

By Ellen Huet

艾伦·休特(Ellen Huet)

To many college students, the prospect of a year of school during a pandemic — with virtual classes, restricted movements and no parties — is a huge bummer. Some Silicon Valley startups, hungry for young talent, see it as an opportunity.

对于许多大学生来说,在大流行期间上学一年的可能性很大-虚拟课堂,行动受限和没有聚会-实在是太可惜了。 一些渴望年轻人才的硅谷初创公司将其视为机遇。

Over the past few months, several companies have presented an alternative to school: a remote internship, aimed specifically at young people looking for alternatives to a dismal school year.


Dozens of Silicon Valley startups are looking to hire fall interns, according to a list assembled by startup accelerator Y Combinator. This month, venture firm Neo organized a virtual career fair for 120 students and a range of startups, hoping to match pairs for internships during the upcoming academic year. And venture firm Contrary Capital is offering to invest $100,000 in five teams of entrepreneurs if they take a gap year from school to build a company.

硅谷创业公司的数十名正在招募实习生秋季,根据列表组装通过启动加速器Y组合。 本月,风投公司Neo 举办了一个虚拟的职业博览会,面向120名学生和一系列初创公司,希望在即将到来的学年里配对成对进行实习。 风险投资公司Contrary Capital 提议 ,如果他们需要从学校抽空创建一家公司,则五个创业团队投资100,000美元。

Such arrangements allow interns to get paid and learn on the job, while avoiding paying tens of thousands of dollars for Zoom University. It also means that companies willing to improvise on hiring and gamble on younger workers may get new access to fresh talent. Ali Partovi, Neo’s chief executive officer, said the firm surveyed 120 students who are part of its mentorship programs and found that 46% of them are interested in taking a gap semester and 21% are interested in taking a gap year.

这样的安排使实习生可以获得报酬并在工作中学习,同时避免为数以万计的变焦大学支付薪水。 这也意味着愿意即兴招聘和赌博的公司可能会获得新的新鲜人才。 Neo首席执行官阿里·帕托维(Ali Partovi)表示,该公司对参与其指导计划的120名学生进行了调查,发现其中46%的人对参加补习班感兴趣,而21%的人对参加补习班感兴趣。

“There’s a potential for a big shift right now,” said Alexandr Wang, the co-founder and CEO of Scale AI Inc., a startup that helps people train computer vision. He said Scale would hire up to 10 gap-year workers if they found the right people. For many students he talks to, school this year seems like a “sub-optimal” option, Wang said.

Scale AI Inc.的联合创始人兼首席执行官亚历山大·王(Alexander Wang)说:“现在有可能发生重大转变。”该公司是一家旨在帮助人们训练计算机视觉的创业公司。 他说,如果找到合适的人,Scale最多将雇用10名间隔年工人。 王说,对于与他交谈的许多学生来说,今年上学似乎是“次优”的选择。

Image for post
Alexandr Wang. Photo: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg
亚历山大·王 照片:大卫·保罗·莫里斯/彭博社

Companies have varying approaches to what gap year hiring would look like. Food-delivery service Postmates Inc. said it’s considering extending the tenure of the summer interns in its robot-delivery team to allow for those who want to take time off school. And Lumos, a six-person web security startup, is offering around $80,000 to four full-time “fellows” to work on different projects during the academic year.

公司采用不同的方法来确定间隙年的招聘方式。 送餐服务Postmates Inc.表示,正在考虑延长其机器人送餐团队中暑期实习生的任期,以允许那些想请假的学生。 Lumos是一家由六人组成的网络安全创业公司,它向四个全职“研究员”提供大约80,000美元,以在学年内从事不同的项目。

Students, meanwhile, are trying to make sense of a dizzying array of choices, as on-campus options lose their appeal. “Everyone is uncertain,” said Evani Radiya-Dixit, a rising senior at Stanford University who is considering taking a gap year, and who recently interned at X, Alphabet Inc.’s research and development lab. Stanford made it even more confusing last week, when it abruptly announced that it was ending most on-campus housing for students for the fall quarter. “I’ve heard people say Stanford is going to be like a prison,” said Victor Cardenas, a Stanford sophomore and computer science major, now debating taking time off to build a company. “You’re only allowed to be in your dorm, and someone not in your dorm can’t be there. You have to eat 6 feet away from everyone.”

同时,学生们正在尝试做出令人眼花trying乱的选择,因为校园内的选择失去了吸引力。 斯坦福大学(Stanford University)即将升学的高中生Evani Radiya-Dixit说:“每个人都不确定,他正在考虑休假一年,最近又在Alphabet Inc.的研发实验室X实习。 斯坦福大学上周突然宣布将在秋季季度结束为学生提供的大多数校内住宿,这使它更加令人困惑。 “我听说人们说斯坦福就像监狱一样,”斯坦福大学二年级和计算机科学专业的维克多·卡德纳斯(Victor Cardenas)说。 “只允许您进入宿舍,不在宿舍中的人不能在那里。 您必须距离所有人6英尺远。”

Startups are particularly well-positioned to capitalize on Covid-19 campus jitters. Bigger companies often don’t want to take on the legal hassles of bringing on students beyond regimented internship programs, said Scale’s Wang, who is 23 and has been working in tech since he dropped out of college.

初创企业处于特别有利的位置,可以利用Covid-19校园抖动。 Scale的Wang今年23岁,自从辍学以来一直从事科技行业,他说,更大的公司通常不想承担将学生带入严格的实习计划之外的法律麻烦。

“A lot of students are thinking about it, and hopefully a lot of companies are willing to take a risk on these students,” Wang said. “If you’d hire them a year from now, you should be willing to hire them now.”

Wang说:“很多学生都在考虑这个问题,希望很多公司愿意对这些学生冒险。” “如果您从现在开始一年雇用他们,您应该愿意现在就雇用他们。”

Nimbler startups willing to experiment could gain access to star students who might otherwise have wound up in summer jobs at giants like Facebook Inc., Alphabet or Apple Inc., managers say. “Usually you would fight to get on the radar with people, and here people are reaching out,” said Emmanuel Straschnov, the co-CEO of Bubble, an app design service. Compared with regular recruiting, he said, “It’s like night and day.”

经理们说,愿意尝试的Nimbler初创公司可能会吸引明星学生,否则他们可能会在Facebook Inc.,Alphabet或Apple Inc.等巨头的暑期工作中挣扎。 “通常,您会为与人争吵而奋斗,而这里的人正在伸出援手,”应用程序设计服务Bubble的联合首席执行官Emmanuel Straschnov说。 与常规招聘相比,他说:“这就像白天和黑夜。”

The ultimate payoff isn’t just the student labor. “With recruiting you always play the long game,” said Nick Schrock, CEO of Elementl, a developer tools startup that’s planning to hire three gap-year workers this fall. “A great intern who has a great network can often yield compounded returns later down the line.”

最终的回报不仅仅是学生的劳动。 开发人员工具初创公司Elementl的首席执行官尼克·史洛克(Nick Schrock)说:“招募人员总是要花很长的时间。”该公司计划在今年秋天雇用三名有间隔工作年的工人。 “拥有良好人脉的优秀实习生通常可以在日后获得复合回报。”

Students are assessing the trade-offs critically, and trying to decide if what they’re getting from schools is worth the cost, especially if classes happen virtually. Levi Villarreal, who will be a senior at University of Texas at Austin, pays his own tuition. Luckily as a Texas native it’s relatively inexpensive, but he’s still weighing his options. Villarreal has previously interned at Adobe Inc. and Google, and had been looking forward to living in New York City for his internship this summer. Instead, he worked remotely from an apartment in Austin and his parents’ house in Dallas. He’s open to the idea that his disrupted school year could lead to something new and interesting, but he also wishes things weren’t so upside-down.

学生们正在认真评估权衡取舍,并试图确定从学校获得的学费是否值得,尤其是如果虚拟课时。 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的大四学生莱维·比利亚雷亚尔(Levi Villarreal)自己交学费。 幸运的是,作为德克萨斯人,它的价格相对便宜,但他仍在权衡自己的选择。 Villarreal之前曾在Adobe Inc.和Google实习过,并一直期待着今年夏天在纽约居住。 取而代之的是,他从奥斯丁的一所公寓远程工作, 他父母在达拉斯的房子。 他对这样的想法持开放态度,即中断的学年可能会带来新的有趣的事物,但他也希望事情不会倒过来。

“I really want to have one normal year in college before I leave,” Villarreal said. “That’s my hope.”

比利亚雷亚尔说:“我真的想在离开之前有一个正常的大学一年。” “那是我的希望。”

翻译自: https://medium.com/bloomberg/startups-tap-a-new-talent-pool-pandemic-weary-college-students-ba21085e76de


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