

冒名顶替综合症 (Imposter Syndrome)

Imposter Syndrome is a feeling of being a fraud or not being good enough to get the job done. It's common among software engineers, developers and designers working in tech companies, especially those not coming from a traditional tech background.

冒名顶替综合症是一种欺诈行为,或者不足以完成工作。 在技​​术公司工作的软件工程师,开发人员和设计师中,尤其是非传统技术背景的人员中,这种情况很常见。

People suffering from imposter syndrome have a sense of inadequacy and insecurity concerning their ability to make a contribution at the workplace. In reality, they may be perfectly capable of doing their work, and often contribute successfully to their tasks.

冒名顶替者综合症患者在工作场所做出贡献的能力不足和不安全感。 实际上,他们可能完全有能力完成自己的工作,并经常成功地完成任务。

Imposter Syndrome is very common among people who are new to their role and lack the experience of some of their co-workers.


Throughout various industries, imposter syndrome is very common with highly successful people. Studies have found the two out of five ‘successful’ people consider themselves frauds/imposters. And other studies have shown that up to 70% of people experience imposter syndrome as one point in time or another.

在各个行业中,冒名顶替综合症在成功人士中非常普遍。 研究发现,五分之二的“成功”人士认为自己是欺诈/冒名顶替者。 其他研究表明,多达70%的人在一个时间点或另一个时间点都患有冒名顶替综合症。

If you suffer from imposter syndrome you may have a sense of inadequacy or insecurity about your ability to contribute. In reality, you may be perfectly capable of doing your tasks well.

如果您患有冒名顶替综合症,您的贡献能力可能会不足或不安全。 实际上,您可能完全有能力很好地完成任务。

These thoughts are fairly common if you struggle with imposter syndrome:


  • “What am I doing here?”

  • “I am not a developer. I am fooling myself and other people.” (feels fake)

    “我不是开发商。 我在自欺欺人。” (假的)
  • “My colleagues are much smarter than I am; I could never match up to them.” (undermines own achievements)

    “我的同事比我聪明得多; 我永远无法与他们匹敌。” (破坏自己的成就)
  • “My coworkers have told me I’ve achieved a lot, but I feel like it’s never enough.” (discounts praise)

    “我的同事告诉我我已经取得了很多成就,但是我觉得这还远远不够。” (打折赞)
  • “I have no idea how I got through the interview process.” (feels only luck dictates results)

    “我不知道如何通过面试过程。” (只有运气才能决定结果)
  • “I will be ridiculed and fired when people realize I am not as smart as I portrayed myself as being.” (fears failure)

    “当人们意识到我不像我描绘的那样聪明时,我会被嘲笑和开除。” (恐惧失败)
  • “My IQ is not high enough to work here.” (doubts inherent ability)

    “我的智商不够高,无法在这里工作。” (怀疑内在能力)
  • “I need more training to feel like I deserve to be here.”


Imposter Syndrome may prevent you from reaching out when you need help, thus slowing your progression. You can always reach out on the freeCodeCamp forum or on Twitter if you want to chat or need some encouragement.

冒名顶替综合症可能会阻止您在需要帮助时伸出援手,从而减缓您的进步。 如果您想聊天或需要鼓励,可以随时在freeCodeCamp论坛Twitter上进行联系。

克服冒名顶替综合症 (Overcoming Imposter Syndrome)

The first step in overcoming imposter syndrome is to learn the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset.


People with a growth mindset believe that their skills and talents can be developed through hard work, practice, conversations with others, etc. Alternately, those with a fixed mindset tend to believe their talents are set abilities that they were born with.


When you change your outlook to a growth mindset, you allow yourself to take on challenges that may seem out of reach. If you believe that your skills can be developed over time, it will matter less if you don’t know how to do something (as long as you are willing to put in the work).

当您将前景转变为增长心态时,您就可以应对似乎无法实现的挑战。 如果您相信自己的技能可以随着时间的推移而发展,那么如果您不知道如何做某事(只要您愿意投入工作)就不会那么重要了。

Many talented, successful people deal with Imposter Syndrome. They even say that - counterintuitively - not only does success not eliminate Imposter Syndrome. Many times, success makes it worse. So, it isn’t something we conquer once. We conquer it every day, every time we take on a project, task, and so on.

许多有才华的成功人士都在应对冒名顶替综合症 。 他们甚至说-与直觉相反-成功不仅不能消除冒名顶替综合症。 很多时候,成功会使情况变得更糟。 因此,这不是我们曾经征服过的东西。 我们每天,每次进行项目,执行任务等等时都会征服它。

更多资源可帮助您解决冒名顶替综合症 (More resources to help you tackle Imposter Syndrome)

There are many great resources to help you know more about Imposter Syndrome and some tips to tackle it:


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/what-is-imposter-syndrome-and-how-do-you-overcome-it/


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