

Feedback. It’s marvellous, isn’t it? Let me illustrate with an example:

反馈。 这太棒了,不是吗? 让我用一个例子来说明:

Hey, you’re looking well!


Feels good, right?


Well, not all feedback does! As Scrum Teams, we need to watch out for the other stuff too: the ‘what could go better’ column at the retrospective.

好吧,并非所有反馈都可以! 作为Scrum团队,我们也需要注意其他事项:回顾中的“什么可以做得更好”专栏。

Scrum Masters can reframe negative feedback of course: we take it all and recycle it into ‘actions for improvement,’ hooray!

当然,Scrum Masters可以重组负面反馈:我们将所有这些都归纳为“改善行动”,万岁!

What about feedback that is both positive and negative on the same issue though? I call it ‘room too hot / room too cold’ feedback: when the action for improvement is… do nothing? Continue raising the temperature when folks are cold, and lowering it when others get too warm? Insert shrug emoji here :)

但是,对于同一问题的正面和负面反馈又如何呢? 我称之为“房间太热/房间太冷”的反馈:何时需要采取改善措施……什么都不做? 在人们感到冷的时候继续升高温度,而当别人变得太热时继续降低温度? 在此处插入耸肩表情符号:)

Sometimes feedback can appear at first glance like no action is required, but Scrum Masters, beware this type of feedback! Here be dragons!

有时,反馈可能乍一看就好像不需要采取任何措施一样,但是Scrum Masters 提防这种反馈! 这是龙!

What follows is a cautionary tale from my own experience.


反馈<>更改 (Feedback <> Change)

I remember a retrospective some time ago, when an issue was raised squarely in the ‘what could go better column.’ It wasn’t the issue itself that really stood out in my memory, more the reaction of my team-mate when she said:

我记得前段时间的回顾,当时在“什么可以做得更好”一栏中直接提出了一个问题。 问题本身并没有真正在我的记忆中突出,更多的是我的队友在她说时的React:

“Is this still a problem? We’ve given feedback on this issue before!”

“这仍然是一个问题吗? 我们已经给出反馈之前这个问题!”

I remember choosing my response carefully, but it went something like ‘just sharing feedback doesn’t guarantee that change will happen.’


I made a joke that I shared feedback with my boss that I should get a big bonus that year and you know what? Nothing happened!

我开了个玩笑,与老板分享了我的反馈,那年我应该获得巨额奖金,你知道吗? 什么都没有发生!

In some ways, I was on solid ground in the conversation. The issue raised by my team-mate was a little subjective and not necessarily a priority: it was about a tool and a preference for another. The team had been busy tackling more important actions for improvement in previous Sprints and could demonstrate that with evidence. Feedback in retrospectives was being listened to! This particular issue just hadn’t made it to the top of the list yet.

从某些方面来说,我在对话中保持了坚实的基础。 我的队友提出的问题有点主观, 不一定是优先事项:它涉及一种工具,并且偏爱另一种工具。 该团队一直在忙于解决更重要的行动以改进以前的Sprint,并且可以用证据证明这一点。 在回顾反馈正在聆听! 这个特殊的问题还没有排在榜首。

In other ways though, the reaction made me think. A senior team member seemed upset. The spotlight was suddenly on a conversation about whether we listen to and take action on all feedback.

但是从其他方面来说,这种React让我思考。 一位高级团队成员似乎很沮丧。 突然之间,人们开始关注关于我们是否听取所有反馈并采取行动的对话。

反馈==提供 (Feedback == Offer)

I have thought about this conversation a lot since.


Scrum provides a way for teams to introspect and make small, incremental improvements every Sprint and that’s awesome. It’s one of the best parts of working in a Scrum Team.

Scrum为团队提供了一种方法,可以反思每个Sprint并进行小的,渐进的改进,这很棒。 这是在Scrum团队中最好的工作之一。

Sometimes though, through the use of voting systems or working on the top priorities only, feedback can get overlooked.


Something that comes up in a retro might still need attention, even if it isn’t hitting the top three after the dot-voting finishes…


With well-intentioned feedback from a Scrum Team in a retrospective, sometimes what really counts is the conversation that starts afterwards.


Not all feedback needs to generate change: in the story above, my position was actually pretty weak, because I had not even responded to my team-mate’s feedback before that point. I had not deemed it a priority, because that issue had not bubbled to the top of the retrospective voting: it still hadn’t! Perhaps though, that was adding to my team-mate’s frustration this time.

并非所有反馈都需要产生变化:在上面的故事中,我的职位实际上很虚弱,因为在此之前我什至没有回复队友的反馈。 我没有将其视为优先事项,因为该问题并未冒出追溯投票的最高点:它仍然没有! 也许,这使我这次的队友更加沮丧。

I believe my team-mate was not frustrated about a lack of change: she was annoyed because nothing had happened since she mentioned the issue. Not even a follow-up conversation.

我相信我的队友对缺少变更并不感到沮丧:她很生气,因为自从提到问题以来什么都没发生。 甚至没有跟进对话。

Receiving feedback is a lot to do with demonstrating listening skills. You can demonstrate those listening skills even better by responding appropriately, and that can start with something as simple as a conversation.

接收反馈与展示听力技巧有很大关系。 您可以通过适当地回应来更好地展示这些听力技巧,并且可以从简单的对话开始。

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Joshua Ness on 约书亚·内斯 ( Unsplash Unslash)摄

对话>反馈 (Conversations > Feedback)

My advice to Scrum Masters out there: imagine you are facilitating a retrospective, and fifteen ideas are submitted for consideration in the dreaded ‘what could go better’ column.

我对那里的Scrum Master的建议:想象您正在促进回顾,在可怕的“什么可以做得更好”栏中提交了15个想法供考虑。

If your team only votes for two or three actions for improvement in that retrospective, for sure, take action on those: this is required! (Caveat: Scrum Masters ensure action is taken, but are not mandated to own all actions themselves.)

如果您的团队在该回顾会议中只投票赞成两到三项改进措施,则可以肯定地采取行动:这是必需的! (注意:Scrum Masters确保已采取措施,但不强制自己拥有所有措施。)

However, consider also whether you could continue the offers for conversations that are represented by the other items. Maybe there are just three or four words on a piece of paper, but each represents a conversation that could help you learn more about, and help deal with, frustrations in a team.

但是,还请考虑是否可以继续其他项目所代表的对话要约。 在一张纸上也许只有三个或四个单词,但是每个单词都代表一个对话,可以帮助您了解更多有关团队的挫败感,并帮助他们处理挫败感。

Feedback is a double-edged sword wielded by a Scrum Team: Scrum Masters feed on it and it gives us lifeblood.

反馈是Scrum团队挥舞的一把双刃剑:Scrum Masters掌握了它,它为我们提供了生命线。

However, if a Scrum Team starts to feel like you’re not listening, you might not hear feedback that really matters and conversations might start happening without you.


Thinking about all feedback as offers to start conversations will hopefully change the way you look at it. Look for repetition. Re-read lower-voted items after the retrospective: you might end up starting good conversations with them as the ice-breaker.

所有反馈视为开始对话的提议,有望改变您的看法。 寻找重复。 回顾之后,重新阅读投票率较低的项目:您可能最终会像破冰船一样开始与他们进行良好的对话。

I hope that these conversations will help you and your team to be more successful with Scrum.


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