数据 术语_这5个必须知道的数据科学家进入零售领域的术语

数据 术语

A brief review of the domain knowledge I gained from working on a Real-Life Retail Project


I have said it before and I will say it again, “Data Science in itself is not one particular field”. It’s just not possible for all the “Data Scientists” on the planet to be “on the same level” in terms of their skillset and expertise and I will tell you why I say that in a second

我之前已经说过,我会再说一遍,“数据科学本身并不是一个特定领域”。 就他们的技能和专业知识而言,不可能所有星球上的“数据科学家”都“处于同一水平”,我将告诉您为什么我这么说

We all know a Data Scientist needs to be good with mathematics, Python, SQL and needs to have exceptional communication skills.


All of these skills are a must to make the “Perfect Data Scientist” but no matter how good you get at the mentioned skills, The one thing that will separate you from the rest of the lot is Domain Knowledge.


Yes, Domain Knowledge is something that differentiates a Data Scientist working in retail from a Data Scientist working in the telecom industry. Regardless of how experienced a particular individual is, If he/she lacks the know-how of the business he/she is trying to work for, It won’t be possible for that individual to add massive value to that firm.

是的,领域知识可以使从事零售业的数据科学家与从事电信行业的数据科学家区分开来。 不管某个人的经验如何,如果他/她缺乏他/她试图为其工作的业务的专业知识,那么该人就不可能为该公司增加巨大的价值。

So in this article, I will be going over some very important terms which I learned on my very first Real Life Retail Data Science project and believe can add value to anyone trying to gain domain knowledge in the retail domain for Data Science.


1.价格弹性 (1. Price Elasticity)

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Price Elasticity

Price Elasticity is nothing more than “the ratio between the sales of the product to the price of the product”. Price Elasticity tells us how much does the demand of a given product “fluctuates” with a change in the “price” of the product.

价格弹性无非是“产品销售量与产品价格之间的比率” 。 价格弹性告诉我们,给定产品的需求随产品“价格”的变化而“波动”多少。

Products that don’t see much of a change in their sales due to a change in price are deemed as “Inelastic” whereas Products that do see a change in their sales volume are termed as “Elastic”. The more the products Demand is “sensitive” to a change in price, The more Elastic it is

因价格变化而销售额变化不大的产品被视为“弹性”,而因价格变化而发生销售额变化的产品被称为“弹性”。 产品需求对价格变化“敏感”的程度越高,它的弹性就越大

Companies are always on the lookout for the “optimum” Sales point by increasing the price of the product while keeping an eye on the Sales Volume to maximize profits.


Too high a price would probably result in a “dip in Sales” and that is why a perfect balance has to be found and that is where Price Elasticity helps.


So how is Price Elasticity calculated? Let us see.

那么如何计算价格弹性呢? 让我们看看。


价格(旧)= 9 价格(新)= 10 QDemand(OLD)= 150 QDemand(NEW)= 110

In the above example, The price goes up by once unit and the quantity goes down by 40 units.


We first calculate the percentage change in the Quantity demanded


[QDemand(NEW) — QDemand(OLD)] / QDemand(OLD)

[QDemand(NEW)— QDemand(OLD)] / QDemand(OLD)

[110–150] / 150 = (-40/150) = -0.2667

[110–150] / 150 =(-40/150)= -0.2667

Which is -0.2667 or -26.67%


We, then calculate the percentage change in price:


[Price(NEW) — Price(OLD)] / Price(OLD)

[价格(新)—价格(旧)] /价格(旧)

[10–9] / 9 = (1/9) = 0.1111 or 11.11%

[10–9] / 9 =(1/9)= 0.1111或11.11%

We now take the ratios of the two percentages to get out Price Elasticity which is:


PEoD = (% Change in Quantity Demanded)/(% Change in Price)

PEoD =(需求数量变化百分比)/(价格变化百分比)

PEoD = (-0.2667)/(0.1111) = -2.4005

PEoD =(-0.2667)/(0.1111)= -2.4005

Which shows that a unit change in price will result in a 2.4 times change in the Quantity of Demand.


2.)季节性 (2.) Seasonality)

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Seasonality example

Seasonality is used to find “trends” in the data over a given period on a yearly, monthly or even weekly basis.


It occurs for a number of reasons such as Holidays, Sporting events and more.


A great example of Seasonality is the Christmas season which experiences a rise in sales due to more shoppers finding their way to Malls etc.


It helps Data Scientists to pinpoint and investigate “dips” or “rise” in Sales and conclude whether these “anomalies” are a mere coincidence or is there a specific reason behind it.


By pinpointing and investigating these “trends” does the Data Scientist better understand the data he/she is working with and helps him/her make better recommendations to the client being dealt with.


3)。 空间弹性 (3). Space Elasticity)

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Photo by Franki Chamaki on Unsplash
照片由 Franki ChamakiUnsplash拍摄

Companies pay a lot of money to stores to put their products on their shelves. The more the shelf space and the more the “visibility” of the shelf space, The higher the price.

公司向商店支付了很多钱才能将其产品放在货架上。 货架空间越多,货架空间的“可见性”越高,价格越高。

Companies always want their best selling products to be displayed on the shelves with the highest visibility and are always looking to optimize the space shelf to reduce the cost of the space rent but keep the sales at a decent point. And even if the company were to decide to buy more shelf space, It needs strong proof that the extra shelf space would result in more sales.

公司始终希望将最畅销的产品展示在货架上,从而获得最高的知名度,并且始终希望优化空间货架以减少空间租金的成本,但要保持销售的合理性。 即使公司决定购买更多的货架空间,也需要有力的证据证明额外的货架空间将带来更多的销售。

This the where the whole concept of Space Elasticity comes in. Basically, How much do the Sales of a particular product change with an increase or decrease in shelf space.


Does the extra shelf space result in more sales?


If yes, then is the product that is on display the “best” product to be on display?


All of these questions are answered using the concept of Space Elasticity and as a Data Scientist trying to give important recommendations to the client, It’s a MUST to be aware of the concept of Space Elasticity.


4和5)连锁店和零售商 (4 & 5) Chain and Retailers)

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Photo by Todd L-M on Unsplash
照片由 Todd LMUnsplash拍摄

A “Chain” as the name suggests is nothing more than a “chain of supermarkets and retailers”. A common example of a chain is Lulu or Walmart which operates multiple retail stores across the globe. The concept of Chain and Retailer is very important to be aware of because if a particular Chain is not performing well, We start investigating where the problem is and we start with the “retail stores” which are not performing well. Then we move further down to which “products” are not performing well in that particular store and continue out investigation further

顾名思义,“链”无非是“连锁超市和零售商”。 连锁店的常见示例是Lulu或Walmart,后者在全球范围内设有多家零售店。 连锁店和零售商的概念非常重要,因为如果特定的连锁店表现不佳,我们将开始调查问题所在,并从表现不佳的“零售店”入手。 然后,我们进一步探究在该商店中哪些“产品”表现不佳,并继续进行进一步调查


I am still working on this retail project, It has taught me immensely but the most important thing that I have learned is that Learn to add value.


Guys, Trust me, It’s cool and fancy if you can work with SVM, Decision Trees, and Random Forests but if the “knowledge” you know doesn’t add value, It’s not worth it to the client. So in short, be someone who can add value.

伙计们,请相信我,如果您可以使用SVM,决策树和随机森林,那就太酷了,但是,如果您知道的“知识”没有增加价值,那么对客户来说就不值得了。 简而言之,成为可以增加价值的人

[1]: Thought co.. A Primer on the Price Elasticity of Demandhttps://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning


[2]: Forbes: Seasonality In Business And Economics: A Primerhttps://www.forbes.com/sites/billconerly/2014/12/15/seasonality-in-business-and-economics-a-primer/#7b7b474b7870


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/the-5-must-know-terms-for-data-scientists-getting-into-the-retail-domain-518d4e8d9d6a

数据 术语





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