论文阅读:Mean Value Coordinates

均值坐标–Mean Value Coordinates(MVC) 是一种重要的插值技术,广泛应用于参数化、网格变形等几何处理方向。本文主要讲解Floater等人2003年发表在CAGD上的论文Mean value coordinates,主要探讨2D多边形中均值坐标的计算方法。

1. 重心坐标

对于三角形 △ v 1 v 2 v 3 \triangle v_1v_2v_3 v1v2v3 中任一点 p p p 表示为三角形三个顶点的凸组合, 即满足如下的等式:

p = λ 1 v 1 + λ 2 v 2 + λ 3 v 3     a n d     λ 1 + λ 2 + λ 3 = 1 (1) p = \lambda_1v_1 + \lambda_2v_2 + \lambda_3v_3 \ \ \ and\ \ \ \lambda_1 + \lambda_2 + \lambda_3 = 1\tag1 p=λ1v1+λ2v2+λ3v3   and   λ1+λ2+λ3=1(1)

{ λ 1 = S △ p v 2 v 3 / S △ v 1 v 2 v 3 λ 2 = S △ p v 1 v 3 / S △ v 1 v 2 v 3 λ 3 = S △ p v 1 v 2 / S △ v 1 v 2 v 3 (2) \left\{ \begin{aligned} \lambda_1 = S\triangle pv_2v_3 / S\triangle v_1v_2v_3\\ \lambda_2 =S\triangle pv_1v_3 / S\triangle v_1v_2v_3 \\ \lambda_3 = S\triangle pv_1v_2 / S\triangle v_1v_2v_3 \end{aligned} \tag2 \right. λ1=Spv2v3/Sv1v2v3λ2=Spv1v3/Sv1v2v3λ3=Spv1v2/Sv1v2v3(2)

为什么叫重心坐标呢? 以下内容摘自知乎:重心坐标(Barycentric coordinates)


λ 1 ( v 1 − p ) + λ 2 ( v 2 − p ) + λ 3 ( v 3 − p ) = 0 \lambda_1(v_1-p) +\lambda_2(v_2-p) +\lambda_3(v_3-p) = 0 λ1(v1p)+λ2(v2p)+λ3(v3p)=0

λ 1 p v 1 → + λ 2 p v 2 → + λ 3 p v 3 → = 0 \lambda_1\overrightarrow{pv_1} + \lambda_2\overrightarrow{pv_2} +\lambda_3\overrightarrow{pv_3} = 0 λ1pv1 +λ2pv2 +λ3pv3 =0

相当于我们在三角形的三个顶点 v 1 v_1 v1处挂重量为 λ 1 \lambda_1 λ1, v 2 v_2 v2处挂重量为 λ 2 \lambda_2 λ2, v 3 v_3 v3处挂重量为 λ 3 \lambda_3 λ3的重物时,如果把 p p p 点放避雷针上,能保持平衡,则这种情况下 p p p 是重心。

2. 广义重心坐标

如上所述,对于三角形的重心坐标是比较容易计算的,但我们不满足于此。我们希望求解多边形内部顶点的广义重心坐标, 即将多边形内部的顶点表示为多边形顶点的凸组合:

p = ∑ i = 1 n λ i v i     a n d    ∑ i = 1 n λ i = 1 (3) p = \sum^{n}_{i=1}\lambda_iv_i \ \ \ and \ \ \sum^{n}_{i=1}\lambda_i = 1 \tag3 p=i=1nλivi   and  i=1nλi=1(3)

广义重心坐标有很多求法比如:均值坐标(MVC),格林坐标(GC),调和坐标(HC)等,这里我们介绍一下广泛使用的均值坐标(Mean Value coordinates)的计算方法。

3. 2D 均值坐标

对于一般的2D的多边形,Floater (Floater M S . Mean value coordinates[M]. Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. 2003.) 给出的均值坐标为:

p = ∑ i = 1 n λ i v i     a n d     λ i = w i / ∑ j = 1 n w j (4) p = \sum^{n}_{i=1}\lambda_iv_i \ \ \ and \ \ \ \lambda_i = w_i / \sum^{n}_{j=1}w_j\tag4 p=i=1nλivi   and   λi=wi/j=1nwj(4)
w i = [ t a n ( α i − 1 / 2 ) + t a n ( α i / 2 ) ] / ∣ ∣ v i − p ∣ ∣ (5) w_i = [tan(\alpha_{i-1}/2)+tan(\alpha_i/2)] / ||v_i-p||\tag5 wi=[tan(αi1/2)+tan(αi/2)]/vip(5)


我们的目标是将多边形内部的点 p p p 表示为多边形顶点的凸组合:
p = ∑ i = 1 n λ i v i    a n d    λ i = w i / ∑ j = 1 n w j p = \sum^{n}_{i=1}\lambda_iv_i \ \ and \ \ \lambda_i = w_i / \sum^{n}_{j=1}w_j p=i=1nλivi  and  λi=wi/j=1nwj

等价于: ∑ i = 1 n ( w i / ∑ j = 1 n w j ) ( v i − p ) = 0 \sum^{n}_{i=1} (w_i / \sum^{n}_{j=1}w_j )(v_i-p) = 0 i=1n(wi/j=1nwj)(vip)=0, 左右两边分别乘以 ∑ j = 1 n w j \sum^{n}_{j=1}w_j j=1nwj:

∑ i = 1 n w i ( v i − p ) = 0 (6) \sum^{n}_{i=1}w_i(v_i-p) = 0\tag6 i=1nwi(vip)=0(6)

接下来,使用 p p p 处的极坐标表示 v i v_i vi
v i = p + ∣ ∣ v i − p ∣ ∣ ( c o s θ i , s i n θ i ) v_i = p + ||v_i-p||(cos\theta_i, sin\theta_i) vi=p+vip(cosθi,sinθi)

( v i − p ) / ∣ ∣ v i − p ∣ ∣ = ( c o s θ i , s i n θ i ) (7) (v_i-p) / ||v_i-p|| = (cos\theta_i, sin\theta_i) \tag7 (vip)/vip=(cosθi,sinθi)(7)


∑ i = 1 n [ t a n ( α i − 1 / 2 ) + t a n ( α i / 2 ) ] ⋅ ( v i − p ) / ∣ ∣ v i − p ∣ ∣ = 0 (8) \sum^{n}_{i=1}[tan(\alpha_{i-1}/2)+tan(\alpha_i/2)]\cdot (v_i-p) / ||v_i-p|| = 0\tag8 i=1n[tan(αi1/2)+tan(αi/2)](vip)/vip=0(8)


∑ i = 1 n [ t a n ( α i − 1 / 2 ) + t a n ( α i / 2 ) ] ( c o s θ i , s i n θ i ) = 0 (9) \sum^{n}_{i=1}[tan(\alpha_{i-1}/2)+tan(\alpha_i/2)](cos\theta_i, sin\theta_i) = 0\tag9 i=1n[tan(αi1/2)+tan(αi/2)](cosθi,sinθi)=0(9)

上式进一步等效于(注意类似于: ∑ i = 2 n = 1 \sum^{n=1}_{i=2} i=2n=1表示2,3,4,…n, 0):

∑ i = 2 n = 1 t a n ( α i / 2 ) [ ( c o s θ i , s i n θ i ) + ( c o s θ i + 1 , s i n θ i + 1 ) ] = 0 (10) \sum^{n=1}_{i=2}tan(\alpha_i/2)[(cos\theta_i, sin\theta_i) + (cos\theta_{i+1}, sin\theta_{i+1})] = 0\tag{10} i=2n=1tan(αi/2)[(cosθi,sinθi)+(cosθi+1,sinθi+1)]=0(10)


首先,我们知道,从圆心指向圆周的所有单位向量之和为 0 向量,因为任意一个向量都能找出一个与之大小相等方向相反的向量。

0 = ∫ 0 2 π ( c o s θ , s i n θ ) = ∑ i = 1 k ∫ θ i θ i + 1 ( c o s θ , s i n θ ) = ∑ i = 1 k ∫ θ i θ i + 1 s i n ( θ i + 1 − θ ) s i n α i ( c o s θ i , s i n θ i ) + s i n ( θ − θ i ) s i n α i ( c o s θ i + 1 , s i n θ i + 1 ) \mathbf{0} = \int^{2\pi}_0 (cos\theta,sin\theta)= \sum^k_{i=1}\int^{\theta_{i+1}}_{\theta_i}(cos\theta,sin\theta)=\sum^k_{i=1}\int^{\theta_{i+1}}_{\theta_i}\frac{sin(\theta_{i+1}-\theta)}{sin\alpha_i}(cos\theta_i,sin\theta_i) + \frac{sin(\theta-\theta_i)}{sin\alpha_i}(cos\theta_{i+1},sin\theta_{i+1}) 0=02π(cosθ,sinθ)=i=1kθiθi+1(cosθ,sinθ)=i=1kθiθi+1sinαisin(θi+1θ)(cosθi,sinθi)+sinαisin(θθi)(cosθi+1,sinθi+1)


∑ i = 1 k ( c o s θ i , s i n θ i ) s i n α i ∫ θ i θ i + 1 s i n ( θ i + 1 − θ ) d θ + ( c o s θ i + 1 , s i n θ i + 1 ) s i n α i ∫ θ i θ i + 1 s i n ( θ − θ i + 1 ) d θ (11) \sum^k_{i=1}\frac{(cos\theta_i,sin\theta_i)}{{sin\alpha_i}}\int^{\theta_{i+1}}_{\theta_i} sin(\theta_{i+1}-\theta) d\theta + \frac{(cos\theta_{i+1},sin\theta_{i+1})}{{sin\alpha_i}}\int^{\theta_{i+1}}_{\theta_i} sin(\theta -\theta_{i+1}) d\theta \tag{11} i=1ksinαi(cosθi,sinθi)θiθi+1sin(θi+1θ)dθ+sinαi(cosθi+1,sinθi+1)θiθi+1sin(θθi+1)dθ(11)

∫ θ i θ i + 1 s i n ( θ i + 1 − θ ) d θ = ∫ θ i θ i + 1 s i n ( θ − θ i + 1 ) d θ = 1 − c o s α i \int^{\theta_{i+1}}_{\theta_i} sin(\theta_{i+1}-\theta) d\theta = \int^{\theta_{i+1}}_{\theta_i} sin(\theta -\theta_{i+1}) d\theta = 1 - cos\alpha_i θiθi+1sin(θi+1θ)dθ=θiθi+1sin(θθi+1)dθ=1cosαi, 因此(11)计算结果为:

∑ i = 1 k ( 1 − c o s α i ) ( c o s θ i , s i n θ i ) s i n α i + ( 1 − c o s α i ) ( c o s θ i + 1 , s i n θ i + 1 ) s i n α i (12) \sum^k_{i=1}\frac{(1-cos\alpha_i)(cos\theta_i,sin\theta_i)}{{sin\alpha_i}} + \frac{(1-cos\alpha_i)(cos\theta_{i+1},sin\theta_{i+1})}{{sin\alpha_i}}\tag{12} i=1ksinαi(1cosαi)(cosθi,sinθi)+sinαi(1cosαi)(cosθi+1,sinθi+1)(12)
因为: 1 − c o s α i s i n α i = t a n ( α i / 2 ) \frac{1-cos\alpha_i}{sin\alpha_i} = tan(\alpha_i/2) sinαi1cosαi=tan(αi/2), 所以(12)等价于:

∑ i = 1 k t a n ( α i / 2 ) [ ( c o s θ i , s i n θ i ) + ( c o s θ i + 1 , s i n θ i + 1 ) ] (13) \sum^k_{i=1}tan(\alpha_i/2)[(cos\theta_i,sin\theta_i) + (cos\theta_{i+1},sin\theta_{i+1})] \tag{13} i=1ktan(αi/2)[(cosθi,sinθi)+(cosθi+1,sinθi+1)](13)


评论 2




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