

Augmented and mixed reality (AR/MR) are widely expected to go mainstream in the not too distant future.

人们普遍认为增强现实和混合现实(AR / MR)在不久的将来将成为主流。

While current virtual reality technology lends itself to games, AR and MR are suitable for many other types of applications, games and otherwise. Some people predict that their impact will be on the same level as that of the internet or smartphone. Job positions for developers with experience in the AR/MR field are already seeing a surge — this trend is likely to continue.

虽然当前的虚拟现实技术适合于游戏,但AR和MR适用于许多其他类型的应用程序 ,游戏等。 有人预测他们的影响将与互联网或智能手机的影响相同。 具有AR / MR领域经验的开发人员的工作岗位已经开始激增-这种趋势可能会持续下去。

Many problems are yet to be solved, but research is quickly driving innovation. To stay ahead of the curve, you might want to consider working on a personal side project in this domain. Here are 20 ideas you could get started (or keep going) with.

许多问题尚未解决,但是研究正在Swift推动创新。 为了保持领先地位,您可能需要考虑在此领域中进行个人项目。 这里有20个您可以开始使用(或继续使用)的想法。

Disclaimer: I did not research whether any of these already exist or are actively being worked on somewhere. In fact, there’s a pretty good chance that is the case for many.

免责声明:我没有研究其中任何一个是否已经存在或正在某个地方积极地工作。 实际上,很多人都有很大的机会。

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#1便签 (#1 Sticky Notes)

Imagine walking around wearing a stylish pair of newly purchased smartglasses. As you approach the fridge, a small virtual display resembling a notepad animates into existence next to it. On the notepad, you or your significant other have listed a few items you need to pick up from the grocery store. You inspect your fridge and add another item. The list is synced to your smartglasses and smartphone automatically, via the cloud. As you walk away from the fridge, the note disappears with another satisfying effect, perhaps accompanied by a small sound clip. You go to leave your apartment and another note pops up by the door, reminding you to take out the garbage.

想象一下,戴着一副时尚的新购买的智能眼镜四处走动。 当您接近冰箱时,一个类似于记事本的小型虚拟显示器 动画在它旁边生存。 在记事本上,您或您的重要其他人列出了一些需要从杂货店提取的物品。 您检查冰箱并添加其他物品。 该列表通过云自动同步到您的智能眼镜和智能手机。 当您离开冰箱时,音符会消失,并具有另一种令人满意的效果,也许伴随着一个小的声音片段。 您离开公寓时,门口还会弹出另一条纸条,提醒您取出垃圾。

特征 (Features)

  • Creating, editing, and deleting (archiving?) notes.

  • Customizing notes (color, font, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc.)

  • Saving and loading notes.

  • Syncing notes across devices.

  • Attaching notes to specific locations.

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#2演讲 (#2 Presentations)

PowerPoint, Google Slides, and similar programs are still the de facto standard for presenting to groups of people. This stale area is begging for a better solution — AR/MR might be that solution. The possibilities for presenting and audience with text, images, videos, charts, and other media is only limited by your imagination. 3D data visualizations are often difficult to create and consume nowadays, but AR/MR might be a gateway towards their wider adoption.

PowerPoint,Google幻灯片和类似程序仍然是向人群展示的事实上的标准。 这个陈旧的领域正在寻求更好的解决方案-AR / MR可能就是该解决方案。 用文字,图像,视频,图表和其他媒体向观众展示的可能性仅受您的想象力限制。 如今,3D数据可视化通常很难创建和使用,但AR / MR可能是其更广泛采用的门户。

特征 (Features)

  • Preparing slides with text, pictures, video, etc.

  • Saving and loading presentations.

  • Hosting presentation sessions other devices can connect to.

  • Showing slides in a centralized location or a unique spot per presentee device.

  • Manipulating 2D, 3D, and other data in real-time.

  • Customizing slides (text, background, data visualization, transitions, effects, etc.)

  • Creating custom virtual presentations spaces in large spaces.

  • Making presentations interactive and individualized, with presenter and audience controls.

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#3游戏化一切 (#3 Gamify Everything)

Working out, watching a movie with friends, commuting to and from work, walking the dog, cooking dinner, or doing house chores — AR/MR gives us the tools to make pretty much anything more engaging.

锻炼身体,与朋友一起看电影,上下班上下班,walking狗,做饭或做家务-AR / MR为我们提供了使人们参与度更高的工具。

Your next side project could be a smartglasses app that tracks vital statistics (perhaps by connecting to a smartwatch) and awards the user points for calories burned in a workout session. Those points could be converted to discounts at relevant stores, or just collected in order to compete against others. Or maybe it could track how often the user hugs their loved ones, awarding them a score for how emotionally outgoing they are over time. Many gamification apps already exist, but smartglasses will allow those apps to be reinvented and integrated seamlessly into the activity being gamified.

您的下一个副项目可能是一个智能眼镜应用程序,该应用程序可以跟踪生命统计数据(也许通过连接到智能手表),并为用户在锻炼过程中消耗的卡路里奖励积分。 这些积分可以在相关商店中转换为折扣,或者只是为了与他人竞争而收集。 或者,它可以跟踪用户拥抱亲人的频率,并向他们评分 随着时间的流逝他们会变得多么情绪化。 已经存在许多游戏化应用程序,但是智能眼镜将允许这些应用程序被重新发明并无缝集成到要进行游戏化的活动中。

特征 (Features)

  • Engaging users in everyday activities through pre-existing and new gamification techniques.

  • Sharing progress with other users.

  • Competitive (e.g. leader boards) and cooperative features to make everyday activities more socially engaging.

  • Visualizing progress across time.

  • Offering and visualizing advice and tips for users to become more efficient or proficient at the gamified activity.

  • Rewarding users through joint programs with (retail) companies.

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#4书插图 (#4 Book Illustrations)

This one is an obvious choice for the technology and close to work already being done in existing augmented reality apps. When reading a book—whether it’s a children’s book, a high fantasy novel, a biography, or a textbook — the reader’s smartglasses could produce interactive illustrations or models of the content. This could work in one of two ways, via a QR code or similar visual cue, or by reading the text — in which case the book wouldn’t even need to be changed.

这是该技术的明显选择,并且接近现有增强现实应用程序中已经完成的工作。 读书时(无论是儿童读物,幻想小说,传记还是教科书),读者的智能眼镜都可以生成交互式插图或内容模型。 这可以通过QR码或类似的视觉提示,也可以通过阅读文本的两种方式中的一种,在这种情况下,甚至不需要更改书本。

特征 (Features)

  • Displaying images, animations, videos, or interactive 3D models.

  • Playing audio clips with definitions of specific terms or additional background information about a character, time era, activity, etc.

  • Recognizing visual cues such as QR codes or using optical character recognition and natural language understanding to determine what visualization to play.

  • Interaction with visualizations.

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#5日历 (#5 Calendar)

How great would it be to not have to buy a new calendar every year? Of course, smartphones already do that for us. However, phone screens perhaps aren’t as natural a place for a calendar to be located in than, say, a wall in your living space. AR/MR apps should be able to easily integrate with existing calendar apps, making them usable in more traditional ways.

不必每年购买新的日历有多大? 当然,智能手机已经为我们做到了。 但是,电话屏幕可能不如日历所在的地方自然,而不是居家空间中的墙壁。 AR / MR应用程序应该能够轻松地与现有的日历应用程序集成,使其以更传统的方式可用。

特征: (Features:)

  • Integrating with existing calendar apps.

  • Placing calendars onto walls.

  • Saving and loading calendar locations.

  • Syncing calendar locations across devices.

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#6计时器和倒计时 (#6 Timer and Countdown)

Another idea that already exists but could be enhanced with real-world location context. Rather than interacting with several stopwatches in a centralized place such as your phone, being able to put them near different areas, such as the stove, microwave, and fridge could make this much more helpful.

另一个想法已经存在,但可以通过实际的位置上下文进行增强。 与其将多个秒表放置在诸如手机之类的集中位置而不是与之交互,而是能够将它们放置在不同的区域(例如炉灶,微波炉和冰箱)附近,这可能会更有帮助。

特征 (Features)

  • Placing one or more timers in specific spots.

  • Adding additional context via text or images.

  • Saving and loading timers and countdowns.

  • Syncing timers and countdowns across devices.

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#7智能家居控制面板 (#7 Smart Home Control Panel)

For the more visually inclined smart home users, talking to a disembodied voice assistant might not be the most convenient way of controlling their various gadgets. Enter the mixed reality control panel!

对于更具视觉倾向的智能家居用户,与无形的语音助手通话可能不是控制其各种小工具的最便捷方法。 进入混合现实控制面板!

Apart from integrating with existing smart home systems, all that’s needed to accomplish this is wrapping interactable options in some intuitive 3D user interface.


特征 (Features)

  • Interacting with smart home systems through a mixed reality interface

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#8相框 (#8 Picture Frames)

Another not too far-fetched idea is to replace digital picture frames with virtual ones. Different implementations could place them either anywhere or on predefined spots, via visual cues. A slightly different app might look at physical images and animate or superimpose other images onto them.

另一个不太牵强的想法是用虚拟的替代数码相框。 不同的实现方式可以通过视觉提示将它们放置在任何地方或预定的位置。 稍有不同的应用程序可能会查看物理图像,并在其上设置动画或叠加其他图像。

特征: (Features:)

  • Saving and loading image locations.

  • Overlaying images onto visual cues.

  • Applying effects to virtual images.

  • Applying effects to physical images.

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#9后院守护者 (#9 Backyard Guardian)

Do you have children or pets? If so, you might be familiar with this situation. Picture yourself once again in your kitchen or living room. You are busy preparing dinner or watching TV, while the kid(s) and/or pet(s) are playing in the backyard. You find yourself checking on them all the time. What if somebody gets hurt, or worse, someone looking to nab them is stalking your fence? Either way, what you could really use now are a pair of X-ray goggles allowing you to see through those pesky walls. Enter smartglasses. By connecting to either an external camera or a tracking device on your kid or pet, this could be achieved (both for the backyard and inside). You could further enhance this by mapping out your living space and designating safe areas, so that if someone leaves that area, an alert is created.

你有孩子或宠物吗? 如果是这样,您可能会熟悉这种情况。 再次在厨房或客厅中想象自己。 当孩子和/或宠物在后院玩耍时,您正在忙于准备晚餐或看电视。 您会发现自己一直在检查它们。 如果有人受伤,或更糟的是,有人想要抓住他们,那该怎么办? 无论哪种方式,您现在真正可以使用的就是一副X射线护目镜,使您可以透视那些讨厌的墙壁。 输入智能眼镜。 通过在孩子或宠物上连接外部摄像头或跟踪设备,就可以实现此目的(对于后院和内部而言)。 您可以通过规划您的居住空间并指​​定安全区域来进一步增强此功能,以便在有人离开该区域时创建警报。

特征: (Features:)

  • Connecting to cameras or tracking devices.

  • Overlaying camera output onto walls with correctly transformed perspectives to match the real-world 3D view of the user to the area of interest.

  • Highlighting tracking devices through walls.

  • Designating, saving, and loading safe areas.

  • Alerting the user, if a device leaves a safe area.

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#10刷牙训练师 (#10 Tooth Brushing Trainer)

Most people don’t enjoy going to the dentist. Despite that, many don’t brush their teeth correctly. Some may not brush long, or hard enough, while others may do more damage than cleaning. Augmented reality could be used to create a toothbrushing trainer — the user looks in a mirror while brushing their teeth and the app analyzes the brushing. How the analysis would work, I’m not sure — perhaps with the help of AI and dentistry experts.

大多数人不喜欢去看牙医。 尽管如此,许多人还是无法正确刷牙。 有些可能刷的时间不够长或不够硬,而另一些则可能比清洁造成更大的损害。 增强现实技术可用于创建牙刷训练器-用户在刷牙时照镜子,然后应用程序分析刷牙情况。 我不确定分析的工作方式,也许是在AI和牙科专家的帮助下。

特征 (Features)

  • Recording smartglasses’ video stream in front of a mirror.

  • Analyzing video recording for brushing technique, duration, and strength.

  • Advising the user on how to improve their brushing.

  • Rewarding the user for improvement (did someone say gamification?) or through joint programs with dentists.

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#11语言培训师 (#11 Speech Trainer)

Along the same lines, but perhaps slightly simpler, is a companion app that helps users improve their speech, analysing it for grammar, usage of unnecessary fillers, or maybe even eloquence. We should note that there will be privacy concerns with an app that records your every word.

同样,但也许稍微简单一些的是一个配套应用程序,它可以帮助用户改善语音,分析语法,使用不必要的填充语甚至口才。 我们应注意,记录您的每个单词的应用程序都会涉及隐私问题。

特征: (Features:)

  • Recording user’s voice.

  • Analyzing the user’s speech.

  • Advising the user on how to improve their speech.

  • Rewarding the user for improvement (did someone say gamification?)

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#12幻想体育 (#12 Fantasy Sports)

This technology lends itself very well to all things sport, but fantasy football and its kin, in particular, could stand to dramatically benefit from it. Not only could individualized league, match, and player statistics be overlaid onto actual coverage in real-time — the user could also be given the means to interact with the information and other users directly.

这项技术非常适合运动中的所有事物,但梦幻足球及其亲属尤其可以从中受益匪浅。 不仅可以将个性化的联赛,比赛和球员统计信息实时叠加到实际报道中,还可以为用户提供直接与信息和其他用户进行交互的手段。

特征 (Features)

  • Enhancing sports coverage with fantasy-related information.

  • Manipulating fantasy-related data.

  • Interacting with other users.

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#13在餐厅用餐 (#13 Eating at Restaurants)

This is another fairly natural fit for AR/MR technology. Customers, when looking at a menu, could be presented with high-quality 3D models of the various food choices. The models could further be made interactable (i.e. moving, rotating, or resizing a model). To top it off, nutritional stats or a cost breakdown could be provided for a meal and its ingredients upon request.

这是AR / MR技术的另一个相当自然的契合。 在查看菜单时,可以为客户提供各种食物选择的高质量3D模型。 还可以使模型可交互(即,移动,旋转或调整模型大小)。 最重要的是,可应要求提供膳食及其成分的营养统计数据或费用明细。

特征 (Features)

  • Visualizing menu items.

  • Interacting with menu item visualizations.

  • Displaying nutritional statistics for meals.

  • Displaying cost breakdowns for a meal’s ingredients.

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#14在餐厅工作 (#14 Working at Restaurants)

On the flip side, the lives of a restaurant’s waiters could also be made easier. One of the challenges of being a waiter is keeping track of how long customers have waited — for being greeted and handed menus, for their drinks and food orders, and for the bill. Another challenge is taking guests’ orders (especially, if they have specific requests) and answering questions about the menu (e.g. what are the daily specials). Both of these could be solved easily with the ideas explored above: timers and notes. Simply place a timer and note onto each table with guests. A timer might reset every time a waiter talks to guests of a table, or when specific events occur (the order has been taken, food has been served), while notes can keep track of a table’s orders, dietary restrictions, or a running total of the bill.

另一方面,也可以简化餐厅服务员的生活。 成为服务员的挑战之一是跟踪客户等待了多长时间-被迎接和递上菜单,饮料和食品订单以及账单。 另一个挑战是接下客人的订单(特别是如果他们有特定要求),并回答有关菜单的问题(例如,每天的特色菜)。 上面探讨的想法可以轻松解决这两个问题:计时器和便笺。 只需放置一个计时器,并与客人在每个桌子上记笔记。 每当服务员与餐桌上的客人交谈或发生特定事件(已点菜,已提供食物)时,计时器都可能会重置,而笔记可以跟踪餐桌上的订单,饮食限制或运行总量账单。

特征 (Features)

  • Placing timers above tables.

  • Resetting timers based on different conditions (proximity, talking to guests, predefined events occurring).

  • Creating and editing different types of notes above tables (orders, dietary restrictions, running total of bills).

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#15增强视野 (#15 Enhanced Vision)

Smartglasses enhance vision in a Predator-esque fashion. Imagine walking, driving, or perhaps skiing or snowboarding through rainy, snow, or foggy weather. Given a device with advanced cameras capable of infrared or other types of vision and a decently powerful processor (spatial computing tends to be expensive), one could conceive of an app that highlights terrain in a way that’s more friendly to human eyesight (for example, by placing a digital mesh on top of recognized surfaces — something some existing apps can already do).

智能眼镜可以像捕食者一样增强视觉。 想象在多雨,下雪或大雾的天气中散步,开车或滑雪或单板滑雪。 假设设备配备了具有红外或其他类型视觉功能的高级摄像头以及功能强大的处理器(空间计算往往很昂贵),则可以构思出一款能够以对人类视力更友好的方式突出显示地形的应用程序(例如,通过在公认的表面上放置数字网格(某些现有应用已经可以做到)。

特征 (Features)

  • Recognizing surfaces in low-visibility conditions using additional sensors.

  • Highlighting recognized surfaces.

  • Plotting and displaying a navigation path forward or towards a destination that minimizes obstacles or uneven terrain.

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#16自动更正笔迹 (#16 Autocorrect Handwriting)

How often do you write something by hand? How often does correct grammar matter in those pieces of writing? A personal touch in writing can mean a lot in certain situations — writing a letter to a friend or family member, for example.

您多久手写一次? 在这些写作中,正确的语法问题多久出现一次? 在某些情况下,写作的个人风格可能意义重大,例如,写信给朋友或家人。

But in this world of emails and text messages, writing by hand often does not come naturally, so we make spelling mistakes, or our hand-eye coordination is not what it used to be.


Either way, a trusty pair of smartglasses might be able to alleviate this pain by scanning your writing and pointing out mistakes. Such an app might even make suggestions for what the user had intended to write, like existing auto-correct solutions.

无论哪种方式,一副值得信赖的智能眼镜都可以通过扫描书写内容并指出错误来减轻这种痛苦。 这样的应用甚至可以为用户打算写的内容提供建议,例如现有的自动更正解决方案。

特征 (Features)

  • Scanning and understanding handwritten text in real-time.

  • Detecting mistakes and offering corrections.

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#17阅读宠物情感 (#17 Reading Pet Emotions)

If you’re like me, you know what it’s like to wonder what pets are thinking or how they’re feeling. I’m more of a dog person and can usually read our canine companions with ease. Cats on the other hand usually elude me.

如果您像我,就会知道想知道宠物在想什么或感觉如何。 我比较爱狗,通常可以轻松地阅读我们的犬科同伴。 另一方面,猫通常会躲避我。

AR/MR could be leveraged to understand how an animal feels at any given time, perhaps suggest ways to interact with them (for example, something along the lines of “This dog is teasing you, consider participating in a game of chase” or “This cat is scared, it might be advisable to leave them be”).

可以利用AR / MR来了解动物在任何给定时间的感觉,或者建议与动物互动的方式(例如,类似“这只狗在逗你,考虑参加追逐游戏”“这只猫很害怕,最好还是让它们离开

特征 (Features)

  • Analyzing video streams of pets for behavioral cues.

  • Suggesting suitable reactions.

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#18怀孕安全 (#18 Pregnancy Safety)

Those who have been or are currently expecting will know the inconvenience of having to check what foods a mother-to-be can safely consume. It is a constant hassle that might be eased by an augmented reality app. This could be achieved by taking images of and analyzing what the pregnant woman is about to eat. Naturally, such results should be double-checked, as not all ingredients of a meal might be visible at any given time. But this app could be a great first step in making it easier for expecting parents to know what’s safe to eat and what isn’t.

那些曾经或正在期待的人将知道必须检查准妈妈可以安全食用的食物带来的不便。 增强现实应用程序可能会减轻这种麻烦。 这可以通过拍摄孕妇要吃的食物并对其进行分析来实现。 自然,应该仔细检查这样的结果,因为并非在任何给定时间都可以看到一顿饭的所有成分。 但是,此应用程序可能是迈出了重要的第一步,使父母可以更轻松地知道哪些食物可以安全食用,哪些不是。

特征 (Features)

  • Analyzing images or video streams of food.

  • Displaying results of whether the food can be safely eaten by someone who is pregnant.

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#19学习阅读 (#19 Learning to Read)

Along similar lines as the book illustrations, AR/MR could be leveraged in concert with natural language understanding to help people learn how to read. Smartglasses could scan a page being read, listen to the reader attempting to read the text out loud, analyze that and check for pronunciations and gaps and such, offering help when a reader appears to be stuck.

按照与书籍插图类似的思路,可以将AR / MR与自然语言理解相结合来帮助人们学习阅读方法 。 Smartglasses可以扫描正在阅读的页面,听取试图大声朗读文本的阅读器,进行分析并检查发音和间隙等,从而在阅读器被卡住时提供帮助。

特征: (Features:)

  • Scanning and understanding text on book pages.

  • Listening to and understanding the reader.

  • Analyzing audio for pronunciation errors and reading speed/flow.

  • Offering advice when the reader appears stuck.

  • Highlighting sections or specific words where errors were made, and prompting the reader to reread them.

  • Rewarding readers for good performances and encouraging them to stay determined (did someone say gamification?)

Image for post
Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash
杰米街 ( Jamie Street)Unsplash拍摄

#20通知 (#20 Notifications)

Everyone is familiar with notifications. Got a new email, text message, or a nearby unlocked WiFi hot spot — notifications are sure to let you know.

每个人都熟悉通知。 有新的电子邮件,短信或附近的未锁定WiFi热点-通知一定会通知您。

Phones have a couple of ways of alerting their user to a new notification: Via vibration (tactile cue), sound (audio cue), and some sort of message being displayed (visual cue). While we’re all used to and pay attention to them, notifications and their cues could be revolutionized in AR/MR. Perhaps an animated mailman appears out of nowhere to deliver you a new notification via virtual mail. Alternatively, each notification could be marked by a shooting start appearing in the background alongside some related (or custom) sound effect.

电话有两种警告用户的新通知的方式:通过振动(触觉提示),声音(音频提示)和某种消息显示(可视提示)。 虽然我们都习惯并关注它们,但是通知和它们的提示可能会在AR / MR中发生革命性的变化。 也许动画邮递员似乎无处不在,可以通过虚拟邮件向您发送新通知。 或者,每个通知都可以通过在某个相关(或自定义)声音效果旁边出现在背景中的射击开始来标记。

特征 (Features)

  • Implementing notifications in well-known ways.

  • Enhancing traditional notification systems.

  • Innovating notifications from the ground up.


翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/20-augmented-and-mixed-reality-app-ideas-and-inspiration-4806c3976ae3






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