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Welcome back to Pattern Matching, OneZero’s weekly newsletter that puts the week’s most compelling tech stories in context.

欢迎回到 OneZero 每周的时事通讯 Pattern Matching 它将本周最引人注目的技术故事作为背景。

On Thursday morning, Fortnite maker Epic Games made a big announcement to the game’s hundreds of millions of users: It was dropping the price on V-Bucks, Fortnite’s in-game currency, by 20 percent. The “Fortnite Mega Drop,” as Epic called the promotion, took effect immediately on every platform on which the wildly popular battle royale game is available — with one caveat. On iOS and Android mobile devices, you had to choose a new payment method, called “Epic direct payment,” rather than pay through the App Store or Google Play Store, in order to get the discount.

上周四上午,Fortnite制造商Epic Games的大发了公告,以游戏的数以亿计的用户:有人下跌价格上V-雄鹿 ,Fortnite的游戏内货币,20%。 如史诗般称为“ Fortnite Mega Drop ”的促销活动,在具有广受欢迎的大逃杀游戏可用的每个平台上立即生效,但有一个警告。 在iOS和Android移动设备上,您必须选择一种新的付款方式,称为“史诗直接付款”,而不是通过App Store或Google Play商店付款,以获取折扣。

This violated Apple and Google’s rules, and Epic knew it. Both app stores take a significant cut of the app purchases, subscriptions, and in-app payments made on their platforms — 30 percent, in most cases. And, with a few exceptions, they don’t allow apps to advertise ways for users to cut out the middleman by paying their creators directly. But that’s exactly what Epic was doing with its “direct payment” option, which let users pay via PayPal or credit card rather than through Apple’s system, and passed most of the savings on to the gamers. The scheme was calculated to get users’ hopes up — and to dare Apple and Google to dash them. It worked.

这违反了Apple和Google的规定,而Epic知道这一点。 两家应用商店都大幅削减了在其平台上进行的应用购买,订阅和应用内付款-在大多数情况下为30%。 而且,除少数例外,它们不允许应用程序宣传用户直接付钱给创建者以削减中间商的方式。 但这正是Epic使用其“直接付款”选项所做的事情,该选项使用户可以通过PayPal或信用卡而不是通过Apple的系统进行付款,并将大部分节省转嫁给游戏玩家。 该计划旨在激发用户的希望,并敢于让Apple和Google破灭它们。 有效。

模式 (The Pattern)

The mobile-app duopoly is under siege.


  • First Apple, then Google, booted Fortnite from their app stores on Thursday, just hours after the game started offering users the promotion. The move does not prevent the game’s existing users from continuing to play on those platforms, for now. But it means no one else can download Fortnite, and Epic can’t update it, which will gradually render the game obsolete unless the companies strike a deal.

    在游戏开始向用户提供促销优惠几小时后,第一个苹果公司,然后是Google公司, 于周四 从其 应用商店中 启动了Fortnite 。 此举目前尚不能阻止游戏的现有用户继续在这些平台上玩游戏。 但这意味着没有人可以下载Fortnite ,而Epic无法更新它,除非两家公司达成协议,否则它将逐渐使该游戏过时。

  • Epic Games, the North Carolina-based creator of Fortnite and the widely used game-development framework Unreal Engine, was ready. It immediately responded with a short video called “Nineteen Eighty-Fortnite,” which skewered Apple’s iconic 1984 ad presenting its Macintosh computer as a revolutionary upstart challenging the dominance of corporate giants like IBM. In Epic’s video, which aired first as a virtual event inside the Fortnite game, the company presented itself as the upstart challenging Apple’s hegemony. (I wrote about the growing importance of Fortnite’s in-game events in a previous Pattern Matching.)

    Epic Games是Fortnite的创建者,它是北卡罗来纳州的创建者,并且被广泛使用的游戏开发框架Unreal Engine已经准备就绪。 它立即以一段名为“ 十九八十堡垒 ”的短视频作为回应,该短片使苹果公司标志性的1984年广告 大打折扣 广告将其Macintosh计算机作为革命性的新贵,挑战了IBM等企业巨头的统治地位。 在Epic的视频中,该视频作为Fortnite游戏中的虚拟事件首次播出,该公司将自己展示为挑战苹果霸权的新贵。 (在先前的模式匹配中,我写到了Fortnite游戏中事件的重要性日益提高。)

  • The spot was a hit: By Friday morning, it had racked up more than 2 million views on YouTube. An accompanying hashtag campaign, #freefortnite, trended on Twitter.

    这个地方很受欢迎:到周五早上,它在YouTube上的浏览量已超过200万。 在Twitter上,伴随着一个主题标签活动#freefortnite。
  • That wasn’t all. By day’s end, Epic had filed antitrust lawsuits against both Apple and Google, accusing them of “anti-competitive restraints and monopolistic practices.” The 60-page court filings made it clear that Epic had been preparing to spring this trap for weeks, if not months, and had gamed out the next steps. As tech investor M.G. Siegler joked: “Apple is playing checkers here while Epic is playing Fortnite.”

    还不是全部。 到最后, Epic已 对Apple和Google 提起反托拉斯诉讼 ,指责他们“ 反竞争限制和垄断行为” 。 长达60页的法庭文件清楚地表明,Epic已经准备好将这个陷阱陷井数周(甚至数月),并排除了下一步的工作。 科技投资者MG齐格勒开玩笑说:“ 苹果在这里玩跳棋,而史诗在玩Fortnite 。”

  • If you’re wondering why Epic seems to be focusing its fight against Apple more than Google, it’s because Apple maintains a tighter grip on iOS than Google does on Android. Specifically, Android allows third-party app stores, while iOS prohibits them. That means people with Android devices can still download Fortnite from Epic Games’ own app store, which it launched in 2018, even after it disappeared from the Google Play Store. iPhone and iPad users have no such option.

    如果您想知道为什么Epic似乎比Google更加关注与Apple的对抗,那是因为Apple在iOS上的控制力要比Google在Android上的控制力更强 。 具体来说,Android允许第三方应用程序商店,而iOS禁止它们。 这意味着使用Android设备的人仍然可以从Epic Games自己的应用商店中下载Fortnite ,该商店于2018年推出,即使它已从Google Play商店中消失了。 iPhone和iPad用户没有这种选择。

  • Apple responded with a statement painting Epic’s ploy as disingenuous. It noted that the company has had apps on the App Store for 10 years and has benefited greatly from its presence there. Now Epic’s “business interests” lead it to push for a “special arrangement” that would be unfair to other developers, Apple said. There’s truth in that portrayal. But it doesn’t do much to make Apple look better — because Epic is hardly the only developer that views it as a monopolistic bully.

    苹果对此作出回应,称将史诗的策略描述为虚假的 。 它指出,该公司在App Store上拥有应用程序已有10年了,并且从那里的存在中受益匪浅。 苹果表示,现在Epic的“商业利益”促使其推动“特殊安排”,这对其他开发商来说是不公平的。 这种刻画是真实的。 但这并不能使苹果看起来更好-因为Epic并不是唯一将其视为垄断者的开发商。

  • The timing of Epic’s assault on the app store duopoly is no accident. It comes amid antitrust investigations into Apple’s app store policies by the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. House antitrust subcommittee, and the European Union. Google is also in multiple jurisdictions’ crosshairs. Just weeks ago, Apple CEO Tim Cook was pressed on the company’s “Apple tax” by members of Congress in a landmark hearing that dominated front pages. Earlier this year, a series of developers testified to the same subcommittee on Apple’s anticompetitive practices. I wrote in depth in February about those developers’ complaints, the broader antitrust argument against Apple, and why its longstanding App Store chokehold might finally be in jeopardy.

    Epic袭击应用商店双头垄断的时机并非偶然。 在此之前,美国司法部,美国众议院反托拉斯小组委员会和欧盟对苹果的应用商店政策进行了反托拉斯调查。 谷歌也在多个司法管辖区中发挥作用 。 仅仅在几个星期前,苹果CEO蒂姆·库克在被压在该公司的“苹果税”,由国会议员里程碑意义的听证会 ,主导头版。 今年早些时候,一系列开发人员就苹果的反竞争做法向同一小组委员会作证。 我在2月深入撰写了有关这些开发人员的投诉,针对Apple的更广泛的反托拉斯论据,以及为何其长期存在的App Store瓶颈可能最终陷入危险。

  • The scrutiny has increasingly emboldened developers to challenge Apple’s rules in ways they hadn’t dared to before. In June, the developer Basecamp launched an email app called Hey without an in-app payment option, prompting an Apple takedown and a public backlash. Apple took a hard line at first, but its stance softened as pressure mounted, and in late June it struck a compromise to bring Hey back to iOS.

    审查越来越 使开发人员有勇气以前所未有的方式挑战苹果的规则 。 今年6月,开发人员Basecamp推出了一款名为Hey的电子邮件应用程序,该应用程序没有应用内付款选项,这促使苹果公司下台,并引起了公众的强烈反对。 苹果公司一开始采取强硬路线,但随着压力的增加,其立场有所缓和。6月下旬,苹果公司做出了妥协, 让Hey回到iOS平台

  • For years, Apple has cultivated a fear among developers that one wrong move could ruin their business. While at first blush iOS doesn’t look like a monopoly — it battles Android intensely for market share — its wealthier, more loyal user base allows it to act like one. As Basecamp’s David Heinemeier Hansson told me in February, “If you want to publish modern software, it’s essentially suicide not to have a presence on the iPhone.” Now, it seems, the antitrust spotlight has weakened its deterrence capacities. As antitrust pundit Matt Stoller noted, Epic Games’ lawsuit cites testimony from the recent hearings. Spotify, which has its own battle with Apple, applauded Epic’s stance, and even Facebook criticized Apple’s fees.

    多年来, 苹果公司在开发人员中引起了人们的恐惧,即一个错误的举动会破坏他们的业务。 乍一看,iOS看上去并不像垄断,它在与Android争夺市场份额方面进行了激烈的争夺,但其更富有,更忠诚的用户群使它的行为与众不同。 正如Basecamp的David Heinemeier Hansson在2月份告诉我的那样,“如果您要发布现代软件,则在iPhone上不存在本质上是自杀。” 现在看来,反托拉斯的关注点削弱了其威慑能力。 正如反托拉斯专家马特·斯托勒(Matt Stoller)指出的那样,Epic Games的诉讼引用了最近听证会上的证词 。 与苹果有自己的战斗的Spotify 赞扬Epic的立场甚至Facebook也批评了Apple的收费

  • Epic Games is not a small business: A recent fundraising round valued the North Carolina-based startup at $17 billion, and the Chinese behemoth Tencent holds a significant ownership stake. Fortnite alone has 350 million registered users, and Unreal Engine is a market-leading game engine.

    Epic Games的生意可不小 :最近的一轮融资对这家总部位于北卡罗来纳州的初创公司的估值为170亿美元,而中国的庞然大物腾讯持有大量股权。 仅Fortnite就有3.5亿注册用户 ,虚幻引擎是市场领先的游戏引擎

  • But that’s exactly what makes it a potent standard-bearer for the fight against Apple. Fortnite’s massive user base spanning numerous platforms, including consoles and PCs, makes it one of the very few apps that could survive without iOS, if it needed to. CEO Tim Sweeney has been publicly railing against Apple’s policies and positioning Epic Games as a platform in its own right. Last month he blasted Apple for trying to grab a 30 percent cut of classes booked through apps on its platform after the pandemic forced them to move online. (Apple makes an exception to its fee rules for apps that connect users with certain classes of physical, offline products and services, as opposed to online ones.) Epic can afford to take a stand that others can’t.

    但这正是使它成为与Apple对抗的有力标准者。 Fortnite的庞大用户群跨越包括控制台和PC在内的众多平台,使其成为少数几个无需使用iOS即可生存的应用程序之一 (如果需要)。 首席执行官蒂姆·斯威尼(Tim Sweeney)一直公开反对苹果的政策,并把Epic Games定位为自身的平台。 上个月,他抨击苹果 ,试图在大流行迫使他们上线后,通过平台上的应用预订的课程减少30%。 (对于将用户与特定种类的实体,脱机产品和服务(而不是在线产品)进行连接的应用程序,Apple的收费规则是一个例外。)Epic可以承受其他用户所不能承受的立场。

  • Epic’s gambit has left Apple with few winning moves. If Apple bends its payment rules for Fortnite, the floodgates will open to challenges from other developers. If it holds firm, it risks losing avid Fortnite players to Android, gives high-profile fodder to antitrust investigators, and comes out looking like the bad guy. And that’s before we even get to the lawsuit itself. As the New York Times put it: “In Epic, Apple has met arguably its toughest adversary in years. The game maker has calculated exactly how to hit Apple where it hurts: by making iPhones less attractive and Apple less cool.”

    史诗般的吸引力使苹果几乎没有制胜法宝。 如果苹果公司改变对Fortnite的付款规则,那么闸门将面临来自其他开发商的挑战。 如果它坚持下去,就有可能将狂热的Fortnite玩家丢给 Android, 给反托拉斯调查人员高调的饲料,看起来像个坏人。 那是在我们提起诉讼之前。 正如《纽约时报》所说 “在Epic中,苹果无疑是多年来遇到的最艰难的对手。 这家游戏制造商已经精确地计算了如何在伤害苹果的地方打击苹果:降低iPhone的吸引力和降低Apple的吸引力。”

  • No doubt Apple is already scrambling to find a face-saving compromise that keeps its rules largely intact. But if Epic isn’t interested in compromising, Apple may find itself having to back down on at least one of three fronts: the size of the cut it takes, its restrictions on third-party app stores, or its restrictions on apps encouraging users to pay directly. Allowing third-party app stores would probably do the most to appease regulators, while losing Apple the least money in the short run, because relatively few users would likely take advantage of those ancillary app stores anyway. But it would represent the biggest hit to Apple’s control over the iOS ecosystem, and would come with security risks that could impact users. A more palatable, if financially painful, option might be to ease its restrictions on apps that inform users of direct payment alternatives — a solution that might look a lot like the V-Bucks scheme that it just banned.

    毫无疑问,苹果公司已经在争先恐后地寻找可以保持规则完整的妥协方案。 但是,如果Epic不愿意妥协, Apple可能会发现自己必须在以下三个方面中的至少一个方面退缩 :削减规模,对第三方应用商店的限制或对鼓励用户的应用的限制直接付款。 允许第三方应用商店在安抚监管机构方面可能会做得最多,而在短期内让苹果损失最少的钱,因为相对而言,很少有用户会利用这些辅助应用商店。 但这将代表苹果对iOS生态系统的控制权遭受的最大打击,并带来可能影响用户的安全风险。 如果在财务上造成痛苦,则更可口的选择可能是放宽对通知用户直接付款方式的应用程序的限制,该解决方案看起来很像它刚刚禁止的V-Bucks方案。

  • One thing is clear: The antitrust investigations are already having an impact, even before they’ve concluded or led to any new laws or charges.

    有一件事很清楚: 反托拉斯调查已经产生了影响 ,甚至还没有得出结论或导致任何新的法律或指控。

暗流 (Undercurrents)

Under-the-radar trends, stories, and random anecdotes worth your time


  • Kamala Harris is viewed as a tech-friendly VP pick, though there should be some caveats. As Politico reported in a 2019 profile, she rose to prominence with the backing of the Bay Area’s elite. Emails uncovered by HuffPost last month showed she has been friendly with Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg and other tech leaders. She raised money for her presidential primary campaign from LinkedIn’s Reid Hoffman and Kleiner Perkins’ John Doerr, Recode reported; she has been praised by Salesforce’s Marc Benioff and was invited to early Facebook executive Sean Parker’s wedding. Those ties were reflected in her campaign platform: While rivals such as Elizabeth Warren called for breaking up Big Tech, Harris told the Times she would focus instead on basic privacy protections. All of which helps to explain why Biden’s selection of Harris as his running mate, and heir apparent should he win the election, prompted headlines such as Fortune’s “Kamala Harris could be the best thing that ever happened to Big Tech.” But Harris’s policy planks have often proven malleable, including on police reform, and no one should be shocked if she turns against big tech companies at some point. If she does, she could prove a formidable foe, given her background as a prosecutor. Here’s a clip of her pressing Mark Zuckerberg on why Facebook didn’t inform users of the Cambridge Analytica breach, from a 2019 hearing.

    卡马拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)被视为技术友好的副总裁 ,尽管应该注意一些问题。 正如Politico在2019年的个人资料中报道的那样,她在湾区精英人士支持下声名显赫。 HuffPost上个月发现的电子邮件表明,她对Facebook首席运营官Sheryl Sandberg和其他技术领导人一直很友好Recode报道 ,她从LinkedIn的Reid Hoffman和Kleiner Perkins的John Doerr筹集了用于总统竞选的资金; 她得到了Salesforce的马克·贝尼奥夫(Marc Benioff)的称赞,并应邀参加了Facebook早期高管肖恩·帕克(Sean Parker)的婚礼。 这些联系体现在她的竞选平台上:伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)等竞争对手呼吁分拆大科技公司 ,哈里斯(Harris)告诉《 纽约时报》,她将重点放在基本的隐私保护上 。 所有这些都有助于解释为什么拜登(Biden)选择哈里斯(Harris)作为竞选伙伴,而他的继承人显然应该赢得大选,这引起了诸如《 财富 》( Fortune )的“ 卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)可能是大科技有史以来最好的事情 ”这样的头条新闻。 但哈里斯(Harris)的政策方案通常被证明具有延展性包括在警察改革方面 ,如果在某个时候反对大型科技公司,谁也不会感到震惊。 如果她这样做,考虑到她作为检察官的背景,她可能会成为一个强大的敌人。 这是她紧迫马克·扎克伯格 ( Mark Zuckerberg)的片段,原因是Facebook为什么在2019年的听证会上没有告知用户Cambridge Analytica违规行为。

  • Companies are increasingly using race-detection software for marketing and data analysis. “Facial analysis has largely flown under the radar, even as facial recognition has come under fire because poorly trained systems have misidentified people of color,” the Wall Street Journal reported. Brian Brackeen, the former CEO of face recognition company Kairos, once backed the technology, but now worries it could fuel discrimination. Those fears are not merely theoretical: In China, “surveillance cameras have been equipped with race-scanning software to track ethnic minorities,” the Journal pointed out.

    公司越来越多地使用种族检测软件进行市场营销和数据分析。 《 华尔街日报》报道: “即使由于缺乏训练有素的系统错误地识别了有色人种,面部识别也受到了抨击,面部分析大都受到关注。” 人脸识别公司Kairos的前首席执行官Brian Brackeen曾经支持这项技术,但现在担心它会加剧歧视。 这些担忧不仅仅是理论上的:《 华尔街日报》指出,在中国,“监控摄像机已经配备了种族扫描软件来追踪少数民族。”

每周主题 (Threads of the Week)

Update: A previous version of this article misspelled the name of Basecamp’s co-founder. It is David Heinemeier Hansson.

更新:本文 的先前版本拼写了Basecamp的联合创始人的名字。 是David Heinemeier Hansson。

Thanks for reading Pattern Matching. Reach me with tips and feedback by responding to this post on the web, via Twitter direct message at @WillOremus, or by email at oremus@medium.com.

感谢您阅读模式匹配。 通过在Web上回复该帖子,通过Twitter直邮@WillOremus或通过电子邮件oremus@medium.com与我联系,以获取提示和反馈。

翻译自: https://onezero.medium.com/how-fortnite-baited-apple-into-a-losing-battle-6973850ac1bc






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