

Imposter syndrome is a very common occurrence that happens to all of us — some more than others. Although it’s not specific to the world of software engineering or programming, it tends to happen a lot within this field since it is a very competitive industry.

冒名顶替综合症是一种非常普遍的现象,发生在我们所有人身上,其中有些比其他人更多。 尽管它不是特定于软件工程或编程领域的,但由于它是一个竞争非常激烈的行业,因此在该领域内往往会发生很多事情。

New technologies keep coming so quickly that we feel like we’ll fall behind if we don’t learn them right away, or we feel that our peers and colleagues know everything while we sit idly at our desks contemplating how we got hired in the first place.


Trust me, I’ve been there, and I’m willing to bet that you have as well.


This feeling usually lingers around for most of us at our day jobs. However, it can really surface and take over when you start applying for jobs and are met with the constant “Unfortunately, we have decided to not move forward with your application” email. At first, this is a giant slap to the face. Eventually, you become numb and just expect to get that result when applying for new positions. It’s toxic.

这种感觉通常在我们日常工作中徘徊。 但是,当您开始求职并遇到不断的“不幸的是,我们决定不继续处理您的申请”电子邮件时,它确实会浮出水面并接管工作。 首先,这是一个巨大的耳光。 最终,您变得麻木,只是期望在申请新职位时获得该结果。 有毒

I’m obviously speaking from experience here. I recently overcame this toxic mindset and have been in a much better place. I hope my experience and advice can help those who are dealing with imposter syndrome, as it limits your potential to achieve great things.

我显然是根据经验讲的。 我最近克服了这种有害的思维定势,并且处在更好的位置。 我希望我的经验和建议可以帮助那些冒名顶替者的人,因为它限制了您成就伟大事物的潜力。

1.只将自己与过去的自我进行比较,没有其他 (1. Only Comparing Yourself to Your Past Self and No One Else)

When I first started my career in the world of software engineering, it was an exciting time. However, I constantly — and I mean constantly — compared myself to others around me. I compared myself to my coworkers, especially those who were around the same age as me or shared the same title. I felt like a fraud, as others around me would be able to pump out tangible results, whereas I felt like I was struggling to produce similarly.

当我刚开始在软件工程领域的职业生涯时,那是一段激动人心的时刻。 但是,我不断-我的意思是不断- 将自己与周围的人进行比较。 我将自己与同事进行了比较,尤其是与我年龄相同或拥有相同头衔的同事。 我觉得自己像个骗子,周围的其他人也可以抽出切实的成果,而我却觉得自己在努力制作类似的作品。

Little did I know, this was all in my head.


This mindset went on for about two years until I realized that others around me were succeeding in different areas than I was succeeding in. Taking a step back to recognize the work that I have achieved so far instead of the achievements of others made me realize that I have come such a long way from when I first started. I was comparing myself to my past self instead of those around me.

这种心态持续了大约两年,直到我意识到周围的其他人在不同领域取得了成功。我退后一步去认识到我迄今为止所取得的成就,而不是别人的成就使我意识到我刚开始的时候已经走了很长一段路。 我将自己与过去的自我而不是周围的人进行比较。

Once I started thinking like this, work became infinitely more enjoyable, as I wasn’t stressing about others around me. Instead, I was more focused on myself and how I could improve on top of my past self, gaining that experience.

一旦我开始这样思考,工作就变得无限愉快,因为我不再强调周围的人。 取而代之的是,我更加专注于自己以及如何从过去的自我中获得进步,从而获得经验。

Since then, I have been challenging myself to learn new skills and work on projects outside my comfort zone (both personal and professional) so that I can compare the skills that I have acquired to those of my past self. I can now prove to myself that I have come a long way from when I first started and even from a year ago.

从那时起,我一直在挑战自我,学习新的技能,并在自己的舒适区以外的项目(个人和专业)上工作,以便将自己获得的技能与过去的技能进行比较。 我现在可以向自己证明,自从我刚开始甚至一年前,我已经走了很长一段路。

确保跟踪您的成长! (Be sure to keep track of your growth!)

Look back at past projects/contributions to see all your accomplishments and how far you have come. Here are some of the steps I follow to keep track of my growth:

回顾过去的项目/贡献,以了解您的所有成就以及取得的成就。 以下是我追踪自己成长的一些步骤:

  1. Create a repository for every project that you work on. This is a great way to see progress. Even if the projects are half-finished or incomplete, it’s still a good way to see everything you have worked on and accomplished.

    为您处理的每个项目创建一个存储库。 这是查看进度的好方法。 即使项目未完成或未完成,这仍然是查看您已完成并完成的所有事情的好方法。
  2. Add every finished project to your LinkedIn or portfolio. This will show others what you have accomplished as well and can be a big boost in motivation. You should also share your finished projects with others around you.

    将每个完成的项目添加到您的LinkedIn或投资组合。 这也将向他人展示您已经取得的成就,并且可以极大地激发您的动力。 您还应该与周围的人分享完成的项目。
  3. Take snapshots of your resume whenever you add a new item to it. When looking back at old resumes, you will see how far you have come through your career. This has helped me a lot since I realized how much I have done over the years.

    每当您向履历表添加新项目时,都要为其制作快照。 回顾旧的简历,您会发现自己的职业生涯有多长。 自从我意识到多年来的成就以来,这对我很有帮助。
  4. Teach others about topics that you have worked with. This one is less tangible, but being able to teach and mentor others around you about topics you have worked with will show your expertise in the subject and improve your understanding of it. This will give you a boost of confidence and destroy self-doubt.

    向其他人讲授您曾经合作过的主题。 这门课程不太实际,但是能够就您曾经合作过的主题向您周围的人进行教and和指导,将显示您在该主题上的专业知识并增进您对该主题的理解。 这将增强您的信心并消除自我怀疑。

Focus on yourself, as you are the person you need to take care of the most. The fruits of your labor will eventually catch up and things will work out. And remember, others around you are all on the same journey as you are.

专注于自己,因为您是最需要照顾的人。 劳动的果实最终将赶上,一切都会奏效。 请记住,您周围的其他人都与您同在。

2.承认负面思想 (2. Acknowledging the Negative Thoughts)

Recognizing the negative thoughts can be very challenging, as once they surface, it is easy to get sucked into that mindset. Confronting these negative thoughts is key, though. Building the mental strength to recognize when they are surfacing and preventing yourself from getting sucked in will not happen overnight. So work on it incrementally.

认识到负面思想可能非常具有挑战性,因为一旦消极思想浮出水面,就很容易陷入这种思维定势。 但是,面对这些负面思想是关键。 增强认知能力以识别它们何时出现以及防止自己被吸吮不会在一夜之间发生。 因此,逐步进行处理。

Here’s a quick scenario: You are in a meeting with a bunch of other developers who are planning a feature for the next release. The conversations are getting more involved, but you are idly sitting there listening and you have absolutely no idea what is going on. So you start telling yourself:

这是一个快速的场景:您正在与其他计划为下一个版本提供功能的开发人员开会。 对话的参与度越来越高,但是您无所事事地坐在那里聆听,您完全不知道发生了什么。 因此,您开始告诉自己:

  • “I have no idea what is going on.”

  • “Should I say something to try to contribute?”

  • “Should I ask a question?”

  • “But if I ask a question, others will know that I have no idea what's going on.”

  • “Why am I here?”


Once these types of thoughts start surfacing, you should remind yourself that you may not be necessary for this meeting. Maybe the other developers are discussing architecture for the React components on the front end when you are a back-end developer who focuses on the APIs instead, and you were just invited to this meeting because you are a part of the team. Voicing this to the rest of the team can be more productive, as you can then focus on your work.

一旦这些想法开始浮出水面,您应该提醒自己,可能不需要参加这次会议。 当您是专注于API的后端开发人员时,也许其他开发人员正在前端讨论React组件的体系结构,并且由于您是团队的一部分而被邀请参加此次会议。 向团队其他成员表达意见可以提高生产力,因为您可以专注于工作。

The other reminder should be that it is normal for you to not know everything. Use this opportunity to learn something new about the front end instead of just sitting there telling yourself you don’t know anything and how it is a waste of time for you to be there. Ask questions so that you can learn more about the feature and possibly provide some insight or opinions. Ultimately, you are all on the same team, so hiding your expertise will hinder everyone else.

另一个提醒应该是,您什么都不知道是很正常的。 利用这次机会学习有关前端的新知识,而不仅仅是坐在那里告诉自己您什么都不知道,以及如何浪费时间到那里。 提出问题,以便您可以了解有关该功能的更多信息,并可能提供一些见解或意见。 归根结底,你们都在同一个团队中,因此隐藏您的专业知识将阻碍其他所有人。

When I decided to acknowledge these thoughts, it was scary at first. My anxiety would kick in. I would start to doubt myself and tell myself that I should just forget it and try to figure it out on my own, which would lead to more time being taken on the task. This leads to the fear of failing and being found out. This then spirals out of control, leading to low motivation to do any work, which could become more serious and lead to episodes of depression. I was sabotaging myself.

当我决定承认这些想法时,一开始令人恐惧。 我的焦虑会加剧。我会开始怀疑自己,并告诉自己,我应该忘记它,并尝试自己解决它,这将导致更多的时间花在执行任务上。 这导致害怕失败并被发现。 这样一来,螺旋式失控,导致从事任何工作的动力不足,这可能会变得更加严重,并导致情绪低落。 我在破坏自己。

After scenarios like this blowing up in my face a few times, I decided to finally own the fact that I don’t know everything and put my pride and fears aside. I starting asking more questions and letting others around me know that I may not be an all-knowing expert. Since then, this has opened countless opportunities for me to grow as a developer and a communicator. I view these questions as opportunities for me to build my experience and level up from my past self.

像这样的场景在我的脸上炸了好几次之后,我决定终于拥有一个事实,那就是我什么都不知道,把我的骄傲和恐惧抛在一边。 我开始问更多问题,并让周围的人知道我可能不是一个全知的专家。 从那时起,这为我成为开发人员和交流者提供了无数的机会。 我认为这些问题是我建立经验并从过去的自我升级的机会。

3.与您信任的人交谈 (3. Speaking With Others You Trust)

Having someone or multiple people you trust to talk to about your feelings and doubts can actually help more than you think. I am very grateful for the environment I get to work in as well as the people I get to work with because I have a group of other engineers with whom I can discuss these topics, and it has helped me tremendously.

让您信任的人或多人谈论您的感受和疑虑实际上可以提供比您想象的更多的帮助。 我非常感谢能与我一起工作的环境以及与之共事的人,因为我有一群其他的工程师可以与他们讨论这些主题,并且为我带来了极大的帮助。

And guess what? Most of them feel the same way I did.

你猜怎么着? 他们中的大多数人都和我一样。

Having someone to discuss these topics with will help you realize how critical you are of yourself. They keep you accountable and slap you back in check when you start derailing and heading down that spiral. These people can even be your direct manager or other senior members around you. Many of the developers around me are actually more senior than I am.

与某人讨论这些主题将帮助您意识到自己对自己的重要性。 当您开始出轨并朝着该螺旋形前进时,它们使您承担责任,并重新检查您。 这些人甚至可以成为您的直接经理或您周围的其他高级成员。 我周围的许多开发人员实际上比我还老。

When I first started my career, I was a very lone wolf. I always wanted to do things myself and didn’t really bother to get to know others around me that much. As time went on, I started to develop more negative thoughts about my competence in the workplace and compared myself to others around me. It was pretty bad. I was very bitter. Once it started overtaking my mental state and affecting my work, I started to take a step back to see if I could turn the situation around.

当我刚开始我的职业生涯时,我是一只非常孤独的狼。 我一直想做自己的事情,并不真正想去了解我周围的人。 随着时间的流逝,我开始对自己在工作场所的能力产生更多的负面想法,并将自己与周围的人进行比较。 真是太糟糕了。 我好苦。 一旦开始超越我的精神状态并影响了我的工作,我就开始后退一步,看看我是否可以扭转局势。

I made an effort to get to know existing team members as well as new team members who were hired. It was quite exhausting, but I started to build trust between my team members to the point where I could have serious conversations with them instead of just surface-level chats like “Nice weather we’re having today, huh?”

我努力去了解现有的团队成员以及新聘的团队成员。 太累了,但是我开始在团队成员之间建立信任,以至于我可以与他们进行认真的对话,而不仅仅是像“今天天气不错,是吧?”这样的表面聊天。

Fast-forward a few years, and I still talk to these people every day — even though about 50% of them have moved to other companies. These people allowed me to ask questions when I was too scared to ask, they let me express my thoughts without the fear of judgment, and they would put me in check when my imposter syndrome would start to surface. And I would reciprocate the same feelings towards them, creating a safe space for everyone to communicate their thoughts freely without having to scared of what you know and don’t know.

几年过去了,尽管每天约有50%的人已经转移到其他公司,但我仍每天与他们交谈。 这些人让我在不敢问的时候问问题,他们让我表达自己的想法而不必担心判断,当我的冒名顶替综合症开始浮出水面时,他们会让我接受检查。 我会向他们传达同样的感受,为每个人提供一个安全的空间,让他们自由交流自己的想法,而不必担心您知道和不知道的事情。

Basically, what I’m trying to say is have some people you trust around so that you can express your thoughts in a safe space and help each other become better.


结论 (Conclusion)

Imposter syndrome is no joke. It can be very self-destructive and limit you from reaching your highest potential. I still experience it from time to time, but it’s not nearly as severe as it used to be. I have conditioned my mind to be in a better place and I can easily bust out of it when I realize it’s happening.

冒名顶替综合征不是开玩笑。 它可能会自我毁灭,并限制您发挥最大潜力。 我仍然会不时地体验到它,但是它并不像以前那样严重。 我已经下定决心要处于一个更好的位置,当我意识到它正在发生时,我可以轻松地摆脱困境。

Focus on improving yourself and know that it’s OK for you to not know everything. Everyone is on their own journey and figuring things out just like yourself, so just know that you’re doing a great job. Moreover, you specialize in something that others don’t. You still bring value to the table even though you may not understand what others are necessarily speaking about.

专注于改善自己,并知道不了解所有内容是可以的。 每个人都在自己的旅途中,像自己一样想出办法,所以要知道自己做得很好。 此外,您擅长其他人没有的事情。 即使您可能不了解其他人在说什么,您仍然可以为桌子带来价值。

I hope a small glimpse of my journey and thoughts can help others who are experiencing imposter syndrome. Just know that you aren’t alone and that others are there to help.

我希望对我的旅程和思想有所了解,可以对其他患有冒名顶替综合症的人有所帮助。 只是知道您并不孤单,还有其他人可以帮助您。

I’ll see you all in the next one!


翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/how-i-overcame-imposter-syndrome-in-tech-f7b05f1291d0


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