

We—users of web browsers— are frogs in a slow-boiling pot of water, tolerating more and more injustices to the experience we should be having on the internet.


Is that dramatic?


The browsing experience of 2020 on major browsers is one where users tolerate an overwhelming amount of intrusive ads that use third-party cookies for cross-site tracking that puts personal data at risk. Users trade their attention for content so publishers can make money, and advertisers can make way more money. And then, of course, a cookie permission pop-up to make sure we’re abiding by GDPR and CCPA (which are good things, but more pop-ups are not).

2020年在主要浏览器上的浏览体验是一种用户可以忍受的大量侵入式广告,这些广告使用第三方Cookie进行跨站点跟踪,从而使个人数据面临风险。 用户将注意力转移到内容上,以便发布商可以赚钱,而广告商可以赚更多钱。 然后,当然会弹出一个Cookie权限窗口,以确保我们遵守GDPR和CCPA(这是好东西,但没有更多弹出窗口)。

As an example of how the user experience of small publisher site suffers in exchange for ad-space, here’s what most popular recipe blogs look like today.


At any given time, about 80% of a user’s screen is filled with intrusive, annoying pop-up & banner ads. The content I came for is completely deprioritized to make room for more ad space, and the recipe blog post is EXCESSIVELY LONG, also in an effort to have more real estate (to fill with ads). This type of behavior from publishers leads to users using ad-blockers, which means that the publisher doesn’t get paid for that ad-space at all.

在任何给定时间,大约80%的用户屏幕上都充满了令人讨厌的弹出式和横幅广告。 我所追求的内容完全没有优先权,可以腾出更多的广告空间,而食谱博客中的帖子过长,同时也希望拥有更多的空间(以填充广告)。 发布者的这种行为导致用户使用广告拦截器,这意味着发布者根本不会为此广告空间获得报酬。

Accessing content is more frustrating than ever, as individual brands & content creators try to optimize the user experience of their websites on a system that is fundamentally broken.


I’m a user experience designer at a marketing agency—trying to deliver great web experiences for users in an internet that has a bad user experience inherently built in. If I were a dad, I’d say something like “you can’t put lipstick on a pig”.


它怎么变得如此糟糕? (How did it get so bad?)

The infrastructure of an ad-supported web is a basic exchange of value. Users exchange their attention to experience content. This value exchange between content creators and advertisers leaves users at the bottom of the totem pole.

广告支持的网站的基础架构是价值的基本交换。 用户将他们的注意力转移到体验内容上。 内容创建者和广告商之间的这种价值交换使用户处于图腾柱的底部。

Content creators are forced into a bind trying to make money on their content, so they offer up valuable real estate on their websites for ad placement.


Advertisers profit, content creators sacrifice & deprioritize their users’ experiences so they can make money, and users tolerate the abuse because we don’t know any better, and we don’t have much of a choice.


Google doesn’t believe an ad-supported web is inherently bad (well, they do make most of their revenue on ads, so this makes sense). But I don’t either, and I make no money from ads!

Google并不认为有广告支持的网站本质上是糟糕的(嗯,他们确实将大部分收入都投放在广告上,因此这是有道理的)。 但是我也不是,我也不会从广告中赚钱!

Browsers deliver sub-par experiences compared to other ad-supported content sources (social media, for example). Why? Because we have to use browsers to experience content (for our jobs and basic utility in our lives).

与其他广告支持的内容源(例如,社交媒体)相比,浏览器提供的体验不佳。 为什么? 因为我们必须使用浏览器来体验内容(为了我们的工作和生活中的基本用途)。

Social media is a choice for users to use—so those apps need to prioritize their user experiences in order to retain and gain more users. Browsers are a bit of a monopoly situation, extracting value for users that don’t have anywhere else to go.

社交媒体是用户使用的一种选择-因此,这些应用程序需要优先考虑其用户体验,以保留并获得更多用户。 浏览器处于垄断状态,为没有其他可乘之处的用户获取价值。

为什么这很重要? 用户需要信任大型技术 (Why this matters? Users NEED to trust big tech)

In the last decade, Adtech has gotten really smart with retargeting methods that deliver what users believe to be too-personalized messaging in the too-relevant times and places. This “creepy” use of retargeting is arguably the biggest catalyst in driving the public’s mistrust of big tech.

在过去的十年中,Adtech通过重新定向方法变得非常聪明,该方法可以在过于相关的时间和地点提供用户认为过于个性化的消息。 重定向的这种“令人毛骨悚然”的使用可以说是促使公众不信任大型技术的最大催化剂。

This mistrust between the public and big tech damages our ability to use technology to benefit society.


Google & Apple’s contract tracing is a great example example. The announcement of this tool was immediately met with skepticism and honestly some eye rolls about if users will actually opt in to a tool that most people believe offers up their location data and will share it with the government (it’s an anonymized use of bluetooth beacon, not individual location data).

Google和Apple的合同跟踪就是一个很好的例子。 此工具的发布立即引起了怀疑,并且坦白地说,用户是否会真正选择大多数人认为可以提供其位置数据并会与政府共享的工具(这是对蓝牙信标的匿名使用,而不是单个位置数据)。

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For people to adopt technologies that help us in times of crisis, there is some rebuilding to be done.


谷歌正在发生变化,但是变化就足够了吗? (Changes are afoot at Google, but are they enough?)

Google is getting rid of third-party cookies in the next two years and swapping it with a collection of API’s that will enable anonymized user data to be used for retargeting (The Privacy Sandbox).

Google在接下来的两年中将摆脱第三方Cookie,并将其与一系列API交换,这些API将使匿名用户数据可用于重新定位( “隐私沙箱” )。

This helps for to reduce the privacy and security issues that come with cross-site tracking, but the mechanism for ad-serving seems (so far) to be almost identical, in that users will still exchange their attention for content.


Without a more radical shift in thinking about what the web could and should be for user’s, why would content creators and advertisers change? What incentive do content creators have to prioritize their user experiences over offering up altogether too much real estate on their sites for ad placement?

如果在思考网络将为用户提供什么样的服务上没有更根本的改变,为什么内容创建者和广告商会改变? 内容创建者有什么动机要优先于用户体验,而不是在其网站上为广告展示位置提供过多的不动产?

通过内容获利是一种替代方法,但并不能解决所有问题 (Monetizing content has been an alternative, but that won’t work for everything)

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The New Yorker, New York Times, Medium, Business Insider, Denver Post and more content sites have taken to gating their content for a small monthly fee. It’s simply not scalable to expect users to pay for all of their news sources AND like, 8 streaming services AND their phone and internet and so on.

《纽约客》,《纽约时报》,《中型》,《商业内幕》,《丹佛邮报》和更多内容网站已开始选择收取少量月租费用的内容。 根本无法扩展,不能期望用户为所有新闻来源以及诸如8种流媒体服务以及他们的电话和互联网等付费。

Oh—and the experience of seeing an article somewhere, then clicking through to the site and having a pop-up telling you you’ve run out of free content? There’s a better way than this.

哦,还有在某处看到文章,然后单击进入该网站并弹出一个窗口告诉您您已经用完免费内容的经历了吗? 有比这更好的方法。

未来会是什么样? 优先考虑用户体验的浏览体验 (What does the future look like? A browsing experience that prioritizes the user experience)

The problem =


  1. Users tolerate ads and cross-site tracking while using a browser so they can access content. This leads to poor experience AND personal user data is not secure.

    用户在使用浏览器时可以容忍广告和跨站点跟踪,因此他们可以访问内容。 这导致不良的体验,并且个人用户数据不安全。
  2. Publishers sacrifice the UX of their websites by overloading them with ads, just so they can get paid.

  3. Advertisers rely on cross-site tracking to make money off of user’s attention. Cross-site tracking is user data that is at risk for privacy, security, and of course—until lately with GDPR and CCPA— this process was not transparent at all.

    广告商依靠跨站点跟踪来赚钱,而不会引起用户的注意。 跨站点跟踪是存在隐私,安全风险的用户数据,当然,直到最近使用GDPR和CCPA时,此过程才完全透明。

The solution =


Browsers delivering better user experiences by:


  1. Finding creative ways to help publishers get paid without cross-site tracking, while educating users about how this work. Brave does a great job of this. Google’s Privacy Sandbox might too.

    寻找创新的方式来帮助发布商在无需跨站点跟踪的情况下获得报酬,同时向用户提供有关其工作方式的信息。 勇敢在这方面做得很好。 Google的“隐私沙箱”也可能如此。

  2. Ensuring personalized content delivery using on-device machine learning that doesn’t risk the security of personal user data.

  3. Educating users to demand better.


Google Chrome, Safari and Firefox will need to shift quickly to deliver better experiences, because small disruptors are starting to expose that users could demand better.

Google Chrome,Safari和Firefox需要Swift转移以提供更好的体验,因为小型破坏者开始暴露出用户可能会更好地需求。

这是几个引领潮流的浏览器 (Here are a couple of browsers that are leading the charge)

机盖 -使用设备上的机器学习来交付相关内容而无需跨站点跟踪 (Canopy— Using on-device machine learning to deliver relevant content without cross-site tracking)

A company that believes “the old way of experiencing the internet” is an unfair exchange of value, and has come to deliver a “private, explainable and controllable architecture”. They also have an app, Tonic, which is source of personalized news discovery—uses on-device machine learning. So content curation and personalization occurs on users’ devices, keeping it secure.

一家公司认为“体验互联网的旧方法”是不公平的价值交换,并且已经开始提供“私有,可解释和可控制的体系结构”。 他们还拥有一个名为Tonic的应用程序,它是个性化新闻发现的来源-使用设备上的机器学习。 因此,内容管理和个性化在用户设备上进行,从而确保了安全性。

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勇敢的浏览器 -对于讨厌广告的用户,他们需要安全性并希望确保发布商仍能获得付款 (Brave Browser— For those that hate ads, want security and want to ensure publishers still get paid)

Brave has a promise of a reimagined browser experience; one that puts the user in control. They’ve been around for a couple of years. Users can choose to pay publishers with their BAT (Basic Attention Token, a bitcoin created to give users control over paying publishers with their attention). It’s transparent, secure, fast—and helps to educate users on what is going on behind the scenes.

《勇敢传说》有望带来全新的浏览器体验; 一种使用户可以控制的方式。 他们已经存在了两年。 用户可以选择使用BAT(基本注意令牌,一种可让用户控制关注他们的付费发布者的比特币)向发布者付款。 它是透明,安全,快速的,并有助于教育用户幕后情况。

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这个很重要 (This is important)

Because methods like contact tracing need to work to help society, and it’s scary to think about a future that has a continuously damaged relationship between big tech and the public will harm us on a larger scale than the annoyance we feel with pop-ups and retargeting ads.


I am inspired and hopeful that the forward-thinking disruptors of the internet will help push big tech forward. I also work in tech, specifically in user experience, and I would like to do my job in an environment that is less toxic and relies less on extracting value from users without being able to deliver much in return.

我感到鼓舞,并希望互联网上具有远见卓识的颠覆者将有助于推动大型技术的发展。 我还从事技术工作,特别是在用户体验方面,我希望在一个毒性较小,更少依赖用户获取价值的环境中完成自己的工作,而又不能带来很多回报。

其他一些用于学习广告技术和机器学习的重要资源 (Some other great resources for learning about adtech & machine learning)

I’m a UX Designer working in marketing & advertising. I’m not directly in the adtech biz, but I’m absolutely interested in the overall public perception of advertising and big tech. This perception affects the relationship that users have with any brand on a digital platform. So I’ve gotten really interesting in the subject matter. Here are a few of my favorite resources:

我是市场营销和广告业的UX设计师。 我并不直接在adtech biz工作,但是我对公众对广告和大型技术的整体看法绝对感兴趣。 这种看法会影响用户与数字平台上任何品牌的关系。 所以我在这个主题上变得非常有趣。 以下是一些我最喜欢的资源:

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/the-future-of-web-browsers-is-coming-c130f961536c


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