

Over the years, as a child who built solar-powered boats and robot arms from science kits, then as a team captain of my high school FIRST Robotics competition, as an undergraduate majoring in a Mechanical Engineering with Robotics flex degree, as an MIT Media Lab research assistant on a big (seriously, big) robotic construction platform, and finally working on DARPA robotics research and robotic applications in industry….


I have received many, many questions about robots.


Hopefully, this litany has outlined why I am qualified to explain this topic, the last qualification being, I can also write and explain things pretty well for an engineer, if I do say so myself. Some caveats:

希望这件事能概述我为什么有资格解释这个话题,最后一个资格是,如果我自己说的话,我也可以为工程师写和解释得很好。 一些警告:

  1. I am young, and relatively early in my career. I don’t have a PhD and I am not the head of a robotics company. But the field is pretty young, too. You might have reason to be suspicious of what some of those more established people might have to say — maybe they have an incentive to put a particular spin on robots, if they run a company that builds them or if robots are their life’s work. I don’t have as much of an incentive; I can still leave this field and pursue a medical device career or something (but I do love robots).

    我还年轻,而且职业生涯还比较早。 我没有博士学位,也不是机器人公司的负责人。 但是这个领域也很年轻。 您可能有理由怀疑一些较老的人可能要说些什么-也许他们有动力对机器人进行特别的旋转,如果他们经营一家制造机器人的公司,或者如果机器人是他们一生的工作。 我没有太多的动力; 我仍然可以离开这个领域,从事医疗器械事业或其他工作(但我确实喜欢机器人)。
  2. This post will contain several Hot Takes (TM). Just roll with me ‘til the end and have fun, I don’t pretend it’s all perfect or that I know everything — that’s why I call them ‘hot takes’ and not ‘immutable truths’. I’d be more than happy to further engage and debate about the definitions and implications of technology!

    这篇文章将包含几个热门影片(TM)。 只是跟我“直到最后滚来滚去,玩得开心,我不假装这一切都是完美的,或者我不了解一切。”这就是为什么我称它们为“热门”而不是“不变的真理”。 我很乐意进一步参与和辩论技术的定义和含义!

你为什么写这篇博客文章? (Why are you writing this blog post?)

Though there are many articles on this subject (and I encourage you to read them) in my opinion, few people have done a good job explaining what robotics and automation means for you. Few people explain the technical stuff, the research stuff, and the implications for business and government and so on. People want to know what’s really going on right now, and most people are going off of viral, creepy Boston Dynamics videos, which look cool but don’t explain much about how robots actually work.

尽管我认为有很多关于该主题的文章(我鼓励您阅读它们),但是很少有人能很好地解释机器人技术和自动化对您的意义 。 很少有人会解释技术资料,研究资料以及对企业和政府的影响等。 人们想知道到底发生了什么的,现在,病毒,令人毛骨悚然Boston Dynamics公司的视频,这看起来很酷大多数人都会关闭,但并不了解如何机器人实际工作太多解释。

Hence, why people keep asking me questions.


核心问题:您会让我失业吗? (The Central Question: Are you gonna put me out of a job?)

All the questions that I’ve ever received seem to revolve around this one. I will address this incredibly common question in two parts. The first is social in nature, the second is technical and practical.

我收到的所有问题似乎都围绕着这个问题。 我将分两部分讨论这个令人难以置信的常见问题。 首先是社会性质,其次是技术和实践。

机器人的社会意义 (Social Implications of Robots)

Let’s look at one very big field in robotics right now: e-commerce.


The bulk of automation in e-commerce and manufacturing is actually motivated by the fact that there are not enough people.


Let me say that again. There are not enough workers, so automation rushes in to fill the gaps.

让我再说一遍。 由于没有足够的工人,因此自动化工作开始填补空白。

Now, I’m not going to just give giant corporations a free pass here. Part of the reason there are not enough people are because wages are low, benefits are meh, and the jobs are very tedious. Growth-track employment opportunities are dwindling in favor of the “independent contractor” model. There’s no promise that a job in order fulfillment will ever be more than just a job. The companies around these positions have a major role to play in making these positions undesirable.

现在,我不只是给大型公司免费通行证。 人数不足的部分原因是因为工资低,福利低,工作繁琐。 支持“独立承包商”模式的增长型就业机会正在减少。 不能保证完成订单的工作将不仅仅是一份工作。 这些职位周围的公司在使这些职位不受欢迎方面可以发挥主要作用。

That said, at the end of the day, even if there is great pay and benefits, running around a warehouse all day is rarely going to be desirable. Autonomous ground vehicles, championed by Kiva Systems (now Amazon Robotics) made this job less tedious and labor intensive, by using robotic vehicles to bring the goods to the person (this is called “goods-to-person”) instead of sending people around the warehouse to find the g

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