

What do James Bond, Deepak Chopra, and Einstein have in common? They browse automatically in multiverses. You can, too, and make it harder to be tracked.

James Bond,Deepak Chopra和Einstein有什么共同点? 他们自动浏览多元宇宙。 您也可以,使其更难以跟踪。

It all started reading this article in DEV.to.


Firefox is indeed a great browser, I said in the comment section. And mentioned my favorite add-on.

在评论部分中说Firefox确实是一个很棒的浏览器。 并提到了我最喜欢的附加组件。

树样式标签,我最喜欢的附件 (Tree Style Tabs, my favorite add-on)

I mentioned how I can’t live without my favorite add-on Tree Style Tabs.


This add-on allows me to comfortably see all of my open tabs in a vertical column to the left of the browser rather than on an unreadable list on the top of the browser:


Image for post

As you can see in the image, new tabs open in a tree-style fashion. This conveniently puts some order in an otherwise hectic sea of tabs. It also adds readability and makes it easier to find a tab-needle in the haystack.

如您在图像中看到的,新选项卡以树形样式打开。 这可以方便地在繁忙的制表符海洋中下订单。 它还增加了可读性,并使在干草堆中更容易找到a针。

If you need horizontal space back, the sidebar can be conveniently closed/opened using a keyboard shortcut, like a boss.


If you want, you can expand the sidebar width and read the whole title of the tab. Something impossible in the default crunched upper row of tabs.

如果需要,可以扩展侧栏的宽度并阅读选项卡的整个标题。 默认情况下,上面显示的所有行中都是不可能的。

简介:容器标签 (Intro: Container tabs)

So what are container tabs?


Firefox’s Containers are like profiles, allowing you to segregate browsing activity within different profiles on your computer. This allows for some helpful features, like logging in to different accounts on the same website simultaneously. If used properly, it can also protect the user’s privacy.

Firefox的容器类似于配置文件,可让您在计算机上的不同配置文件中分隔浏览活动。 这提供了一些有用的功能,例如同时登录同一网站上的不同帐户。 如果使用得当,它还可以保护用户的隐私。

Before the advent of containers, opening different sessions (think usernames/passwords) of the same domain could only be achieved opening different browsers.


Using containers, you can open in separate containers different sessions in the same browser. Each session does not know about the other ones.

使用容器,可以在同一浏览器中的不同会话中的单独容器中打开。 每个会话都不了解其他会话。

That is, I can be logged in with different users in the same domain in the same browser! This is pretty handy.

也就是说,我可以在同一浏览器中以同一域中的不同用户身份登录! 这很方便。

As another example, for a developer workflow, this means you can be logged in and website as different users in the same browser at the same time.


快来多帐户容器 (Come Multi-account containers)

In the comments’ back-n-forth, @citizen428 mentioned a very useful add-on: Multi-Account Containers!

在评论的后面, @ citizen428提到了一个非常有用的附加组件: Multi-Account Containers

This add-on automatically opens domains you choose in separate containers.


So, for example, you can automatically always open all of *.google.com’s universe in a separate container. Google’s cookies, sessions, etc, will be kept separate from any other domain you open (as if you were using a separate browser).

因此,例如,您可以始终自动在单独的容器中打开* .google.com的所有Universe。 Google的Cookie,会话等将与您打开的任何其他域(例如,使用单独的浏览器)保持独立。

最后成分:每个领域的一次性,临时容器 (Last ingredient: disposable, temporary containers for every domain)

All other domains that you don’t configure to always open in a particular container will open in the same container as the parent tab.


However, there is a nifty add-on that I’m testing. It is called Temporary Containers.

但是,我正在测试一个漂亮的附加组件。 它称为临时容器

This one is not yet “recommended by Mozilla”, but it is very promising and Mozilla should definitely have a closer look at it. And if you’re still reading, probably you should too.

尚未“被Mozilla推荐”,但它非常有前途,Mozilla绝对应该对其进行仔细研究。 如果您仍在阅读,也许您也应该阅读。

With Temporary Containers, all tabs that are not configured to open in a specified container (yes, it is compatible with Multi-Account Containers!) will open in a temporary container. From their wiki:

使用临时容器,所有未配置为在指定容器中打开的选项卡(是的,它与多帐户容器兼容!)将在临时容器中打开。 从他们的维基

Automatically reopen Tabs in new Temporary Containers when


- Opening a new Tab


- A Tab tries to load a Link in the Default Container


- An external Program opens a Link in the Browser


In combination with Multi-Account Containers


- Reopens Confirm Page if in Default Container so you can choose between Temporary Container and Permanent Container


To achieve this, all you have to do is to configure the add-on to open new domains in temporary containers.


Image for post
Option to open different domaing in a new temporary container.

无开销:临时容器会自动删除 (No overhead: temporary containers are automatically deleted)

Image for post
Temporary containers are automatically deleted.

Concerned about the overhead that too many containers may have? Worry not!

是否担心太多容器可能产生的开销? 不用担心!

There is a reason why the extension is called “temporary” containers. These temporary containers are deleted by default 15m after the last tab in the temporary container is closed. But the timeout can be manually changed.

将扩展名称为“临时”容器是有原因的。 在关闭临时容器中的最后一个标签后,默认情况下,这些临时容器会删除15m。 但是超时可以手动更改。

结论 (Conclusion)

These 3 Firefox add-ons have really improved my workflow while browsing.


  1. Open a sea of tabs opened vertically in a tree-style fashion, instead of being in an upper, basically unreadable row as mostly every browser’s default: Tree Style Tabs

    打开的,而不是上,基本上无法读取行中被作为主要每一个浏览器的默认树风格时尚垂直打开的选项卡的海洋,: 树样式的选项卡

  2. Open particular domains in separate containers: Multi-Account Containers

    在单独的容器中打开特定域: 多帐户容器

  3. Open all other domains in temporary, disposable, containers: Temporary Containers

    在临时的一次性容器中打开所有其他域: 临时容器

I’m open and interested in hearing your opinion about this. How is your workflow different? Do you have recommendations?

我很开放,很想听听您对此的看法。 您的工作流程有何不同? 你有建议吗?

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/to-avoid-being-tracked-browse-in-multiverses-a96f0d613c5a






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