

Have you ever found yourself in the following situation?


Your team has been preparing and working tireless hours to create and showcase the end product — an interactive visual dashboard. It’s a culmination of key data points brought to life; the colours, charts, shapes, and interactivity thoughtfully chosen. The real estate on the screen used strategically and content placed appropriately to guide the eyes and thought process. The storytelling to accompany the visuals rehearsed many times.

您的团队一直在不遗余力地准备和工作,以创建和展示最终产品-交互式可视仪表板。 这是生动活泼的关键数据点的结晶。 精心选择的颜色,图表,形状和交互性。 屏幕上的房地产被策略性地使用,内容被适当地放置以引导眼睛和思维过程。 多次伴随视觉效果讲故事。

“Oh, we know too well the power this data visualization holds. It will make a difference and open their eyes to new ways of looking at data.”

“哦,我们非常了解这种数据可视化所具有的强大功能。 这将有所作为,并为新的数据查看方式打开了眼界。”

No doubt the audience is in awe as the data comes to life with personality and purpose. A purpose to drive action, invoke curiosity, satisfy the insatiable thirst for more insights, ready exposure of the unknown and validation of the unspoken suspicions of gut-based decisions.

毫无疑问,观众对数据充满个性和目的感到敬畏。 旨在推动行动,激发好奇心,满足对无限洞察力的无限渴望,随时了解未知事物并验证对基于肠道的决策的潜心怀疑。

The reflection of the visuals can be seen in the glean of their eyes, their posture perks up, and senses awakened as they witness the art of the possible. The mobile devices are released from the clutches of their hands and placed on the board room table. We have their undivided attention!

视觉效果的反射可以在他们的眼睛中看到,他们的姿势振作,并且在见证可能的艺术时唤醒了感觉。 将移动设备从其手的离合器上松开,然后放在会议室桌上。 我们全神贯注!

Then comes that dreaded question: “Is there a way to download all the data to Excel?”


Silence. Picture a near-filled balloon being released in the room flustering around letting the precious air out until it lays lifeless on the floor.

沉默 。 想象一下一个近乎充满的气球在房间中释放,周围漂浮着,使珍贵的空气散发出来,直到它毫无生气地躺在地板上。

Why on earth do they need the raw data when they have an easy-to-navigate data visualization in front of them??!!


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The answer to this dreaded question should always be ‘Yes.’ However the question to always ask is ‘Why’?

这个可怕的问题的答案应该始终是“是”。 但是,总是要问的问题是“为什么”

From a technical perspective, of course the data can be made available in Excel or other raw formats. Data visualization tools have the capability to allow some sort of export feature or ability to view the underlying data in a tabular format. Further, it is considered best practice for data designers to make the data fully accessible and is a good step towards accountability and gaining trust.

从技术角度来看,当然可以以Excel或其他原始格式提供数据。 数据可视化工具具有允许某种导出功能的功能,或者具有以表格格式查看基础数据的功能。 此外,数据设计师被认为是使数据完全可访问的最佳实践,并且是迈向问责制和赢得信任的良好一步。

Yet in many cases, this question stems from a lack of visualization literacy and trust more than a desire to dig deeper into the findings. In those cases, the question we need to ask we need to ask is “Why do you need to see the data behind the visuals in Excel?”

然而,在许多情况下,该问题源于缺乏可视化素养和信任,而不是渴望更深入地研究发现。 在这些情况下,我们需要问的问题是“为什么要在Excel中查看视觉数据背后的数据?”

The answers are wide ranging and can reveal a lot about your organization’s culture, analytics maturity, the current landscape of data, and the data literacy of the analyst community. In fact, it has very little to do with the compelling visualization that is telling the story behind the data.

答案范围很广,可以揭示有关您组织的文化,分析成熟度,当前数据格局以及分析人员社区的数据素养的很多信息。 实际上,它与讲述数据背后故事的引人注目的可视化几乎没有关系。

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这些借口听起来很熟悉吗? (Do these excuses sound familiar?)

  • We are used to Excel.

  • We won’t have time to learn a new data visualization tool.

  • We need to further manipulate the results.

  • We need to print the data to review.

  • This needs to reconcile with another Excel report.

  • The results need to be uploaded to another database.


Oftentimes, the rationale provided is valid. But in many cases, the question reflects a resistance to change and deeply ingrained practices in an organization. No matter how advanced or ‘sexy’ the data visualization tool is, it simply can’t be held solely responsible to overcome cultural and organizational barriers for adoption.

通常,提供的理由是有效的。 但是在许多情况下,这个问题反映了组织对变革的抵制和根深蒂固的实践。 无论数据可视化工具多么先进或“性感”,它都不能完全承担克服采用文化和组织障碍的责任。

This is a dense Excel spreadsheet containing world population numbers by country
World population data 世界人口数据

这是他们可能没有告诉你的 (Here’s what they might not be telling you)

  • It’s my job to create, analyze and publish Excel reports.

  • My subject matter expertise is needed to augment the reports with management commentary.

  • What will I do if everyone performs the analysis themselves?

  • I am solely in control of what information goes out and to whom.

  • Why should I give you and this fancy tool all the glory?


数据可视化采用的障碍 (Barriers to data visualization adoption)

The resistance to change and the opposition to embracing modern tools manifests itself in a range of ways. Reporting teams have often been built and centered around a survival ecosystem that requires heroics to manage data and make sense of the results. This ecosystem involves manual processes using trusted data sources, blended with manual or external data and a set of complex processes and macros to handle anomalies with the data. An introduction of a data visualization tool could be seen as an unwelcome disruption and a potential threat to teams whose survival depends on a certain way of doing things.

对变化的抵制和对采用现代工具的反对以多种方式体现出来。 报告团队通常建立在一个生存生态系统的中心,该生存生态系统需要英雄来管理数据并理解结果。 这个生态系统涉及使用可信数据源的手动流程,将其与手动或外部数据以及一组复杂的流程和宏混合,以处理数据异常。 引入数据可视化工具可能会被视作不受欢迎的中断,并且可能会对生存期取决于某种处理方式的团队构成潜在威胁。

1.对未知的恐惧 (1. Fear of the unknown)

It is very tempting for people to stick with the status quo. We all know too well the meaning of “If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it.” Excel has incredible flexibility for business users to develop their own logic and transform the data without having to involve IT. Trying out a new technology requires stepping out of one’s comfort zone, which isn’t always easy. Fear of failure, lack of confidence, and job insecurity all play a role in preventing adoption.

人们坚持现状是非常诱人的。 我们都非常了解“如果没有损坏,请不要修复它”的含义 Excel为业务用户提供了无与伦比的灵活性,使他们无需依靠IT即可开发自己的逻辑并转换数据。 尝试新技术需要走出自己的舒适区,这并不总是那么容易。 对失败的恐惧,缺乏信心和工作上的不安全感都在阻止收养方面发挥作用。

2.信任可视化 (2. Trust in the visualization)

Unlike a spreadsheet where the data is ‘visible’ to the eyes, a visualization portrays the information at an aggregate level with the data working behind the scenes. Teams who have had to transform the data and take extra steps to ensure integrity and quality may not readily trust that the visualization is accurate.

与电子表格中的数据“肉眼可见”不同,可视化工具以汇总级别描述信息,而数据在后台运行。 不得不转换数据并采取额外步骤以确保完整性和质量的团队可能不会轻易相信可视化的准确性。

3.缺乏对新产品进行投资和管理的管理支持 (3. Lack of management support to invest and embrace the new)

Unless senior management can truly embrace the value of data visualization and encourage adoption, there will continue to be resistance among the ranks. While many managers and executives invest in the technology and training for their teams, they themselves don’t ‘walk the walk.’ They will sit through a demo and praise the visualization, yet never use it themselves. As long as they continue to request the status quo spreadsheets and multi-slide decks loaded with verbiage, the progression to change will be slow.

除非高级管理人员能够真正拥抱数据可视化的价值并鼓励采用,否则各阶层之间将继续存在阻力。 尽管许多经理和高管为他们的团队投资于技术和培训,但他们自己并没有“走光”。 他们将坐在一个演示中并赞扬该可视化,但他们自己从未使用过。 只要他们继续请求装入电子表格的现状电子表格和多幻灯片平台,更改的进度就会很慢。

World map with countries and region shaded in blue by population range.
World Population 世界人口

漫长而曲折的道路改变了! (The long and winding road to change!)

There are an abundance of change management techniques that are available for organizations to adopt. Many of these—including executive sponsorship, organizational advocacy, creating educational and community programs—require a commitment and intervention from higher up. An investment in people, process and technology wrapped around a formal structure with ongoing monitoring and measurement is essential.

有大量的变更管理技术可供组织采用。 其中许多措施,包括高层管理人员的赞助,组织的倡导,创建教育和社区计划,都需要上级的承诺和干预。 围绕正式结构进行人员,流程和技术的投资,并进行持续的监视和衡量,这一点至关重要。

如果您尝试在基层引入变革,请采取小步骤以产生重大影响。 (If you are trying to introduce change at the grassroots level, take small steps that will yield big impact.)

Do NOT fight the Excel battle. If they want to see the data behind the visualization in Excel, then give it to them! There are many benefits to exploring the full data. Plus, seeing the data in the familiar tabular format will help with the trust factor and provide confidence there isn’t anything “funny” going on behind the scenes. The key is to tease them with the art of the possible by applying a variety of features to the text and cells to create a highlight table. According to Steve Wexler — Data Revelations, a renowned data visualization specialist, “A highlight table is the gateway drug to data visualization.” How true this is!

不要打Excel战。 如果他们想在Excel中查看可视化数据,请给他们! 探索完整数据有很多好处。 另外,以熟悉的表格格式查看数据将有助于提高信任度,并确保在幕后不会发生任何“有趣”的事情。 关键是通过将各种功能应用于文本和单元格来创建高亮表,以尽可能多的方式取悦他们。 据著名的数据可视化专家Steve Wexler — Data Revelations所说, “重点表是数据可视化的门户药物。” 这是多么真实!

A highlight table done effectively can transform tabular data into an informative visual that can help increase the impact of the data and draw immediate attention to key insights.


The Excel table on the left is very basic; highlight table on right is transformed to include cells coloured based on sales
Highlight table using Tableau’s SuperStore data courtesy of Steve Wexler
使用Tableau的SuperStore数据突出显示表格,由Steve Wexler提供

Show them a side-by-side view of their own data in Excel and the same data in a highlight table. They will gradually see the benefits and understand how introducing visualization techniques can make a difference. It may even encourage them to apply the same to their spreadsheets.

向他们展示他们自己在Excel中的数据以及突出显示表中相同数据的并排视图。 他们将逐渐看到好处,并了解引入可视化技术如何产生作用。 它甚至可能鼓励他们将同样的内容应用于电子表格。

A well done data visualization can lead to more questions and new roads of inquiry, so giving them visibility to the underlying data set can be useful


Tone down the viz. Data visualization enthusiasts who have mastered the tool have a flair of creativity that stands out through their work. In many cases the visualization is poster perfect, attention grabbing and showcases advanced techniques to turn data into an art form. The advanced visuals could be overwhelming, seemingly complex and not suitable from an operational perspective. There is also a tendency to crowd the dashboard with multiple views of visuals without much context. In this case, the adage “form follows function” is very relevant. The priority is to focus on meeting the business objective and functionality of the visualization with simplicity.

调低视线。 精通此工具的数据可视化爱好者在他们的工作中脱颖而出。 在许多情况下,可视化效果非常完美,可以吸引海报,并展示了将数据转化为艺术形式的先进技术。 从操作角度来看,高级视觉效果可能是压倒性的,看似复杂的并且不适合。 还有一种趋势是将仪表板挤满没有太多上下文的多种视觉效果。 在这种情况下,格言“形式跟随功能”非常重要。 优先重点是简单地满足业务目标和可视化功能。

Find that someone in the crowd of naysayers with a sparkle in their eyes. Group resistance is usually instigated by the leader. The followers may halfheartedly support the leader or be hesitant to speak up and challenge the status quo. Despite the united resistance this group will display, there are people who are genuinely interested in learning about data visualization and new ways of presenting data. Make them your ally. A few outcomes with this relationship can happen. These allies can be a great champions within their teams to move the dial or will simply become a fellow data viz enthusiast in your network.

发现在反对者人群中某个人的眼睛闪闪发光。 领导者通常会引起团体抵抗。 追随者可能会全心全意地支持领导者,或者不愿大声疾呼并挑战现状。 尽管该小组将表现出团结一致的抵制态度,但还是有一些人真正地对学习数据可视化和展示数据的新方式感兴趣。 让他们成为你的盟友。 这种关系可能会产生一些结果。 这些盟友可以成为移动表盘的伟大冠军,或者只是成为网络中数据爱好者的一员。

If all else fails, then it is time to move on! You have given it a fair shot and made several attempts to convince them. The resistance continues and you are left feeling demotivated. It is time to cut your losses and hope that some day they recognize data visualization as an enabler versus a detractor.

如果其他所有方法都失败了,那就该继续前进了! 您给了它一个公平的机会,并做了几次尝试说服他们。 阻力继续存在,让您感到沮丧。 现在该是减少损失的时候了,希望有一天他们能将数据可视化视为推动者与反对者。

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Data visualization is firmly established across many industries such as retail, hospitality, food services, consumer brands, and financial services. Journalism and media are thriving on using visuals to tell powerful stories. Excel and other spreadsheet software will continue to thrive and maintain its strong presence in organizations. Both are required and can coexist by striking the right balance. It’s an uphill battle in many organizations and it is possible.

数据可视化已在零售,酒店,食品服务,消费者品牌和金融服务等许多行业中牢固建立。 新闻业和媒体正在蓬勃发展,利用视觉来讲述有力的故事。 Excel和其他电子表格软件将继续蓬勃发展,并在组织中保持强大的地位。 两者都是必需的,可以通过实现适当的平衡而共存。 在许多组织中,这是一场艰苦的战斗,并且有可能。

Remember, the next time you are asked about getting the viz in Excel format, don’t take it personally! It is one of the first steps towards adoption and changing the culture.

请记住,下次您被问到要以Excel格式获取viz时,请不要个人使用! 这是迈向采用和改变文化的第一步。

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