

Have you ever heard about the Jennifer Aniston neuron? In 2005, a group of neuroscientists led by Rodrigo Quian Quiroga published a paper (pdf) detailing his discovery of a type of neuron that steadily fired whenever she was shown a photo of Jennifer Aniston. The neuron in question was not activated when presented with photos of other celebrities. Obviously, we don’t all have Jennifer Aniston neurons and those specialized neurons can be activated in response to pictures of other celebrities. However, the Aniston neuron has become one of the most powerful metaphors in neuroscience to describe neurons that focus on a very specific task.

您是否听说过珍妮弗·安妮斯顿的神经元? 2005年,由Rodrigo Quian Quiroga领导的一组神经科学家发表了一篇论文 (pdf),其中详细介绍了他发现的一种神经元,只要看到詹妮弗·安妮斯顿的照片,它就会不断发射。 出现其他名人的照片时,所讨论的神经元未激活。 显然,我们并不都拥有詹妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)神经元,而那些特殊的神经元可以响应其他名人的照片而被激活。 但是,Aniston神经元已成为神经科学中最强大的隐喻之一,用于描述专注于非常特定任务的神经元。

The fascinating thing about the Jennifer Aniston neuron is that it was discovered while Quiroga was researching areas of the brain that caused epileptic seizures. It is a well known fact that epilepsy causes damages across different areas of the brain but determining those specific areas is still an active area of research. Quiroga’s investigation into damaged brain regions led to the discovery in the functionality of other neurons. Some of Quiroga’s thought are brilliantly captured in his recent book The Forgetting Machine.

珍妮弗·安妮斯顿神经元的迷人之处在于,它是在Quiroga研究导致癫痫发作的大脑区域时发现的。 众所周知,癫痫会在大脑的不同区域造成损害,但是确定这些特定区域仍然是研究的活跃领域。 Quiroga对受损大脑区域的研究导致发现了其他神经元的功能。 Quiroga的一些思想在他最近的著作《忘记的机器》中得到了很好的体现。

Extrapolating Quiroga’s methodology to the world of deep learning, data scientists from DeepMind published a paper that proposes a technique to learn about the impact of specific neurons in a neural network by causing damages to it. Sounds crazy? Not so much, in software development as in neuroscience, simulating arbitrarily failure is one of the most powerful methods to understand the functionality of code. DeepMind’s new algorithm can be seen as a version of chaos monkey for deep neural networks.

DeepMind的数据科学家将Quiroga的方法推论到深度学习领域, 发表了一篇论文 ,提出了一种通过对神经网络造成破坏来了解特定神经元的影响的技术。 听起来疯了吗? 与其说是软件开发,不如说是神经科学,模拟任意故障是理解代码功能的最强大方法之一。 DeepMind的新算法可以看作是用于深度神经网络的混沌猴子的一种版本。

How does the DeepMind neuron deletion method really works? Very simply, the algorithm randomly deletes groups of neurons in a deep neural network and tries to understand their specific impact by running the modified network against the trained dataset.

DeepMind神经元删除方法如何真正起作用? 很简单,该算法会随机删除深度神经网络中的神经元组,并通过对训练后的数据集运行经过修改的网络来尝试了解它们的特定影响。

Image for post
Source: https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.06959
资料来源: https : //arxiv.org/abs/1803.06959

When evaluating DeepMind’s new technique in image recognition scenarios , it produced some surprising results:


  • Although many previous studies have focused on understanding easily interpretable individual neurons (e.g. “cat neurons”, or neurons in the hidden layers of deep networks which are only active in response to images of cats), DeepMind found that these interpretable neurons are no more important than confusing neurons with difficult-to-interpret activity.

    尽管以前的许多研究都集中于理解易于解释的单个神经元(例如“猫神经元”或深层网络的隐藏层中仅对猫的图像起作用的神经元 ),但DeepMind发现,这些可解释的神经元不再重要而不是将神经元与难以解释的活动相混淆。

  • Networks which correctly classify unseen images are more resilient to neuron deletion than networks which can only classify images they have seen before. In other words, networks which generalize well are much less reliant on single directions than those which memorize.

    正确分类看不见图像的网络比只能分类以前看到的图像的网络对神经元删除的复原力更好 。 换句话说,与记忆的网络相比,泛化得好的网络对单一方向的依赖要少得多。

珍妮弗·安妮斯顿神经元并不那么热 (Jennifer Aniston Neurons Are Not That Hot)

Just like in neuroscience, deep learning models include a lot of highly specialized nodes such as the Jennifer Aniston neurons. Deep learning research has categorized many types of neurons based on their functionality. Google’s famous cat neurons or OpenAI’s sentiment neurons are some of the most famous specialized neurons in deep learning models. Common wisdom has suggested that the impact of those specialized neurons in a neural network is more relevant than common neurons. DeepMind’s research proved exactly the opposite.

就像在神经科学领域一样,深度学习模型包括许多高度专业化的节点,例如詹妮弗·安妮斯顿神经元。 深度学习研究已根据神经元的功能对许多类型的神经元进行了分类。 Google的著名猫神经元或OpenAI的情感神经元是深度学习模型中最著名的专业神经元。 常识表明,那些专用神经元在神经网络中的影响比普通神经元更重要。 DeepMind的研究恰恰相反。

Surprisingly, DeepMind’s neuron deletion experiments found that there was little relationship between selectivity and importance. In other words, specialized neurons were no more important than confusing neurons. This finding echoes recent work in neuroscience which has demonstrated that confusing neurons can actually be quite informative, and suggests that we must look beyond the most easily interpretable neurons in order to understand deep neural networks.

令人惊讶的是,DeepMind的神经元删除实验发现选择性和重要性之间几乎没有关系。 换句话说,专门的神经元只比混淆神经元重要。 这一发现与最近在神经科学领域的工作相呼应,后者证明了混淆神经元实际上可以提供很多信息,并建议我们必须超越最容易解释的神经元,才能理解深度神经网络。

泛化-弹性相关 (Generalization-Resiliency Correlation)

The other big discovery by the DeepMind team is related to the correlation between the ability of a deep learning models to generalize well and its resiliency. In experiments that deleted different groups of nodes in a neural network, DeepMind researchers found out that networks which generalize well were much more robust to deletions than networks which simply memorized images that were previously seen during training. In other words, networks which generalize better are harder to break.

DeepMind团队的另一个重大发现与深度学习模型的良好概括能力及其弹性之间的相关性有关。 在删除神经网络中不同节点组的实验中,DeepMind研究人员发现,与仅记忆训练前看到的图像的网络相比,泛化良好的网络对删除的鲁棒性更高。 换句话说,泛化效果更好的网络更难破解。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/learning-by-forgetting-deep-neural-networks-and-the-jennifer-aniston-neuron-eaa596e999ba





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