  resetProfile          clears stats, achievements, and loadouts for the master 

  resetViewParms        Resets the current view renderParms

  ResourceErrors        Reports all resource errors

  Resources             Reports on all the idResourceLists

  restart_loadgame      loads a game after rebooting due to a disc swap
  restart_mapAfterSwap  continues after a disc swap to a map
  restart_multiplayerInvite used after accepting a MP invite from disc 1 or 2
  restart_nextMap       transitions to the next map after a process restart, 
                        maintaining inventory
  restart_passMainMenu  continues after a disc swap to somewhere on the main 
  restartmap            restarts the current map
  restartMapFromDevMenu re runs whatever command was last used to start a map 
                        from the development menu
  restartmaphere        restarts the current map and teleports the player back
                        to the current position
  resubdivideWorld      re-subdivide the static world
  returnToShell         disconnect from game and return to shell
  reviveTest            tests hand revive code withou actually reviving
  rewriteAnimWebs       Loads and resaves all animweb decls
  rewriteInteractions   rewrite's all interaction decls.
  rewriteVoiceTracks    loads all voice tracks in the base/voicetrack folder
                        and rewrites them.
  rp                    Displays or modifies a renderparm
  runAAS2               compiles an AAS file for a model
  runAAS2Reach          compiles an AAS file for a model
  runSpacial2           compiles an AAS file for a model
  runTest               run a functional test
  s_restart             restart sound system
  Sample_GuiModel       Documentation sample
  Sample_PixelEdges     Documentation sample
  Sample_Viewport       Documentation sample
  saveFSM               saves out the AI's finite state machine to a file
  saveGame              saves a game
  saveGameSteam         saves a game to the steam cloud
  saveWeaponFSM         saves out the AI's finite state machine to a file
  screenshot            takes a screenshot
  script                executes a line of script
  selectDebugEntity     selects the player's focus entity as the debug entity
  SendGameEventReliable Sends reliable events. arg1 = event. arg2 = playernum. 
                        See onlineGameEvent_t for enum val
  separateDiffuseOnly   0/1
  set                   sets a cvar (deprecated)
  seta                  sets a cvar (deprecated)
  setDebugEntity        sets the debug entity to the entity with the specified 
                        entity number
  setDemoMode           Disables all debug output and sets any other cvars 
                        necessary for giving a demo
  setGameChallengeState Change the current state of the game challange.
  SetGameTimeManagerHz  Sets the game speed
  setHandsModel         test switching the hands model
  setOnlineCash         test function for setting online cash.
  setOnlineCoopLockAll  This will reset/lock all coop maps in your player 
                        profile to default
  setOnlineCoopUnlock   This will unlock a coop map in your player profile
  setOnlineCoopUnlockAll This will unlock all coop maps in your player profile
  setOnlineEmblemUnlockAll This will unlock all emblems in your player profile
  setOnlineLevel        test function for setting online level.
  setOnlineXP           test function for setting online xp.

  setProfileDefaults    sets profile settings to default and saves

  setStat               test function for lifetime stats

  setStatGame           test function for game stats

  setviewpos            sets the current view position

  ShowCloudDirectLighting Changes all world megatexture materials to show the 
                        direct lighting, or the explicit image passed on the 
                        command line

  showEntityStats       shows stats ( and waste ) for loaded entities

  ShowPartySessions     For showing all party sessions

  ShowTexLod            Adds or removes the models generated by texLod for 
                        the current map

  showViewNotes         show any view notes for the current map, successive 
                        calls will cycle to the next note

  simpleShade           Flat shade all surfaces

  slowmap               loads a map using slow non shipping render path in 
                        developer mode

  soundBSP              compiles a sound world

  SoundReportFrequencies Displays a frequency histogram of all sound files

  SoundReportNonMatchingFrequencies Reports sounds that don't match given 

  Spawn                 spawns a game entity

  startServer           start a multiplayer game lobby

  StartSlowMotion       Starts SlowMotion with decl

  StartSlowMotion2      Starts SlowMotion without decl, just a raw scale value

  statsClearAll         clears all lifetime stats for the master user

  statsClearGame        clears all game stats for the master user

  SteamResetStats       Reset all of your steam stats

  StepParticleTime      modifies a global particle 'timeline' to debug 
                        particles in game

  stopEditing           stops the current in-game editing

  StopSlowMotion        Stops SlowMotion

  StopSlowMotion2       Stops SlowMotion

  StopTest              stopTest Stops a regression test recording or playback
  StopTestFx            stops the current test fx

  StripBadStamps        Merges the land files and removes stamps that don't 
                        have materials from the current land file.
  StripFloatingStamps   Merges the land files and removes stamps and foliage 
                        that no longer touch the level's geometry
  stripStrings          strip strings containing the specified substring or 
  suicide               suicide the player.

  Sys_AnalyzeResources  Analyze resources

  sys_dumpMemory        Walks the heap and reports stats

  sys_testAllocPerf     Test allocation performance

  sys_writeMemoryReport Walks the heap and writes stats to XML file

  takeViewNotes         user record the current view position with notes
  teleport              teleports the player to an entity location
  test_dlc_rewards      Call give dlc rewards on the player
  Test_FloatBilerpClamp Function test
  Test_PageBreaks       Code test of FirstCompletePageAfterCoord() / 
  TestAllIES            Loads every file in the ies directory
  testArray             Test idArray
  testArrayWrapper      Test idArrayWrapper
  TestAtomicString      Exercises idAtomicString
  testBinaryHeap        Tests the binary heap impl
  testBinaryTree        Tests the binary tree impl
  testBreakTrianglesIntoTextureIslands function test
  TestCompressionSpeeds Compares zlib and our code
  testCreateOSPath      tests idFileSystemLocal::CreateOSPath
  TestCubeImage         displays the given cube image mapped to a sphere
  testDeath             tests death

  TestDefMemory         Test memory savings
  TestDeInterleaveBits  test bit extract
  testDiskSwap          testDiskSwap - Testing mainmenu's SP -> MP disk swap
  testEmblem            test function for emblems.
  testEnv               overrides default dynamic environment processing with 
                        a specific declEnv
  TestFLog2             Math test
  TestFMT_X16           Tests the X16 texture format to make sure it reads 
                        as integers in fragment shaders
  TestFont              Render text to the screen
  TestFx                tests a fx impact
  TestGammaTable        Checks for perfect inversion
  testGiveAllEmblems    test function for emblems.
  testGuardPages        Enables guard pages and performs memory operations 
                        to test
  testGuardPagesOnNew   Enables guard pages and performs memory operations 
                        to test
  TestGui               For testing GUIs
  TestIES               Tests the sampling of IES lights
  testImage             displays the given image centered on screen
  TestInitializeVmtrsFromResourceFile Test DLC generation
  TestInterleave        Tests bit interleave
  TestJobParallelHQDXTCompress compress an image
  testLCP               test LCP solver code
  testLight             tests a light
  TestLoadImage         Tries to load an image with type based on the 
  TestLocalReport       Tests the Local Report code
  testMainMenuEnumerateSavegames to re-enumerate savegames
  testMainMenuHideSaveLoadScreen to simulate hiding save/load screen
  testMainMenuShowSaveLoadScreen to simulate showing save/load screen
  TestMapVolumeFromFadeDB Tests TestMapVolumeFromFadeDB
  TestMaskBlock         idBitBlockAllocator test
  testMatchParms        test function for match parms.
  TestMaterial          displays the given material centered on screen
  testMemoryMappedFile  test idMemoryMappedFile
  TestMipLevelForTexelStep function test
  testmodel             spawns a test model
  testNegativeWrappingMod Function test
  TestObjLoader         Tests the new obj file loader
  testParallelLight     tests a point light
  TestParseFaceLine     Tests part of the obj file parsing
  TestParticle          tests a particle impact
  testPlayBashTv        tests games played and score for bashtv
  TestPlayerProfile     Toggle the main menu
  TestPlayerViewParticle tests a player view particle
  testPlayWingstickGame tests games played and score for wingstick minigame
  testPointLight        tests a point light
  TestPoiPlayerColor    Tests the color for player POI
  TestPoisonAllocs      Check for extremely bad allocation times
  TestPreprocessorMacros check analyze warning
  testPrettyMapName     returns the pretty map name of string passed in or 
                        current map
  testRenderProgs       Load and compile all render progs
  TestRnd               Tests random number generators
  testSavegameAutosave  simulates an autosave
  testSaveGameCheck     tests existance of savegame
  testSavegameDelete    deletes a savegames without confirmation
  testSavegameDeleteAll delete all savegames without confirmation
  testSavegameDeleteInstance deletes one or more instance from a folder, 
                        specify the map names space separated
  testSaveGameDetails   returns the pretty map name of string passed in or 
                        current map
  testSavegameEnumerate enumerates the savegames available
  testSavegameEnumerateFiles enumerates all the files in a folder (blank for 
                        'current slot' folder, use 'autosave' for the autosave 
  testSavegameEnumerateInstances enumerates the instances in a folder (blank 
                        for 'current slot' folder, use 'autosave' for the 
                        autosave slot)
  TestSaveGameFile      Exercises the pipelined savegame code
  testSavegameGetInstanceName gets the filename for the instance to save and 
                        whether it should be saved
  testSaveGameLoadMostRecent loads the most recent savegame
  testSavegameMapHashNames calculates hash names for all the maps and flags 

  testSaveGameSaveCheckpoint saves as a non-crawl save
  TestSeparateBits      function test
  TestServerArmor       test
  TestServerArmorRestore test
  testShowDialog        show a dialog
  TestSignBit           Test the INT32_SIGNBIT functions
  testSound             tests a sound
  TestSphereSamples     Visualize sphere samples
  TestSquishVmtrs       Builds and uses test images for the 128 to 120 squeezed
  TestStaleIdListReference Tests the test code
  testStatsBegin        starts a test session for recording stats
  testStatsEnd          ends a test session for recording stats and exits the 
  TestStreamFileLog     Flushes all caches and logs the events to bring 
                        everything in
  TestStrStatic         Test idStrStatic
  TestSummedAreaTable   Tests the idSummedAreaTable class
  TestTracerKD          Builds a trace world for the current map and fires test
                        rays through the eye
  TestTraceWorld2       Builds a trace world for the current map and fires test
                        rays through the eye
  TestTransImageAtlas   image atlas tools
  TestTrianglesShareAnEdge Function test
  testUnlock            test function for vehicle unlocks.
  testUpgradePatch1Saves upgrades all the player inventory files to the current
  TestVMTR              displays the given vmtr centered on the screen
  testVmtrBlocking      Test the page read optimized tiling
  testWeapon            test a weapon model
  TestWinHansoftReport  Tests the Windows Hansoft Report code
  testWorld             copies current world to the testWorld
  testXML               tests the idXML classes
  testZipBuilderCombineFiles test routine for memory zip file building
  testZipBuilderExtractFiles test routine for memory zip file extraction
  texLOD2               process the texlod model for a map with ray tracing
  tm_addAnim            add a named anim to the current test model's blend 
                        equation animator
  tm_addAttach          adds an attachment to the current test model
  tm_addBlendVariable   add a blend variable to the blend equation animator
  tm_addPitch           add the specified angle (in degrees) to the selected 
                        test model's current pitch
  tm_addRoll            add the specified angle (in degrees) to the selected 
                        test model's current roll
  tm_addYaw             add the specified angle (in degrees) to the selected 
                        test model's current yaw
  tm_blendEq            set the blend equaton for the current test model
  tm_clearAnims         clears all named anims for the test model blend 
                        equation animator
  tm_continuous         selects the translation mode of the current model's 
                        origin to translate continuously without resetting
  tm_fixed              selects the translation mode of the current model's 
                        origin to be fixed in place
  tm_frame              set the current frame of the selected test model
  tm_keep               keeps the current testmodel around even if a new one 
                        is spawned
  tm_listAnims          lists named anims for the test model blend equation 
  tm_loop               plays a looping animation on the current test model
  tm_nextAlias          change the animation to the next alias in the modelDef
  tm_nextframe          advance the current frame by 1. Will wrap if the frame
                        exceeds the animation length.
  tm_nudge              push or pull the test model along a line from the 
                        player to the testmodel. Postive values push, negative
                        values pull.
  tm_play               plays a non-looping animation on the current test model
  tm_prevframe          go to the previous frame. If at frame 0 this will wrap 
                        to the last frame of the animation.
  tm_remove             removes the current test model
  tm_removeAnim         remove a named anim from the current test model's 
                        blend equation animator
  tm_removeAttach       removes an attachment from the current test model
  tm_removeBlendVariable remove a blend variable from the blend equation 
  tm_reset              selects the translation mode of the current model's 
                        to translate but reset when anim loops
  tm_select             selects the test model the player is looking at as the  
                        current test model
  tm_setAnim            set the animation for a named anim in the current test 
                        model's blend equation animator
  tm_spawn              spawns a test model
  tm_vo                 plays a voice over with lip-sync on the current test 
  toggle                toggles a cvar

  ToggleMainMenu        Toggle the main menu

  togglePlayerStatTracking toggles player stat tracking

  toQuat                converts an angle to a quaternion

  touchDecl             reparses a decl

  touchWorld            Loads a render world for the specified map. Useful for 
                        referencing page files before executing 

  trace                 forces a trace

  trailerCameraSpawn    spawns a trailer utility camera for capturing cinematics
  trigger               triggers an entity

  ttplay                Play a recorded timetrial

  ttplayqueued          Play a queued timetrial from memory

  ttrecord              Record a timetrial

  ttstop                Stop recording or playing a timetrial

  tw_save               writes current testweapon parameters to a config file

  unbind                unbinds any command from a key
  unbindAll             unbinds any commands from all keys

  unlinkRaceModels      remove models we don't want

  UnpackResourceFile    Decompresses everything in a resource file

  UpdateRadiosityPreview Force an update to the radiosity preview

  UpdateStaleStamps     Updates pages that are touched by stamps that have 
                        newly modified images.






  VehDamage             KillDamage vehicles <amount> <playerNum>

VehKillDamage 车辆伤害 <amount> <playerNum>

  VehExitForce          Forces local player out of vehicle in VDM games

  VehHealth             Give vehicles health <amount> <playerNum>

  VehSpawn              spawns a game entity while you are in a vehicle

  vid_restart           resizes/fullscreens the game window

  vidEncode             encodes a video

  VmtrProfileBegin      Begin collecting vmtr profile information

  VmtrProfileEnd        Processes all collected vmtr profile data

  voicechat_mute        TEMP

  vstr                  inserts the current value of a cvar as command text

  vt_benchmark          Benchmark the virtual texture transcoding

  vt_emptyCache         empties and zeros the physical images

  vt_export             Writes out a TGA for each channel of the specified 
                        virtual texture
  vt_genCoarseMips      Explicitly generate the texels of a mip level from 
                        the adjacent finer one.

  vt_info               Reports information on the current virtual texture 
  vt_lockPages          locks physical pages

  vt_reload             reload all the currently loaded virtual textures
  vt_restart            reallocates the physical images for changes in size 
                        or compression

  vt_seenBitsImage      Writes out an image for a level of a seen bit file
  vt_setSource          Explicitly change the page file for a virtual material 
                        to compare

  vt_testTranscodePerformance test the performance of the transcoder.
  vt_testTranscodeQuality test the quality of the transcoder.

  vt_transcodeBenchmark Benchmark the virtual texture transcoding
  vt_validateCache      consistency checks the page buffers

  vt_validatePageFile   consistency check for page file structure
  vt_visualBenchmark    Benchmark the virtual texture transcoding

  vtr_deleteUnreferenced Deletes any .vtrs files in the specified path that 
                        are not also in the passed list file
  vtr_fixupStrings      go through all vtrs and try to fix up string IDs that 
                        aren't in english.lang

  vtr_genList           generate a list of all vtrs from buildgame outputs
  vtr_listHandKeyed     outputs a list of all vtrs that have hand-keyed 

  vtr_localize          loads all English voice tracks and converts them to 
                        the specified language, maintaining gestures from the 
                        English tracks
  vtr_verify            loads all voice tracks for the specified language and 
                        attempts to verify their referenced assets exist
  vtr_verifyStrings     Verifies that the string ids in voice tracks exist 
                        the specified language file


给予车辆生命值<amount> <playerNum>




VmtrProfileBegin开始收集vmtr profile信息

VmtrProfileEnd处理收集到的所有vmtr profile数据






















  wait                  delays remaining buffered commands one or more frames

where                 prints the current view position

 wait                 延迟剩余缓冲命令一个或多个帧
 where              打印当前视图的位置

  writeAnimwebNodeOrder writes out the node in order, for a load/save 
                        compatibility fix
  writeConfig           writes a config file

  writeEntitiesFile     writes out a production build .entities file for the 
                        specified map

  WriteGammaTable       Writes the static code for the 2.2 gamma table

  WriteGlobalShadows    Builds and writes the global shadow map for dynamic 
                        model shadowing

  writeImage            Writes a tga for a given image

  xcopyVirtualTextures  copies virtual texture pagefiles to a specified path

  yawToVector           convert a yaw value to a normalized vector


writeConfig 写配置文件

writeEntitiesFile 为指定的地图






  keepTestModel         keeps the current testmodel around even if a new one 
                        is spawned


  kill                  kills the player

终止一个玩家 游戏


killAI                kills all AI in the level

 killDeadAI            kills (removes) all AI that are dead.

终止 (移除)所有的 dead  AI

 killDebugTarget       kills the current debug target


  killEntity            removes the entity with the given name,

 kill          entityname' will remove that single entity,

 kill all 
                      entityname' removes all entities matching the class of 
                        the given name

删除名称“kill”的实体(待定) “实体名”将删除单个实体,

删除 “所有完全的名字”(待定) 将删除与给定的名称类相匹配的 所有 实体

  killiPhoneHelpers     kills all the iPhone helper entities in the level

终止 该级别中的所有iPhone助手实体

 killMonsters          removes all monsters



 killMoveables         removes all moveables


 KillPlayer            Kill player终止玩家

  killRagdolls          removes all ragdolls


  killshot              fire a shot guaranteed to kill any actor in the 
                        player's focus

射击保证能终止 玩家集中的任何玩家

  killUnhiddenAI        kills all AI that are not currently hidden in the level

终止  目前 所有  没有 隐藏 在  关卡中 的  人工智能




                        Modding Notes : Script Commands

                                 and Constants

 狂怒 模组 制作 便签 :脚本命令和常量





                                Sept 29, 2014

                                 Draft 1.0

                              Written by:  Dheu

Parent Document : (本体文档:翻译不知对否?)


IX.C > > > >  Script Commands and Constants




Object Hiearchy( 对象层次结构 )


+- idEntity

   |- idAASObstacle

   |- idAIInteraction(Interaction 互动,交流)

   |- idAITest

   |  +- idAITest_Rotation

   |- idActionNode

   |- idAnimatedEntity

   |  |- idAFEntity_Dummy

   |  |- idAFEntity_Generic

   |  |- idActor

   |  |  |- idAI2

   |  |  +- idPlayer

   |  |- idAnimated

   |  |- idAnimatedInteractable(Interactable 相互作用)

   |  |  +- idAnimatedInteractable_Explosive

   |  |- idAnimated_AnimWeb

   |  |- idAuthorityRepairBot

   |  |- idBossFightComponent

   |  |  +- idBossFight_ScorchedEarth

   |  |- idBossFightTargetLine

   |  |- idBossFightTargetLineSet

   |  |- idDoor_Base

   |  |  |- idDoor_Animated

   |  |  |- idDoor_Parametric

   |  |  +- idDoor_Regime

   |  |- idDrone

   |  |- idDropShip

   |  |- idEditorModelEntity

   |  |- idHugeMutant

   |  |- idMiniGameTarget

   |  |- idProp

   |  |  |- idHoverTurret

   |  |  |- idProp_Flower

   |  |  |- idProp_Usable

   |  |  |  |- idProp_BreakableLoot

   |  |  |  |- idProp_ContinuallyUsed

   |  |  |  |- idProp_Findable

   |  |  |  |- idProp_JobPosting

   |  |  |  |- idProp_Moveable

   |  |  |  |  |- idProp_AIArmor

   |  |  |  |  |  +- idProp_ElectricArmor

   |  |  |  |  |- idProp_AmmoRefill

   |  |  |  |  |- idProp_Attachable

   |  |  |  |  |  +- idProp_AttachableBomb

   |  |  |  |  |     +- idProp_AttachableMine

   |  |  |  |  |- idProp_Breakable

   |  |  |  |  |  |- idProp_LockGrinder

   |  |  |  |  |  +- idProp_VehicleJump

   |  |  |  |  |- idProp_CTF_Flag

   |  |  |  |  |- idProp_Explosive

   |  |  |  |  |- idProp_ExplosivePlunger

   |  |  |  |  |- idProp_GameStateInt

   |  |  |  |  |- idProp_Loot

   |  |  |  |  |- idProp_Noticable

   |  |  |  |  |- idProp_OnlineCollectible

   |  |  |  |  |- idProp_SkullTag_Skull

   |  |  |  |  |- idProp_Spawnable

   |  |  |  |  |- idProp_VehiclePickup

   |  |  |  |  |  |- idProp_Boost

   |  |  |  |  |  |- idProp_EscortPackagePickup

   |  |  |  |  |  |- idProp_MPMeteoritePickup

   |  |  |  |  |  |- idProp_MeteoritePickup

   |  |  |  |  |  |- idProp_OnlineVehiclePickup

   |  |  |  |  |  |  |- idProp_OnlineBoost

   |  |  |  |  |  |  |- idProp_VehicleAmmoRecharger

   |  |  |  |  |  |  |- idProp_VehicleHealthRecharger

   |  |  |  |  |  |  |- idProp_VehicleMegaArmor

   |  |  |  |  |  |  |- idProp_VehicleQuadDamage

   |  |  |  |  |  |  +- idProp_VehicleQuickUseRecharger

   |  |  |  |  |  |- idProp_RallyPoint

   |  |  |  |  |  |- idProp_VehicleAmmo

   |  |  |  |  |  |- idProp_VehicleArmor

   |  |  |  |  |  +- idProp_VehicleOddBall

   |  |  |  |  +- idSkeetTarget

   |  |  |  |- idProp_Static

   |  |  |  |  |- idProp_DoorLockConsole

   |  |  |  |  |- idProp_RallyTube

   |  |  |  |  +- idProp_WeaponStatic

   |  |  |  +- idProp_Zipline

   |  |  |- idProp_Vehicle

   |  |  +- idRepairBot

   |  |- idRaceSpectator

   |  |- idSplineFollower

   |  |- idSpringEntity

   |  |- idTestModel2

   |  |- idTurret

   |  |  |- idRailTurret

   |  |  +- idTowerTurret

   |  |- idTurretGunner

   |  |- idVehicle

   |  |  +- idVehicle_Car

   |  |- idVehicleMountedTurret

   |  +- idVehicleOccupant

   |     |- idVehicleOccupant_ATV

   |     +- idVehicleOccupant_Car

   |- idAnnouncementManager

   |- idBashTVEncounter

   |- idBreakable

   |- idCamera

   |  |- idCameraView

   |  |  |- idAnimCamera

   |  |  |- idDeathCamera

   |  |  |  +- idOnlineVehicleDeathCamera

   |  |  |- idRCBombDeathCamera

   |  |  |- idRaceCamera

   |  |  |- idRaceCountdownCamera

   |  |  |- idRaceDeathCamera

   |  |  |- idReviveCamera

   |  |  |- idSpectatorCamera

   |  |  +- idThrownCamera

   |  |- idInteractionCamera

   |  +- idUtilityCamera

   |     |- idEntityCamera

   |     |  |- idAIDebugCamera

   |     |  |- idCinematicCamera

   |     |  |- idSlowMotionCamera

   |     |  |- idTownGarageCamera

   |     |  +- idTrailerCamera

   |     +- idRotatableCamera

   |- idCaptureController

   |- idCollisionStreamArea

   |- idCoopStartingInventory

   |- idCoverBlocker

   |- idDamageableEntity

   |  +- idDamageableTower

   |- idDoor_Blocker

   |- idDynamicEntity

   |  |- idDebrisEntity

   |  |- idElectricBoltEmitter

   |  |- idEntityFx

   |  |- idEntityImposter

   |  |- idFuncCloth

   |  |  +- idFuncDropBomb

   |  |- idGuiEntity

   |  |- idLensFlare

   |  |- idParticleEmitter

   |  |- idRegimeTile

   |  |- idRibbonEmitter

   |  |- idTumbleWeed

   |  +- idWaterRippleEmitter

   |- idDynamicJob

   |- idEncounterGroupMgr

   |- idEntityEmitter

   |- idEntityParticle

   |- idFuncRotate

   |- idFuncShadowCaster

   |- idFuncSwing

   |- idFuncWind

   |- idGameChallenge

   |  |- idGameChallenge_Carnage

   |  |- idGameChallenge_Coop

   |  |- idGameChallenge_Meteor_Shower

   |  |- idGameChallenge_Oddball

   |  |- idGameChallenge_VehicleCarnage

   |  |- idGameChallenge_Vehicle_CTF

   |  |  |- idGameChallenge_Vehicle_CTF_base

   |  |  |- idGameChallenge_Vehicle_CTF_one_flag

   |  |  +- idGameChallenge_Vehicle_CTF_tag

   |  |- idGameChallenge_Vehicle_Control_Point

   |  |- idGameChallenge_Vehicle_DM

   |  |- idGameChallenge_Vehicle_Domination

   |  |- idGameChallenge_Vehicle_KingOfTheHill

   |  |- idGameChallenge_Vehicle_Rally_Base

   |  |  |- idGameChallenge_Bully

   |  |  |- idGameChallenge_Vehicle_Meteor_Rally

   |  |  |- idGameChallenge_Vehicle_Rally

   |  |  |  +- idGameChallenge_Vehicle_Tri_Rally

   |  |  +- idGameChallenge_Vehicle_Team_Chain_Rally

   |  +- idGameChallenge_Vehicle_SkullTag

   |- idInfo

   |  |- idAIHint

   |  |  |- idAIAASHint

   |  |  |  |- idAISearchHintAnimation

   |  |  |  +- idAISearchHintAuto

   |  |  +- idAICombatHint

   |  |     +- idAICombatHint_SuppressionFirePoint

   |  |- idAIHintGroup

   |  |  |- idAISearchHintGroup

   |  |  +- idTurretSpawnerControlGroup

   |  |- idInfoAmbient

   |  |- idInfoCloudShot

   |  |- idInfoCover

   |  |- idInfoDebugMarker

   |  |- idInfoDebugText

   |  |  +- idInfoDebugMapName

   |  |- idInfoExportHint

   |  |- idInfoGarageBay

   |  |- idInfoLookTarget

   |  |- idInfoLookTargetGroup

   |  |- idInfoOrbit

   |  |- idInfoPath

   |  |- idInfoPointOfInterest

   |  |- idInfoRCTarget

   |  |- idInfoRepairBotPath

   |  |- idInfoRoam

   |  |- idInfoSpawnPoint

   |  |- idInfoTexLod

   |  |- idInfoTowLocation

   |  |- idInfoTraversal

   |  |- idInfoTraversalEndPoint

   |  |- idInfoVehicleObstacle

   |  |- idInfo_Trigger_Facing_Target

   |  +- idTownGarageManager

   |- idInfoAAS

   |- idInfoFocus

   |- idInfoLevelFadeIn

   |- idInfo_Blocker

   |- idInformationEntity

   |- idInventoryStorage

   |- idLaserGate

   |- idLight

   |  +- idEnvArea

   |- idLoot_Blocker

   |- idLoot_ItemCase

   |- idMPRoverBomb

   |- idMinigameMutantController

   |- idMobileAI

   |- idMobileAttackPosition

   |- idMobileItem

   |- idMobileParticleEmitter

   |- idMobileSpawnPoint

   |- idMobileWaveGenerator

   |- idMover

   |  |- idWeaponTarget

   |  +- idWingStickGameTarget

   |- idPathCorner

   |- idPieceEmitter

   |- idPlayerStart

   |- idProgressionEntity

   |- idProjectile

   |  |- idProjectile_Arrow

   |  |  |- idProjectile_ArrowControl

   |  |  |- idProjectile_ArrowExplode

   |  |  |- idProjectile_ArrowImpaler

   |  |  +- idProjectile_Dagger

   |  |- idProjectile_Grenade

   |  |  |- idProjectile_BouncyBomb

   |  |  |- idProjectile_EventPulser

   |  |  |  +- idProjectile_EventPulserMA

   |  |  +- idProjectile_HugeMutantDebris

   |  |- idProjectile_Mortar

   |  |- idProjectile_Rocket

   |  |  |- idProjectile_BFG

   |  |  |- idProjectile_FlakShell

   |  |  +- idProjectile_Homing

   |  |- idProjectile_StickyBomb

   |  +- idProjectile_Wingstick

   |     +- idProjectile_Wingstick_Multitarget

   |- idRandomLoot

   |- idReferenceMap

   |- idRoamSpawn

   |- idScriptMapEntity

   |- idSniperEncounter

   |- idSound

   |- idSoundDoor

   |- idSoundEnvironment

   |- idSplinePath

   |  |- idMobileSpline

   |  |- idNavSplinePath

   |  |  |- idAISplinePath

   |  |  +- idQuestNavSplinePath

   |  +- idSplineMesh

   |- idStaticEntity

   |- idTarget_AIEvent

   |- idTarget_AIEventReciever

   |- idTarget_Achievement

   |- idTarget_ActionScript

   |- idTarget_AnimWebChangeState

   |- idTarget_AnimWebChangeStateVia

   |- idTarget_AnimWebPause

   |- idTarget_AnimWebUnpause

   |- idTarget_ApplyExplosionImpulse

   |- idTarget_ApplyImpulse

   |- idTarget_AssignVehicle

   |- idTarget_BombTimer

   |- idTarget_Break

   |- idTarget_ChangeColor

   |- idTarget_ChangeSeatInfo

   |- idTarget_ClearFakeEnemy

   |- idTarget_CollisionDamage

   |- idTarget_CompleteGame

   |- idTarget_CoopGiveScore

   |- idTarget_CoopObjectiveTracker

   |- idTarget_Count

   |- idTarget_Count_Random

   |- idTarget_Cvar

评论 1




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