


Everyone questions an emerging technology based on ethics, regulations and implications. Artificial intelligence faces this test as adoption continues in consumer and enterprise spaces. Enterprises are not doing well in deployment of AI and struggle to align this technology with their strategic goals.

E veryone质疑一种基于道德,法规和含义的新兴技术。 随着在消费者和企业领域的继续采用, 人工智能将面临这一考验。 企业在部署AI方面做得不好,并且努力使这项技术与其战略目标保持一致。

The COVID-19 pandemic continues with researchers and AI experts working on a vaccine solution. AI real time detection of COVID-19 is combating the virus by detecting those with fever symptoms and issuing alerts on proximity of suspect cases.

研究人员和AI专家致力于疫苗解决方案,COVID-19大流行仍在继续。 AI COVID-19的实时检测通过检测发烧症状并在可疑病例附近发出警报来对抗病毒。

The BeAware application is the latest technology using artificial intelligence to search those suspected to contract the virus within a given location. Governments around the world are using contact tracing apps to monitor movements and confirming suspect cases as a measure to limit spread of COVID-19.

BeAware应用程序是使用人工智能的最新技术,可在给定位置搜索怀疑感染该病毒的人员。 世界各地的政府都在使用联系人跟踪应用程序来监视移动并确认可疑案件,以限制COVID-19的传播。

These and more insights on our Weekly AI Update


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您相信AI吗? (Do you trust AI?)

Artificial intelligence is one of the most transformational technologies of our age. It is necessary to assess security risks and pertinent questions before the technology starts to conquer the world. People become concerned about security issues when a new innovation emerges, and — sometimes too late. We will likely see a demand for AI security in the 2020s.

一个 rtificial情报是我们这个时代的最具变革性的技术之一。 在技​​术开始征服世界之前,有必要评估安全风险和相关问题。 当出现新的创新时,人们开始担心安全问题,有时为时已晚。 我们可能会在2020年代看到对AI安全的需求。

We should care about this possible future today, as numerous critical incidents have taken place, such as the Tesla car incident. International efforts are growing to develop regulations and ethical guidelines for AI.

由于发生了许多重大事件,例如特斯拉汽车事故 ,我们今天应该关心这个可能的未来。 越来越多的国际努力为AI制定法规道德准则

G20 leaders signed a statement endorsing a few basic ethical principles¹ for AI on June 29, 2019. As one of the first countries the US discussed the potential problems of AI security, such as adversarial attacks, in its AI strategy “The National Artificial Intelligence Research And Development Strategic Plan: 2016.”


One of the strategies was to ensure the safety and security of AI systems at every stage in the document. Many leading countries published similar documents later in which security was among the considered issues. The UK government interim strategy considered AI to be a key technology trend and a necessary tool in identifying and responding to security threats.

其中一项策略是在文档的每个阶段确保AI系统的安全性。 许多领先国家后来发表了类似的文件,其中安全是考虑的问题之一。 英国政府的临时战略认为,人工智能是关键技术趋势,是识别和应对安全威胁的必要工具。

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在COVID-19大流行期间提供AI支持 (AI Support during COVID-19 Pandemic)

Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in the Middle East are using artificial intelligence tools to halt the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

乙 ahrain,沙特阿拉伯和阿联酋在中东地区使用的人工智能工具,以阻止冠状病毒疫情的蔓延。

They are using speed cameras, drones, and robots to ensure the movement is limited and social distancing is in place.


Governments can monitor those who have tested positive for coronavirus, and limit their exposure via location-based contact tracing. The ability of AI to crunch large amounts of data² has allowed governments worldwide to collect information and stop the pandemic.

政府可以监控那些检测到冠状病毒呈阳性的人,并通过基于位置的接触者追踪来限制暴露。 人工智能处理大量数据的能力²使全世界的政府能够收集信息并制止这种大流行。

An application called ‘BeAware’ allows residents to track proximity to someone with COVID19. It uses location data to alert individuals in the event they approach an active case.

名为“ BeAware”的应用程序使居民可以跟踪与COVID19的人的接近程度。 它使用位置数据来警告个人,以防他们接近实际案件。

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企业AI的状态 (The State of Enterprise AI)

NLP and #deeplearning are capable of providing considerable value to organizations that implement them. But “7 out of 10 companies surveyed report minimal or no impact from AI so far. Among the 90% of companies that have made some investment in AI, fewer than 2 out of 5 report business gains from AI in the past three years.

N LP和#deeplearning能够为实施它们的组织提供可观的价值。 但是,“到目前为止,在接受调查的10家公司中,有7家报告称受到AI影响很小或没有。 在90%的对AI进行了投资的公司中,只有不到五分之二的公司表示在过去三年中从AI获得了业务收益。

This number improves to 3 out of 5 when we include companies that have made significant investments in AI. This means 40% of organizations making significant investments in AI do not report business gains from AI

当我们将对人工智能进行重大投资的公司包括在内时,该数字将提高到五分之三。 这意味着40%的在AI上进行重大投资的组织没有报告AI带来的业务收益

Firms report ongoing interest and an active embrace of AI technologies and solutions, with 91.5% of firms reporting ongoing investment in AI. Only 14.6% of firms report that they have deployed AI capabilities³ into widespread production.

公司报告了对AI技术和解决方案的持续关注和积极拥抱,其中91.5%的公司报告了对AI的持续投资。 只有14.6%的公司报告他们已将AI功能³部署到了广泛的生产中。

The percentage of respondents agreeing that their pace of investment in AI and big data was accelerating fell from 92% in 2018 to 52% in 2019. The top 3 challenges with AI were implementation issues, integrating AI into the company’s roles and functions, and data issues — all factors involved in large-scale deployment.


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数据驱动的业务转型 (Data Driven Business Transformation)

The growing skills gap is becoming a great motivator for increased automation, driven by artificial intelligence and #machineLearning. There will be business winners and losers after this pandemic.

吨他成长技能差距正在成为自动化程度的提高有很大的动力,通过人工智能和#machineLearning驱动。 大流行之后,将有企业的赢家和输家。

Technologies will work as a critical differentiator to create a wide range of business advantages for themselves both during and after the pandemic.


Executives, especially CIOs will be able to view and act on better information and more in-depth analytics, enabling them to drive a faster business transformation with a combination of AI and ML.


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Credit: Redbubble

The technological development has driven expectations more towards predictive business intelligence than ever before. The task of automation becomes much simpler if you have highly accurate predictive information.

技术发展比以往任何时候都更加期望将预测商业智能。 如果您拥有高度准确的预测信息,自动化的任务将变得更加简单。

Computing systems are capable to deliver an entire world of historical data and analytical information with just a few clicks now. Intelligence and forecasting data from computer systems are the true crown jewels.

现在,只需单击几下鼠标,计算系统就可以提供整个世界的历史数据和分析信息。 来自计算机系统的情报和预测数据是真正的皇冠上的明珠。

AI and ML technologies are shining today as tools to help pull insights from the massive COVID-19 data pools. AI will hopefully help bring the spread of this pandemic to its heels with fast access and manipulation of data. The combination of AI and ML have the capability to streamline any repetitive task⁴.

如今,人工智能和机器学习技术作为帮助从庞大的COVID-19数据池中获取见解的工具而崭露头角。 人工智能将有望通过快速访问和操纵数据来使这种流行病的蔓延Swift到来。 AI和ML的组合具有简化任何重复任务的能力。

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跳过概念验证和缩放 (Skipping Proof of Concept and Scaling)

C-suite executives know they need to integrate AI capabilities to stay competitive but get stuck focusing on the wrong details or building a model to prove a point rather than solve a problem. According to Harvard Business Review, 3 out of 4 executives believe that they risk going out of business entirely if they don’t scale AI in the next 5 years.

ç-suite高管知道他们需要整合AI功能,以保持竞争力,但卡住注重细节错误或建立一个模型来证明这一点,而不是解决问题 。 根据《哈佛商业评论》(Harvard Business Review),四分之三的高管认为,如果他们在未来5年内不扩展AI,他们将面临完全破产的风险。

Harvard Business Review offers a radical solution: Kill the proof of concept. Go right to scale.

《哈佛商业评论》提供了一个根本的解决方案:杀死概念证明。 向右缩放。

They came to this solution after surveying 1,500 C-suite executives across 16 industries in 12 countries. They discovered that while 84% know they need to scale AI across their businesses to achieve their strategic growth objectives, only 16% of them have actually moved beyond experimenting with AI⁵.

他们在对12个国家/地区的16个行业的1,500名高级管理人员进行调查之后,得出了此解决方案。 他们发现,虽然84%的人知道他们需要在整个业务中扩展AI以实现其战略增长目标 ,但实际上只有16%的人已经超出了尝试AI⁵的范围。

The companies that attempted scaling twice as often, succeeding at their scaling initiatives twice as often because they were structured correctly completing scaling projects more quickly spending less money on pilots & fully scaled deployments.


The largest banking group in the Nordics, Nordea needed a chatbot to help with customer service. Nordea had a structure for testing and development in place — so they skipped the proof of concept and went right to scale.

Nordea是北欧最大的银行集团,需要一个聊天机器人来帮助客户服务。 Nordea拥有适当的测试和开发结构,因此他们跳过了概念验证,而是进行了规模扩展。

So commit to action and make sure the right team is in place.


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AI可以帮助对抗COVID-19吗? (Can AI help to combat against COVID-19?)

Scientists and researchers are working heartily to find treatments and develop a vaccine for coronavirus. Artificial intelligence technologies are emerging as key solutions to combating coronavirus where Israel is well-positioned as a well-known country for its strength in deep tech and home to a vibrant AI ecosystem that has been growing rapidly over the past few years.

小号 cientists和研究人员正在尽情地努力寻找治疗方法,并制定冠状病毒的疫苗。 人工智能技术正在成为对抗冠状病毒的关键解决方案,在以色列,以色列凭借其深厚的技术实力和一个充满活力的AI生态系统而闻名,该国家在过去几年中一直在快速增长,而该国家已被定为知名国家。

The unique tech ecosystem of Israel includes companies and startups that utilize AI technologies in healthcare, #cybersecurity, autonomous driving, and many other fields in the country.


Israeli health care system slowed-down the spread of the COVID19 with some of the life-saving technologies. An AI-based triage platform in Israel gives public health officials continuous monitoring of the patterns in which the virus spreads.

以色列的卫生保健系统通过一些救生技术降低了COVID19的传播速度。 以色列基于AI的分类系统使公共卫生官员能够持续监控病毒的传播方式。

Diagnostic Robotics¹⁰ which is originally developed by an Israeli company adapted to tackle the current pandemic, offers an analytics tool that produces risk assessment and predictive models⁶ allowing a faster and better targeted medical response.

Diagnostic Robotics¹最初是由一家以色列公司开发的,专门用于解决当前的大流行病,它提供了一种分析工具,可以进行风险评估和预测模型,从而可以更快,更好地针对性地进行医疗React。

Diagnostic Robotics has raised $24 million so far from investors and joined the global fight against COVID-19 by giving countries access to their technology at a cost.

迄今为止,Diagnostic Robotics已从投资者那里筹集了2400万美元,并通过向各国收费提供其技术来加入全球对抗COVID-19的斗争。

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COVID-19的临床试验 (Clinical Trials for COVID-19)

British pharmacologist Peter Richardson explained that he had identified a drug that might help people infected with a new virus spreading in China. Benevolent AI, a London startup where Peter Richardson is vice president of pharmacology, developed an artificial intelligence software that might help.

乙 ritish药理学家彼得·理查森解释说,他已确定一种药物,感染了新病毒在中国的传播可能会帮助人。 彼得·理查森(Peter Richardson)为药理学副总裁的伦敦初创企业Benevolent AI开发了一款可能会有所帮助的人工智能软件。

A kind of search engine on steroids that combines drug industry data with nuggets gleaned from scientific research papers created by the startup. Richardson had identified a rheumatoid arthritis drug that might dampen some of the most severe effects of the COVID19 using the software.

一种基于类固醇的搜索引擎,它将制药行业数据与该创业公司创建的科学研究论文中收集的掘金结合在一起。 理查森(Richardson)已经确定使用该类风湿性关节炎药物可以减轻COVID19的某些最严重的影响。

Richardson and others at Benevolent AI¹¹ published two research papers laying out their hypothesis and supporting evidence in February. The research papers caught the attention of Eli Lilly, which markets the arthritis drug, known as baricitinib, under the brand name Olumiant.

理查森(Richardson)等人在慈善基金会(Benevolent AI)上发表了两篇研究论文,阐述了他们的假设和支持证据。 这些研究论文引起了礼来公司的注意,礼来公司以Olumiant品牌销售被称为Baricitinib的关节炎药物。

Lilly announced this week that it is working with the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases on a large clinical trial of the drug in hospitalized COVID-19 patients.

礼来公司本周宣布,它正在与美国国家过敏和传染病研究所合作进行一项大型临床试验。 在住院的COVID-19患者中使用该药物。

The clinical trial should begin in the US this month and could expand to include patients in Europe and Asia. Results are expected as soon as late June where it usually takes years to design, organize, and launch a trial.

该临床试验应于本月在美国开始,并可能扩大到欧洲和亚洲的患者。 预计最快在6月下旬就能获得结果,通常情况下,设计,组织和启动试验需要花费数年时间。

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Clearview面部识别争议 (Clearview Facial Recognition Controversy)

Clearview AI¹² quickly became one of the most elusive, secretive and reviled companies in the tech startup scene since it exploded onto the scene in January.

自从1月份问世以来, C learview AI²Swift成为科技创业公司中最难以捉摸,最秘密和最受辱骂的公司之一。

The #facialrecognition startup allows its law enforcement users to take a picture of a person, upload it and match it against its alleged database of 3 billion images, which the company scraped from public social media profiles. But a misconfigured server exposed the company’s internal files, apps and source code for anyone on the internet to find for a time.

#facialrecognition初创公司允许其执法用户拍照,上传照片并将其与所谓的30亿张图片数据库进行匹配,该公司从公共社交媒体资料中抓取了该图片。 但是配置错误的服务器暴露了公司的内部文件,应用程序和源代码,互联网上的任何人都可以找到一段时间。

The chief security officer at Dubai-based cybersecurity firm SpiderSilk, Mossab Hussein found the repository storing Clearview’s source code though the repository was protected with a password, a misconfigured setting allowed anyone to register as a new user to log in to the system storing the code.

位于迪拜的网络安全公司SpiderSilk的首席安全官Mossab Hussein发现,尽管该存储库受密码保护,但该存储库仍存储Clearview的源代码,配置错误的设置允许任何人注册为新用户,以登录到存储该代码的系统。

The repository contained Clearview’s sourcecode, which could be used to compile and run the apps from scratch. Some of the company’s secret keys and credentials, which granted access to Clearview’s cloudstorage repository also stored in the repository. Clearview stored copies of its finished Windows, Mac, and Android apps, as well as its iOS app inside those buckets.

该存储库包含Clearview的源代码,可用于从头开始编译和运行应用程序。 公司的一些秘密密钥和凭证,授予对Clearview的cloudstorage存储库的访问权限,这些存储库也存储在该存储库中。 Clearview将其完成的Windows,Mac和Android应用程序以及其iOS应用程序的副本存储在这些存储桶中。

Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have already filed cease-and-desist letters with Clearview AI.

Facebook,Twitter和YouTube已向Clearview AI提交了终止与终止函。

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AI实时检测COVID-19 (AI Real Time detection of COVID-19)

Artificial intelligence algorithm applied to more than 2,000 lung X-ray images is helping radiologists more quickly identify signs of early pneumonia in COVID19 patients developed by UC San Diego Health. Mayo Clinic¹³ teamed up with Minnesota’s health department to create an artificial intelligence-powered tool to identify greater COVID-19 transmission zones in southern Minnesota.

一项应用于2000多幅肺部X射线图像的人工智能算法正在帮助放射科医生更快地识别由UC San Diego Health开发的COVID19患者的早期肺炎征兆。 MayoClinic¹³与明尼苏达州卫生部门合作,创建了一个由人工智能驱动的工具,以识别明尼苏达州南部更大的COVID-19传播区。

Tampa General Hospital using a new AI system to detect⁸ feverish visitors with a simple facial scan. The AI powered monitoring equipment Sheba Medical Center equipped two remote hospital units established to treat COVID19 patients.

坦帕总医院使用新的AI系统通过简单的面部扫描检测发烧的访客。 由AI驱动的监控设备Sheba Medical Center配备了两个远程医院,用于治疗COVID19患者。

The AI platform, Flu Sensemodel developed by researchers at University of Massachusetts Amherst was able to analyze coughing sounds and crowd size collected by the handheld device in real-time, then use that data to accurately predict daily illness rates in each clinic.

由麻省大学阿默斯特分校的研究人员开发的AI平台Flu Sensemodel能够实时分析手持设备收集到的咳嗽声和人群大小,然后使用该数据准确地预测每个诊所的日发病率。

An Israeli startup company’s Vocalis Health¹⁴ working with hospitals and academic institutions to sample voices of confirmed coronavirus patients through a mobile application.


Baptist Health based in Kentucky using an AI platform from remote-patient-monitoring startup Current Health Ltd. to track about 20 COVID-19 patients.

Baptist Health位于肯塔基州,使用来自远程病人监护初创公司Current Health Ltd.的AI平台跟踪约20名COVID-19患者。

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人工智能系统中的道德挑战 (Ethical challenges in AI systems)

Top research labs in the US, Europe, and researchers from Google Brain, Intel, OpenAI forces this week to release what the group calls a toolbox for turning AI ethics principles into practice.


The idea of paying developers for finding bias in #AI, akin to the bug bounties offered in security software is the kit for organizations creating AImodels. To ensure AI is made with public trust and societal well-being in mind recommendation and other ideas detailed in a preprint paper published this week. Developers could unearth more bias than is revealed by measures in place.

与在安全软件中提供的漏洞赏金类似,向开发人员付费以发现#AI中的偏见,这是组织创建AI模型的工具包。 为了确保在公众信任和社会福祉的基础上进行AI推荐和其他想法,本周出版的预印本详细介绍了AI。 与现有措施相比,开发人员可能会发现更多的偏见。

JB Rubinovitz initially suggested the idea of bias bounties for AI in 2018. Google said it has paid $21 million to security bug finders, while bug bounty platforms like HackerOne¹⁵ and Bugcrowd¹⁶ have raised funding rounds in recent months.

JB Rubinovitz最初在2018年提出了AI奖励偏差的想法。Google表示已向安全漏洞发现者支付了2100万美元,而像HackerOne和Bugcrowd这样的漏洞赏金平台在最近几个月进行了融资。

Regina Dugan, former director, DARPA advocated red-teaming exercises to address ethical challenges in AI systems. A team led primarily by prominent Google AI ethics researchers released a framework for internal use at organizations.

DARPA前总监Regina Dugan提倡红队合作以应对AI系统中的道德挑战。 主要由著名的Google AI伦理研究人员领导的团队发布了一个供组织内部使用的框架。

More than 80 organizations — including #OpenAI, Google, and even the US military — have drafted AI ethics principles, but this paper asserts AI ethics principles⁹ are only a first step to beneficial societal outcomes from AI.


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描述性文字是否有助于AI在动态环境中进行概括? (Do descriptive texts help AI to generalize across dynamic environments?)

Scientists at the University of Toronto and the Vector Institute, an independent nonprofit dedicated to advancing AI, propose BabyAI++, a platform to study whether descriptive texts help AI to generalize across dynamic environments in a new study published this week on the preprint server Arxiv. Several baseline models along with this one will soon be available on GitHub.

在多伦多大学和Vector研究所,一个独立的非盈利致力于推进AI,S cientists提出BabyAI ++,一个平台,以研究是否描述文本的帮助AI在本周的预印本服务器的arXiv上公布的一项新的研究横跨动态环境一概而论。 几个基线模型以及该模型将很快在GitHub上提供。

Reinforcement learning- one of the most powerful techniques in machine learning, which entails spurring software agents toward goals via rewards. It requires a large number of compute cycles to complete as sample inefficient, and it adapts poorly to environments that differ from the training environment without additional data to cover variations.

强化学习-机器学习中最强大的技术之一,它需要通过奖励激励软件代理实现目标。 由于样本效率低下,它需要大量的计算周期才能完成,并且无法很好地适应与训练环境不同的环境,而没有其他数据来覆盖变化。

BabyAI++ was designed to test the theory that prior knowledge of tasks through structured language could be combined with #reinforcementlearning to mitigate its shortcomings. The platform builds upon an existing reinforcement learning framework to generate various dynamic, color tile-based environments along with texts that describe their layouts in detail.

BabyAI ++旨在测试以下理论:通过结构化语言对任务的先验知识可以与#reinforcementlearning结合使用,以减轻其缺点。 该平台基于现有的强化学习框架来生成各种动态的,基于彩色图块的环境以及详细描述其布局的文本。

The tasks are randomly generated like the environments themselves, and they’re communicated to the agent through “Baby-Language,” a compositional language that uses a subset of English vocabulary.

任务是像环境本身一样随机生成的,并且通过“ Baby-Language”(一种使用一部分英语词汇的组合语言)将其传达给业务代表。

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企业AI和ML技术实施 (Enterprise AI and ML Technology Implementation)

AI and ML are the most cutting-edge technologies used by businesses. The commercial providers entering the arena for adopting either of these solutions is no longer excessive. Even small enterprises can implement relevant AI and ML technologies with careful budgeting and a detailed plan.

A I和ML是企业使用最前沿的技术。 进入竞技场以采用这些解决方案之一的商业提供商不再过多。 即使是小型企业,也可以通过仔细的预算和详细的计划来实施相关的AI和ML技术。

Here are 8 valuable tips for companies to successfully incorporate AI/ML on a budget-

这是公司成功将AI / ML纳入预算的8个宝贵技巧,

✅ Identify The Problem You’re Trying To Solve-


It is important to identify the actual problem that AI/ML can solve.

确定AI / ML可以解决的实际问题很重要。

✅ Start With Non-Core Functions


✅ Identify How You Will Measure Success


It is important to define what success looks like.


✅ Start Small, Gain Momentum, Grow


✅ Get support from your team-


You need as much support from your team as possible to integrate AI with your daily operations.


✅ Look At Proven Use Cases-


The easiest way to start is to look at proven AI/ML use cases where the value has already been shown inside your industry.

最简单的开始方法是查看业已证明其价值的经过验证的AI / ML用例。

✅ Develop A Risk Management Strategy-


AI can perform complex, multivariate analysis, helping to find a signal in the noise that allows a business to maximize risk reduction with minimal resource and effort.


✅ Ensure You Have Well-Defined Data-


Ensure you have extremely well-defined data and rules that can be used as the basis to build out an AI or ML system.


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参考文献 (Works Cited)

¹AI Ethical Principles, ²Crunching Data, ³Deployment of AI Capabilities, ⁴Repetitive Tasks, ⁵Experimenting with AI, ⁶Predictive Models, ⁷Clinical Trials, ⁸AI System, ⁹AI Ethics Principles

¹AI 伦理原则 ,²处理数据 ,³ 部署AI能力 ,⁴ 重复性任务 ,⁵ 试用 AI ,⁶ 预测模型 ,⁷ 临床试验 ,⁸ 人工智能系统 ,⁹ 伦理原则

被引用的公司 (Companies Cited)

¹⁰Diagnostic Robotics, ¹¹Benevolent AI, ¹²Clearview AI, ¹³Mayo Clinic, ¹⁴Vocalis Health, ¹⁵HackerOne, ¹⁶Bugcrowd

¹⁰ 诊断机器人 ,¹¹ 仁者AI ,¹² Clearview的AI ,¹³ 梅奥诊所 ,¹⁴ 声带健康 ,¹⁵ HackerOne ,¹⁶ Bugcrowd

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