本文翻译自MLIR 官网 TOY教程,附带个人理解与批注,内容仅用于个人学习与记录
Chapter 1: Toy Language and AST
This tutorial will be illustrated with a toy language that we’ll call “Toy” (naming is hard…). Toy is a tensor-based language that allows you to define functions, perform some math computation, and print results.
Given that we want to keep things simple, the codegen will be limited to tensors of rank <= 2, and the only datatype in Toy is a 64-bit floating point type (aka ‘double’ in C parlance). As such, all values are implicitly double precision, Values are immutable (i.e. every operation returns a newly allocated value), and deallocation is automatically managed. But enough with the long description; nothing is better than walking through an example to get a better understanding:
为了使用于学习的示例简单易懂,codegen会限制为一个rank <=2的tensors,并且toy的数据类型只有fp64类型(c语言中的double类型)。如此一来,所有的值类型都是隐式的表示为双精度类型。
def main() {
# Define a variable `a` with shape <2, 3>, initialized with the literal value.
# 定义一个形状为<2,3>的变量a,并对其用字面值初始化
# The shape is inferred from the supplied literal.
# 变量的形状可以通过字面值推倒出来(这句不是废话,见下面)
var a = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]];
# b is identical to a, the literal tensor is implicitly reshaped: defining new
# variables is the way to reshape tensors (element count must match).
# b和a纬度一样,不过它的形状会被隐式的推到出来。将一个tensor进行reshape操作的办法之一就是定义一个新变量(注意元素数量要匹配上)
var b<2, 3> = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
# transpose() and print() are the only builtin, the following will transpose
# transpose()与print() 操作是builtin的方法,接下来的操作会对a和b进行transpose操作,并执行一个element-wise的乘法,在打印最后的结果
# a and b and perform a element-wise multiplication before printing the result.
print(transpose(a) * transpose(b));
Proto 'multiply_transpose' @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:4:1'
Params: [a, b]
Block {
BinOp: * @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:5:25
Call 'transpose' [ @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:5:10
var: a @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:5:20
Call 'transpose' [ @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:5:25
var: b @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:5:35
} // Block
Proto 'main' @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:8:1'
Params: []
Block {
VarDecl a<> @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:11:3
Literal: <2, 3>[ <3>[ 1.000000e+00, 2.000000e+00, 3.000000e+00], <3>[ 4.000000e+00, 5.000000e+00, 6.000000e+00]] @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:11:11
VarDecl b<2, 3> @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:15:3
Literal: <6>[ 1.000000e+00, 2.000000e+00, 3.000000e+00, 4.000000e+00, 5.000000e+00, 6.000000e+00] @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:15:17
VarDecl c<> @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:19:3
Call 'multiply_transpose' [ @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:19:11
var: a @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:19:30
var: b @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:19:33
VarDecl d<> @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:22:3
Call 'multiply_transpose' [ @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:22:11
var: b @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:22:30
var: a @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:22:33
VarDecl e<> @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:25:3
Call 'multiply_transpose' [ @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:25:11
var: b @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:25:30
var: c @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:25:33
VarDecl f<> @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:28:3
Call 'multiply_transpose' [ @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:28:11
Call 'transpose' [ @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:28:30
var: a @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:28:40
var: c @test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:28:44
} // Block
bin/toyc-ch1 ../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy -emit=ast
# RUN: toyc-ch1 %s -emit=ast 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
# User defined generic function that operates on unknown shaped arguments.
def multiply_transpose(a, b) {
return transpose(a) * transpose(b);
def main() {
# Define a variable `a` with shape <2, 3>, initialized with the literal value.
# The shape is inferred from the supplied literal.
var a = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]];
# b is identical to a, the literal array is implicitly reshaped: defining new
# variables is the way to reshape arrays (element count in literal must match
# the size of specified shape).
var b<2, 3> = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
# This call will specialize `multiply_transpose` with <2, 3> for both
# arguments and deduce a return type of <2, 2> in initialization of `c`.
var c = multiply_transpose(a, b);
# A second call to `multiply_transpose` with <2, 3> for both arguments will
# reuse the previously specialized and inferred version and return `<2, 2>`
var d = multiply_transpose(b, a);
# A new call with `<2, 2>` for both dimension will trigger another
# specialization of `multiply_transpose`.
var e = multiply_transpose(b, c);
# Finally, calling into `multiply_transpose` with incompatible shape will
# trigger a shape inference error.
var f = multiply_transpose(transpose(a), c);
# CHECK: Module:
# CHECK-NEXT: Function
# CHECK-NEXT: Proto 'multiply_transpose' @{{.*}}ast.toy:4:1
# CHECK-NEXT: Params: [a, b]
# CHECK-NEXT: Block {
# CHECK-NEXT: Return
# CHECK-NEXT: BinOp: * @{{.*}}ast.toy:5:25
# CHECK-NEXT: Call 'transpose' [ @{{.*}}ast.toy:5:10
# CHECK-NEXT: var: a @{{.*}}ast.toy:5:20
# CHECK-NEXT: Call 'transpose' [ @{{.*}}ast.toy:5:25
# CHECK-NEXT: var: b @{{.*}}ast.toy:5:35
# CHECK-NEXT: } // Block
# CHECK-NEXT: Function
# CHECK-NEXT: Proto 'main' @{{.*}}ast.toy:8:1
# CHECK-NEXT: Params: []
# CHECK-NEXT: Block {
# CHECK-NEXT: VarDecl a<> @{{.*}}ast.toy:11:3
# CHECK-NEXT: Literal: <2, 3>[ <3>[ 1.000000e+00, 2.000000e+00, 3.000000e+00], <3>[ 4.000000e+00, 5.000000e+00, 6.000000e+00]] @{{.*}}ast.toy:11:11
# CHECK-NEXT: VarDecl b<2, 3> @{{.*}}ast.toy:15:3
# CHECK-NEXT: Literal: <6>[ 1.000000e+00, 2.000000e+00, 3.000000e+00, 4.000000e+00, 5.000000e+00, 6.000000e+00] @{{.*}}ast.toy:15:17
# CHECK-NEXT: VarDecl c<> @{{.*}}ast.toy:19:3
# CHECK-NEXT: Call 'multiply_transpose' [ @{{.*}}ast.toy:19:11
# CHECK-NEXT: var: a @{{.*}}ast.toy:19:30
# CHECK-NEXT: var: b @{{.*}}ast.toy:19:33
# CHECK-NEXT: VarDecl d<> @{{.*}}ast.toy:22:3
# CHECK-NEXT: Call 'multiply_transpose' [ @{{.*}}ast.toy:22:11
# CHECK-NEXT: var: b @{{.*}}ast.toy:22:30
# CHECK-NEXT: var: a @{{.*}}ast.toy:22:33
# CHECK-NEXT: VarDecl e<> @{{.*}}ast.toy:25:3
# CHECK-NEXT: Call 'multiply_transpose' [ @{{.*}}ast.toy:25:11
# CHECK-NEXT: var: b @{{.*}}ast.toy:25:30
# CHECK-NEXT: var: c @{{.*}}ast.toy:25:33
# CHECK-NEXT: VarDecl f<> @{{.*}}ast.toy:28:3
# CHECK-NEXT: Call 'multiply_transpose' [ @{{.*}}ast.toy:28:11
# CHECK-NEXT: Call 'transpose' [ @{{.*}}ast.toy:28:30
# CHECK-NEXT: var: a @{{.*}}ast.toy:28:40
# CHECK-NEXT: var: c @{{.*}}ast.toy:28:44
The code for the lexer is fairly straightforward; it is all in a single header: examples/toy/Ch1/include/toy/Lexer.h. The parser can be found in examples/toy/Ch1/include/toy/Parser.h; it is a recursive descent parser. If you are not familiar with such a Lexer/Parser, these are very similar to the LLVM Kaleidoscope equivalent that are detailed in the first two chapters of the Kaleidoscope Tutorial .